The world-devouring dragon

Chapter 180 Mr. Isaac

In 1648, the Thirty Years' War, triggered by disputes between Protestants and Catholics, finally came to an end.

Before this, no one expected that the scale of this war originated from a small friction, but eventually evolved into a full-scale war across the entire European continent. The participating countries included the Holy Roman Empire, Spain, France, Scotland, England, Sweden, Denmark, and Poland. Himia, the Netherlands, Saxony, Austria, Bavaria...the total mobilization force of each country exceeds millions, and the number of casualties can reach as many as 700,000.

The Thirty Years' War was the culmination of centuries of religious, diplomatic, and political conflicts in Europe. As King Gustaf of Sweden himself said in a letter to his Prime Minister: "The various small wars are all gathered here into a comprehensive European war."

After this battle, the Habsburg dynasty was defeated, and the German states lost more than 60% of their population. The losses were unspeakable. But it was through this war that the consciousness of the German nation gradually formed. For the first time, the Germans felt the existence of the nation so deeply.

At the same time, the huge casualties also caused the European countries to be unable to start another war and each licked their wounds. A rare era of peace arrived, and European society began to recover...

April 12, 1689, London, England.


In a hall, sparse applause rang out. Amid the gazes and whispers of many priests, scholars, bureaucrats, nobles and even ladies, a middle-aged scholar with a hooked nose walked up to the front desk, and then bowed to everyone. Salute, while the Earl of Pembroke, the president of the society, looked at him with a smile and praised him.

"Congressman Isaac, I am very happy that you can join the Royal Society of London. Your "Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy" has become well-known in Europe. With your intelligence, you will definitely be able to add more knowledge to the gentlemen and ladies here. Knowledge.”


In the audience, everyone burst into laughter with good intentions after hearing this.

At this moment, the Royal Society of London is essentially just a science popularization society serving upper-class nobles and gentlemen. Members only need to be recommended by someone to join the society. The number of members of the entire society is less than 150, and among these 150 people, Less than one-fifth were scholars, and the majority were aristocrats, bureaucrats, and ladies curious about scientific knowledge.

For example, the Earl of Pembroke was a typical old aristocrat, but he was extremely curious about science, and his high popularity led to him being elected as the president of the Royal Society. Such a Royal Society is not so much a scientific society as it is a place of communication among numerous aristocratic bureaucrats. Scholars strive to find places where they can rely on sponsors. After all, research costs money.

Glancing at the many aristocrats and bureaucrats below, the middle-aged scholar's eyes showed some unnoticeable dissatisfaction, but then disappeared without a trace, as if he had never existed.

Not long after, several luthiers appeared in the hall, playing orchestral music, and the welcome to new members turned into a society dance, while the middle-aged scholar entertained from time to time.

Just as the scholar declined the invitation from a group of nobles, a voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

"Mr. Isaac."

The middle-aged scholar was startled. He turned around and saw that the president, Earl Pembroke, was looking behind him with a smile. He did not dare to neglect this nobleman who for some reason had great goodwill towards him. , I had to lean over and say hello.

"Earl of Pembroke."

But the Earl of Pembroke just waved his hand indifferently and said.

"Just call me President."

For some reason, the earl's affection for him became more and more intense. While smiling, he carefully looked at the middle-aged scholar in front of him, which made the middle-aged scholar feel uneasy and couldn't help but ask.

"I wonder what's wrong, President?"

The count just chuckled and then lowered his voice.

"There are some important people who want to see you, please come with me..."

Big shot?

The middle-aged scholar was confused. He thought that although he was somewhat famous, to the whole of Europe, he was just a famous scholar and parliamentarian and was nothing. But what kind of person is a person who can be called a big shot even by an earl...

What the middle-aged scholar doesn't know yet is that this sentence will completely change his destiny.

"The Priory of Sion?"

In a secret room, surrounded by various religious symbols, three old monks wearing black monk's robes sat in front of a middle-aged scholar. Unlike common monks, they did not wear crosses around their necks or bodies. Instead, he wears a triangle-like symbol.

At this moment, the middle-aged scholar's mind was still in confusion. When the count took him into a carriage, he took him to this remote house, where an old monk had been waiting for a long time. As soon as they got out of the car, the count and the carriage left directly, leaving him alone and led into the secret room by the old monk.

But even though he had expected it, what the old monk said was really jaw-dropping, completely subverting the middle-aged scholar's cognition. Jesus, Galileo, Leonardo da Vinci, Joan of Arc, the Priory of Sion, sculpture? The influx of information caught this smart and astute scholar somewhat unprepared.

"As we said, we keep the ancient secrets and swear to fight against the evil hidden in the darkness. For sixteen hundred years since the prophet Hama, we have appeared in various forms. And now, Ai Mr. Thacker Newton, we have searched for many years and finally believe that you are the wisest man in the world, and now is the time when the Priory needs your help."

In front of Newton, the leading old monk said calmly. His face was old and his long white eyebrows were drooped. It was hard to tell how many years he had lived.

However, Newton did not choose to believe his words immediately. Instead, he stroked his beard, with a slight doubt in his eyes, and then looked at the old monk in front of him and said.

"Since you have been able to hide it for thousands of years, I have a question, why are you willing to tell all these things? You don't think that I will accept it as long as you say it."

However, in front of Newton, several old monks did not speak, but made inexplicable low laughter.

Listening to the low laughter, Newton already understood what the old monk meant, and did not ask any more questions, but just nodded.

"Okay, I agree to your invitation."

On the streets of London, on top of a moving carriage.

The Earl of Pembroke was closing his eyes, pressing his forehead gently with his thumb, looking a little frowning. In his mind, he couldn't remember what happened just now. He only remembered that he seemed to be attending the society's banquet before. Why was he suddenly on the carriage?

"Why am I... on the carriage?"

Unknowingly, he murmured to himself, and outside the carriage, the groom who heard the earl murmured responded in surprise.

"Earl of Pembroke, weren't you the one who said you wanted to come out to relax?"

Come out... to relax?

The Earl of Pembroke, who had a splitting headache, thought about it for a while, but still couldn't figure out the reason, so he finally gave up.

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