The world-devouring dragon

Chapter 176 The Priory of Sion and the Thirteen Blood Clans

(The protagonist is said to be a girl. What are you thinking?)

This is a specious new world, completely different from the old world. Everything is reshaped by the new world, and Sombra knows this very well.

For example, in the old world, its body was a behemoth that carried the earth and ocean. If the humans in the old world had enough perseverance, they could dig all the way to the body of the big snake thousands of miles away. But now, the behemoth has been completely rebuilt. Shaped into the earth itself. The rock formations, mantle, core, and even the core liquid metal core and solid metal core are pure planets without any signs of life.

The serpent sleeps in the old world, and sleeps as a planet in the new world.

Another example is the many legends of gods and monsters. In the old world, they were restricted by the contract between gods and demons "not to interfere in the present world". It was a world with countless gods, demons and ghosts but few supernatural powers. But now it has completely disappeared. It has completely transformed into a new world where almost supernatural powers do not exist. The only supernatural and mysterious powers that exist are completely based on the interference of the sleeping big snake in this new world.

In the old world, many ancient heroes were manipulated by the shadow as chess pieces, such as King Arthur, St. George, King David, etc. These legendary heroes with deeds of slaying dragons and becoming kings have never been seen in this new world. appeared.

The history that has appeared will still appear, but it will be rewritten in another form.

Under the seemingly similar appearance, the inside has already undergone earth-shaking changes. This is the new world, an imperfect new world.

In the old world, the shadow once resided in Joan of Arc's body. In this new world, this behavior turned into a shadow imprisoned in Joan of Arc's body, and was forced to be burned to ashes together with Joan of Arc. Only Joan of Arc His heart could not be burned, and the black shadow resided in it, and he could not escape for a while.

Leonardo da Vinci thought that there was some secret stored in the statue, and his hunch was not wrong, because it contained the heart of Joan of Arc that was carefully hidden by Bluebeard in the statue - the backing of the devil Satan.

"Hmph... Do you think that if you trap me here, I will have no way to escape? That's too naive."

Although he was temporarily trapped in the statue, and even his body turned into a planet and fell into a long sleep, the black shadow was not worried about anything. Instead, he laughed at the innocence of the gods.

For the shadow, death is just a deep sleep, and it will eventually wake up again. The body that has become the planet itself is just falling into another kind of sleep at this moment. As long as it finds the right opportunity, the snake's body will eventually wake up again.

Even though it has no way to escape at this moment, as long as it still exists, the invisible power of the serpent will continue to affect this new world. Those remaining relatives of the old world will eventually spontaneously try to wake up the serpent and wake up this sleeping planet.

It has enough patience. No matter whether it is a thousand years or ten thousand years or how long it takes, the monster will eventually wake up.

Holy Roman Empire, in an ancient castle outside Aachen.

Under night, this ancient castle, which has survived since Charlemagne's time, looks particularly quaint. There is no human habitation nearby, and many times it is even thought to have been abandoned. But when a small, indifferent noble tried to occupy it, several powerful nobles would quietly appear and stop him. Over time, people nearby knew that a powerful family definitely lived in this castle.

But this night, there were rare lights in the castle, and there were faint traces of people moving around.


Around the large round table, a dozen men and women with different makeup were sitting. They have different temperaments, either violent or elegant. The only thing they have in common is their pale faces. There is only the occasional sound of drinking, but the scarlet blood-like wine glasses always give people an uneasy impression.

"I need to know why I was called this time..."

Beside the round table, a man with an indifferent expression said, but what he spoke was an extremely rare language, which was the language used by a small nation more than 600 years ago.

However, all the men and women here did not care about this. It is just a language that was spoken more than 600 years ago. It is familiar to many people here, and some of them even spoke it before the birth of Celtic language. exists.

"Neil, don't be too anxious. This time it's about the calling voice..."

A slightly older middle-aged man said slowly that for them, their long lifespan has made them accustomed to a slow rhythm. The fast pace unique to humans has nothing to do with them, so they have become accustomed to speaking slowly.

No one knew what the calling voice meant, but since the gods and demons disappeared, the voice was gradually noticed by a few vampire elders.

That murmuring voice is subtly calling all the vampires. The vast majority of vampires cannot hear that voice, but are unconsciously attracted by it. Only a handful of vampire elders can faintly hear the fragmented sleep babble. Voice.

Although there is no way to know what it is, the powerful power revealed in the murmuring sound still makes the vampire elders tremble. After decades of groping, the elders of the vampire clan finally vaguely noticed the sound. The place being pulled...

Somewhere in France.

Before the elders of the vampire clan went there, the place that was attracted by the voice more than ten years ago had changed. This time, it would be another long induction.

"We have no idea what the owner of that voice wants to do, and there's no need for us to look for it."

The first person to speak frowned and said, its face full of resistance.

For many vampires, they don't care about that sound, and even feel wary of it. These vampires advocate not exploring that sound, and the indifferent man is one of them. However, some vampires also realize the power of that voice and the unshakable nature of that voice.

According to some vampire scholars, even if you don't want to, the voice will make you go to that place unconsciously and prompt you to get close to it.

"But what if it's really the ancestor?"

An elegant woman spoke. Her voice was a little hoarse, but full of majesty. It was obvious that she had a high position in the past, so she had such majesty. And when that word sounded, all the elders were in awe.

Ancestor, this word refers specifically to one person among the vampires...

Cain, the ancestor of the Vampire Clan and the one who killed the oldest human race, is said to have abandoned the Vampire Clan and disappeared without a trace after he created the oldest Vampire Clan.

In fact, there are many voices who think that it may be the call of the ancestor, and it is precisely because he is the ancestor that he has such a powerful power, so he can affect the entire vampire race. However, there are also voices of opposition, because the vampire's old rival, the werewolf, can also feel that voice. In fact, countless dark races can feel that voice.

What a powerful force it is to be able to make all the races of the night feel the same call. It is not an exaggeration to say that an individual with such power is the source of darkness.

The debate continued, and in the end, it just ended on bad terms.

The guests dispersed, and only the owner of the place, the old Duke of Lorraine, sat alone at the round table. After a long time, among the many candlelights, he murmured.

"The gods and demons disappeared...why exactly?"

Obviously, the appearance of the sound is related to the disappearance of gods and demons, but no one knows what the source of the disappearance of gods and demons is. They only know that decades ago, as if overnight, all the gods and demons in the world disappeared, and the spirit sect also disappeared. Unable to call out those extremely powerful beings in the past, some were just dead silent. In the Far East, this situation also occurs. It is said that the wizards in the Far East call it the "Apocalyptic Age."

Decades ago, even those ancient vampire elders who had been sleeping for hundreds of years were awakened by it. However, even those ancient vampire elders could not explain the reason. The only clue was the murmuring sound in their sleep. .

"Perhaps, let's wait a little longer..."

The old Duke was not in a hurry. The lifespan of the vampires was extremely long and he did not care about the outcome of the current debate. However, even he could not have predicted what would happen next.

One year later, in 1484, Pope Innason VIII announced the "Witch Hunting Action", and the vigorous wave of the times began. Vampire hunters were born in that era. Soon after, the thirteen clans of the Vampire clan split into the Demon Party and the Vampire Party. Camarilla, such a meeting will never be held again...

In the hazy state, with the vast white mist surrounding him, Da Vinci seemed to hear a voice, and that sleepy voice seemed to tempt him to move forward involuntarily.

In the heavy darkness, there were many whispers, strange traces loomed in the white fog, and pairs of eyes looking at him in the fog. He was like a child who had strayed into a dangerous jungle, surrounded by There are wild beasts around but you don't even realize it.

"What is that sound..."

But at this moment, Da Vinci inexplicably only had one persistent thought in his heart. That voice had a strange alluring charm for him, and he couldn't help but try to explore. Finally, after searching for a long time in the fog, he broke through the barrier and found it. The strange plant in front of him was an incredible picture that appeared in front of him...

Under the blazing sun, an infinitely beautiful creature bathed in the sun's brilliance wantonly.

The long hair that was like thousands of flying snakes, the dangerous and cold dark purple lips, the erect snake-shaped pupils, the skin that was fair and inhuman... It was a monster that looked human but was not human at all. It was powerful, cold, and beautiful. , but it also makes people feel inexplicably deeply frightened.

It's like a monster covered in human skin. Under the human-like appearance, it always reveals a strange and inhuman feeling, arrogant and calm, like a god overlooking the heaven and earth.

It is obviously the deepest darkness, but it can bask in the light wantonly...

My heart seemed to be tightly clenched by a big hand. I couldn't breathe or move. A deep and inexplicable fear spread throughout my body.


His breathing had stopped, and he didn't even dare to make any movements. All the muscles in his body were stiff. This feeling was not unfamiliar to Da Vinci, he had felt it before.

Leonardo da Vinci once got close to a lion with his own eyes. During an adventurous trip to North Africa, he happened to see a lion.

It was a lazy and calm powerful creature, powerful and beautiful. When it walked towards humans, the coldness released from its huge pupils made people feel as if they were naked in the barbaric era thousands of years ago. At that time, he held an Italian blunderbuss in his hand, but at that time In front of a lion, he had no idea of ​​trying to shoot, and he never even thought about it once.

Nothing but fear.

At that moment, civilization and reason disappeared, leaving only a monkey weighing less than 70 kilograms and a beast weighing nearly 300 kilograms. Fear dominated his rationality and prevented him from thinking calmly and correctly. He did not even realize when the lion left. After that, Leonardo da Vinci never visited North Africa again.

At this moment, Da Vinci once again felt that sense of fear, thousands of times more than the fear he felt at that time...


Accompanied by screams, Sir Leonardo da Vinci woke up from his nightmare in the early morning of July 21, 1511 AD.

His forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat, his pale face was full of anxiety, and he was breathing heavily. After a long time, when the sixty-year-old man looked aside, there was a heroic female statue placed on the low table. It was not contaminated by any dust and had obviously been carefully cleaned daily.

But looking at the statue, Da Vinci's face was extremely livid, and he bit his lower lip subconsciously. That was the source of his fear...

He reluctantly stood up, then sat in front of the case, picked up a quill, dipped it in ink, and began to write a letter, but the words inside were messy and cipher text that was absolutely incomprehensible to outsiders.

"My brothers and sisters... As I said, it has been almost thirty years, and I have already understood the secret of that statue. I can't tell you much, but the only thing I can say is that it must not be used by humans. Known taboos..."

"How many times, how many times in my dreams, I feel deeply afraid. No matter how many times I see that figure, I can't control my emotions... It is impossible for human beings to defeat that thing. The only way is to escape. The only way is to be happy. What's more, it's still sleeping..."

While Da Vinci was writing furiously, there seemed to be some shadow emerging outside the window...

Suddenly, Da Vinci seemed to notice something and suddenly looked at the window on his left.


There was nothing outside the window, just some tree branches and the chirping of birds. However, Da Vinci was not careless, but carefully observed it again, and finally confirmed that there was nothing.

Are you too worried?…

There was some doubt in his heart, but he felt that the feeling of being spied on was still lingering. After thinking about it again, he continued to write on the paper.

"I have kept this secret alone for thirty years, and I don't care if I keep it for a few more years. However, it seems that something in the darkness has set its sights on me... Therefore, in the name of an elder, I implore all brothers and sisters, Please help me, help humanity, and protect this secret together..."

"Leonardo da Vinci, Elder of the Priory of Sion."

Half a year later, the famous scholar Leonardo da Vinci suddenly left Milan, where he had lived since his youth, and began to wander in Rome, Florence and other places, and eventually died in France.

After his death, the servant discovered that some of his letters and documents seemed to have disappeared inexplicably...

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