The world-devouring dragon

Chapter 170 The disappearing future

"Poor woman, to this day you still don't understand why you have fallen into this situation."

The hair that filled the field of vision was like billions of venomous snakes, and the dark purple lips seemed to be mocking, speaking low murmurs as they opened and closed.

In the sight, the lips curled up.

The sneering lips became more and more weird, and finally turned into a sinister smile.

"Since you trust Charlie so much, I will let you see the true face of that king!"

In an instant, many images and sounds poured into Jeanna's mind...

"That woman..."

A splendid palace appeared in his mind. A man wearing a short hat was standing in front of a man sitting on a throne, saying something humbly.

However, what the man wearing a short hat said was not French, but English. Jeanne could only barely understand a general outline. The man talked a lot, and was very excited from time to time. Occasionally, he was cajoling, as if he was trying his best to persuade. Looking at the person on the throne in front of him.

The person on the throne seemed to be still hesitating. His hand was on the throne, caressing it hesitantly, sometimes clenching it quietly into a fist, and sometimes stretching it out, as if two intense emotions were fighting in his mind.

Finally, the person on the throne spoke...


It was a familiar voice, somewhat unconfident, which came from his unfortunate experience. In the past, the owner of that voice, Jeanne, had always regarded her as her king, but now, that voice said the most inappropriate words.


"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!!"

Amidst the crowds of people, a heartbreaking female voice suddenly sounded from the burning torture rack. The figure vaguely visible in the flames seemed to be struggling in pain, but the throat injured by the smoke made The sound became like the scream of an inhuman monster.

The large crowd listened to the sound, with frightened expressions on their faces.

In this era where the mystery has not receded and is full of all kinds of superstitions, as a well-known saint, what will be the consequences of burning her to death? No one knew, some people even took a few steps back instinctively.

"Don't be afraid! It's just the witch being purified by the flames."

Seeing this scene, a priest hurriedly shouted towards them. Listening to this voice, the crowd who were originally frightened by the inhuman screams stabilized and did not continue to retreat.

In the flames, the woman who was accused by the priest as a witch had been burned beyond recognition, and her body was covered with scorch marks. But even so, she did not die, as if there was some inexplicable power supporting her. .

The unrecognizable "person" opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something else.


However, his throat had already been burned by the hot smoke and air, and he couldn't speak at all, only a weird roar.

She is not stupid, she has never lost a single battle in dozens of battles, and wherever the flag in her hand points is victory, there are just some things that even she herself is deliberately avoiding and does not want to think about.

Why not send her an army when she was sent to the south of France? Why were the Burgundians inexplicably able to know her marching tracks and surround her? Why did those soldiers close the city gate "out of fear" when she fought desperately to cut off the rear for the soldiers? Why did Charlie have no intention of saving her after she was captured?

Are all kinds of accidents really just accidents?

Everything... it's just that she doesn't want to think about it, she doesn't dare to think about it.

She has paid so much for France, but how does France repay her?

The king...the generals...the marshals...the people of France...


The "man" who was burned beyond recognition opened his mouth wide, but even though he tried his best, he could only make a weak dry roar from his throat. His heart was full of anger and sorrow, and he couldn't say anything at the moment.

at this time……

There was a gentle touch on the cheek, and when he raised his head, he saw only a pair of pupils... What pupils they were, like black holes that swallowed everything, even light could not escape, so that there was no reflection at all.

Anger, despair, sadness, resentment, dissatisfaction, jealousy...

All the negative emotions surged into my heart, and that feeling even surpassed the body that was being burned by the flames at the moment. But my heart was obviously filled with the anger and despair of being betrayed, but when I saw those pupils, all the negative emotions were gone. Everything turned into an inexplicable sense of peace, as if just seeing those pupils would be enough.


In the sight, along with the deep voice, the owner of the pupil gently stroked her cheek. Its hand was extremely gentle, as if it was treating some rare treasure. In the pupil with only darkness and nothing else, the unrecognizable " "People" seemed to see the calmness and compassion in those pupils.

"Are you angry?"

In his sight, he could only see the dark purple lips opening and closing.

This is the third inquiry from the owner of the pupil. It has already asked Jeanne three times, once in prison, once when she was tied to the stake, and now again. Jeanne said she was not angry the first two times, but now...


The hoarse voice spoke again incredulously, but she no longer knew what to answer.

"Jean, if your kindness only brings you misfortune, then abandon your kindness."

The low and magical voice sounded again, and there was a cold feeling next to the cheeks burned by the flames. The owner of the pupils held Jeanne's face with both hands, and the pupils in front of him got closer to him. The close distance, Ling Jeanna could even clearly see every detail in those eyes...

It was completely pure black.

Pure blackness swallows up all glorious, great, dark, and corrupted things. Since even light cannot escape, how can anyone perceive that pure blackness?

evil? Sin? Far from something so superficial.

The things in front of us are also gods. There is a good God, so isn’t there an evil God? Goodness tries to save stubborn evil people, so why isn’t evil trying to save stubborn and old-fashioned good people?

O obsessive good man, evil is not a sin, it is just loving yourself. If goodness brings you only bruises, then follow the guidance of evil...

In my ears, the whispering voice said so.

"Jean, do you love France?"

The woman's consciousness gradually blurred in the pure black sight, and she couldn't even hear clearly what the owner of the pupils said. She could only speak instinctively according to the wishes surging in her heart.


She murmured, unaware that the invisible darkness was slowly seeping into her body.

"Then, let your anger turn into fire and burn those who betray you... The king, the generals, the people of France, they have all betrayed you, but I will not abandon you."

In his ears, the devilish whispering voice spoke slowly, like a lover's whisper.

"Jean, trust me, as Ramses did, as Alexander did, as Caesar did, as Charlemagne did, as King Arthur did … Just as so many kings have done, trust in me and I will give you the power to avenge those people.”

"That Charles should not be the king of France. What people need is you, the invincible Maid of Orleans, you who have received the apocalypse. You will become the queen of France."

That voice rang in Jeanne's ears. The body that had been burned to the point of withering was reshaped step by step. The owner of the voice had unlimited power. Even though there was an agreement that gods and demons could not interfere with the world, it could always find many. loopholes and do some tricks.

There have been many kings who have met the owner of the voice and been able to achieve unparalleled achievements, and at this moment, this girl from Orleans has also received such an honor.

When she emerges from the burning, she will become the Queen of France, because one of the two powers that dominate the entire world has made such a decision.

This world is a chessboard, and humans are the chess pieces. Gods and demons sit on both sides of the chessboard and decide the fate of humans. Just like this girl, she was chosen by gods and demons at the same time. Whether it is thousands of years or tens of thousands of years, it is always like this. Gods and demons are the only chess players.

The erosion of the girl is being completed step by step. When the erosion is completed, it will be the time when the girl transforms into a queen reborn from the ashes.

But in the face of this erosion, the girl who had already lost consciousness started to move her fingers. She hesitated instinctively, and she seemed to be unwilling in her heart.

"Why hesitate, you can be a far better king than Charles."

In my ears, the whisper said.

"But...what's the difference between me and the King of England?"

The girl who had already lost consciousness could not answer. Only a subtle thought emerged, which was captured by the whispering master.

Once upon a time, the King of England angrily declared war on the King of France just for his own inheritance, so a girl walked out of the countryside to carry the flag for the suffering French people. But what does everything the girl has done in the past mean if she tries to seize the throne out of her own anger?

"It makes no sense."

The voice master whose consciousness entered the girl's body also felt all the memories and emotions of the girl for more than ten years, but the voice master who felt all this only made this comment.

The girl was silent, and her consciousness was completely lost. She could no longer wake up. The one who was about to wake up would be a French Queen based on her, with all her memories, but with a completely different personality. It's like reassembling broken porcelain into something else. Although the raw materials are the same, they are completely different.

And just as the owner of the voice carefully felt the girl's life in order to reassemble a new soul, the owner of the voice suddenly discovered something in the girl's memory, something that was deliberately hidden...


After realizing this, the owner of the voice almost screamed.

In the underwater temple, a silent waiter stood beside the empty throne. She was the most favored and trusted daughter of the devil. She was the dead soul who followed the devil from the previous universe. Because her body had long since died, there was naturally no desire in her heart, only Simple worship and belief.

The devil went to the burning place to harvest the fruits that he had cultivated for a long time, and she was stationed here, but just when the devil screamed in surprise, she suddenly opened her eyes.

Those pure white pupils were full of astonishment. As a Norn, she naturally has the power to penetrate destiny. The mists of time do not exist for her. The gods and demons who are limited by the gambling game cannot see like her. future.

However, just now she saw a scene she had never seen before.

The gone.

Just like an interrupted river, the endlessly flowing river of time breaks in front and falls into the bottomless abyss.

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