The world-devouring dragon

Chapter 224 Blood of Gods

When the faint golden blood flowed out from the wound, all the humans and non-humans who were fighting stopped inexplicably.

The girl fell to the ground in pain and was covered in mud. There was a shallow wound on her elbow, and the pale golden blood flowing out of the wound was particularly dazzling.

Looking at the golden blood, for all vampires, the shallow golden blood seems to have some kind of fatal attraction, making them almost unable to open their eyes.

It is a unique delicacy and a poppy full of charm.


Not just anyone, gulped.

Roberts and Uberto gritted their teeth, and the dragon stopped attacking, looking at the golden blood, with some instinctive fear in its vertical eyes.

Louis, who was wearing a suit and leather shoes, looked at the blood and murmured inexplicably.

"The blood of the really the blood of the gods."

Looking at the girl lying on the ground, the corners of his mouth turned up, revealing an unprecedented sense of freedom, and he stepped forward.

But the giant dragon was willing to let him pass so easily. The broad dragon wings spread out and swept up the dust and wind on the earth with just one wave.


A monster as huge as a hill stood in front of him, looking down at the little thing under him. Its vertical dragon pupils were wide open, with a certain violent aura.


The strange dragon roared out, blowing away many nearby vampires. Only Louis, in a suit and leather suit, remained motionless. Ever since he acquired that powerful and nearly invincible power, he felt that the people around him were nothing more than a group of small bugs.

That's right, they are just a bunch of little bugs, and bugs are not worth caring about.

However, a bigger bug seemed to appear in front of him.

"Dragon? Interesting. Did the legendary monster also escape?"

Looking at the giant dragon in front of him, Louis grinned without fear.

Why be afraid?

who is he? His name in the world was Charles Louis Bonaparte Napoleon, President of France, Emperor of the French Empire, Emperor Napoleon III, and now God.

He is the living god, and what he will create is an era of gods. He will completely unify the inner world and the outer world, and become the only emperor and the only god.

Under his hand, all mankind will be unified as never before, and all species and all humans will sing his praises for thousands of years, ten thousand years, and forever. As for his uncle? The achievements he has made will not be worth mentioning in the face of such great achievements.

And his future will never be just this small planet. This planet is too small. His ambition should be the entire universe of billions of stars.

Now, his only obstacle is a huge insect. Why should God be afraid of a bigger insect?

The scarlet pupils gradually twisted into a needle shape - the pupils of a snake.

"In the name of me, Charles Louis Bonaparte Napoleon, dragon, get out of my way."

In front of the huge dragon, the deep voice scolded.


The violent dragon opened its mouth wide and bit the human in front of it.

"Don't overestimate your capabilities!"

Angry voices echoed across the battlefield.

The battle started again, with Roberts splashing holy water that had miraculous effects on vampires, and Uberto raised his gun while muttering mysterious spells...

But in the end, the outnumbered and seriously injured dragon reluctantly carried the two of them to escape, and the girl fell into the hands of the vampires.

In the forest, there is a sea of ​​flowers.

Among the swaying flowers, the red-haired girl who had been severely injured in the abdomen fell in a pool of blood. The handsome man knelt beside her, his hands were covered with blood, his eyes were wide open, and his helpless face was filled with bewilderment and despair. , the little girl on the side also burst into tears.

"Betty, you'll be fine, you'll be fine..."

The man was extremely frightened and just repeated the same sentence tremblingly. His hands could kill all the invading vampires, but he could not save the one he loved.

They escaped the Priory's pursuit, but not the vampires.

"Betty, do you remember that you said that you liked the sea of ​​flowers here very much, and that we would live here together with our children for a lifetime, do you still remember? Are you going to abandon me?"

He spoke with a trembling voice and a choked voice.

The girl's red hair is still as bright as before, as bright as fire, with infinite enthusiasm, but the owner of the hair can no longer look at the world with such enthusiasm.

She forced a smile, caressed her lover's cheek, and spoke softly.

"Roberts... help me take good care of Joan and let her grow up like an ordinary person. Don't let her be as boring and boring as me and live a prisoner's life..."

Looking at the face full of tears, as hopeless and helpless as a child's face, stroking this face, her eyes were full of love and nostalgia.

"I'm sorry, Roberts..."

Along with that small voice, and the guilt of not being able to keep the promise.

The beautiful soul has passed away, leaving only one person.


In a nightmare, Roberts awoke with a start.

There was no sea of ​​flowers, the red-haired girl, the wooden roof, the bed beneath her, and Wendy tying a bandage on her arm.

"you're awake."

Those slender, jade-like fingers gently lifted up the scattered hair. The woman lowered her head and continued to tie a bandage on her arm.

My chaotic brain gradually became clear, and I realized that it was a memory from more than ten years ago.

Since stopping the medicine, the past memories have come back to life bit by bit, but as Wendy said, they were all memories that once caused her so much pain that she had to try to forget them.

"This is a lumberjack's house that could use some repairs."

"Where's me...Joan?"

Roberts remembered that when they tried to find the key to the world, they were ambushed by vampires.

After the final battle, although he killed more than a dozen vampires, he was also shot multiple times. His last memory was that the dragon transformed by Wendy carried him away, but Joan was captured.

"How's Joan doing now?"

he asked hurriedly as he thought of Joan.

But Wendy's silence gave Roberts a bad feeling.

"She...she...Umberto is searching on the computer."

When he heard this sentence, Roberts felt dizzy in his mind. He didn't know where the strength came from, and he struggled to get up.

"Wait, you're hurt..."

But ignoring Wendy's words, Roberts endured the severe pain in his body, stumbled and rolled out of bed, and barely walked out of the door with Wendy's help.

In front of him, there were packaging cartons scattered on the ground, and a strange computer pieced together from brand new parts. Uberto, who had completely transformed into a snake-man, squatted on a stool, gnawing on his fingers, and glanced uneasily at the monitor in front of him.

"Where... is Joan?"

Looking at Uberto in front of him, Roberts said in a hoarse voice.

Uberto glanced at him strangely with his snake eyes. He looked a little strange, as if he was too nervous and was constantly biting his claws.

"She's... quite safe."

For some reason, Uberto's voice was a little difficult, and his pupils were evading unconsciously.

This strangeness was so obvious that Roberts was startled for a moment, then glanced at Wendy beside him with a questioning look on his face.

Wendy supported him, glanced at Uberto in front of her, and just said.

"He can't hold it any longer."

This sentence did not avoid Uberto. Uberto also heard this sentence, but he ignored it and just gnawed on his paw and held the angel pendant on his chest with his other hand.

"I...can't bear it much soon as possible..."

As he spoke with difficulty, the power coming from the pendant became weaker and weaker.

He felt as if there were two of him fighting in his mind. The remaining rationality was unconsciously seeking help from the last angel, but the angel did not respond to him.

Both he and the last angel were almost at the end of their rope.

He looked at the two people on the side strangely.

" New York...the World Tower."

He knew that if he could succeed here, maybe Joan and the heart could be taken back, and everything would still be successful at that time. If it failed...

New York, World Tower.

The World Building, built in 1930, is known as one of the seven wonders of modern architecture. It is said that it was originally intended to be called the New York State Building, or the Empire State Building, but after much consideration, the name World Building was chosen. .

"Every time I look down from here, I feel how insignificant human beings are."

Standing next to the glass window, looking down, it was noon, and the blazing sun illuminated the World Building clearly, but under this sunlight, Louis felt no discomfort at all.

The perfect sunwalker is the highest achievement in the eyes of the Vampires.

But for Louis, perfect day walker is not enough to describe him at this moment.

Looking at the small world below him, Louis shook his head again.

"But in other words, in the eyes of humans looking up from below, I am also small."

"That's just a fool's opinion."

The old researcher next to him smiled and gave his boss a small pat on the back.

Louis was noncommittal.

After gaining great power, he indeed felt an existence that was more attractive than power - a power that was close to God.

But he is not crazy. He knows what he is doing. What he wants to do is a great undertaking that surpasses all previous people. This great undertaking has never been done before and will never be done again.

The so-called king of the blood clan is just this common understanding. As I stand here at this moment, although I am tall, it is nothing more than that.

"Looking down from the top, the bottom feels small; but looking up from the bottom, the top is equally small. There is only one thing in this world that no one can ignore, and that is the sun in the sky."

There was burning desire in the cold snake eyes.

At this moment, a girl was pushed in by several strong men in suits and sunglasses.

Turning around and looking at the red-haired girl behind him, Louis opened his arms with a smile on his face.

"Oh, look who's here. It's our Son of God, the incarnation of God on earth."

The tied girl stared at him without fear.

"Let me go! Dad will come to save me."

"Dad? I think your father is in trouble now."

Slowly walking to the girl's side, Louis' fingers caressed her cheek and unknowingly made a small opening.

Licking the pale golden blood on his fingers and savoring the taste, Louis let out a deep laugh.

"The blood of the gods... the blood of the gods. Sure enough, only those with the blood of the gods can withstand the power of the heart."

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