The world-devouring dragon

Chapter 200 City Chase

Not paying attention to his daughter's thoughts, Roberts bent over and rode his Harley motorcycle through the streets, with only the knives of wind in his ears.

Taking advantage of the pause, he turned his head and glanced behind him, only to see several vehicles chasing him closely, including police cars and unknown vehicles. They didn't care about other vehicles and pedestrians, and they were running rampant all the way.

Moreover, Roberts could clearly see a strong man leaning out of the car window, holding an assault rifle in his hand. From his appearance, it was clear that he did not care about the possibility of injuring innocent civilians.

The hand holding the handle of the motorcycle suddenly exerted force!



Suddenly, accompanied by a series of bullets whizzing behind him, the Harley motorcycle suddenly threw a gorgeous curve on the street!

Following the sharp turn, a trail of smoke suddenly appeared on the ground.

The bullet did not hit the Harley motorcycle or the people on it, but knocked out potholes on the road, causing screams and large-scale riots from passers-by, and everyone ducked.

"FUCK! These people are really crazy. How dare they open fire here?"

Although he avoided the bullet, Roberts couldn't help but curse fiercely.

It was not that Roberts had never been exposed to firearms. He was an expert in fighting and firearms shooting. Using an anti-equipment sniper rifle to kill dark creatures from a distance was his specialty. However, he did not expect that someone would dare to attack the most powerful country in the world. There were open gunfights in the city.

Such a ridiculous scene was unheard of even for Roberts, who was well-informed.

"Maybe I broke into a Hollywood studio."

His heart was filled with a sense of danger, and the hairs all over his body were about to stand up. But the more this happened, the more Roberts' heart sank, and he was even in the mood to joke.

Because his experience told him that the more nervous you are, the faster you will die. Only by maintaining a high degree of alertness and a relaxed mood can you deal with such a highly dangerous situation.

"Dad...what's going on? Why are we running? Who is chasing us..."

It was only then that Joan, who was confused in her mind, came to her senses, and then she quickly raised her head and asked her father, who was driving a Harley.

At this moment, her heart was filled with fear, but before she could finish speaking, her father suddenly pressed her with a rough hand, forcing her body down, and at the same time, the direction suddenly changed.


Accompanied by the huge explosion in his ears, he subconsciously looked from his father's arms to behind him, only to see that there was no trace of the former road there. All that was left was a huge pit filled with thick smoke and fierce fires. …

"That is……"

Her clear eyes looked at the large pit behind her that was quickly disappearing, and the girl was murmuring almost as if she was sleepwalking.

"It's an RPG rocket launcher."

As if hearing the girl's unspoken thoughts, the calm voice of the girl's father sounded above her head.

The voice was unusually calm, calm and a little indifferent. It was as if he was not nearly hit by that famous weapon, but as a student facing a difficult test paper, frowning and having no time to care about anything else.

This change leaves girls at a loss.

In her eyes, the somewhat old-fashioned, conservative, and even weak father showed his extraordinary side at this moment.

Many people and cars were chasing him, even using heavy weapons, but he was still so calm.

From a peaceful and ordinary daily life to suddenly turning into such a fight with bullets and bullets, this slightly rebellious girl felt at a loss.

"what happened……"

"You'll find out later."

Without directly answering the girl's question, the father just responded casually, then reached into his arms, took out a small, finely crafted pistol, and pointed it behind him.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Three shots were fired in succession, one not too much and one not too much, but they directly hit the tires of three cars not far away.


Accompanied by the roar of brakes and the sound of tires skidding, three cars that were caught off guard collided with each other in a sudden skid, and directly blocked several following vehicles.


The vehicle that was following the car at high speed had no time to dodge. Several cars collided with each other in an instant, and the car rolled over for a moment.

The many nearby vehicles that were forced to stop aggravated the chaos, and the entire highway was directly paralyzed. In this case, it was impossible to continue tracking.

Although he felt a little sorry for the ordinary people who accidentally entered the battle scene, Roberts had no time to care about others at this moment. He was willing to do anything for the safety of his beloved daughter.

However, even if the car behind him can't track him for a while, it doesn't make him safe anymore...

Roberts glanced into the air behind him.

There, you can vaguely see a few black spots gradually enlarging, and at the same time, there is a low roar that gradually sounds.

First there was a whirring sound, then a low thunderous roar, and the black spots gradually enlarged into a huge black shadow, revealing its huge figure...

one two three four,……

A total of six armed helicopters were advancing at low altitude in this metropolis filled with high-rise buildings, like a flock of falcons, closely tracking their prey - the Harley motorcycle driven by Roberts.

That strong, powerful and intimidating body shows its majesty to the world.

If Roberts had some hope before, then when these six armed helicopters appeared, Roberts felt only despair, and even his lips felt dry.

No one knows the power of this big guy better than Roberts. It only takes one sweep, and no matter how powerful Roberts is, he can only surrender helplessly.

He is a human being. Although he is proficient in fighting, his fighting ability does not exceed the limits of human beings.

"What trouble did I get into..."

In despair, a question emerged in his mind.

Manhunt, bug, time, Boston, daughter, reason, gunship, government, United States...

These numerous threads seem to have no reason, but they all seem to be connected together for a certain reason. It seems that they are all revealed at a glance, but there is no reason why...

At this moment, a female voice suddenly sounded from among his clothes.

"Hello, it seems our Mr. Roberts is in trouble."

Roberts heard that joking voice only once, but he swore he would never forget it.

"Umberto Bruni."

With this name, the millions of thoughts in my heart suddenly found their direction...

"This is all your fault!"

While speeding on a motorcycle on the road, trying his best to avoid the pursuit of the armed helicopters in the sky, Roberts gritted his teeth while looking at the mobile phone in his pocket.

"Don't say that. After all, we are in the same boat..."


The joking voice tried to say something, but what greeted him was only a roar of curses!

Roberts' heart was full of anger. Although the other party didn't say it, he had roughly guessed the whole story at this moment.

The omission was nothing more than the meeting between him and Uberto Bruni, and then that son of a bitch secretly left some clues, so the Priory thought that he and that guy were in the same group, and secretly monitored him Himself, and after he became aware of the surveillance, the Priory did not hesitate to try to arrest him.

With the huge power of the Priory, he had no doubt that they could mobilize the power of the U.S. government. Once he figured this out, everything would be explained.

The female voice opposite seemed a little helpless.

"Forget it, I didn't plan to ask you to explain so soon, but the matter is urgent and I don't have time to explain to you, so I can only forcefully tie you to the boat first."


"Do you want to live with your daughter?"

As if realizing that Roberts was about to curse again, the other party asked in a crisp voice.

The curse words that Roberts was about to blurt out were swallowed back by him. He could not care about himself, but he could not leave his daughter behind.

After sensing the silence on Roberts' side, a laugh came from the other party.

"If you want to survive, then listen to me first."

Washington, somewhere in a bunker.

In a certain conference room, the lights were brightly lit, and a group of people gathered around a round table.

"I still can't understand, is it necessary to pay such a high price to hunt down a person?"

Beside the round table, a thick and fat hand held a cigar, and then the owner of the hand asked doubtfully.

"If it is as we suspected, we may not be able to catch him yet."

"It is too terrifying to control the entire world's information. This kind of power must not be allowed."

On the side, a person spoke fiercely, but everyone knew that what he did not say was another sentence.

‘If this power is controlled by me, then it can be allowed. ’

However, not everyone thinks so.

There are many people gathered around this round table, and they represent different interests of the entire United States. Some want money, some want power, and others are trying to pursue something else.

"Wilson, you are still too young, and you don't understand many things yet."

At the top of the round table, a thin figure said calmly.

He obviously has a very high prestige, and when he speaks, everyone can't help but sit upright.

He looked around slowly and then said.

"Seventy years ago...Nazi Germany once tried to find something - the axis of the world. They believed that the axis of the world has infinite energy. They once went to XZ to look for it, but in the end they found nothing."

"Nazi Germany already has the secret key to the world, but they are still trying to find something called the Axis of the World... No one knows what it is, but Hitler was obsessed with it."

"The Far North under him was originally just a small organization, but it eventually expanded with the strength of Nazi Germany. Later, after the Far North collapsed with Nazi Germany, some information was left behind, which was found by the Soviet Union at the time , the United States did not find much, and could only find one thing that was mentioned repeatedly from a few words..."

As he spoke, he took a deep breath and then said.

"Da Vinci... once opened the secret key to the world."

Hearing this, the man smoking the cigar also showed a look of shock on his face. He opened his mouth wide and didn't even notice that the cigar fell on his pants.

Among the others, many people suddenly opened their eyes. Although they had heard about it, when they actually heard the news, they could not help but look shocked.

"Has the secret key to the world been opened?"

One of them asked eagerly, regardless of appearance or demeanor.

The secret key to the world, a secret treasure that appeared at some point. For hundreds of years, countless people have been chasing it, but in the end they found nothing.

Many people believe that it contains the secrets of gods, including eternal life, immortality, power, knowledge, wealth...

Everything can be gained from this.

And those who occasionally obtained the secret key to the world have all become legendary figures.

"But Leonardo da Vinci was once a member of the Priory. Why didn't the Priory know?"

One of them couldn't help but wonder.

Leonardo da Vinci, this genius created countless miracles. The world often only knows him as a painter, but ignores that he is actually a unique all-rounder in human history.

He is an artist, painter, engineer, weapons expert, architect, physicist, mathematician, writer, dramatist, medical scientist...

In terms of anatomy and physiology, he observed the human skeletal structure and muscle tissue very carefully during the process of dissecting corpses. His detailed discussion even exceeded that of many medical scientists and artists of the same era. He was the first correct person in human history. The scientist who comprehensively described the human skeleton and modeled all of the human body's musculature. There are also many unique insights into aspects of the nervous and vascular systems, as well as physiology and biology.

In terms of physics, before Newton discovered universal gravitation, Leonardo da Vinci discovered the law that weight always falls to the center of the earth in the shortest way, which was a very important revelation for the subsequent discovery of universal gravitation. Before Copernicus founded the heliocentric theory, he had the idea that "the sun does not move" and denied the geocentric theory.

In terms of optics, he designed telescopes and condensers, equipment for studying colors, and invented the optical glass grinding machine.

In terms of geology, Leonardo da Vinci studied the evolution of terrain, the structure of various rocks, and traces of paleontology, and was the first to establish the concepts of geohistory and geology.

In the military aspect, Leonardo da Vinci also designed aircraft, helicopters, parachutes, siege weapons, ladders, field guns, chariots, battleships, double-bottomed ships, diving equipment, light bridges, etc.

In mechanical engineering, he designed automatic machine tools, textile machines, printing presses, smelting furnaces, cranes, clock instruments, and water pumps. He invented the twisting machine, rolling mill, wire drawing machine and threading machine with several spindles.

In terms of water conservancy projects, he designed plans for canals, rivers, reservoirs, sluices, utilization of water conservancy resources, soil transformation projects, etc. He also discovered chamber-shaped sluices and water pumps of various structures...

He was so talented that as long as he was a little serious, he could easily stand at the pinnacle of the field at that time and achieve great achievements that countless people could not achieve in a hundred years.

Compared with him, even Newton and Einstein pale in comparison. The latter is only a genius in a certain field, but Leonardo da Vinci is a genius in all fields and is a well-deserved "all-rounder".

It was also driven by this genius that the monastic order gradually expanded into the huge organization it is today.

But if Leonardo da Vinci left a secret code, why didn't the Priory know it?

"No one knows why."

The thin figure in the lead shook his head.

"But what we can be sure of is that Nazi Germany was convinced that Leonardo da Vinci had opened the secret key to the world, because they had found the code left by Da Vinci and successfully deciphered it. But what we don't understand is that Da Vinci What does the code left by Finch have to do with the axis of the world..."

"And now, someone may know the answer."

The thin figure at the head did not speak anymore, but everyone already knew what he did not say.

"In the name of the Illuminati, get him."

Speaking solemnly, everyone around the round table lowered their heads, which symbolized that this ancient organization formerly known as "Freemasonry" had unified its opinions.

Looking at the people in front of him, the thin figure smiled. The Priory thought that no one knew their purpose of chasing Uberto Bruni, but the facts proved that this was just their wishful thinking.

Half an hour later, a piece of news came.

"The target escaped in a private jet."

United States, waters near Boston.

On the small private plane, Joan fell asleep on Wendy's lap. The little girl was still asleep after being frightened one after another.

Anyone who discovers that his abandoned old house is actually an underground airport will be frightened.

When Joan discovered that her gentle adoptive mother Wendy, who worked as a fashion designer, was suddenly filled with guns and ammunition, she drove her private plane with murderous intent and crash-landed next to the two people who were surrounded by many soldiers, and finally forcibly took them to escape. When she succeeded, her mouth was so wide that it was about to dislocate.

The world is simply going crazy.

The old house I often played in when I was a child was an arsenal, with an underground airport underneath, where planes could fly out at any time; and the walls of seemingly ordinary houses were actually made of special alloy materials, and even cloud bombs could The kind that can be defended against.

The foster mother who is usually gentle and enjoys arranging flowers is now holding a machine gun in her hand and firing without blinking. She is even more aggressive than a gangster.

My father, whom I had only met once in the past year and was polite to the point of weakness towards everyone except myself, turned out to be a killing machine filled with killing tools...

After finally successfully boarding the plane, the nervous girl finally settled down. Once she relaxed, she felt exhausted all over.

Looking at the girl sleeping on her lap, Wendy, who had just fired with a machine gun, now showed a gentle smile.

He gently stirred the girl's messy hair, lowered his head, and kissed her smooth forehead.

"Good night, baby."

In front, Roberts, who was flying the plane, gestured to Wendy behind.

"Fell asleep?"

He said nothing because he was afraid of disturbing the girl who had just fallen asleep. After a sudden change, what she needed most at the moment was rest.

After receiving Wendy's confirmation, he lowered his head, looked at the phone in front of him, and moved his lips silently.

He knew that the son of a bitch across from him could see him and read lips.

And the other party did the same, also did not make a sound, but displayed a row of words on it.

"Roberts, it's because you care too much about your daughter that you cause chaos. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been completely sure. Originally, I had fourteen preparation plans..."

"Fuck you."

Roberts cursed silently as he flew the plane.

Although he scolded him like this, Roberts knew very well how powerful and terrifying the opponent was.

Roberts couldn't understand the other party's methods. For some reason, there was a commotion in the armed helicopters, and then faintly visible fire and the like were seen, and then several armed helicopters crashed directly into the building.

Then there are all kinds of weird phenomena. Through the guidance of that voice, Roberts can easily avoid all the chasing people. Even if they are hunted, the other party will show doubts as long as they receive an order, and finally they will be unwilling to kill them. Let go.

"World Dominator, that's what I called myself, cool."

The other party was very proud, but Roberts had to admit his ability. After only half an hour of acquaintance, he already had a preliminary understanding of the other party's terror.

Being able to monitor all groups of people, being able to use all means such as fake voices to mislead the other party, wrong address display, wrong information, so that in addition to having a comprehensive information network, one can also mislead the other party's information.

Although the nameless world ruler may seem arrogant and conceited, from a certain perspective, he does have such confidence.

There is no way he can escape anymore.

He understood the Hermitage's methods. Even if there was a way to prove that he had nothing to do with this guy, the Hermitage would rather kill the wrong person than let him go, and would never let him continue to be as carefree as in the past.

At this moment, the only question in Roberts' mind was.

"Why did you choose me?"

Roberts said silently.

In this world, although he is an extremely outstanding mercenary, he is by no means the only one. There is no need for the other party to choose him.

The other party was silent for a while, and then said.

"Roberts, I said that you and I are actually companions. Although you can't understand it yet, you will eventually understand."

"I will guide you to my current location, and when you and I meet, I will tell you everything I know."

After saying that, the other party never responded.

After testing a few times and confirming that there was no response, Roberts pondered. He could feel that the other party seemed to value him particularly, but he didn't understand why.

"Are we companions?"

He couldn't understand the meaningless words, but when he caught a glimpse of Wendy and sleeping Joan behind him, a warm current emerged in his heart...

Betty, no matter what, I will definitely protect you and my children.

Silently repeating his original vow in his heart, no one could hurt Joan, whether it was the Priory or the guy hiding behind the scenes.

In front of his eyes, the curious, energetic and quirky girl seemed to appear again.

Betty, if there is heaven in this world, are you okay...

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