The world-devouring dragon

Chapter 231 The Lost Island of Manhattan

"Is it something special? Or some kind of dangerous explosive?"

Before takeoff, the plane was temporarily ordered to have a radiation tester on board, and, for some unknown reason, the above repeatedly emphasized that special attention should be paid to changes in the radiation values ​​above.

At the same time as he saw the light spot on the radar, in front of Joseph, the value displayed on the small radiation tester was rising rapidly, rising rapidly from the previous about 100nSv per hour, in just a few breaths. It has reached 800nSv and continues to rise.

John's face changed slightly.

Before joining the army, he studied physics, and he knew what this value was. Under normal circumstances, the earth is full of various types of radiation, but it is generally very weak, only about 7 or 80 nSv per hour. However, due to the solar storm image 20 minutes ago, the amount of radiation on the entire earth has increased abnormally. In some places it is said to even reach 300nSv.

But this is only temporary, and the human body's limit is within the acceptable range even if it is ingested 100,000nSv at a time. It will not have any major consequences. It is equivalent to dozens of X-rays at most. However, this abnormal spike in value is different. This means that there may be some kind of radiation source ahead.

"Could it be a nuclear accident?"

John's heart began to beat a little, and he vaguely guessed why the officer's face was so serious. If it is really a nuclear accident, this can explain a little bit why the commander is so cautious and asks them to only investigate and retreat immediately if there is danger.


"John, I think we did The Expendables."

John took a deep breath, and the noise in his ears became louder and louder. David, who was not far away, seemed to be aware of this. The vague voice was already talking about genitals and greetings to the chief's female family members.

But no matter how they complained, the mission had to continue. However, a few people who realized that the mission was not easy decided to climb to a higher altitude first to avoid the impact of radiation.

The roaring fighter planes spit out long tail flames and did not head towards the front, but climbed towards the sky, as if they were afraid of something ahead...

But as we go deeper, the radiation is still inevitably rising. The radiation unit has increased from nSv to mSv, and the measurement unit has increased a thousand times, but the value still varies between hundreds.

Sweat stains inevitably appeared on the forehead. This level of radiation was already close to the lethal dose. It was okay to stay there for a short time, but various radiation problems would inevitably occur if it stayed for a long time.

But in Manhattan below, the streets were deserted. Except for a few chaotic cars that were still bumping into each other, everything was so quiet, so quiet that it was deadly silent...

There was no one, not even a dog or a cat, but the blip on the radar became more and more noticeable.

John knew that the five people were approaching the suspected target, but for some reason, they did not see the target.

"...Is it in the building?"

A voice came from among the noise, Bernardo, whom he had known for a long time, suggested. Although the fighter plane is equipped with a thermal imaging, in this case, the thermal imaging seems to have been affected by unknown radiation, and the display is very blurry.

But in this case, without thermal imaging, we can only go straight to search, but judging from the radiation values, it is too dangerous.

Want to retreat?

John hesitated in his heart, but finally took a deep breath and prepared to order a retreat, but at this moment...

"Discovered... found a suspected target... found a suspected target at 7 o'clock!"

David's startled voice sounded.

In the direction David mentioned, John saw a sight he would never forget...

A graceful but naked young girl. There was a big hole in the solid wall behind her, and the faulted concrete and steel structure could be vaguely seen. She walked forward casually, completely ignoring everything in front of her, including cars, railings, and trees. No evasion, just walked straight past.

Then the car became torn into two pieces, the railings had gaps as if they had been gnawed by wild beasts, and the trees tilted down... Everything she passed seemed to be swallowed up by an invisible force.

The roads carefully designed by human beings are just like grass and trees to her. How the grass and trees grow has nothing to do with it, and how can it hinder her progress.

In the end, she encountered a building in front of her. When the solid wall hit her, a big hole had to appear to allow her to continue moving forward, and then her figure disappeared into the floor.

John felt his lips drying up and finally managed to speak.

"What it is?"

No one could answer him, but after a moment of silence, David's trembling voice sounded in his ears.

"Just when that... girl appeared, the radiation value became very high. I think that should be our target."

Not a nuclear weapon or something like that, but an unidentified girl with strong radiation?

John didn't understand the things in the other world. This kind of thing was far beyond his imagination. He felt deeply uneasy and dangerous.

"I think we should retreat."

No one objected, all five people felt uneasy. No one could describe their feelings when they saw the girl. They were deeply afraid, it was just some kind of instinct.

They started to fly back, but for some unknown reason...

"Why...can't fly out."

Looking at the scene in front of him, John's face turned pale.

He gritted his teeth, and the fighter plane was still moving forward with all its strength. The tail flames burned the tail of the fighter plane red, but for some reason, the fighter plane could not move forward and instead slowly moved backwards.

"This is impossible...this is impossible..."

Looking at the disappearing Manhattan Island not far away, Professor Dazelio couldn't help but shake his head, his face full of disbelief.

The disappearance of Manhattan Island does not mean that it has become a ruin. Even if Manhattan has become a ruin, it still exists in essence, but now it has truly disappeared.

No one can see the island of Manhattan, because it is like the island of Manhattan no longer exists in this world.

The river next to Manhattan Island also disappeared. It was as if some force had cut out the island of Manhattan and several surrounding areas, and then stitched the surrounding areas together. New York had not changed, but the island of Manhattan and its space itself had disappeared.

"Teacher, what on earth is going on..."

The student next to him was dumbfounded and said uneasily that the strange things that happened today were so overwhelming that he didn't know how to express his thoughts at the moment.

Professor Dazelio said nothing because he vaguely guessed something.

"Fran, do you remember the definition of a black hole?"

He murmured, and the student was stunned for a moment. He didn't understand why the professor asked, but he still answered instinctively.

"A supermassive celestial body, even light cannot escape its gravitational constraints."

"Yes, even light cannot escape its gravity..."

Looking at the disappeared island of Manhattan, Professor Dazelio's eyes were filled with disbelief.

"I think the island of Manhattan is still there, but we can no longer see it. The light we see only enters our retina after going around half a circle there."

"What we have in front of us is the black hole's event horizon."

"You mean... there is a black hole there? How do you think so? Besides, if there is such a black hole, how can we still be alive?"

The students said in surprise that if it were really a black hole, its huge gravity would be enough to tear the entire earth and even the solar system to pieces. But Professor Dazelio didn't explain too much, he just looked there with confusion.

In his vampire sense, he could feel that there was some kind of deep and dark power in the seemingly empty place. That power was like an abyss, and any power that tried to explore would be swallowed by it. Including light.

The description of that force is very similar to a black hole in physics, but it is not a real black hole.

He is a very ancient vampire, so ancient that he is far older than all vampires... He once met the ancestor of the vampires - Cain.

In the imagination of many vampires, the ancestor should be as deep and powerful as the night, because most vampires are like this, cold and elegant, reclusive and secluded from the world. As the oldest vampire in the world, the ancestor should of course be as powerful and mysterious as the night.

But he knew that wasn't the case.

He has felt the fiery and powerful power of the ancestor. The ancestor is not the emperor of the night as commonly understood, but more like the sun in the sky and a god walking in the world. That power is as bright and dazzling as a star, making it impossible to look directly at it.

Even though thousands of years have passed and time has blurred many of his memories, he can still clearly recall the look in his ancestor's eyes.

Calm, indifferent.

When he saw that look, he who had been chasing the ancestor's footsteps and trying to let the ancestor lead the vampire clan to regain its glory, immediately understood why the ancestor abandoned the vampire clan in the long past.

In his opinion, the so-called vampire clan is probably a meaningless trivial matter. As for the glory of the vampire clan, it is even more meaningless and meaningless.

After that, there will be a thousand years of sinking, mixed among humans. Only that look and that power were always deeply etched in his heart.

The power of the ancestor was so powerful in his heart. But at this moment, the abyss he felt seemed to be more powerful and terrifying than the power of the ancestor, as if the blazing star would be swallowed by the abyss...

Looking at the disappearing island of Manhattan, he felt a certain kind of depression and uneasiness, just like a fish sensing the coming of a storm, uneasy and wanting to escape but not knowing how to escape.

What exactly is that...

What was going on? The five people didn't know the inference made by Professor Dazelio. They just realized that they seemed to be gradually moving closer to the rear under some invisible pulling force, and they were unable to fly away from Manhattan at all.

The outside world seems within reach, but cannot really get close.

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