The world-devouring dragon

Chapter 259 The Headless General’s Unexpected Stories

"It is better to cut off one of the enemy's ten fingers than to hurt him."

In this space age, many ancient ideas are outdated and no longer applicable, but some macro-level experience summaries are still applicable.

Although the detailed information of the giant snake has not been successfully discovered, according to the speculation of the academic conference, the strength of each scale on the giant snake is stronger than any material known to mankind, including neutron star material.

These conclusions have also been reflected in previous weapon battles.

In the face of those rays and plasma beam weapons, the scales are so strong that they almost subvert the laws of physics. They can easily withstand them. Materials that are highly dense at the atomic level will not waver in any way even if they are constantly bombarded by particles. .

Unless the kinetic energy reaches a certain level, no matter how many weapons bombard it, it will be meaningless.

However, since the atomic structure cannot be destroyed at the microscopic level, there is no need to destroy the atomic structure, but directly annihilate the atoms.

"Antimatter weapons."

This extremely ancient substance was discovered and had been used long before the Galactic Era, and served as a star-destroying weapon that exploded across the Earth. However, the exploration of antimatter has never stopped.

Antimatter is a collective term for those substances that are contrary to the composition of positive matter, such as positive and negative particles, positive and negative quarks, positive and negative atoms... Today, scholars believe that both positive matter and antimatter actually had the opportunity to form their own universe.

At the beginning of the Big Bang, there were one billion times as many positive particles as there are in the entire universe today, and an almost equal number of antiparticles. In that unprecedented violent explosion, each positive particle was annihilating the corresponding anti-particle, thus bursting out with violent energy. In the end, the anti-particle failed by a slim margin of only one billionth, and the remaining ten One billionth of a positron particle gradually constitutes the entire universe.

If it was not the positive particles that won in the beginning, then the universe is now made up of antiparticles. Today’s universe is an antimatter universe filled with countless antimatter. But in that battle, the antiparticles ultimately failed.

Positive and negative particles are like destined natural enemies. When positive and negative particles meet, they can only annihilate together.

Even the black hole that swallows everything actually has a lifespan.

The greedy black hole eats everything in the universe, and also swallows those anti-particles. The strong gravity of the black hole can swallow anti-particles, but the black hole made of positive particles will also become smaller and smaller because of the swallowing of anti-particles, and eventually Disappeared because of his own greed.

And this is only the most basic application. In the tens of thousands of years of exploration of interstellar civilization, the use of antimatter has become more and more skillful. Even the "indestructible" scales that are comparable to the matter of neutron stars are not truly indestructible...

Numerous weapons collided with the giant snake's body, but the light from the explosion was like blossoming fireworks, beautiful but meaningless.

To the gigantic giant snake that is tens of millions of miles away, these small explosions are just like ripples on the ocean, and it may not even notice them. The giant snake crawled on the star, gnawing greedily, not paying attention to the explosion on its body.

But it was all just a feint.

Under Tiloan's order, a group of ordinary-looking unmanned machines rushed in.

Rushing forward at sub-light speed, and next to the giant snake, those special devices equipped with micro-engines quickly moved towards the target.


When the anti-particles bound by the micro-gravity device hit the continent-like scales, only a crater less than the size of a thumb was blasted out on the smooth, mirror-like continent. But if someone observes carefully, they will realize that under the small pit, there is a small wound hundreds of meters deep and less than 5 microns in diameter.

At the microscopic level, the positive atoms that are closely connected are like a neatly arranged army. There are no gaps between them, and no force can break through this tight encirclement. However, what rushes towards them are not other positive atoms trying to break into them, but anti-atoms that are desperate to die with them...

The antimatter under precise control broke through the heavy siege composed of positive matter and opened a long and narrow channel.

And this is just the beginning.

Within millions of kilometers nearby, numerous drones were like mosquitoes that smelled blood, and they all aimed their weapons accurately at this small crater.

Every time, those anti-matter weapons would drill a thin hole on the thick and solid scales based on the predecessors. The small hole formed a big hole, and then continued to drill small holes deep in the gap. hole.

The mountain isolates the two worlds. People outside the mountain want to enter, but the mountain does not allow them.

But although human strength could not move the mountain, they were unwilling to climb over it, so they drilled tunnels between the majestic mountainside.

There is no need to crush the entire solid scale, which is as large as a continent and has a thickness of more than a million kilometers. It only needs to drill a small hole with a diameter of less than a millimeter but extremely deep on the scale.

When the giant snake moved forward at nearly the speed of light, although interstellar humans were aware of the flaw in the "indestructible" scales, they were unable to implement it because of its speed. Even if the position was slightly different, they could not aim at the tiny wound.

Only after the giant snake was dragged down by a layer of gravitational defenses could this tactic, like Foolish Old Man moving mountains, be implemented.

At this moment, such a scene is taking place among the scales. Those huge and solid scales are being besieged by billions of massive drones.

One thousand meters...

Ten thousand meters...

One hundred thousand meters...

Millions of meters...

Thousands of meters...

Greedy and violent monsters wrap around the stars and gnaw at the stars beneath them. There were countless tiny dust particles surrounding his body, but he didn't care about it. He was completely unaware that tiny holes were being drilled out of his scales by drones as small as dust.

Suddenly, the monster that was eating the star stopped, and the next moment, it felt a rare pain.


There should not be any sound in the vast space, but there was an invisible wave above the star. It was a strange power similar to psychic energy, and the giant snake fell into rage.


In the spaceship, some generals cheered.

Immediately afterwards, another device that had been lying in wait for a long time was also released.

"Gravity generating device".

For a certain period of time, the use of force fields as a source of weapons was very popular among the stars, but in the end, simple and crude explosive weapons became the mainstream, but this period also left many interesting things.

By giving everything mass, the Higgs boson creates a black hole-like effect.

This is the weapon used to restrain the giant beast and prevent it from trying to escape.

However, when this weapon is released, it means that the generals should retreat. Otherwise, when it really takes effect, the gravity in this area will be unimaginable. If they don't run, not even the generals will be able to run away. dropped.

At this moment, some people are even imagining the scene after capturing the giant snake.


Tilloan did not celebrate with everything. The success of anti-matter weapons did not mean anything. He always remembered the invisible disintegration of all drones within 1.4 billion kilometers. In his opinion, this may just be the beginning.

Every time during the test, a strange phenomenon often occurs at a certain moment, which is accompanied by a flash of white light, and then all images disappear, leaving only the shattered unmanned machinery in place.

What that light was, no one knew, and Tilloan didn't like the unknown.

Just as Tiloan was thinking, an image came to him.

"General Tiloan, prepare to retreat temporarily and start the second phase of the battle."

In front of him, the expression of the fleet commander seemed to be very happy, but before Tiloan could respond, under the gaze of many spaceships, the angry giant snake's pupils that were originally open and closed suddenly opened.

It's hard to describe what kind of vertical pupils it is.

In the open pupils, the too transparent vertical pupils seemed to reflect the colors of the entire universe. Deep in the pupils, a little light emerged.


Before a thought could emerge, the next moment, Tiloan seemed to notice that a psychic warrior beside him moved.

In front of him, the happy-looking fleet commander, the suddenly alert psychic warrior, the spaceship in front of him, the dark and silent universe... everything was distorted and broken, only the cold pupils became clearer and clearer in the blurred consciousness.

Immediately, his consciousness solidified...

In space, a huge giant snake wraps around the star and gnaws at it.

Within hundreds of millions of kilometers around the star, there are scattered spacecraft parts and the occasional scattered remains of human corpses.

After a while, the huge monster opened its mouth and swallowed the half-eaten star into its belly. No longer paying attention to the traces of the remains, the giant snake continued to fly towards the distant space.

"how so……"

Tilloan felt that his consciousness was blurred and he could not even feel his body.


The remaining psychic energy seemed to sense something, but it was too vague to tell what it was.

I don't know how long it took in this drowsiness, but it seemed that some distant voice was calling me.

"Tilloan...General Tilloan...Tilloan..."

The sound moved from far to near, and finally became clear.


In an instant, the huge spiritual energy wave woke him up, and when he opened his eyes, he saw a strange ceiling and strange people in front of him.

"You're awake, General Tilloan."

Looking in front of me with some confusion, this seems to be a life body research center, but isn't this usually a place for people who undergo genetic modification surgeries?

As if aware of Tilloan's confusion, the mature and beautiful woman in front of her apologized.

"I'm sorry, but when you were teleported back... you only had one head left, so you can only regenerate your body here."


After a while, Tiloan realized what had happened while he was unconscious.

In the Far Walker galaxy, all spaceships were destroyed.

The situation was almost exactly the same. All the spaceships were turned into broken and twisted wreckage, and even the human body was twisted into a strange mass of minced meat. Only Tiloan was teleported back to the nearby galaxy, which was the planned place for emergency teleportation.

Although Tiloan was teleported back with only one head left, the Life Form Research Center saved Tiloan.

"Now, the only one who survives is you. General Tilloan, please tell me what you saw."

A sector commander of the Second Republic, he was always a serious person, looking closely at Tiloan in front of him.

Tiloan lowered his head. He did not use psychic communication, but murmured in a low voice.

"I...I saw a pair of cold eyes."

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