The world-devouring dragon

Chapter 291 Heroes and Monsters

There is an entire universe pressing on it. The two universes are like a big mill, and the big snake is the grinding object in the big mill, being ruthlessly crushed by the two rotating universes.

Those strong scales can resist the power of neutron stars and even black holes, but they are also difficult to be effective in this kind of cosmic-level confrontation. In an instant, thousands of scales cracked open and turned into powder.


He screamed in pain, his muscles twitched and trembled uncontrollably, and his body, which had lost the protection of its scales, was torn open by huge wounds between the crushing of the two universes, and blood spattered.

But this only made the monster's posture become more and more ferocious.

The surly monster raised its head, its majestic body winding for billions of miles supporting the two universes, trying to push back the two new universes.

"It's just bait, what can you do to me?!"

Roaring, a bright beam of light shot out from the red pupils. Wherever the beam of light went, matter turned into nothingness and time and space were distorted.

When the monster lowered his head, the two beams of light streaked across the universe beneath him. The universe beneath him was instantly pierced, leaving a huge hole. The universe that originally collapsed back to its original point had to spread again. And when the monster raised its head, the two beams of light streaked across the universe on its body, and the many nebulae born in the universe were smashed into pieces and fell into chaos again.

A greedy monster, a violent monster, a ferocious monster.

Its body of billions of miles stands upright between the universes, and its gaze has shattered two new universes.

And just when the monster wanted to expand its victory again, more universes were born beside the monster, squeezing towards the monster. Universes collide with each other, and more universes are born.

Each time they crush the serpent, these universes will take more flesh and blood from the monster.

This is the Counter-Genesis Project.

Creation created everything, but Counter-Creation wants to take away everything and weaken the monster's power.

Like a strong man trapped in a quagmire, even though he has great strength, he has nowhere to show it. Covered in red scales, the furious monster writhed in many universes, destroying many universes, but there were still more universes.

"Our energy reserves cannot withstand such endless consumption! It's time to take the next step."

In a certain space, although it seemed that the monster was stuck in the quagmire, a new human still looked nervous and urged anxiously.

In just tens of thousands of years, this brand-new civilization spread all over the universe, extinguished many stars, mined black holes, and used dark matter... They extinguished too many stars, dimming the brightness of the entire universe. .

But with so much energy stored, it cannot withstand such consumption.

The creation machine is the ultimate dream of the entire civilization, but the energy required to create a new universe is still too huge. Even if it has been prepared for so long, if this continues, the energy will be exhausted.

"Then... let's enter the second stage - hero creation."

The non-god said and looked at the new god beside him.

The new god was shrouded in light, and his face could not be seen clearly, but he could vaguely see his beautiful figure.

In the entire universe, I am afraid that only the new god who was once the heart of the old god can do what comes next.

"Please God help me wait just once."

The god's face was calm, he just nodded, and then turned into light and left.

With so many universes pressing on his body, his body was repeatedly impacted and reshaped in the destruction. Eventually, his flesh and blood were worn away, leaving only the last skeleton. However, instead of showing signs of fatigue, the monster that transformed into a skeleton snake became even more violent.

He bit into a universe and swallowed it into his belly, completely ignoring that only a skeleton was left in his body.


Growling low, the scarlet pupils in the empty orifices were cold and dark. The remaining scales sway restlessly like maple leaves in the wind, like living creatures.

But a voice already sounded in my ears.

“Existence and non-existence arise from each other, difficulty and difficulty complement each other, long and short complement each other, high and low lean towards each other, sounds harmonize with each other, and front and back follow each other...Everything has its length and its shortness, and every thing has its strengths and weaknesses. Snake, we have seen you. Weakness."

The countless voices are singing.

The creation machine displays various complex patterns, the ultimate product that is abundant in every dimension, and can create all kinds of miraculous things, including summoning the ancient will.

"We come from ancient times, we are Adam Xia Lilith..."

Songs are singing, and countless lives are singing those praised names.

In the wonderful brilliance, a faint tremor is faintly visible, and a new life is being nurtured.

"We are Lily, Cain, Noah, Ham, and Joan of Arc..."

Regardless of whether these names have been left behind by history, those who have glimpsed the past civilization through technology and the final point of all civilizations will remember them and remember those vivid names.

The weak tremor suddenly became stronger and beat faster, like the beating of a heart.

“We are Galileo, Leonardo, Newton, Napoleon, Marx, Hitler, Umberto Roberts…”

The names of those who, whether good or evil, had influenced the history of old mankind with their actions, were chanted one by one.

Civilization has taken some detours and paid many prices, but in the end civilization has learned from these mistakes and pushed them for the better.

A vague figure is forming, and the bloodline body is being filled.

"We are Yinshi Naido Umo Luo Jia Luo Changgu Jia Luo..."

These high-spirited names who changed the direction of civilization in the interstellar era were praised.

Their arrogance, their arrogance, their pride, as well as their courage and unyieldingness when facing monsters, still shine brightly even after countless years.

In the light, a thick arm stretched out, the arm covered with knotted muscles.

"We are civilization, we are everything, we are heroes, we have changed the universe, we have reached the ultimate, and we have fought against gods and demons. Look, the fate that we have been carrying since ancient times comes to an end today. .”

Amid the songs, the admirations, and the sea of ​​stars, life born out of the wishes of the entire universe steps forward from the radiance. The warrior born from the brilliance has bulging muscles, and the waist-length hair behind him is only tied up with a piece of jade.

A half-human, half-god warrior with a god as his heart and a human body. Although he is a demigod, he is more glorious and greater than gods.

When the demigod took the first step, his body also expanded rapidly, swelling from the size of an ordinary human to the size of a mountain; when he took the second step, the mountain became as huge as a star again... With each step, the demigod warrior grew to be countless in size. times. And when it took seven steps, the stars were flying in the hair and beards of the demigod, and the black holes were hovering in front of it. Its eyes were like two galaxies, and the starry sky of the universe could be seen from its mouth, which was not inferior even to that monster. .

But the big snake acted like it was facing a formidable enemy, and didn't even pay attention to the universe that was entangled with it. Instead, it gave rise to a rare warning sign.

This feeling made Orochi feel extremely uncomfortable and unhappy, as if he was facing a natural enemy.

But what is this?

What can a hybrid of a mere insect god and an insect do? !

His cold eyes looked down at the giant in front of him, roaring.

"I don't know why, but that monster seems to fail because of the concept of a hero. In other words, the hero is its natural enemy."

In the strange space, a strange insect life form whispered.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded.

"Not a natural enemy, but an old enemy."

Next to the insect life form, there is a small fish tank, and a small fish in it is spitting bubbles and speaking.

That little fish seems inconspicuous, but no one can ignore it, because it is the only known life form that has survived from the old world to the present, except for monsters.

The fish god of the old world.

"what do you mean……?"

The insect lifeform said doubtfully.

"I know that many people may think that heroes have some special influence on it, so it fails repeatedly in front of those heroes due to various origin coincidences. However, I think it is not that heroes have anything special, but that It’s its own problem…”

"A monster that even gods cannot defeat will be defeated by a hero... Is it really that simple?"

In the fish tank, the little fish slowly blew bubbles while speaking in an extremely vicissitudes of life.

Xiaoyu stared into the distant sea of ​​stars, watching the giants and monsters with the power of God.

"No matter what the reason is, let us watch now and hope that the hero can defeat the monster."

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