The world-devouring dragon

Chapter 221 Holy Grail

1986, Detroit, in a taxi.

"Wow, that's a lot of people."

The excited girl was lying on the car window, her face flushed with redness and her eyes wide open, staring at everything outside the car window.

Pedestrians, cars, children, chatting friends, intimate couples...

Just like a newly born baby, all this makes the girl feel fresh and curious.

Glancing at the girl aside, her red hair was like a beating flame, full of vitality. There was no sign of women's wariness against the opposite sex on her body. At this moment, her back was turned to her, completely unaware that there was a mature man behind her.

"Is it so beautiful?"

Glancing at the girl next to him, the handsome young man lowered the brim of his hat slightly. He was also a little confused. He didn't know why he had just allowed this mysterious girl to get in the car to avoid the pursuit of the men in black.

Although he only looked at them from a distance, he could also realize from the posture and position of those people that they were not ordinary people. The person who would be hunted down by such a person could not be an ordinary person, but most likely a rich lady who had run away from home.

My mission this time is very important, and I cannot fail because of an inexplicable rich girl.

"Well, it looks good."

Turning around, the girl looked at the man behind her and laughed.

Her smile was bright, as dazzling as the sun, and no darkness could be seen at all, and her wide eyes were shining with light.

In the past, she couldn't see so many people at all. It wasn't that she couldn't go out, but every time she went out, the monastery would use administrative and economic power to block off the entire neighborhood.

She still remembers her young years, when she was only four years old, when she longed to see the outside world, and finally the master of the hermitage agreed. That night, she was almost unable to sleep in anticipation. It was the head maid who coaxed her and told her a bedtime story before she gradually fell asleep.

And the next day, when she excitedly held the hand of the head maid and stepped out of the Priory's headquarters for the first time...

What he saw were spotlessly swept streets, neat and deserted shops, and stationary cars. Everything seemed to have stood still.

Except there is no one.

She hugged her little bear doll and held the head maid's hand, and walked confusedly through the cake shop, clothing store, KFC restaurant, and amusement park...

These are things that she has only seen on TV but has never really seen.

No one, no one, no one, no one... No one anywhere, whether it was the clerk in a starched tuxedo, the staff in Santa Claus clothes, the children of the same age being led by their parents, the people she wanted to see driving by. Cars on the street...

Nothing at all.

She wants to go to an amusement park, to the zoo, to play on the Ferris wheel, to wear those nice clothes, to eat those delicious-looking snacks... Now, all of these are presented to her by the Priory, but When she got these, she felt unhappy.

In the end, she just ate KFC alone, tried on those clothes alone, went to the zoo to see those animals alone, rode a carousel alone, and sat on the Ferris wheel alone... After that, she never said she wanted to go out again. .

There is almost no opposite sex in her life. The servants are all women, the teachers are all women, the bodyguards are all women, the missionary school is also a girls' school, the female classmates dare not go with her, and even the parrots she raises are female.

The few times she could see the opposite sex, there were only a few old men from the monastery who knew her identity.

They called her Princess, but she felt like Rapunzel who was imprisoned in the tower in the fairy tale, a prisoner without shackles.

But now, she finally came to the "outside world", and she was almost excited to see the crowds that she could not see in the past.

Is it so beautiful?

Of course it’s so beautiful!


The man next to him opened the door and wanted to get out of the car, and the girl wanted to follow suit.

"Wait a minute, kid, you haven't given me the money yet."

The taxi driver in front suddenly turned back.

The girl pointed at herself with some hesitation and her eyes widened.


"Of course, these are two customers. Of course, we have to calculate the money separately. That guy is not with you. If you weigh more, I will consume more gas..."

The driver in front opened his mouth and sputtered a lot.

The driver just wants to make more money. If he meets other customers, he will just slam the door and leave if he has a bad temper. But if he has a good temper, he may just give it to him.

The girl felt dizzy after hearing this, but she vaguely felt that it made sense. However, when it came to paying, she really had no experience. She had only seen payment on TV. In the past, she could just ask the maid if she wanted anything, and she had never had the concept of paying.

However, she was not stupid, and of course she had thought about what she should do after escaping. You have to spend money to buy things in the "outside world". This is something she has naturally learned before. Before she escaped, she asked Wendy to apply for several bank cards for her. Wendy also specially gave her several forged British-American bank cards. Documents.

Lowering her head, the girl rummaged through the pockets of her coat, and because she was afraid that she might remember wrongly what the bank card looked like, she identified it carefully.

Finally, the girl was confident, pretending to be calm and skillful, and handed the bank card in her hand to the driver in front of her.


The driver in front looked down at the bank card in the girl's hand, was silent for a moment, and then said.

"Ma'am, are you kidding me?"

This answer was completely beyond the girl's expectations, and she was immediately dumbfounded.

Did you do something wrong?

Didn't Wendy tell herself that there was money in the bank card?

"This...this is a bank card. Wendy said there should be hundreds of thousands of dollars in it."

The girl who didn't know where she was wrong replied weakly. Judging from the TV she watched, hundreds of thousands of dollars should be a relatively large amount of money in the eyes of ordinary people. At least that's what Wendy said, It should be no problem to hire this car... right?

But her words sounded to the driver's ears as if they were deliberately teasing her.

He couldn't help but take a deep breath and wanted to get angry.


"Dong dong."

At this moment, his car was suddenly knocked, and then a cold voice came and a banknote was handed over.

"I'll pay for her."

"Thank you, thank you very much..."

On the street, the girl kept thanking the man in front of her, but the indifferent man looked at her, did not speak, and just turned and left.

He hadn't walked a few meters when he heard the words of the two people in the car.

In his eyes, this ignorant and simple rich lady, apart from her good-looking face, was simply too stupid to be looked down upon. After helping her this time, he no longer wanted to pay attention to this suspected runaway. The rich lady.

The girl looked at the man going away. She was among the crowd, but she didn't know where to go now.

Wendy said she had a mission this time and would wait for her somewhere in the city. But after getting out of the car, she realized that she didn't know the road. Although she brought her bank card, it seemed that the taxi didn't accept bank cards. So how should she get to the place Wendy mentioned?

After hesitating for a moment, the girl looked at the man's back, and then chased after him.

She felt that he must be a good person since he helped her get into the car and paid for the taxi. Since she didn't know where to go, she should follow this good person.

"Good man, good man, wait for me..."

On the bustling city street, next to the neon lights, the girl chases the man's back.

"What is the Holy Grail? If, according to the Bible, it is just a cup that has been used to hold wine symbolizing the blood of Jesus Christ for two thousand years, then this cup has long been destroyed. How could a cup made of earth not be destroyed? This Holy Grail is long gone."

Looking at Roberts in front of her, Wendy shook her head.

"But the Holy Grail protected by believers is not this kind of thing. It is called the Holy Grail, but it only refers to the explanation of the Holy Grail in later Christianity. If the cup filled with wine is the Holy Grail, then the cup containing the blood of Jesus Christ That woman, Mary Magdalene, is not more qualified to call it the Holy Grail."

"Christianity has revised the Bible many times, removing many deeds about Jesus Christ and hiding the mortal name of Jesus Christ, but history is history after all."

"What history?"

Roberts pressed.

Wendy did not answer directly, but asked.

"Roberts, do you know Mary Magdalene?"

"I vaguely remember that she was a prostitute in the Bible, but I don't know much about the Bible..."

Roberts, who was not interested in religion and had never read the Bible, could only reply.

Wendy didn't take it seriously, and she probably guessed it, so she continued.

"In the Bible, there is a figure who always dominates the story of Jesus Christ. In the Bible, Mary Magdalene was a prostitute. Jesus Christ saved her. When she confessed to Jesus, she used her tears of repentance to Jesus washed his feet and wiped them with soft black hair; after Jesus was crucified, she mourned for Jesus day and night and fed him water; after Jesus died, she entered the mortuary tomb and personally cleaned it with oil. body, but unexpectedly discovered that Jesus died and rose again..."

"Without her and the women's claims to have seen the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, Christianity would have been completely unknown."

"Such an important person was just an ordinary prostitute? Really? In the Gospel of Philip, it was recorded that 'Mary Magdalene was a companion of Jesus, and Jesus often kissed her on the lips. Love her more than all the other disciples.' In the "Nahamath Document" unearthed in 1943, it is recorded that Jesus kissed Mary Magdalene passionately."

Wendy said while walking back and forth beside Roberts.

Finally, she looked down at Roberts in front of her and asked.

"Can a prostitute really be so favored by Jesus Christ? Is it so important?"

"Mary Magdalene was never a prostitute. It was just a slander by the church. She was the wife of Jesus Christ and the leader of the Christian church, but she was slandered because she firmly believed that she was the one who truly understood the teachings of Jesus Christ."

"Remember what I said, the believers protected the original Holy Grail. The Holy Grail is actually the blood of Jesus Christ. So what is the truth of history?"

"Before Jesus ascended to heaven, Mary Magdalene was pregnant. After she gave birth to a son, believers who believed in Mary Magdalene protected her child and fled to Gaul at that time. Later, a group of They were found by warriors who believed in Jesus Christ, and these warriors found the Holy Grail that truly held the blood of Jesus Christ."

"In 400 AD, the Germans invaded the Roman Empire, and the descendants of Jesus at that time married the king of the Merovingian dynasty. As a result, the blood of the Merovingian dynasty was fused with the blood of Jesus, and they embraced Christianity."

"After the decline of the Merovingian dynasty, Zion will protect the children of Jesus and hide everywhere..."


Suddenly Roberts realized something was wrong, opened his mouth to stop Wendy, looked at Wendy, and said.

"I remember that the Merovingian dynasty had other heirs, and if nothing else, Charlemagne's mother was a princess of the Merovingian dynasty. Is he also a son of Jesus? And the Merovingian dynasty had so many branches. , there are many branch bloodlines, Jesus’ bloodline should be too numerous, right?”

In response to Roberts' words, Wendy nodded and affirmed what Roberts said.

"From a common sense perspective, this is indeed the case, but Jesus has a different bloodline, which is why the Holy Grail is the Holy Grail...Roberts, have you ever seen Joan bleed?"

Roberts shook his head.

He rarely saw Joan, often only once a year, but after this incident, Joan was always under his protection, and it was even less possible for her to bleed.

Even though he fell nearly to the point where his whole body was broken and there were injuries everywhere, he never let Qiong suffer any injuries.

When she saw Roberts shaking his head, Wendy's face showed a bit of softness.

"You did protect Joan very well... In the past, the Priory suffered serious blows and lost all traces of the Holy Grail, but in the end it was able to confirm the whereabouts of the Holy Grail. At that time, there was no modern DNA identification. , how do you think the Priory can confirm that the Holy Grail is real and not a fake?"

"Because there can only ever be one Holy Grail."

"You know, Joan's blood is different from other people's. Her blood is golden. There will always be only one Holy Grail with golden blood."

"When the previous generation of the Holy Grail gives birth to a child, its blood will return to normal and lose its magical power, and the child born will have the unique blood of Jesus."

"The Holy Grail, the container with the blood of Jesus, the eternal blood that is continuously passed down, the biggest secret of the Priory!"

"Joan is your and Betty's child, and Joan is the only Holy Grail."

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