The world-devouring dragon

Chapter 296 Escape to the Source

The new god is shrouded in light, and no one can see its true face.

Under the gaze of the New God, infinitely far away from the strange space, there are countless sources of light beams, and the crazy monster is bursting with light.

Under each of the exploded scales, a huge beam of light burst out from it, and each huge beam of light contained nearly infinite energy. These pillars of light burst out from all directions, making the monster look like a shining star.

No, not a star, far more brilliant than a star, more shining than a supernova. The "stars" that can illuminate the entire universe of trillions of light years are beyond everyone's imagination.

Looking at the source of this power, the New God stared.

"This force is too powerful."

The new god sighed in a rare way.

This is not a power that ordinary things can control. This nearly unlimited power can almost rival the absolute gods.

This force is so powerful that even the monster itself cannot control it. The monster's flesh and blood could not bear this powerful force, and its whole body collapsed.

The crazy monster's body quickly collapsed under the impact of its own powerful force.

The monster roared unwillingly, but still had to fall into death. Its pupils lost color and its body turned into powder until it disappeared without a trace. The power that originally surged out infinitely also temporarily stagnated.

But the next moment, a monster emerged from the void again.

But this time, the monsters who returned from death sprouted many heads, and those heads had all kinds of strange faces, either human heads, eagle heads, tiger heads, or bull heads...

Those billions of heads now share the same body.

The resurrected monster once again pours its power into the universe.

Although there is death, death is nothing more than a long sleep. A monster that falls into madness and does not want to die. Is there any way to defeat it?

"It's so powerful that even it can't withstand it."

The new god said very directly.

"But even if it dies, it will come back to life, and it will become stronger every time. It is gradually adapting to its own power."

The non-god said solemnly.

In front of the two gods, the monster had died dozens of times, collapsed dozens of times due to its own power, and revived dozens of times.

Every time, its shape would undergo huge changes, but it could not resist the inexplicable powerful force emerging from its body.

Even the monster itself cannot control this power emerging from the monster's body, but the monster has no intention of controlling it.

The unprecedented anger completely destroyed the monster's sanity, and its crimson to dark pupils were ferocious and violent.

Since the tiny bugs want to die, then go ahead and let this universe be destroyed by my anger.

food? patience? rule? None of this is important!

At this moment, all the monster needs to do is vent his rage.

"Gods, have we reached the end? What shall we do?"

An insect-like creature said urgently to the two gods, but in the next moment, it disappeared out of thin air, and in the blink of an eye, it reappeared.

The destruction from the upper reaches of the long river of time and space is already beginning to affect the lower reaches.

The law of cause and effect does have a very high error tolerance rate, but it cannot come from nothing. If there is no past, how can there be a future?

The time and space special forces are desperately trying to save the upstream time and space, but the large-scale time and space collapse still inevitably affects the time and space at this moment.

"No, our history is being destroyed. We can no longer stay in this time and space. We must escape."

Someone screamed, and numerous flashes of light and shadow echoed this judgment.

Many creatures have realized that they can no longer stay in this time and space. Maybe they can escape to other time and space to hide?

"Escape? Where can you escape?"

The non-god shook his head.

"This is the final battle. As long as we win this battle, we will be able to lead to that beautiful future."

The non-god stretched out his hand and pointed at the void in front of him.

"Look, the future time and space has sent us images. There are no snakes or gods in that future. It is an era that only belongs to us mortals."

"And to make this happen, all we have to do is win this battle."

In the void pointed by the god of non-gods, an image came.

Countless machines as huge as stars are reshaping the face of the universe, rearranging the positions of stars, decompressing black holes into matter, and bringing the expanding universe back on track...

In that devastated post-war universe, the new human civilization had too many things to do.

In that future, everything is moving in the right direction.

"These are just possibilities... This war has far exceeded the limit of the influence of the law of cause and effect. Even the future time and space itself is nothing more than a beautiful phantom."

But then, someone said pessimistically.

In the future predicted by the law of cause and effect, the future is indeed good, but that is because...if it is not good, it means that everything, including the causal universe, has been destroyed by that furious monster.

Naturally, if there is a future, it will be a bright future.

But the premise is that there is still a future...

"But that means that even Karma admits that as long as we win this battle, we will completely win, right?"

The non-god asked rhetorically without comment.

"But we can't win, that monster is invincible."

The new god said.

"We want to win this battle, why should we win that monster?"

The god who is not a god has a profound meaning.

The new god looked at the non-god, suddenly realized something, and nodded.

"There is another way...escape to the source."

The two gods said in unison.

In the void, monsters are like torches lighting up this trillion-light-year-wide universe, with numerous beams of light spurting out towards all parts of the universe.

At this moment, the monster changed its appearance again.

Its eyes are filled with light. When the eyes are open, the shining light can even illuminate this dark and dead universe; but when the eyes are closed, the universe that loses its brilliance falls into darkness again.

As soon as his eyes opened and closed, the stars were twinkling.

The red dragon snake hovers in the universe, spitting out invisible clouds and roaring with inexplicable thunder.

In the vast universe, there are no clouds or thunder, but when it appears, even the entire universe has to change its rules, producing some kind of wonderful cloud-like gas and strange lightning.

The majestic dragon, the god of creation, is both a dragon and a god.

The Dragon God roared among the stars in the universe, and his body spurted out countless beams of light. But even the Dragon God's body couldn't withstand this overwhelming power, and eventually split apart and disappeared into nothingness.

The next moment, the dead monster returned from death again.

"Pain... uncomfortable... hungry... bugs... damn..."

Thinking began to become chaotic and disorderly.

The body is destroyed again and again, and crawls back from death again and again. Even a monster cannot ignore this.

Death should be its deep sleep, the long sleep after fatigue. When a monster dies, it proves that it is tired.

But a man who should have been sleeping opened his eyes full of bloodshot eyes, gritted his teeth, held a keyboard and mouse, and insisted on killing that disgusting monster.

His heightened emotions did allow him to keep fighting, but physical and mental fatigue was still there.

The monster felt that it seemed a little tired, but it did not intend to go to sleep before destroying those bugs.

But at this time, the furious monster felt something strange.

"The bug... ran away?"

"This universe will be destroyed."

God said decisively.

"However, when the universe is destroyed and all time and space disappear, another thing that should be hidden will emerge."

This universe is like a painting.

The owner of the painting initially painted a horror painting of gods and monsters, but was not satisfied with the result, so he painted a modern urban painting based on the old painting.

But because a snake in the old painting could not be covered up, the owner had no choice but to incorporate the snake into the new painting. Therefore, the cunning snake brought some elements from the old painting into the new painting.

Therefore, in the modern paintings that were supposed to just describe modern prosperity, there were inexplicably more traces of strange ghosts.

Psychic energy, subspace, monsters, supernatural things, etc. are all elements of old paintings that remain because of snakes.

And when the furious snake finally destroys this new painting... what will happen?

"When this world is destroyed, the old world will emerge again."

The new god said solemnly.

The old world no longer exists, because from the perspective of the new world, the old world never existed.

Even if we go back in time all the way to the Big Bang 13 billion years ago, we still can't see anything about the old world, because there is no trace of the existence of gods and demons in this world.

And the only one who has the ability to reverse all this is the snake that was not born in this world at all.

But Snake has no intention of reversing all this.

But now, when the new world is destroyed, doesn't it mean that the hidden old world will emerge?

"Have you planned this all from the beginning?"

The new god asked rhetorically.

The non-god shook his head.

"No, we couldn't foresee this either. We knew the snake was very powerful, but we didn't expect it to be so powerful..."


The non-god looked at the new god, and there were countless human faces and eyes in the pupils. Those countless eyes stared at the new god, and countless voices spoke.

"But we are weak."

"The strong can be unscrupulous and unleash their power as they please, regardless of the consequences, even if they destroy the universe. The weak can only work hard, walk on thin ice, and use everything they have to avoid making mistakes."

"Strongness breeds arrogance, while weakness breeds humility. This is the advantage of the weak defeating the strong, and this is also the driving force for new mankind to move forward."

"We have tried our best to plan every ounce of strength, imagine every possibility, and dare not slack off at all. If we still fail to win, then we will have no regrets."

"And now..."

The countless faces and voices spoke together.

"Let's see who will last until the end!"

Outside the universe, the small universes that were attached to the big universe loosened their bonds and began to advance toward the distant past.

Under the endless beams of light that strike indiscriminately across time and space, these small universes are struggling to advance in danger, just like warships struggling to move forward in a storm.

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