The world-devouring dragon

Chapter 298 The Creator and Creation

"The moment of the Big Bang is very magical, because everything in the universe was born in that moment. Black holes, stars, light, sky, tigers, chairs, diapers, Coca-Cola, Apple smartphones, KFC Burger King...all of this It was all born in that moment.”

"The universe at this moment is amazing."

"But what about going forward? What happened before the Big Bang? What came before the source of it all?"

"Before this most amazing moment, there is the most incredible moment..."

——"Bubblegum and the Universe"

As the two parties pursue each other, the universe is becoming denser and denser. The originally sparse space has become narrow, crowded, hot, and a world filled with flames.

The density of matter here is more like the surface of a star, with a large number of highly active particles. It is impossible for most matter to travel through it. It will only be destroyed in an instant and return to the most basic particles.

And both parties traveling through time had to move forward with difficulty.

The further you go, the more dense and intense the sea of ​​high-energy particles becomes. These extremely high-density high-energy particles can distort time and space to a certain extent, making people traveling in time feel like birds plunging into the sea, unlike those in the air. freely.

But even so, the two sides were still chasing each other in the sea.

"The monster behind is still chasing me! What should I do? Our energy reserves may not be enough..."

"Dismantle some small universes..."

"But what about the species inside?"

"If you win, you can recover everything. If you lose, you will lose everything. Go and do it quickly..."

In the D47 mini-universe, after a heated debate, some personnel evacuated, but most of the personnel were forced to stay, and together with the mini-universe itself, they were restored to energy themselves for use by other mini-universes.

Scenes like this gradually occur in some small universes.

The scale of the cross-time and space "fleet" composed of a large number of small universes was reduced, and the fleet that was relieved of its burden was able to move forward faster, but the snake followed closely.

10,000 seconds after the Big Bang.

The viscous world is filled with massive high-energy particles, and the hot energy distorts time and space.

In this blazing hell, some strange images can be vaguely seen passing by.

Those are some shadows of "birds" across time and space captured by this blazing hell.

100 seconds after the Big Bang.

Crowded, very crowded, even though it has expanded hundreds of millions of times, it is still too crowded. The dense particles are like sardine cans, squeezed here as if they were real.

At this time, atoms have not yet been born, there are only basic positron particles, and a large number of positron particles are squeezed so densely that they are simply not enough to support helium atoms to form a stable structure.

The figure of [Flying Bird] shows strange traces in this dense universe, and some matter is strangely squeezed out, because the flying bird is trying to pass through this dense universe and go to the older past.

And these strange traces will leave patterns in the future cosmic background radiation map that will confuse cosmic civilization.

1 second after the Big Bang.

"No way! It's too difficult. It's like being in those pillars of light."

The desperate wails cannot be heard outside, but the small universes on the verge of destruction prove the ferocity of this world.

This universe is only the size of the Milky Way, but it is filled with the matter of the entire universe. The violent energy is not as high as the light pillar in terms of energy level, but its performance is similar.

The space fleet had to abandon more small universes to preserve the core small universe.

The snake finally showed a posture of exhaustion and was no longer so arrogant.

Its body was slightly damaged by the erosion of these dense substances, and some gaps appeared in its scales.

However, those ferocious vertical pupils were still looking at the space fleet that was a ten thousandth of a second away from him.

Swinging its tail, struggling in the [quagmire], the snake moved tirelessly further upstream.

"Forward! Forward! Keep moving forward..."

The remaining life rushed in panic.

One ten thousandth of a second after the Big Bang.

An unprecedented war.

Endless positive particles and anti-particles are fighting fiercely, causing annihilation all the time.

Antimatter? It's everywhere here.

At this time, the combined mass of positive particles and antiparticles is tens of billions of times that of the future universe, and the two sides are almost evenly matched. This war between positive particles and anti-particles will determine who will form the new world.

But now, two birds have entered this cosmic battle arena.


No one spoke anymore. The material body was abandoned and forced to exist in the form of information. The entire core small universe shrank into a small point to avoid this huge battlefield.

But the violent snake didn't care and continued to run rampant.

Therefore, its body has almost become the center of the battlefield between positive particles and anti-particles.

The scales were crushed, squeezed, reconstructed, and even oozed blood.


The pain-eating monster roared angrily, causing the entire material universe to pause.

As for how it is impossible for sounds to be heard in this kind of world?

How could a snake be bound by such a trivial matter?

Taking this opportunity, Snake jumped to the world that was a ten thousandth of a second ago.

However, those scales and blood that fell off and shattered became the boost of positive particles. The originally equal balance was broken, and victory was slightly tilted to one side.

When the cosmic war ended, less than one billionth of the positron particles survived, and these surviving positron particles formed the entire subsequent universe.

So, the two birds finally came to the world one trillionth of a second after the Big Bang.

The Big Bang was a very subtle moment because it was the birthplace of everything in the universe except snakes.

The same goes for time and space.

At this moment, space and time are still fully expanded, and the mass of everything is still 0, because the Higgs boson that gives everything mass has not even been born.

Here, superluminal speed is a trivial matter, because mass has not yet formed at this moment. The illusory time and space can even be touched, because at this moment, time and space exist in a form similar to matter.

If someone can exist at this moment, then he can touch that dreamlike [space-time material].

Yes, you can touch time, time is tangible.

The avenue of the fairy world, the truth of the fantasy world... No matter what words are used to describe it, at this moment, this is the embodiment of the avenue and truth of the universe.

The kind that is within reach and can actually be touched.

However, this moment lasted less than a trillionth of a second.

After a trillionth of a second, these fully unfolded truths curl up spontaneously, hidden under the most subtle Planck scale, and can no longer be touched.

The door to mystery is now closed...

That's how it should be.

But the two [birds] traced their way back from the end of time and space.

In this world where time can be clearly touched, the small universe and the snake can no longer stand above time and completely fall into it.

But here, even the snake felt the difficulty. Its body changed and took on many forms, but it still had to be crushed under the heavy pressure and reborn from nothingness.

The small universe has been compressed into a point, and there is only such a point left in the entire space fleet. All information is condensed in this point.

This point is so small that it is difficult to look at it from a material perspective. It is more like a formula than a material.

As long as you follow this formula, you can immediately get all the data and information of the entire space fleet, just like a carefully compressed compressed package.

This point is still trying to move forward, but how?

Although we are only one trillionth of a second away from the complete singularity, this trillionth of a second is the most difficult, and it is billions of times more difficult than the entire 127-year journey combined.

In contrast, the snake laughed wildly.

It is also very strenuous. This world is the full expression of God's power. The God who fell from the seat of omniscience still has the incredible power of mortal beings. The snake cannot completely ignore it.

But no matter how hard it is, it is far better than these "weak bugs".

"it's all over."

The ferocious pupils flashed with purple light.

Opening its mouth, that small dot, together with this dense but small universe, and countless futures will all be swallowed by the snake.

There is only darkness in the snake's mouth, and no one can know what is in the darkness, but it has swallowed an entire world before, so it will not be stingy in swallowing another world.

In that small dot, only two vague consciousnesses still existed.

"There is no other way..."

The New God delivered his final message and fell into a deep sleep.

In order to stop the snake, it was exhausted and had to fall asleep.

"Yes, there is nothing we can do to stop it."

The non-god sighed as he looked at the snake with its mouth wide open, the snake that was about to swallow everything.

It is a non-god, the will of billions of living beings, and even gods are part of it.

But so what?

Even the gods of the old world will be defeated by this monster. What can the gods of the new world do?

But some people still refused to give in, and some information spontaneously poured out and unfolded.

"We can't just give up. We are still alive and we haven't reached the last moment yet..."

The information that poured out only blocked a few Planck times, causing the snake to stagnate slightly.

However, that one trillionth of a second is still far out of reach. Even if all the remaining resources are used, it is impossible to reach the singularity or even the old world before the singularity.

Underneath the new painting is the old painting. It is only one action away from revealing the true appearance of the old painting, but this action is extremely difficult.

Seeing this, a lot of information was desperately unfolded, just to struggle for a few more Planck times.

Gods who are not gods are also struggling to make the last move.

The snake's jaws were blocked again.

However, in the eyes of the snake, it is just a fish in a rut, lingering on. The snake's open mouth is about to close and swallow the whole world.

But at this moment, a ray of light suddenly passed by.


How can there be light in this world?

How could light be born in a world where everything boils into soup and is not condensed into matter?

But that light was not only recognized by non-gods, but also by snakes.

"This power is..."

The god who is not a god is surprised.

In 2004 AD, in Manhattan, New York, a beam of light shot out from the pupil of a being. The beam of light cut open the Atlantic Ocean, evaporated the sea water, knocked a big hole out of Saturn, and wiped out a star 42 light-years away.

After that, no one knows where it went.

But this light that never fails and combines the power of gods and demons has never stopped.

It advances endlessly in the universe until the end of time, and then wanders in countless time and space again due to the destruction of future time and space.

But now that all time and space have been destroyed, light, which has no place to stay, finally has no choice but to come to the source of it all.

Just like the moment it was first born, it destroys everything, no matter what it is.

The power of gods, the power of demons, there is no higher power in this world, not even gods and demons themselves.

As a result, this light that spanned 12.7 billion years penetrated the limit of one trillionth of a second.

Hidden under the new painting, the old painting finally revealed some of its true appearance!

At the source of this strange time and space, a small hole appeared.

"It's now!"

All the information is clamoring and cheering. In this desperate situation, fate finally favors everything.


How could an angry snake tolerate the food in its mouth escaping?

When the mouth is about to close, countless messages are struggling to prevent the snake from closing. Xiaodian successfully drilled out through the small hole.

Suddenly, what appeared in front of Xiaodian was an infinite dark and silent void.

There are no boundaries of time and space, no life and death, all things are chaotic, only God is making the declaration before the creation of the world.

"The second time..."

The god who was about to create the world stopped and looked at the small dot made of pure information.

The Creator looks at His creations, and the creatures see their Creator.

The god shrouded in light had a strange expression.

But the next moment, God smiled.

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