The world-devouring dragon

Chapter 281 Farewell, World

In the ring world that was on the verge of destruction, the two of them witnessed all this. The huge dark monster swallowed the stars and gnawed the earth.

But Hasegara and Jerome could do nothing. They could only fly above the cracked earth with debris flying everywhere, and everything under them was moving away quickly until they came to a private residence. The mansion that originally looked like a manor was now swaying this way and that. The house was already tilted to a certain extent, and there were even huge gaps in some places.


Jerome urged, and Hasekara held the little girl in his arms and got into the house. Among the swaying furniture, he rolled and jumped without stopping until the two came to a metal door.

"You unlock it."

Hasegara looked at Jerome and motioned for Jerome to unlock it.

But Jerome stepped forward and worked a few times, and then his face turned pale.

"It seems to be stuck."

The earth was shaking just now, and even the earth was torn apart. No matter how strong the house built on the ground was, it was inevitably impacted. It seemed that there was something wrong with some part, and the door could not be opened at all now.

Hase Jialuo frowned, looked at the basement door, then stretched out his hand, clenched it into a fist, and slammed it out.


Amidst the violent roar, the special alloy door was dented, and where the fist landed, there was a clear fist mark.

Hase Jialuo did not stop, and the other fist had already dropped, hitting the position of the fist seal accurately. Punch after punch, the ferocious attack poured out like rain, and the continuous violent roar sounded like thunder. .

A huge thunder shook the sloping house, and the solid walls were shaking.

"Be careful, don't bring down the house."

Ignoring Jerome's panicked screams behind him, Hasegaro kept pumping his fists. In just a few breaths, he had already punched hundreds of punches.

Finally, with a bang, the thunder suddenly stopped.

A big hole was punched through the solid door.

"Get in quickly!"

Hasegara urged.

They just wasted another precious minute, and now they are in danger at any time. They must escape from the ring world before it is eaten.

The two hurriedly passed through the large hole, and then a small spaceship appeared in front of them. A small spacecraft less than five meters long is slightly larger than an airship. Such a spacecraft does not have interstellar navigation capabilities. At best, it can only travel around in outer space.

"Stars, conduct self-examination!"

Jerome rushed forward and shouted at the spacecraft AI.

The AI ​​flashed a few times and then spoke in a synthesized voice.

"Starting self-inspection...hull structure...integrity 100%...engine debugging...integrity 100%, no fault..."

With the assistance of a series of voices, the nervous expression on Jerome's face gradually relaxed and he breathed a sigh of relief.

"There is no malfunction. It seems that the spacecraft was not affected by the vibration just now. Everything is intact."

Hearing this, Hase Jialuo was relieved and nodded. He was originally worried that the spacecraft had been affected just now, and then said.

"Okay, I..."

As he said this, he was about to carry the sleeping girl onto the spacecraft.

He was about to move forward, but suddenly, an outstretched hand stopped his progress.

It's Jerome.

The handsome young man looked strange at the moment. He lowered his head, his expression was silent, and he just stretched out his hand to stop his friend.


Changgu Jialuo's eyebrows did not change, as if he had already guessed all this, and he just scolded.

Jerome didn't look up at him, he just turned his head and looked at the ground beside him and said softly.

"She can't be on this ship."

"She can sit."

Changgu Jialuo’s voice was calm.

The young man suddenly turned his head and grabbed Hasegaro's collar with both hands. The strength was so strong that he had to take a few steps back. The young man's eyes stared at Hasegaro and said angrily.


"There are only two sleeping cabins on this spaceship, and only two people can survive!"

The young man pursed his lips, with a complicated expression on his angry face.

He is angry, angry at himself, and angry at the world.

"Only two people can survive..."

His hands were very strong and he clenched the clothes tightly, almost tearing the special fiber clothes to pieces. This young man who used to love to laugh but ended up being depressed is now trapped in deep contradictions.

But the next moment, a big hand suddenly grabbed his wrist.

"Crunch... crunch..."

The big hand tightly grasped this wrist, and then slowly opened the strong and powerful wrist from the clothes.

Looking at the young man's astonished eyes, Changgu Jialuo's eyes remained unchanged, as indifferent as frost.

"so what."

"TVIK-6395465 Sheriff Jerome, the boat ticket belongs to this citizen. According to emergency management regulations, she has a higher priority to survive than us."

The young man gritted his teeth.

"The world has been destroyed. Do you still want to tell me any regulations at this time?"

"According to estimates, there are still 5 minutes until the destruction of the ring world, so it is not yet the destruction of the world."

Changgu Jialuo said indifferently.

The young man's face was uncertain, struggling and changing.

But at this time, a weak voice sounded.

"elder sister……"

A faint child's voice sounded from Changgu Jialuo's arms.

When he heard this voice, the handsome young man gritted his teeth, glanced at the girl who was mumbling in her sleep, and put down his hands weakly.

"You take her to the hibernation cabin. I'll be there soon."

Pushing the young man's hand away, Hasekara held the sleeping girl in his arms, walked into the spacecraft, and placed her in the sleep cabin. The comatose girl was lying in the sleeping cabin. Hasekara's movements were very careful, as if he were dealing with a fragile porcelain doll.

Close the door. When the dormant chamber is closed, the dormant chamber quickly stops the girl's physiological activities within milliseconds.

For this girl who doesn't know all this yet, her future destiny will be full of unknowns.

Maybe she will be frozen into a corpse in space, maybe she will be rescued, or maybe she won't be able to fly out of space at all... Everything is full of unknowns.

Gazing at the porcelain doll in the dormant cabin, Hasekara turned around.

He wasn't planning on surviving.

The child in front of him should survive, and between him and Jerome, only one person was destined to be able to enter the hibernation chamber, and that person should not be him.

But before he had taken a few steps, there was a sudden vibration under his feet.

"The Fanxing spacecraft is at your service on autopilot. The spacecraft is about to start. I wish you a pleasant journey..."

"This is……"

Listening to the synthesized sound in his ears, Hasegara realized something, turned his head suddenly, and ran quickly towards the transparent window behind him.

Outside the window, a handsome young man stood with his arms crossed, silent as a pine tree, staring at the spaceship in front of him.

"Jerome you fucking..."

But before he had time to say anything, the scene in front of him suddenly changed. There was no longer any basement, and no young man. There was only the ruins of the city beneath him and the darkness that blocked the sky. The spaceship flew in the air, avoiding the splashing debris everywhere.

And at the end of the sky, the huge and deep darkness is devouring the world.

But in front of the handsome young man, his friend's lips only had time to move a few times before the spacecraft made a short jump and disappeared.

Judging from the movements of his friend's lips, he must be scolding himself.

The young man smiled.

Originally, he had no intention of saving others. He was essentially indifferent and selfish, and had no interest in things that he didn't care about. I originally planned to run away with my friends at the end of the world to get the last possible chance of survival, but I didn't expect...

"This cold-faced man."

His eyes moved slightly and he smiled softly.

The young man laughed at himself for not knowing enough about his friends after all. I thought that no matter how stubborn he was, he would have to give in at this end of the world, but he didn't expect that he would still be stubborn at this moment.

Huh, just take your porcelain doll and run away.

As for me……

Closing his eyes and opening them again, he seemed to be able to see those two thousand generations of ancestors right in front of him. He couldn't see the faces of those ancestors clearly, but he seemed to be able to feel their gazes.

Inexplicably, he had an illusion that maybe this was fate.

They accompanied the establishment of Ring World, and their last descendants also accompanied Ring World to its end.

"Buzz buzz..."

The earth is trembling, and the turbulence in the distance is still spreading to this segment of the world.

Now that the vibration has spread here, time is running out.

At the end of his life, the young man carefully arranged his clothes, smoothed out the tiny wrinkles, flicked off the dust on his body, and tidied himself up with unprecedented seriousness, not bothering with any detail. Let it go.

Then the young man raised his head and showed his last smile to the world.

"Farewell, world."

As soon as his feet were in the air, the smiling young man fell into the darkness together with the cracked earth beneath him...

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