The world-devouring dragon

Chapter 286 Creation of Creation

The man listened to his companion's words and just remained silent for a long time. He held the wine bottle in his hand, spinning it unconsciously, and then lowered his head with a complicated expression.

"Humanity is finished."

He just repeated it softly, raised his head and started drinking.

Yes, humanity is finished. To this day, there are still many monsters in space, but humanity is on the verge of extinction. It is even unknown whether other humans exist except this settlement.

Regardless of despair or struggle, everything is in vain. It is better to drink with this wine at this last moment.

But his companion just leaned against the wall, and stared at the ancient machine blankly. At this moment, the ancient machine no longer made any sound, but he did not adjust it.

"How wonderful."

Suddenly, the companion sighed.


"What a wonderful time...what a wonderful time."

Regarding the man's doubts, his companion just whispered.

Looking at this companion, the man sneered.

"No matter how beautiful it is, it's useless. Humanity will be extinct before long."

The companion did not refute, but nodded slightly.

"Maybe, but in the end I still want to leave something in this universe."

"what you up to?"

The man raised his eyebrows, looking confused.

The companion didn't explain too much, just pointed at the huge experimental base in front of him.

"This base should be the remnants of the glory days. When I went to search for supplies, I not only found sealed food, but also a series of scientific equipment, including a complete set of genetic adjustment and breeding equipment."

The man sneered.

"You want to cultivate new human beings? Haha, our genes have been modified to the extreme. We can use genes to transfer knowledge, observe atoms with the naked eye, manipulate matter with spiritual energy, have a long lifespan, and have infinite strength... Ordinary methods are simply not possible. Possibly replicating our form of existence."

The man thought that his companion wanted to cultivate new human beings through his own cells, so he couldn't help but sneer.

But his companion shook his head.

"It's not about cultivating humans, but about creating a new species. If humans are destined to die out, then at least let us leave some footprints and tell our stories."

"Aren't those weird things in space enough to tell our stories?"

The man mocked.

In space, there are countless strange creatures, most of which were created by humans.

As the man said, even if humans become extinct, there will certainly be no shortage of legends about humans in the entire galaxy.

"Not those, but... the descendants of humans. Brand new humans. They will inherit our civilization, our stories, and continue in the name of humans."

The companion pondered and said slowly.

The man looked at him, just shook his head in disappointment, then raised his head and drank the wine.

"It makes no sense, humans are still extinct... they won't be humans."

No matter how much their companions say, they all know that they should be the last two humans in the entire universe. When they die, humankind will be completely extinct. Even if any forces with human names appear again, they will only be fakes.

After the fall of Rome, did the Holy Roman Empire become Rome? When China is destroyed, will Japan become the Chinese orthodoxy?

Of course not.

If it is destroyed, it is destroyed. Even if it bears the name, it will never be that ethnic group or that civilization again.

But his companion didn't speak. He seemed to have his own plan.

In the next few days, his companion has been busy in another area of ​​the base. Only occasionally, the two of them will meet, and every time he sees his companion again, he is more tired than the last time. But the man didn't pay attention to it, he just looked on and drank alone.

Just like this, one day...two days...three days...four days...

Then one day, the man disappeared next to the wine bottle, and a busy figure appeared next to the scientific equipment.

I don’t know how much time passed.

"Finally...we did it."

Falling backwards with scattered steps, the companion with a hoarse voice sat down on the ground, staring at the embryo in the transparent chamber with bloodshot eyes.

In the erected transparent culture chamber, filled with nutrient solution, a small embryo is growing quietly in it. Throughout the entire experimental base, there are thousands of identical cultivation chambers.

Starting completely from scratch, writing genes bit by bit, relying solely on the knowledge learned from genetics and these ancient instruments, two ordinary people finally created a brand new species.

Children of mankind.

On the side, the man's spirit was not very good either. His face was haggard and tired, and he just looked at the embryos in the culture chamber silently, and at the descendants who were completely created by his own hands.

After a long time, he spoke.

"They are weak and their muscle fibers are not tight enough to twist metal."

He stared at the limbs of the embryo, which were still very young. Although they were not yet formed, a man who knew all the secrets of this species already knew what they would look like when they grew up.

This small species is not like humans. There are many shortcomings in their genes. The structure of carbohydrates and muscle fibers are not complex enough. Their strength is destined to be weak. I am afraid they are not enough to move things that are two or three times more important than them.

Then, he stared at the lower limbs of the embryo, shook his head and said.

"Their speed is very slow. Even if they just want to complete this space base, it will probably take several years."

This abandoned space base is neither big nor small. Running at supersonic speed can cover it in just ten days, but it must be very difficult for these little guys with weak muscles.

Then, looking at their brains, the man couldn't help but sigh.

"Their intelligence is also very average, and their brain performance is very low, not enough to handle too many things at the same time. The memory organ is very flawed, and many things need to be memorized repeatedly. Learning knowledge is probably a hard job for them..."

"Without psychic powers, poor senses, and short lifespans, I really can't imagine how they can survive."

Every time the man said something, the look of disappointment on his face became more intense, and finally he couldn't help but sigh.

"But that's the limit of what we can do."

The companion comforted his friend.

"You say... can they really be considered human beings?"

The man said suddenly.

"They are completely different from us, whether it is genes or other things, it is difficult to find any commonality between us. You said that they are our successors and the last traces of us left in this universe, but such a relationship , can it really be regarded as inheritance?”

The man's eyes revealed deep disappointment and confusion.

Perhaps, he subconsciously believed the words of his companions, but facing these species whose appearance and genes were completely different from his own, it was difficult for him to feel that they were the successors of mankind.

But his companion said softly.

"My friend, think about it. In the long past, each generation of our children was actually quietly modifying our genes. Each generation was actually slightly different from the genes of the previous generation. In the era of genetic adjustment, , the genetic mutation between us is even more serious, but we still think of ourselves as human beings."

The companion stared at the embryos and said slowly.

"What connects us is not those changeable genes, but a culture and a heritage. If the story of mankind is really coming to an end, then when they continue to write the story of mankind, they have already become The new humanity—our descendants.”

Suddenly, both of them fell silent, and then their expressions became serious, listening to something.

"Listen, it's a mechanical sound."

The man frowned.

"Have those tough guys finally caught up? It seems we can't patiently teach these little guys anymore."

The companion thought thoughtfully.

"I'll get their attention."

The man was about to step forward, but his friend stopped him with his hand.

"You still have some physical strength. Go and air-land these training chambers to other planets as soon as possible. I will attract them."

"You'll die like this."

The man said urgently.

The companion shook his head and said solemnly.

"It's just sooner or later."

Having said that, the man didn't try to persuade him anymore. He just watched his companion quickly leave towards the passage, while he gritted his teeth and prepared for a large-scale airborne landing.

Thousands of cultivation warehouses all of a sudden have to be airborne collectively, which really consumes energy and operations.

At this time, the man suddenly felt a wave of psychic energy.

In order to avoid being detected by their psychic reactions, the two of them usually communicated with each other through voice, and even this instinct was forced to be forgotten.

But now, it seems that in order to attract the attention of those mechanical AIs, the companions are deliberately releasing their psychic talents.

"Speaking of which, do you know the story of the settlement where we originally lived? It is said that 17,000 years ago, our ancestor survived a huge disaster. She fell asleep in a hibernation capsule and was finally revived by accident. . This is the original story of those of us, we are the survivors of the disaster that is said to have given birth to the Four Evil Gods."

"I thought it was just a story, but then I heard a voice from the past... The old antique told me the story of the past. I didn't hear everything, but two people sacrificed themselves and saved our ancestors."

"It's interesting, isn't it? Seventeen thousand years ago, our ancestors were saved by two people; seventeen thousand years later, the two of us are going to save these little guys."

"My friend, please believe it, please believe it. If our ancestors could move from primitive animals to glory hundreds of millions of years ago, then maybe one day, these little guys can also create miracles..."

"If the creation is really destined to be unable to defeat its creator, then the creation of the creation will be fine..."

Then, the psychic energy lost its response.

An inexplicable sadness arose, and the man knew that this was because his psychic power had realized the fact that his friend was dead.

In a daze, the man realized that he was the last human being in the entire universe.

Is he already the entire ethnic group?


With keen ears, one can already hear the bombardment of those rampant mechanical AIs destroying the base. These AIs must have realized that there is not only one person here, there must be another person.

If this is the case, I am afraid that these airborne pods that are ready to go will also be detected and destroyed.

He didn't care much anymore, he pressed his hands on the two training chambers. Even if he couldn't save them all, at least two of them would be left behind.

A surge of psychic energy was surging, immediately attracting a large number of mechanical AIs, and the sounds of multiple metal monsters approaching could be clearly heard.

" are really fast..."

Because of the excessive stimulation of spiritual energy, I already had a splitting headache in my mind, but more importantly, I was anxious.


The door made of special materials was blasted open, and a large number of mechanical monsters poured in.


In an instant, massive beams of light melted the laboratory into a magma hell. The culture chambers were also shattered, the embryos that had not yet grown up were destroyed, and the men were dismembered and shattered.

But the man showed his last smile. The two training chambers in front of him had disappeared and were teleported away.

He succeeded.

The last human being in the universe dies.

Humanity, extinct.

And on the planet closest to the base.

On the pristine plain, vegetation is lush and strange animals are walking around, but two transparent nutrient chambers stand quietly. Although some animals are curious, the nutritional compartment made of special materials is not as easy to damage as it seems. Over time, they have become accustomed to it.

As spring turns to winter, the embryo inside has grown and matured, similar to an adult body, and the nutrient solution is almost empty. So under the action of a certain default mechanism, the two nutritional compartments activated the wake-up program almost at the same time.


The nutrition compartment opened in response, and the creature inside slowly opened its eyes.

The confused creature looked at the dazzling sunlight for the first time, then tilted its head and thought about it, then tentatively walked onto the grass...

[In the beginning, the Father created us...]

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