The world-devouring dragon

Chapter 262 Landing on Satan Star

Above the ring world, light and darkness cycled three times. Thus, under a secret order issued by the Society himself, a special small force strictly selected by the Second Republic officially set off.

"Do you think they can succeed?"

Somewhere, staring at the special spacecraft leaving through the subspace channel, an old man shrouded in black robes asked his companions, while on the side, Duwu's teacher did not answer, but just meditated silently.

Beside him, the deep spiritual energy was constantly vibrating, like a spiritual hymn, blessing his disciples.

"We should feel lucky that new technology means that we no longer need to be like the previous task force, and there will be no news for a hundred years."

In the spacious folding space, a resolute-faced psychic warrior laughed.

Thanks to the latest scientific and technological achievements, scholars have successfully created a miniature space-time anchoring device. The most interesting thing about this device is that it can anchor the flow of time within a certain range.

In the next "battle" of psychic warriors, this device can ensure that they can still maintain a considerable time flow rate when they are next to a huge "celestial body". It will slow down to a blink of an eye.

This was the case with previous task forces. The earliest task teams set out 84 years ago, but there is still no news. According to scholars, they are probably still trying to get close to the "huge celestial body" at the moment. If they want to wait for the first task force to send back the message, the Second Republic may have to wait at least a thousand years.

There is no doubt that this device will allow the Second Republic to no longer wait so long, maybe a few days, maybe dozens of days, or even years, but the Second Republic will be able to receive news about this task force very quickly.

Of course, the premise is... that the task force can come back.

"I wonder if I can still see a few seniors."

A psychic warrior meditated silently, but his psychic energy that spread out like water waves clearly showed this to everyone.

In many rumors, psychic warriors are ruthless machines, but psychic power is the power of the soul. People with dead souls will not have powerful psychic powers. The inner world of every psychic warrior is extremely rich, but They often choose to hide silently.

Psychic warriors are so rare that they often know each other, and some are even brothers who studied under the same master. Obviously, there were acquaintances of his among the previous batches of task forces.

"It's impossible. After all, it's too big. The probability of meeting each other is basically 0."

Duwu replied.

Inside the entire spacecraft, there are eight psychic warriors, and these eight people are all involved in this operation.

"...Please note that a short subspace jump is about to take place..."

While several people were talking, AI's cold voice sounded.

Almost in the next moment, outside the transparent spacecraft hull, the scene of the universe outside changed...

In the dark depths of space, somewhere far away, there is a huge group of light moving forward.

That ball of light was so dazzling that everything in front of me seemed to be illuminated by that dazzling brilliance, which was hotter and brighter than any star. However, the spacecraft under me was chasing after that ball of light. .

And then, the light gradually dissipated, and the eight psychic warriors could clearly see the huge thing in front of them...

The psychic warriors who were talking just now stopped and no longer communicated with their psychic powers. They stared at the monster in front of them, their faces either indifferent or solemn.

None of them had seen it with their own eyes, but every interstellar human had seen images of it.

That monster, the monster wandering in space.

No one can see its entirety. All the psychic warriors can see are huge scales, and they can't even see the edges, let alone the specific shape.

Huge and incredible, like a living planet and a living world. The random ups and downs of each huge scale are like the earth shaking like water waves, but how can the solid earth shake?

But in front of this huge thing, everything is so logical. After all, it is so huge that it is treated as a "celestial body" by scholars.

"Satan Star."

A huge living celestial body with a length of more than 100 million kilometers.

It is so massive that the uneven structure of space-time caused by its massive mass can be detected from light-years away.

After swallowing more than a dozen stars, this huge celestial body is also becoming larger and larger. Compared with when it first appeared, its size has expanded tens of thousands of times. But until now, scholars still can't see it stopping at all.

Like a black hole, it is never satisfied and is always devouring endlessly.

In the vast space, monsters are advancing tirelessly.

No force can stop it on its way forward, and the stars of all galaxies it passes through will be swallowed up by it.

It has been nearly a hundred years since the monster appeared. In the past hundred years, the Second Republic organized dozens of great battles, but in the face of the huge monster soaring in space, all they got was ignorance.

It is like a mystery, forever refreshing the understanding of interstellar humans.

People once thought that its body was composed of positive matter. In fact, this was once the case, and antimatter had caused harm to it. But the next time, people discovered that antimatter didn't work either, because its body had turned into some kind of strange substance.

As if it is conscious, there are no weapons and methods that can harm it, but next time, it will spontaneously transform its body structure. Any weapon will only work once, and it will be meaningless the next time.

In the past one hundred years, the attitudes of scholars have ranged from confidence to disbelief, to doubt, and then to panic... In just one hundred years, scholars have tried all possible methods, but they have realized that the fundamental No effective way to destroy this monster can be found.

Eventually, people called it this:

"The Eater of Worlds".

But at the same time, scholars also found a clue that was not known to be a clue.

During the Hope Star Blocking War 90 years ago, the Hope Star Blocking Force was almost completely wiped out. Only a general named Tiloan survived. In his words before his death, people got a strange thought. information……

"In that snake's eyes... there is..."

There seemed to be something in the monster's eyes.

Driven by such curiosity, more than a dozen batches of task forces have been dispatched, but so far there has been no news. And now, another new task force has arrived.

"Attempting to enter the gravity orbit..."

AI's voice sounded.

In the midst of precise calculations, this specially-built spacecraft is trying to be captured by the huge gravity of the thing in front of it, just like its predecessors did. It's easier said than done.

Even with the assistance of many special black technologies, this spacecraft can only approach this behemoth wandering in space in an extremely difficult way.

The small spaceship was like dust beside the behemoth, spinning rapidly beside the behemoth.

The behemoth didn't care about this insignificant little speck of dust, but for this tiny speck of dust, the behemoth could directly crash into the speck of dust with just a random movement or a small turn.

Below the spaceship, along with the movements of huge monsters, those huge scales are like the undulating earth. The spaceship often passes by those scales that look like the earth with only a slight gap, and even the slightest carelessness can lead to serious consequences. Crash.

The psychic warriors watched quietly. Warriors who put life and death aside have long been accustomed to the danger of dancing on the tip of a knife.

"High energy ahead!"

Suddenly, the AI ​​shouted urgently.

Then, in a very short period of time, a white light suddenly burst out in front of them, making it difficult for everyone to see. Then the white light passed by at an extremely fast speed.

Duwu's prosthetic eye shrank slightly.

"That is……"

"The remnants of stars."

Before he could finish speaking, a psychic warrior stared at the white light that flew away behind the spacecraft.

"43 years ago, the star in the Byakuchen system was devoured. Due to the obstruction of the Second Republic at that time, the star was not completely eaten by the world devourer, and some of its debris remained in its body. Above. Due to being bound by the powerful mass of the World Devourer, this small half of the remains did not break away, but stayed at its body and continued to undergo fusion reactions."

"The spacecraft flew from the tail to the head, and just passed by the remaining debris of the star."

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