The world-devouring dragon

Chapter 251 Heaven is already at our feet

"God said, 'Let there be light,' and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and divided the light from the darkness. God called the light day, and the darkness he called night... This was the first day."

"God said, 'Let there be an air between the waters to separate the water above and the water above.' So God made the air and divided the water below the air from the water above the air. God called the air heaven...and it was the second day. "

"God said, 'Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear.' And it happened. God called the dry land earth, and the gathering of the waters, he called the sea... It was the third day."

"God said, 'Let there be lights in the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them be for signs to determine seasons and days and years; let them be lights in the sky to give light on the earth.' And it happened. So God created two great The greater light was to rule the day, and the smaller one was to rule the night. He made the stars and arranged them in the sky to give light on the earth, to rule over the day and the night, and to separate the light from the darkness... This is the fourth day.”


"On the seventh day God's work in creation was completed,"

——"Bible Old Testament·Genesis"

Year 18741 of the Galactic Calendar, the Second Republic Era.

"Among the stars, a race gathers here to cheer for a long project."

Amidst countless glances, a voice said.

"The universe, what a grand word. Compared with this ancient universe, compared with its 93.4 billion light-year range, and compared with its 13.7 billion-year history, we are so small. We strive to open up among the stars. , but compared with this vast universe, we are still a small species that has not even left the local galaxy cluster."

"Yes, we are small. Even at this moment today, we still have to uphold this kind of awe."

"In this universe, we are so small. Compared with the universe, everything we have is as insignificant as a child's toy. Everything we have benefits from the omissions between the fingers of the universe; what we create Everything is a parody of everything in the universe.”

"Look, those stars have experienced billions of years, and they have been shining long before the birth of human beings; they will continue to shine after the death of human beings. Human life is not even as bright as the stars. This has been since ancient times. Things that humans understand.”

"However, it is people, not the stars, who realize the eternity and fleetingness of the stars."

The voice continued.

"Thinking back to the distant past, a kind of crawling animals on all fours migrated across the planet. At that time, they were weak and ignorant, running just for a meal; but at this time, we who stand on two feet are already walking among the stars. ."

"They once looked up at the stars, and now we have cast the stars."

"The universe has spent billions of years carving these numerous stars, but even with the vastness and antiquity of the universe, it has not been able to create a grand world, but it was born in the hands of a perishable species like us."

"You little human being, you mortal human being, be proud of this."

"Universe, have you ever seen that among these stars, there is a tiny species that has created miraculous products that you have not been able to create. At this moment, we are transcending mortal species and have a glimpse of the things that belong to the Creator. field of……"

Behind that figure is the blue star with a radius of 40 million kilometers, and the ring built around this huge blue star. It is something that cannot be seen anywhere in the universe. .

A huge thing with a radius of more than 10 billion kilometers is slowly rotating.

Ring world.

After 15,000 galactic years, a miracle beyond the imagination of life was finally born.

Above the inner wall of the ring world are looming clouds, and the flashing thunder can be faintly seen, while under the clouds are blue ocean and yellow land. In some places, you can vaguely see spaceships carrying template components of continents and oceans, installing areas that have not yet been covered.

This is a ring-shaped world with an incredibly large surface area. Its surface area has exceeded 1 trillion square kilometers, which is a trillion times that of the earth and nearly 100 million times that of the sun.

In order to build it, mankind has exhausted the celestial bodies of 75 star systems, extinguished 4 stars with nearly eternal lifespans, 15,000 galactic years, and the efforts of thousands of generations. The Supreme Scientific Council was disbanded, and the First Empire took over; the First Empire was destroyed, and the Second Republic took over, and finally created this supreme glory at this moment.

A huge star control device with a radius of 50 million kilometers controls the blue giant named Sumor, and carefully regulates every bit of energy obtained from Sumor. All energy will be directed to this overly vast world and transformed into Sunlight and heat spread to the earth.

Sunshine, rain, colorful clouds, land, ocean...

Everything in the ring world is created by human hands.

Humanity should be proud of this, because things that the universe has not been able to create for tens of billions of years were born in the hands of a tiny species.

It surpasses any star in the universe, whether it is a solid or gaseous planet, a star or a black hole. Nothing can compare with this man-made space building.

There can be countless planets, countless stars, countless black holes in the universe... but there is only one such ring world even if it is repeated several times in the entire universe.

On a nearby spaceship, an old man stared at the ring world not far away.

"Scholar, what are you looking at?"

"I'm looking at the sky."

Overlooking the ring world below him, the scholar said slowly.


Young people don't quite understand, what's so good about the sky?

The scholar glanced at him and laughed.

"Chano, do you know what mankind's attitude was towards the sky in the ancient earth era?"

The young man shook his head.

In this era, most people don’t talk about the culture of the ancient earth era. Even if you ask what the ancient earth is, they don’t know much about it. Even if the vast majority of people have undergone genetic modification and implanted processors in their brains, and have made huge breakthroughs in the field of intelligence, the knowledge that they don’t know is that they don’t know, and knowledge cannot be created out of thin air.

The scholar turned his head and looked at the ring world below him, staring at the floating clouds.

he said softly.

"In the ancient earth era, people had a high degree of worship of the sky, and people believed that gods lived in the sky."

"There is a myth and legend that God created the sky, the earth, the ocean, the alternation of day and night, and everything else in seven days. They believe that God is a monarch who lives in the sky and lives in a place called 'Heaven', where Perfection. Humans once made mistakes and were kicked out of heaven by God."

"In the ancient earth era, people were pursuing heaven and trying every possible means to enter heaven. Some people at that time even used heaven to intimidate them, threatening that they would not be able to enter heaven if they did not believe in gods..."

This knowledge, which few people know now, was explained by this scholar.


After listening, the young man still didn't understand.

The scholar shook his head.

"Chano, you haven't realized that this scene is a bit similar."

After speaking, the scholar looked at the ring world and clouds below him.

There, there were strange beings created by humans running on the plains. The scholar looked down at them from above the clouds and whispered.

"Chano, humans once chased heaven, but unknowingly... heaven is already at our feet."

The birth of the ring world means the birth of a great era.

In just one thousand years, a large number of humans came from all directions in the interstellar world and entered this paradise world. Every day, new changes were taking place in the ring world.

On this vast enough world, the number of human beings began to grow without limit, with more people, more scholars, and more exchanges of unique ideas. Science, which had been stagnant, seems to be making progress again.

Just as Inschnener expected more than 10,000 years ago, the massive convergence of ideas he hoped to see is taking shape.

In the originally loose human world, a powerful and irresistible force suddenly appeared. Driven by this force, with the ring world as the center, many surrounding human countries came under the unification of the Second Republic.

Although the speed of light cannot be exceeded, and although the universe is so cold and dead, the reunification of mankind seems to be unstoppable.

At the same time, in a remote star field in the human world...

The solar system, the cradle of mankind, has long been abandoned.

The solar system without the Earth no longer has much value, and the numerous wars that followed destroyed this place of humankind's birth. Finally, no one lived here anymore, and only the occasional spacecraft would pass by a scientific research site here. Click to temporarily replenish supplies.

It should have been peaceful here, but now an event that will change the fate of the universe is about to happen...

A strange space-time tremor occurred at the remains of the original Earth.

During this strange oscillation of time and space, a gap appeared in time and space. A beautiful girl wearing an ancient robe and holding an exquisite scepter stepped out of the gap and came to this universe from the abandoned old world.

The pale skin did not look like a human being, the dead white pupils had no luster, and there were tiny snake scales in some places.

The girl slowly scanned the desolate scene around her, and when she looked at the debris of the earth that had been shattered into countless pieces, her dead white pupils stopped, and then she fell into a strange silence.

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