The world-devouring dragon

Chapter 202 The World of Fifty Thousand Years


Before the huge onslaught of information was over, Roberts heard another word from the thin young man in front of him. Seeing the faint look of astonishment on Roberts' face, the young man suddenly asked a question.

"Roberts, do you believe there is a God in this world?"

The word God is still too vague for this world. Although Roberts himself is a bounty hunter who is engaged in supernatural events and has seen many strange creatures, even he does not believe that God exists. This is also true. is something many weirdos believe.

Rather than gods that have never appeared, such as vampires and wizards, they believe that their own power is an ancient and mysterious thing, an objective law that has not yet been discovered by human science.

"Um... no, I don't really believe that there is a god in this world."

Roberts pondered for a moment and then denied it.

"What ordinary people think."

The young man sneered noncommittally, with an inexplicable sarcasm in his laughter, but Roberts didn't know what the other person was sneering at, whether he was sneering at Roberts, or at himself...

"Then you should know one thing. Christians do not admit that this world originated from the Big Bang 12 billion years ago. Instead, they claim that this world was born 50,000 years ago."

"Know a little bit."

Roberts replied that for most people, this is undoubtedly a stupid statement. In this era when the moon has been landed, only religious lunatics would believe that the world was born only 50,000 years ago.

Then, the young man was inexplicably silent for a moment, did not speak, and then murmured.

"Yes, fossils in the ground, stars in the sky, cosmic background microwaves, stars that have burned for billions of years, remains of primitive people, evolved DNA... so many traces of the passage of time, so much evidence, all of this How could everything be born only fifty thousand years ago? How is this possible... It's simply impossible... Yes, it should be like this... It should be..."

"Roberts, I once believed this as you do. What a wonderful world this is, with complete logic, strict consistency, and perfect compliance with mathematical laws. I was once intoxicated by the beauty of this universe. After I studied the true meaning of After artificial intelligence tiramisu, I used tiramisu to completely master the entire world's information exchanges and know countless secrets. But because of this, I was able to gather countless data and finally deduced a story that was not originally possible. Possible things..."

He looked at Roberts in front of him and gritted his teeth, as if he had to admit a fact that he didn't want to believe.

"This world was born from a joke fifty thousand years ago."

Roberts frowned.

"Are you kidding me?"

"I don't have to lie to you."

The young man looked at him with only indifference in his eyes.

"After I realized that there were many weird creatures in this world, I became very interested in their origins. I once suspected that they might be alien creatures in the past, but later by comparing vampires, werewolves, gargoyles... ...even illusory ancient ghosts and other supernatural creatures. I used all the information I could find, based on the traces of wounds on their bodies, book records, interpersonal contacts, etc., and deduced their past history from this, and finally I built a historical model and it turned out..."

"If my model is correct, the traces of supernatural things that have existed in this world are only a little over 40,000 years at most."

"The oldest one is an unknown magical symbol. Its oldest trace is on a 42,000-year-old artificial stone fragment. If I identify it based on carbon 14, I may think that it has existed for hundreds of years. Thousands of years ago, but if you put it into that model, judging from the book records and the testimonies of interpersonal relationships, I am sure that the earliest person who came into contact with it was a who-know-how who lived more than 40,000 years ago."

"But that's simply impossible!"

As he spoke, his expression turned ferocious and he gritted his teeth.

"I have found vampire fossils from 100 million years ago, spell props from 40 million years ago, stone statue prototypes from 7 million years ago, and alchemical golems from 200,000 years ago... But my mathematical model keeps telling me I, those so-called things with tens of millions of years of history should logically have been born less than 50,000 years ago..."

"Am I crazy or is the world crazy? There are traces of being tampered with by some kind of force everywhere in this world! There are topsy-turvy logical contradictions and specious weirdness everywhere. This world seems reasonable, but inside it is... There are lies everywhere!"

"What exactly happened 50,000 years ago? I don't know, because I can build a mathematical model based on all the information now, and then extrapolate forward to the past, or backward to the future, but it is impossible for me to deduce to 50,000 years ago. That kind of situation, until one day..."

He took an inexplicable deep breath and finally said.

"Until one day, I found the information about the secret key to the world, and finally found Leonardo da Vinci's private diary."

Looking at Umberto Bruni in front of him, Roberts only felt that the guy in front of him seemed to have fallen into some kind of madness and hysteria. Although his speech was still smooth, Roberts only felt that there was some kind of danger in him. .

She waved her hand back silently, signaling Wendy to get ready and be wary of the seemingly crazy young man in front of her.

"You think I'm crazy?"

Suddenly, the young man in front of him grinned, his face full of sarcasm and pity.

"There is no need to wave your hands behind you. I am calm and I know exactly what I am talking about. The reason why you are suspicious is just because you haven't seen the evidence yet."

Roberts' secret little move was discovered by Roberts for some reason.

But the young man didn't care about this. He looked at Roberts with a little pity, as if he was looking at a deaf and blind fool, ignorant and ignorant of the truth of the world.

He sat back in his seat, then faced a few people and spread his hands casually and said.

"I understand that it is hard to believe that you suddenly believe that this world was actually born 50,000 years ago, but all I can tell you is that this is indeed true in a sense."

"You mentioned Leonardo da Vinci's diary and what's in it."

Roberts asked without blushing, as if he had done nothing just now.

The young man looked at him and didn't say much, just replied.

"Fear, his fear is recorded in it."

"He recorded many of his thoughts in his diary. Combining his thoughts with the information I collected, I made such a conjecture."

"Fifty thousand years ago, a powerful and inexplicable being... You can also call it God, god, creator, anything goes. In short, it created the universe. Then I don't know when, this 50,000-year-old being The universe has inexplicably evolved into the 12 billion-year-old universe we have now, for reasons I still don’t understand and may never understand.”

"And during this strange transformation, the world has been...reshaped to a certain extent? It's like reshaping a kneaded clay figure into something else, but there is still some trace of the previous clay figure in it. Traces remain, and from my perspective, these many supernatural beings and phenomena may be remnants of the previous universe.”

"Ha, if you put it that way, then our God is pretty rough in his craftsmanship."

As he spoke, the young man sneered inexplicably.

"After that, we don't know what happened, but what we can know is that there seems to be something hidden in the world key... a relic of the previous universe. It may be that the Creator is sleeping inside, or it may be a seal. Maybe even Satan."

"Da Vinci came into contact with that statue and held it for a long time. He was very smart and probably knew the truth of everything better than anyone else. But in his later years, he eventually fell into a deep fear that he could not extricate himself from. On the run across Italy, escaping the strange nightmares that stalk the statue."

"I don't know the specific details, but judging from the burn marks on the corners of the diary, at the end of his life, he should have asked his butler to burn his belongings, but for some reason this diary was retained. Down, I don’t know why. After that, I was accidentally discovered by the Hermitage of Sion and hunted by them, so I had to flee.”

"Because in that diary, you found how to unlock the key to the world?"

Roberts raised his eyebrows.

During the half month of being hunted, Roberts gradually realized that the young man in front of him seemed to be being tracked by the Priory of Sion because he had mastered the method to unlock the world.

"Find a way to unlock the world key?"

However, unexpectedly, the young man sneered.

"You think Da Vinci is too simple. How could he record this method in his diary? He didn't even want to inform the Priory of Sion to which he belonged, so how could he leave this method so carelessly? method?"

As he spoke, he glanced at Roberts, a rare look of arrogance on his crazy face.

"Or maybe you underestimate me too much? If Da Vinci can think of it, why can't I? What he can do, why can't I?"

The words seemed to say that the young man in front of him found a way with his own strength. Obviously, in his eyes, he was no worse than the Leonardo da Vinci hundreds of years ago.

"Where is the world key now? Have you already opened it?"

Roberts asked again.

"World Key? No, you are overthinking it. That thing is not on Earth now."

"Not on Earth? What do you mean?"

Roberts couldn't help but be surprised.

"Listen to me first."

The young man shook his head and waved his hand casually.

"In the past hundreds of years, the world key has been circulating in the hands of various characters. Just in the last century, Xi XX obtained the world key. The war was unprecedented. The inner world and the outer world jointly fought against Nax and Dex, but Few people know that Xi XX once specially formed an ancient army group, which was a small but extremely elite army that specialized in dealing with supernatural events."

"After that, XX committed suicide and Germany was defeated. At that time, the Priory of Sion and the Freemasons tried to find the key to the world, but found nothing. Later, it was reported that the Ancient Army went to Antarctica to establish a refuge. In 1947, the United States sent a An aircraft carrier and a battleship, as well as several destroyers, supply ships, and 4,000 Marine Corps members headed to the Antarctic. It was declared to be a 'high-altitude landing' operation to 'go to the Antarctic to search for mineral deposits and other valuable resources.'"

At this point, the young man couldn't help laughing.

"Going to Antarctica to search for mineral deposits? You actually have to bring aircraft carriers, battleships and more than 4,000 soldiers? This is a reason that the Americans can't come up with. In fact, the operation was to explore Na X's secret base in Antarctica and to find the key to the world. , It’s a pity that there was no harvest and it ended hastily.”

"But in fact, they were not mistaken. The Ancient Army Group did go to the Antarctic, but... they didn't stay long before heading to the moon."

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