The world-devouring dragon

Chapter 218 The Seal Unlocked

"You didn't want to capture that woman alive, you wanted to kill her."

In that forgotten old world, looking at the son of Adam in front of him, Metatron, the former deputy king of heaven and later the fallen angel Lucifer, said this.

The angel's gaze is like a flame. All mortals who look directly at the angel's gaze will be directly burned into salt, but the person in front of Lucifer is an exception, because his parents were the sons of God and the oldest humans living in the Garden of Eden. My parents had been with angels and lived with God.

Original man, the most primitive man, is the son of God who lives in the Garden of Eden and does not know what life, old age, sickness and death are.

This is true for Adam, Lilith, and Eve. Lilith can easily climb Mount Kabala, which symbolizes the ladder of status of all things, and talk to the angel Rachel. Her life span, joy, and power are endless.

Only after being expelled from the Garden of Eden, the power of the oldest humans was gradually weakened, but even so, the Atlanteans still lived for thousands of years, and Cain's power was even greater than that of the Atlanteans.

He was cursed by the gods, unable to feel emotions but not immortal; he was favored by the father of snakes, and obeyed the darkness to gain the power to move mountains and seas.

Looking at the Son of Adam, Metatron could feel the powerful power contained in his body. If he really wanted to do something, in this era when gods and demons were sleeping and angels were leaving, no force could stop him, but he did nothing.

"You're not helping Satan out."

Looking at him, the deputy king of heaven said so.

The naked man did not speak, but closed his eyes, feeling the cool touch of the breeze blowing over his body, feeling the wetness of the soft soil under his feet, and feeling all the beautiful things in this world, but his heart as solid as a rock. No matter what, he remained indifferent.

He must be missing something.

His reason told him, but his heart was indifferent to the words of reason.

Is a person who can't feel emotions and is like a stone really still a human being? Vaguely, he vaguely remembered that he had asked himself this question.

The memories before he lost his relationship were still clear. Those memories of when he was happy or angry seemed like they happened yesterday. He knew that at that time, he was smiling happily and being angry directly, but he silently felt those past memories. ...But it was just like flipping through an old book. Although I saw it, I only saw it and was not touched at all.

"Why should we help it get out of trouble?"

The terrifyingly calm voice spoke without any fluctuations.

"It has already decided everything, and no one can defy its will."

"It's dead."

The broken-winged angel sitting on the Throne of Swords spoke again.

Yes, the big snake fell into eternal sleep. It has become the earth itself. Eternal sleep is death. The big snake is already dead, but the dead things are just trying to come back to life.

Cain was noncommittal, he spoke in calm words without any fluctuation.

"Metatron, do you really think it's dead?"

In that forgotten old world, the angel with broken wings did not speak anymore. In that eternally restless wreckage of the old world, a new round of rebellion emerged again.

The image in front of him disappeared as the rebellion broke out, but Cain remained silent.

After pondering for an unknown amount of time, the man felt a sensation coming from the ground. It was the breath of the monsters named Angel Rachel, Satan, and the Serpent. He understood that the sealed container was finally unlocked.

In a daze, it was like returning to that day again.

"Why not seal this statue forever and leave a key."

He looked at the Frenchman in front of him. The Frenchman was praying devoutly to the statue of a girl in military uniform that contained the devil's heart.

In response to his own words, the Frenchman who had been glorious in the past did not respond. Instead, he still prayed devoutly to his saint. When the long prayer was over, he let out an inexplicable low laugh.

Finally, the low laughter turned into an inexplicable crazy laughter. The crazy Frenchman opened his eyes wide, looked at the man in front of him, and made a chant-like sound.

"Seal forever? Son of Adam, the ancestor of vampires, our ancestors, who can seal the father of snakes forever? Not even the omniscient master of the door can. There is no power in the world that can seal the father of snakes. ."

"It's not that I want to leave a key, but that the key must exist because this sculpture will be opened one day. This is inevitable."

It was obvious that he had sealed the heart with his own hands, but the crazy former French Marshal didn't think so.

Looking at the crazy Frenchman in front of him, he looked at the "key" in his hand - a delicate flag. As long as this flag is put into the hands of the girl in uniform, the statue will be opened. This is the only way to open the statue. The way.



I broke the metal flag, and the key to open the statue disappeared. The statue became something that could not be opened. Without the key, how could I open the statue that sealed the Demon King's heart?

The great snake that sleeps forever may sleep like this forever.

But on the side, the Frenchman who made the key with his own hands only glanced at it, looking at the broken key indifferently, then turned his head and looked at the statue of the girl in uniform in front of him.

In his eyes, the saint's heroic appearance was so desirable.

The statue depicts exactly what he saw that year, the seventeen-year-old girl holding the flag high in her hand, and then created a legend that was like a myth.

He murmured as he looked at the sculpture.

"It's meaningless. Everything has been decided. The great father of snakes has arranged everything... You destroy an old key, but a new key will be born. No matter how hard you struggle, it is useless. , because the father of snakes will eventually wake up.”

"Cain, you helped me, and I will use this knowledge from another world to help you, but don't think that this can really achieve what you want. One day, this seemingly sealed thing will be revealed, at which time the eternally sleeping Serpent Father will awaken.”

The man once thought he had sealed it forever, but Leonardo da Vinci, Uberto, and the humans who had just opened the seal seemed to have some magic power on the statue, attracting those amazing and talented people to risk their lives. Trying to open the seal and awaken the sleeping devil.

"It is not people chasing knowledge, but knowledge chasing people. Its pursuit is cruel and ruthless, just like an eagle chasing a rabbit on the ground."

For some reason, the man remembered something the Frenchman often said.

Perhaps, it is never the amazing and talented people chasing the statues, but the statues chasing the amazing and talented people. Its pursuit is cold and cruel, and no one of those amazing and talented people can escape its pursuit.

Is this the truth?

The man thought, he didn't know if this was true.

He lowered his head, and there were already countless underwater creatures kneeling beside him. From his feet to the end of his sight, countless and endless creatures were lying in front of him.

They are pleading for the return of the King.

The king did not refuse, because a long time ago, there was a beautiful figure who asked him to treat these children well.

Wang once broke the contract, but now, he should fulfill his original promise.

It has nothing to do with anything else, just because I promised that figure back then.

Even if this promise can only last for a short period of time and will dissipate due to the doomsday that is destined to come, at least it should give these creatures the final prosperity before the doomsday comes.

The last prosperity before the end, nothing more.

When the sleeping power awakens, everything will come to an end.

"...There once was a giant, and one day it fell asleep. And there was a group of ants where it slept. The ants couldn't understand why the giant stopped moving, so the ants thought the giant was dead. After that, generations of ants After another generation of reproduction and death, a hundred years later, the sleeping giant woke up again. What happened in the eyes of the ants? They thought the giant was resurrected."

After getting the book, the crazy Frenchman once told the man this story.

He said that just like the great Cthulhu who slept in R'lyeh, the father of the snake would not die, death was just his sleep.

It is not the dead who sleep forever. In the wonderful eternity, even death will disappear.

London, inside the underground church.

This underground church once chronicled the past of the Priory of Sion. Part of Leonardo da Vinci's body is buried here; Newton once became the tutor of the monastery here; from here, a decision was made that changed the fate of the world, causing the inner world to unite with the outer world for the first time to fight against the Nazi Germany at that time. But now, there are only many corpses here.

"You will definitely..."


A strange and angry voice had not yet finished speaking, and the only thing that responded to it was the sound of falling knives and axes.

There were corpses everywhere, including human corpses, vampire corpses, and snake-man corpses wearing hermit costumes. In the vast underground church, a lot of blood was mixed together, forming a mysterious color.

The man in a suit and leather shoes looked pale, looked at the hunchbacked old monk in front of him, and smiled.

"Brother Craven, what, are you still not going to give up?"

Looking at his smile, the hunchbacked old monk whom he called Brother Crowen just looked at him indifferently. Different from the previous time in the North Pole, the old monk looked increasingly weird at this moment.

His head is close to the triangle shape of a snake's head, and his deeply sunken eye sockets make people shudder. His body is covered with snake scales. His too old body cannot support his body even after transforming into a snake man. Instead, he is hunched over. It's getting more powerful.

"My Lord has given you strength, why do you betray me?"

The weird and hoarse voice said, but in front of him, the man in a suit and ties smiled.

"Power? I have to admit that it is indeed a very powerful power, but...since the power comes from that sculpture, why don't I directly take this power as my own?"

"Old Brother Craven, it seems that you are really old, and your control over the subordinate organizations has weakened, so that you are not aware of the dissatisfaction and resistance of the subordinate organizations. I just encouraged it a little, like the Hand of Peter. The organization that has been loyal to the Priory of Sion for nearly a thousand years has actually defected to me. You were unaware of this raid. It seems that no one really supports you now."

"My Lord is about to wake up, but mortals are arguing about these trivial matters. It is really incompetent for us."

In response to the mockery of the man in suit and tie, the old monk remained calm as usual and just said in a hoarse voice.

The battlefield had been cleaned up, and only the old monk was left. Many vampires and human soldiers slowly gathered around. The man in suits and ties did not worry about any accidents, but began to talk to himself.

"When I was born, I was destined to be extraordinary. My father was King Louis Bonaparte of the Netherlands, and my uncle was Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of France. Everyone praised and respected my uncle. .At first, I also admired my uncle because he was invincible, but then I changed. I didn’t want to be just that. I shouldn’t just be ‘Napoleon’s nephew’. I shouldn’t just live in my life. In my uncle’s shadow, I should surpass him.”

"I became the Emperor of France and Napoleon III. I tried desperately to surpass my uncle, but in the end I realized that it was impossible..."

As he spoke, he looked at Brother Crowen in front of him.

"But why, why am I just 'Napoleon's nephew'? I was willing to become a vampire to gain immortality, just to find an opportunity. Finally, I found this opportunity."

His eyes were fixed on the statue in Brother Craven's hands.

"My uncle once obtained the secret key to the world, and he achieved unimaginable feats as a result. But what I am about to do is a supreme achievement that far surpasses that of my uncle Napoleon Bonaparte."

He walked slowly towards the old monk. The old monk tried to raise his hand to do something, but then countless bullets shot at him, tearing his body into pieces like a piece of rag.

The statue slipped from the hands of old monk Croven and fell into a pool of blood.

The man in the, Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte, the Emperor Napoleon III picked up the blood-soaked statue from the pool of blood.

The blood-stained girl in military uniform seemed to be looking at him, and her heroic face was stained with blood, and she had a bit of evil and fanaticism.

Looking at the statue in his hand, Napoleon III murmured.

"Actually, the method to open this statue is really simple. All it requires is the blood of those of you who transformed into monsters."

In the midst of his voice, a small slit appeared on both sides of the body that had not been opened for a long time. The statue slowly opened, revealing a heart hidden deep inside.

The heart seemed alive and still beating faintly.

Once the old key is destroyed, the statue will naturally create a new one.

Staring at the heart in front of him, although he had seen it before in his dreams, this was indeed the first time the man had truly seen that heart. However, he did not intend to revive the owner of the heart as instructed in the dream.

He will not awaken the owner of the heart, he will seize the powerful power hidden deep in this heart.

"I will become the god of the new world."

Looking at the heart in his hand, the man's pupils were filled with enthusiasm and greed.

At the same time, somewhere in the sea ruins, the giant dragon that grabbed the father and daughter flew towards the big hole that broke through the sky barrier. Countless seawater poured into this underwater world, giving them a way to enter and exit.

The giant dragon flew directly towards the exit under the huge water pressure. Even in the sea water, it was so vigorous. Its body surface was covered with a light halo, which repels the sea water outside the aperture, making the hand in its hand Father and daughter will not be drowned by the sea water.

One thousand meters, two thousand meters, three thousand meters...

He flew quickly towards the top of the ocean, and after a long time, light finally appeared in front of him.


Accompanied by huge splashes of water, the giant dragon jumped out of the water and soared in the air, then flew towards the land not far away.

When the giant dragon stayed on the beach, it waved its wings and gently placed the father and daughter caught in its claws on the beach.

Roberts was so painful that he fainted, and the only one who remained conscious was Joan, who was basically uninjured. Joan stood up from the beach with difficulty. Looking at the behemoth in front of him that only appeared in movies and myths, and at the pair of erect golden pupils looking at him, Na Na was speechless.

She didn't know why, but she seemed to feel that the giant creature in front of her had no ill intentions toward her and her father, and seemed to be very kind.


Before he finished speaking, the giant dragon in front of him seemed to be a little unsteady, and then suddenly began to shrink, and finally turned into a naked human form lying on the ground in front of Qiong.

It was a naked woman with long, slightly curly hair and a tall figure. She looked like a typical beauty, but there was a huge wound in her abdomen that was bleeding continuously, so much so that she fell unconscious on the ground.

When she saw the human form in front of her, Joan couldn't help but open her mouth. During this period of time, she had received too many surprises, but any surprise was incomparable to this scene.


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