The world-devouring dragon

Chapter 265 The Emperor and the Master

Everything in front of them was so grand and magnificent, but the beams of light coming from the huge "black hole" beneath them still threatened the three psychic warriors at all times.

[As soon as possible...close to the eyes...]

In the midst of an unimaginably powerful electromagnetic storm, even the simplest psychic communication becomes a problem. Even with the protection of spiritual power coming from afar, even the structure of time and space has been distorted in the face of this powerful force that shatters the stars.

Duwu could clearly feel that the usually flat space-time of the universe had formed a huge depression here.

Indescribable energy is squeezed here, causing space and time to be extremely distorted. Such a high-energy environment does not exist even inside stars. If I have to describe it, this is a sharp, needle-shaped depression. This huge space-time depression seems to penetrate the universe.

It is impossible to teleport through space through spiritual energy. No power can escape this funnel of time and space. All power can only enter but not exit. Those dark psychic creatures that fled in a hurry have proved this. Unless you escape before actually entering, there will be no possibility of escape as long as you really enter here.

Whether it is a psychic warrior or a dark psychic being, all things are equal here.

However, his two companions were obviously aware of this. Under the protection of the psychic shield beside them, the three psychic warriors remained silent and continued to advance below them.

It was like being in the electromagnetic storm of a pulsar. The violent particles were washing over the bodies of the three warriors. Even the solar storm was less than one billionth of a million times. Fortunately, most of the pressure was protected by the spiritual energy around them. The shield borne, but only a small amount of the pressure was enough to crush a psychic warrior considered a demigod.

Without any sound, the body of a psychic warrior instantly disintegrated into the most basic particles, leaving no remains.

Du Wu still remembered this companion. When he was on the spaceship, he was still talking about whether he could see his senior brothers, but now he said nothing and it just collapsed. But he didn't do anything, he just tried hard to resist the erosion from the outside world, as if nothing happened.

This is not a time to remember sadly.

Close, close, getting closer.

Facing the strong electromagnetic storm, the two psychic warriors gradually approached the huge "black hole", but the next moment...


The spiritual world suddenly shook violently, and the second wave of dark psychic energy impact finally came.

Meanwhile, somewhere in the Ringworld is the Second Republic.

"Ah ah ah ah ah……"


Countless wails rang out in the huge psychic square. Even if the monitoring AI urgently cut off the pressure, some psykers still had their heads exploded on the spot, and most of those who were lucky enough to survive fainted.

"The psychic pressure suddenly increased by about 7650%, and it continues to increase. It is far beyond the endurance limit. If it continues, all psychics will die here."

On the side, a scholar said eagerly.

In front of him, a man dressed as a sector commander looked at the hundreds of thousands of psykers in front of him, his brows furrowed.

"How much more spiritual preparation do we have?"

"There are less than 30 million people. Even if they share the pressure, there will probably be a lot of casualties. These are carefully selected psychic warrior seeds and cannot be wasted here."

The scholar shook his head.

But the commander said.

“Get them all on and share the pressure as much as possible.”


The scholar wanted to say something else, but the commander just waved his hand.

"The order I received is that I must carry it... The psychic masters have also all participated, and they will handle it."

Psychic master?

The scholar didn't say anything else. If it were those psychic masters, maybe it was really possible?

But... is it really possible?

In this square that resembles a semicircular psychic broadcast, many psychic warriors meditated, and the huge psychic energy gathered together, doing their best to share the pressure for the distant task force. There are countless scenes like this in the entire ring world. There are hundreds of millions of psychic warrior seeds, and their gathered psychic energy is condensed in psychic towers, and then guided and utilized by psychic masters.

And what about the psychic masters who are believed by scholars?

In a certain space building, in a spherical space constructed of various strange circular structures, many psykers were suspended in zero gravity, eyes closed, surrounding them in a ring.

Suddenly, someone's expression changed.


Opening his mouth, pale golden blood spit out,

Legend has it that the bodies of powerful psykers will be affected by their own psychic energy, causing all kinds of incredible physiological structures to appear. The strange eye color, the naturally emerging spiritual energy circuit, the mutated body... Among them, the pale golden blood is regarded as a sign of "being close to the realm of gods".

The AI ​​that was monitoring all this at all times also reacted directly, and the body of the psyker who was vomiting blood disappeared instantly.

"Master Husoluan, please adjust your status under the guidance of the safety AI..."

Under the soft voice, the languid psychic master closed his eyes.

In the void, a virtual image emerged, with a calm scholar on it.

"Master, I got news that you were injured just now, are you okay?"

Facing the scholar's inquiry, the psychic master shook his head.

"I'm fine. I'm just under too much pressure. I can't stand it for a while. I can continue after taking a rest."

Seeing the fatigue on the master's face, the scholar was a little surprised.

In his memory, he has never seen a psionic master look like this. In his opinion, the psionic master is an extremely calm figure. It makes people doubt that even if the universe is destroyed in the next moment, he can escape from the universe calmly and find his way out. New universe.

The scholar hesitated.

"Is that guy... really that powerful? His gaze is so terrifying?"

"Powerful, very powerful, beyond all our previous imagination."

The psionic master calmly exuded psionic fluctuations and answered affirmatively.

"How can a living body be so powerful? To be honest, I can't understand it at all."

The scholar clicked his tongue.

The psychic master looked very calm, as if he had expected it.

"It is indeed impossible for a living body to be so powerful...but what if it is not a living body?"

He seemed to mean something.

But before the scholar could think for a microsecond, the master spoke again.

"Tie, have you ever heard of the legend about the emperor during the First Empire, the one who relied on psychic energy to destroy the entire planet?"

"I've heard that, it's incredible to be honest..."

"That is true."

Before the scholar could finish his thoughts, the master spoke directly.

Suddenly, the scholar named Tiye was caught off guard when he heard something that seemed to be a top secret.

Ignoring the scholar's reaction, the master remained silent, as if lost in some kind of memory.

"I was there at that time..."

"But...but at your age..."

The scholar wanted to say that given the master's age, it seemed impossible to witness what happened five thousand years ago with his own eyes, but the next second, he thought of a legend that had been circulating for a long time.

Legend has it that psychic masters can travel through time.

In front of him, the master said calmly.

"Time, space, and nothing can truly stop a psychic master."

"I once witnessed the emperor standing in the void, with a huge planet under him. Under the emperor's gaze, powerful spiritual energy emerged in this material universe, unimaginable and unbelievably powerful spiritual energy. The huge planet was slowly dismembered, the land was shattering, and the blazing core hidden under the earth was exposed to the emperor. He raised his hand, and then dropped it, the blazing core of the planet separated, and the hot lava spewed even reached the In the tens of millions of miles of space, the huge planet split into two halves, quietly waiting for it to cool down after thousands of years."

"But, Tiye, the emperor is not a mortal. He is the embodiment of the great will in this material universe, a demigod walking among the stars."

"The great will is guiding this demigod to move forward. He possesses the limit of power that the universe can allow. The limit of flesh and blood is here. The emperor is the most powerful life in the universe. In After him, the best we can do is get close to the emperor, but it is impossible to surpass him."

"But that huge monster is completely different. Its power far exceeds the limits set by this universe. It is something that should not appear at all, because it is not life at all, but something beyond our understanding. "

"I can even feel that what we see is far from its true appearance, and its true appearance must be far more incredible than we imagined..."

The scholar half-understood what he heard, because many of the master's things were secrets that would never be circulated, but he understood one thing.


Underneath the master's seemingly calm appearance, there is an inexplicable fear.

This fear is different from other people's fear when they see a monster that eats stars, but because he knows too much, he is afraid.

Just like a blind man will not be afraid when he walks towards a cliff because he cannot see the cliff; but a sighted person will be afraid because he can see the cliff.

The scholar looked at the inexplicably chattering master in front of him and was suddenly stunned.

"Master...Master, your eyes..."

There was some confusion on Husoluan's face. He blinked and looked at the scholar in front of him with his snake-like erect pupils...

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