The world-devouring dragon

Chapter 247 Cheer for the great power of mankind, the destiny of mankind is clearly revealed

There is nothing new under the sun.

As the old country often says, "what goes great must come down," and no one can escape this law.

Britain has been in charge of the world for two hundred years, and the United States has been in charge of the world for 150 years. The glory of the ancient country will eventually fade. After standing on the top of the world for a hundred years, this long-standing country also faces challenges.

But just like in that millennium, no one would have expected the rise of the ancient kingdom, and just as Britain at its peak would not have thought that the threat of hegemony would come from the Americas, this time the challenger does not come from the earth, but from space.

The colonists on Mars declared their independence to the people on Earth.

"The Mars Dome unanimously declares... We believe that people are free, and how can free people be oppressed and enslaved by others."

"We were born here, grew up here, and died here... We are not Americans, Europeans, Middle Easterners, Africans, East Asians, or even residents of any country on the planet. We are the children of Mars, we Live on this planet that is not oppressed, unite and forge ahead..."

"We were born on this united planet. We love each other. People treat other people's children as their own children, and treat other people's parents as their own parents... The fragmented earth is not our home, but a place where human beings oppress and insult each other. The prison..."

Different from the overcrowded and exploding Earth, on Mars, where survival is difficult, people often live in domes that are less than the size of a school. In order to survive, they have to use all resources as much as possible. Everyone's needs are strictly controlled and rationed. Do not allow more than one share.

In this cramped environment that is ridiculed as a "prison" by Earthlings, Martians are very optimistic.

The world they live in requires them to be united. Every dome is a big family. There is no rich or poor class, no color difference, and no gender discrimination. Everyone is useful, and no one will be regarded as redundant. Bullying that shouldn't happen.

In this environment, people's desire for a world without oppression has reached an unprecedented high.

Therefore, with only 1,477 domes and a population of 170,000, this small world proudly issued a declaration of independence to the old world with a population of more than 70 billion.

With the help of the isolation of the vast space and the use of the split situation of the earth, this small world has withstood the impact of the earth several times, grew up in difficulties, and finally opened the most beautiful world on the cold Mars. flowers.

A Martian nation actively exploring space was born.

The situation was completely reversed in 2263. The Martian fleet defeated the Earth fleet and built a Mars spaceport on the Earth's satellite, the moon.

The sharp sword from the moon hangs above mankind, threatening the safety of the earth at all times. However, the final solution to this problem is not the war between earth and fire, but the out-of-control war of AI...

The first AI out-of-control war, the second AI out-of-control war, the second earth-fire war, the third AI out-of-control war...

In the war, mankind moved forward arduously, and finally...

"We made a lot of mistakes."

In the grand square, countless holographic images and carefully designed sounds and lights make it feel like a dream world. Countless people gathered here, and there were people listening everywhere in the sky and on the ground.

And at the very core, guarded by millions of people, a seventeen-year-old girl stood in the center.

The tiny down hair on her cheeks that has not yet faded proves her childishness, bright eyes, and graceful figure. In the old days, she might have been thought of as a celebrity idol, but she is the head of the entire human coalition government.

This is a scene that would never have been seen in the old times. A seventeen-year-old girl is the leader of a huge government. But it is not impossible in this era, because she is smart enough, and her calmness, rationality, and talent are also Far above all others.

In this era, identity is no longer limited by many factors such as age and gender. It is what an efficient government should do to allow all talented people to exert their own value as much as possible.

The young girl raised her head and announced to the whole world with a clear voice.

"We have been deceived by countless slogans and inspired by countless religious gods. We killed each other, inserted swords made by humans into human flesh and blood; vented ammunition into each other's bodies; we worked hard and racked our brains The brain is used to create countless weapons, but it is to kill those compatriots who came from the same source millions of years ago and our closest relatives of flesh and blood faster and better."

"What on earth are we doing?!"

The girl said loudly.

"A hundred years ago, Wang Leyizhou of Mars once said: 'Give me enough bread to satisfy my hunger. I will take less and not more.' If we say that we fight for survival, we already have enough food. The most greedy snake is only satisfied with one meal; the most killing cat is just to train survival skills; but our compatriots, why do we kill each other? Why do we kill each other? To oppress our relatives based on the skin color of rich and poor men and women?”

"Human beings like to exclude people who are different from us, but this is derived from the most primitive animal nature. Only ignorant animals will rely on instinct to act and be driven by instinct!"

"What are apes to humans? A ridiculous clan, a disgrace. How can humans not be the same to supermen? We have completed the long journey from insects to humans, but in many ways, we are still insects. We used to be apes, but now, humans are more apes than apes.”

"Human beings claim to be smarter and wiser than any other species. Could it be that after millions of years of difficult evolution, we are no different from ignorant beasts?"

In front of the girl, the tens of millions of people gathered here started buzzing with discussion.

The girl slightly raised her smooth and fair chin and spoke loudly again.

"Some people told me that today's war is of course for a longer-term peace. Only one country, one regime, one race, one culture, one history, one voice, and one thought can achieve real peace. If we and Any stable borders between other countries is not called peace, it is called a truce."

"But my rationality tells me that even if the entire universe is unified, there will only be one nation, one culture, one thought, and one leader in the entire universe. Civil war will be more cruel than foreign wars. Endless wars and the purpose of annihilating each other in this war The bombings will still exist, maybe even more frequently."

"Someone comforted me this way: If civil war can solve relatively large conflicts, then civil war should break out. If killing can deal with the problem more efficiently and in the long term, then we must not be stingy with ammunition. The process of history is unstoppable, and any form of progress is inevitable. It is necessary and inevitable. No matter whether the universe has gone through ten thousand years of separatist wars or one thousand years of oligarchic rule, it will eventually tend to be stable. Of course, stability will inevitably lead to chaos, and so on."

"But so, what is the meaning of everything we are doing now? What is the meaning of our existence in this universe? What is the meaning of such an endless war? Such a spiral brings us only infinite pain and ultimately of destruction."

In the eyes of countless people, the young girl declared loudly to the world, to the earth, to Mars, to the moon, to asteroids and even to all human beings among the stars.

"I believe that people should be rational and free. People should not be slaves to others, nor should they be slaves to other people's thoughts."

"We are united not just for the sake of unity, but to make everyone's life worthwhile. Every life is so precious, and every unique will is so precious."

"We are human beings, and we consider ourselves to be noble and rational human beings. How can our proud wisdom be used for forging swords?"

"Here and now, a great nation will be born. Whether they are people on earth, people on Mars, people on the moon, people on asteroids, or even all human beings in the vast void, they will embrace each other and put down their swords for us. Fighting and cheering."

"Let us celebrate, for the first time in eternity, peace has come..."

A few years later, in 2457, the first inter-galactic colonial spacecraft built by the United Human Government was born. It is expected to carry 100 colonists and 100,000 fertilized human eggs, and will travel to the planet Ross 128b 11 light-years away at 7% of the speed of light.

According to the judgment of astronomers, it is very suitable for human habitation. These colonists will sleep in the freezer and be guided by AI to fly to the predetermined planet to provide assistance for human space exploration.

"Jane, I have read some ancient science fiction novels. Do you know what is written in them?"

Near the spaceport, looking at the extremely huge ship, a man asked beside the girl. At this moment, the girl no longer held the position of leader, but went to the scientific research field that she was more passionate about.

"What did the ancients write?"

The girl turned to look at him curiously.

"In the opinion of the ancients, we should only go to other galaxies after we have the means of sub-light speed or even super-light speed travel, but they seem to have underestimated our boldness."

As he spoke, the man laughed.

"They seem to have forgotten that in the interplanetary era, a man named Columbus dared to drive a nearly wooden boat across the vast deep sea. We do not have the sublight-speed spacecraft or super-light speed means they imagined, but the problems that plague space exploration It’s never about technological capabilities, it’s about determination and belief.”

"Think about it. In that era, with the help of those extremely crude fuel rockets, humans dared to land on the moon. However, in the next nearly a hundred years, humans never landed on the moon again. Why? Is it because of technology? Is it insufficient? Is it because of insufficient funds? The fundamental reason is that they no longer look into space, they are obsessed with division and internal fighting, and they have lost that kind of motivation and belief."

As he spoke, he looked at the colonial spaceship he designed and murmured.

"In that era, the money burned in any real estate speculation or financial speculation was enough to land on the moon ten times, but humans at that time would rather be keen on these zero-sum games... If it weren't for threats and compulsions, I'm afraid that space would Exploration is still within the planet, and Mars is still barren."

"Threat? What threat."

The girl was keenly aware of the loopholes in the man's words and couldn't help but ask.

The man was obviously stunned for a moment, and then laughed.


At this moment, the spacecraft was about to start, dispersing this little episode.


There was no sound in space, and the spacecraft that relied on gravitational acceleration did not even have the effect of flames. However, when the figure that was larger than the mountains left, all the onlookers were still shocked.

Human beings have been circulating within the earth for millions of years, and for another five hundred years in the solar system. Now, the first colonial spacecraft to bravely explore outer galaxies is finally born. Any human being who sees this scene will feel it. An inexplicable sense of destiny.

"Cheer for the great power of mankind, the destiny of mankind has been clearly revealed..."

Suddenly, an energetic voice sounded.

The girl couldn't help but look to her side, and saw the man staring at the spaceship, with a strange color in his pupils, which was a mixture of confidence and firm power.

In the crystal sky, there were no Thousand-headed monsters on the chessboard, replaced by a vaguely humanoid figure. With curiosity and confidence in its eyes, it stretched out its hand, as if it wanted to break away from the chessboard that bound it and catch the stars outside the sky.

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