The world-devouring dragon

Chapter 289 We learned

Among the stars, the serpent was circling, and his eyes were truly opened for the first time.

The incredibly huge, smooth and majestic world that reflected the entire universe dispersed, and was replaced by an endless, vertical pupil. A massive amount of light poured out from the pupil, and those particles carrying ultra-high energy were almost as hot as one picosecond after the Big Bang.

The powerful heat and energy instantly distorted the space in front of him into a twist, and all substances that blocked the path of light were evaporated into the most primitive heat and energy. The three-dimensional space-time structure was destroyed, and the length, width, and height space structure was distorted. The seven originally curled space dimensions broke free, and the ten-dimensional world expanded.

In this space-time that is only within the scope of a beam of light, the scene at the beginning of the Big Bang is recreated.

In the ten-dimensional space and time, the speed of light has been redefined, allowing the light to advance infinitely at an unimaginable speed, and further making the frontier space-time ten-dimensional.

Therefore, in less than a microsecond from the outside world, a beam of light from the center of the Milky Way has penetrated the entire Milky Way and reached the farther outer galaxy.

Andromeda River System, on the third spiral arm.

There used to be tens of millions of stars on this spiral arm, but now, these tens of millions of stars have disappeared, replaced by tens of millions of arranged star arrays. The planets next to these stars are dismantled and used as materials to build devices that can concentrate the energy of the stars.

These star arrays float silently in the universe, like a huge silent army.

Then under some kind of instruction, these tens of millions of soldiers raised their guns, tens of millions of stars stirred, and terrifying energy shot out to the outside world along the device, facing a powerful force coming from outside the river system. The power was launched.

This energy is enough to easily destroy any planet and completely shatter a planet. But these energies have to be multiplied tens of millions of times.

This is not a weapon against mortal objects. Even a neutron star will instantly collapse in front of this force. This is the ultimate weapon used against the river system.

However, before those energies were emitted, the powerful force that exceeded the speed of light had already arrived.

In just a few breaths, this beam of light had already spanned a distance of millions of light-years. Not only did it not weaken, but it spread over the course of millions of light years, from a light beam less than a thousand miles away to a huge light beam with a diameter of tens of thousands of light years within the radius of the Milky Way.

Silently, the light beam spread to the size of the entire spiral arm, ruthlessly bombarding everything on the entire third spiral arm of Andromeda.

Turbulences of particles wash over those stars. These stars, which are resistant to black holes, are powerless in the face of this surge of energy. They are like castles on the beach. When the waves hit, everything collapses. The control device dispersed into particles in an instant, and the corona layer on the surface of the star was quickly blown away. Some stars were forced to expose their cores during the impact, and some simply disappeared entirely.

If you look at it from a macro perspective, you can see that the third cantilever of the Andromeda River system erupts with intense light in almost a few seconds. This intense light eclipses the entire Andromeda River system.

Even in more distant river systems, tens of millions of years later, the indigenous life forms of the local planet will definitely be able to see a sudden shining [star] in the daytime. The brightness of that star will be comparable to their own star, lasting for several days. For ten years.

By then, the ignorant animals will not be able to understand it; primitive civilizations may regard it as a miracle; but civilizations that are observing the universe will fall into deep panic.

But for all that it had created, the big snake did not have any fluctuations, because it could not see any trace of life and death.

"Is the little bug hiding?"

A contemptuous voice sounded.

The sound does not rely on media for propagation and can be heard even in a vacuum.

In the Crystal Palace, no one responded, and the big snake didn't look, because...


With a snort, the Crystal Heavenly Palace was shattered in an instant, and both gods and all kinds of strange beings disappeared like phantoms.

In the deepest part of the Milky Way, the big snake looked around the entire universe, its vertical snake pupils reflecting the infinite sea of ​​stars, but no trace of those little bugs was found.

"It's powerful. It's too powerful. It's worthy of being a monster that easily destroyed the civilization of the previous era."

In the gap between the universe, a strange creature was dancing, looking at the scene, and said excitedly.

"A monster that is more powerful than a star, more powerful than a black hole, and that even the universe can do nothing about... Incredible, really incredible. Even if you already know it, you will still be surprised. This kind of creature is not a natural product at all, but a god and demon who created the world. .”

"But when it confronts us, it's doomed."

And behind the creature that looked like a scholar, a life with the head of a bird said.

There is deep confidence in its eyes, confidence in the civilization to which it belongs.

"Even if it is the gods and demons who created the world, we will not lose because..."

"We learned."

【We learned】

A voice like a song sounded, echoing in the space.

Still don't know where the sound came from, but I can hear it.

And suddenly, a warning sign suddenly appeared in the heart of the snake. He only had time to turn his head, but in an instant, there was still a sharp pain from his head.

His head became a little drowsy, but it was more of surprise than that drowsiness.


This feeling made the big snake feel ridiculous. For many years, this was the first time it felt pain in the universe.

"I'm injured?"

In the vast starry sky, a huge winding monster stretches for countless thousands of miles. However, there is a huge gap in the head of this starry sky monster, which almost blows off half of the snake's head. It can still be seen that it is burned. Burn marks.

From the wound, little bits of scarlet snake blood leaked out.

The wound was healing quickly. This injury was nothing to the monster, but the big snake seemed to have fallen into some kind of silence.

Although he didn't notice it, the big snake already knew what the attack just was.

In this universe, there is almost no power that can harm the big snake. Perhaps at the beginning of its awakening, the serpent had not fully adapted to this new universe, and had some physical deficiencies, and its scales would fall off when being burned by the prominence of the star. But as of today, there is no power in this universe that can harm the big snake.

Its body has reached a kind of wonderful perfection and has completely adapted to the universe. No matter stars or black holes, it can no longer harm it.

But just now, a beam of light almost destroyed half of its head.

Because that beam of light originally imitated the power of the serpent.

That beam of light is no different from the one in Orochi's eyes just now. The power in this universe can no longer destroy Orochi, so what about Orochi's own power?

[The Qiji and the 騄鬬 can reach thousands of miles, and the palaces are set up so that they can catch rats, which is no better than a small raccoon. It will be profitable, and it will be famous all over the world. A craftsman is not as good as a heavy ax to manage wood. 】

The voice that sounded like a song was still singing.

Good horses such as Qiji and Luojun can travel thousands of miles in a day, but if you let them catch mice in the house, they are worse than a kitten; if you let them go to chop down trees, they are worse than a woodcutter axe. .

The song sang, they are familiar with the wisdom of the past and present, but they are still humble enough to learn from all species in the world.

No species or person is completely without merit, but prejudice and arrogance make them actively blind their own eyes and ears. If you think you are a god, you will do somersaults in the most inconspicuous places.

Many years ago, a philosopher expressed his understanding of Superman to the world.

"God is dead and a new era has arrived. I will tell you what Superman is..."

"What is an ape to a man? A ridicule or a painful humiliation. The same should be true for a man to a superman: a ridicule or a painful humiliation. You have traveled the long distance from insect to man, but in many ways you are still Insects. In the past you were apes, but now, humans are more like apes than any apes..."

But now, Superman, who has ascended to the throne of God, has revealed a higher path.

Learn, learn humbly, learn from all creatures in the world.

Even after you become a god, you can still learn. Learn from the most humble crickets, learn from the stars high in the sky, or even learn from your opponents.

Then, mortal things are no longer mortal things, but gods.

It’s living things, it’s civilization, it’s everything.

[Careless monster, this is something you will never understand. Because learning is a means for the weak. Since you think you are strong, how can you lower your head to learn. Unless you regret it one day, but how could that happen? Impossible. A careless monster, a monster beyond mortal things, never knowing fear, never knowing regret...]

The song sang, the weak was laughing at the strong.

A strong person who considers himself powerful feels that a weak person has no merit, but is it really that there is no merit? Elephants are stronger than ants, but if one day the elephants become extinct, the ants will surely exist as well.

The king has the talent of a king, and the chef has the talent of a chef.

Could it be that a powerful king could completely despise the chef? Can a chef look down upon a king who doesn't know how to cook? Everything in the world has its own strengths and weaknesses. This is the normal state of the world.

And only those who can learn to imitate all things can ascend to the level of the primacy of all things.

But facing the singing voice, the monster just opened its scarlet pupils.

The monster has lost before and been defeated before, but the opponents are all worthy of the monster's attention. Even if defeated and defeated, the monster will admit its defeat. And now, a group of tiny bugs, whose lifespan is as short as mayflies in its eyes, have actually hurt it?

The little bugs are just gathering together and waving their ridiculous claws, what's the point? !

In an instant, time and space bowed to it, and all things stopped in their tracks and bowed their heads in front of the same will.

In the frozen time and space, the huge snake stretched its body. This time, it found the nest of those little bugs.

Looking around, I saw that on the outside of the universe, there were some small universes appearing at some point, and these small universes were attached to the main universe.

Precisely because it was not in the universe, the big snake could not find any traces of these little bugs.

"You can't escape now."

Youhan's eyes stared at those small universes that were obviously artificially created.

But at this moment, a bell rang.

"Kacha... Kacha..."

In this world that should have been completely dead, a small voice sounded.

Following the sound, I saw not far away, the beautiful new god floating in the void, holding a small clock in his hand. The clock looked simple in shape, and it was clicking at the moment.

The new god raised his head and showed a smile.

"We said..."

【We learned】

In an instant, thousands of voices rang out, and the universe returned to normal again.

In the starry sky, looking at the new god in front of him and at the god who was not a god, he was surprised and for the first time seriousness appeared in the cold eyes of the big snake.

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