The world-devouring dragon

Chapter 301 New Human Era


"He woke up..."

"Are you sure it's the real body and not the space-time information body..."

"From the perspective of continuity, it is the real body..."

"From marking plot points 98+29, to jumping to plot points 98+202, we did it..."

Headache, a little dizzy.

He opened his eyes in a daze, and what appeared in front of the boy was a strange world. He seemed to be in a strange cylinder.

Outside the cylinder, a group of tall and thin humanoid creatures were looking at themselves, saying something from time to time. They were wearing strange robe-like clothes, raising their hands and feet, looking noble and calm.

The body is soaked in transparent liquid, and the liquid is breathed unconsciously through the mouth and nose, but there is no sense of suffocation at all, it is as natural as breathing.

" this?"

The young man was soaked in the liquid and stretched out his hand in surprise to touch the cylinder in front of him.

It's a little cold, I can't tell what it feels like, I just know it's very smooth.

In his memory, he was lying tiredly at home to rest after chasing sheep for a day. And after waking up, he suddenly appeared here.

Outside the cylinder, the tall and slender "people" muttered something to each other, and then one person stretched out his finger and clicked a few times in the air.

Just like witchcraft, the smooth and perfect cylinder suddenly opened a "door", but the liquid did not flow out, but was incredibly suspended, still maintaining the cylindrical shape.

The young man was a little timid, but the "person" opposite nodded and motioned for the young man to come out. This kind attitude made the boy who was alert because of his sudden appearance in a strange environment feel a little calmer.

Hesitantly, the boy walked out of the cylinder.

But what makes the young man shy is that he doesn't have anything to hide his shame, so he can only cover it with his hands in embarrassment.

One of the "people" seemed to notice the boy's embarrassment. With a wave of his hand, a set of coarse linen clothes appeared on the boy's body, just like the one he wore before going to bed.

Then, the leading "person" in front of him spoke.

"Young man from the past plot point, you are welcome to the future plot point."

The familiar accent was the same as the boy's hometown accent.

"Who are you? Where are you? What are you doing?"

The young man was a little confused. He didn't know why he suddenly appeared here, and he didn't know who these people were.

There were a lot of questions in his mind.

The "person" who spoke had a strange expression. Although it was a little different from humans, the boy could tell that it was smiling.

"These questions are not easy to explain. Please come with me and I will explain them to you slowly."

The man stepped forward, and it was only then that the boy could clearly realize how tall it was.

Although I am not yet an adult, I am still as tall as an adult at the shoulders, but in front of this tall and slender "person", I only reach its waist.

Then, the "person" took the boy's hand, just like an adult holding a baby, and their bodies suddenly floated upward.

The boy almost wanted to scream, but the smooth "roof" above his head did not hinder the two of them at all. He didn't even feel anything, and it penetrated directly.

Passing through the roof, what appeared in front of the boy was a world under a blue sky. The sun in the distance had just risen, still with its afterglow.

In the distance, you can vaguely see the mountains. Under those majestic mountains are the long grasslands, and some animals can be vaguely seen.

But the leap did not stop, the two of them were still heading towards the sky.

The ground beneath his feet became farther and farther away from him, and became more and more round, gradually turning into a sphere.

Soon, the clouds passed by the boy's side, and then the whole sky was under the boy's feet.

The young man's body was trembling with fear, and he closed his eyes tightly, not daring to look again. But he didn't dare to let go of that hand, and he snuggled tightly to the "person" beside him.

The young man who had never seen this scene was extremely frightened. At this moment, the young man with his eyes tightly closed heard a laugh from beside him.

"Young man from the past, don't be afraid, look up. Look, the whole starry sky is shining before your eyes."

The laughter was extremely gentle, as if he was treating an ignorant child.

The scared young man opened his eyes slightly, and what he saw in his eyes made him stunned. His eyes slowly opened wide, and he looked at everything in front of him in surprise.


Endless stars.

In the dark void, countless stars are shining.

In the far distance, some indescribable machinery could be vaguely seen transporting planets and relocating those huge celestial bodies.

Some equally tall and slender people were suspended in the dark void in the distance, discussing something constantly and pointing at the celestial bodies being transported from time to time.

Like the God who created the world, the entire universe has become a huge work of art.

Under the boy's feet was the huge blue celestial body, and in front of the boy's eyes was a group of gods planning the world.

"This is……"

The young man who was stunned by the magnificence in front of him said in a dreamy voice.

"This is the world after that decisive battle, and we are rebuilding the world."

The "person" next to him said.

"After that decisive battle, we won, but the universe also needs to be reorganized. Whether it is the causal chain, the timeline, or the basic physical constants and mathematical laws, these must be reconstructed."

"Many laws have been disrupted, and the basic logic has been broken again and again, and is no longer so solid. For a period of time, people from all time and space may even randomly appear on the battlefield. Although these stars and celestial bodies are dazzling, they are all here now Keep moving away until the big tear occurs..."

As he spoke, the voice sighed.

"This universe is suffering from a serious illness and is almost dying. Now we must take good care of it. All the celestial bodies in the universe must be rearranged one by one to form a precise matrix; each period of history must be carefully organized to prevent anything from happening again. The power to travel through the past and future at will, traveling through time and space will be prohibited; there are many, many, many, many more... These things are too many to be measured in time, and we will spend a lot of time doing all of them."

"And when all this work is completed, the entire universe... no, everything will be reborn..."

The voice was gentle, but the meaning was completely beyond the young man's understanding and imagination.

"Are you... gods?"

A cautious little voice sounded.

The "man" lowered his head and looked at the frightened young man beside him, with a little more awe on his face.

This kind of thing of picking up the sun, moon and stars, transporting celestial bodies, and reshaping the order of the universe is completely unimaginable to the young man. In his eyes, the only one who can do all this must be God.

The tall, slender man laughed again.

"We are not gods."

"You just asked who we are. Then let me tell you that we are new humans, brand-new humans, your children... It is not accurate to say that, or we are also your fathers. You created us at the source, We in turn formed you in the end, ensuring that in the future, we will be born.”

"Looking at it from a perspective that transcends time and space, everything is so wonderful."

Then, looking at the young and immature boy in front of him, the new human said softly.

"And you are a human being pulled from a plot point in the past."

"Instead of pulling an information body from the past time, but pulling a truly unique entity from the past plot, this kind of thing is very incredible even for us. But we didn't expect that all of this would actually happen. It can be done...perhaps, all this is a choice of fate..."

As he spoke, the new human fell into strange thoughts and muttered something.

The young man couldn't quite understand what the new humans were saying, but he only understood one thing, that is, these noble, god-like creatures were also human beings.

And this seems to be the future.

"Can humans do this?"

Looking at the new human beings who are as noble as gods and are planning the universe, the young man's heart is filled with shock.

The new human next to him looked at him and said.

"Okay, now let me, as a new human, come and introduce this era to you, the old human boy."

In the next few days, the young man named Yingge saw many things under the leadership of a new human named Youchang.

Those wonderful things that can create all things, make dreams come true, and small things that can carve out the microcosm in particles, and those cultures that bring together wonderful ideas from all eras, all make young people linger.

However, the day of departure is still coming. The young man's special status prevents him from staying in this era for a long time, and he is about to be sent back.

"Are you ready? It seems that now is the time to say goodbye forever."

In front of something similar to a magic circle, the new human looked at the young man in front of him and sighed.


The young man just nodded calmly.

Compared to the timid boy at first, he is now calm and calm, his eyes full of light.

Although the experience of these few days was short, it brought about earth-shaking changes in his spirit and completely transformed him.

He has seen many cultures and communicated with many people. A fish that climbs onto land is no longer a fish.

"Youchang, do you think we can do what you do?"

Before stepping into the magic circle, the young man suddenly asked.

Youchang was unexpectedly silent.

He knows that the past time and space may have changed, but the past plot cannot be changed because the "plot" has already happened.

At plot points 98+29 where the boy is, everything has been written, and there is no room for change.

He could lie, but he couldn't lie to the boy.

Looking at the young man's expectant eyes, Youchang finally shook his head.

But the young man did not show disappointment, but showed it clearly.

"That's right."

"Aren't you... disappointed?"

Youchang hesitated and asked.

The young man shook his head and looked in the direction of the sky, as if he could see the distant stars through the sky.

He stared blankly, just as he saw the starry sky he saw that day, with countless stars shining in front of his eyes.

He made a sound like he was talking in his sleep.

"Youchang, the new human race you belong to also spent a long, long, long... a long time, spent countless efforts, failed many times, and finally got to where it is now. If I can do whatever I want If we just achieve your level, wouldn't that be too much to underestimate you... no, is it our efforts?"

The young man said, then suddenly hesitated for a moment, shook his head in denial, and then said to You Chang with a smile.

The boy's smile was bright.

Then, the young man walked towards the magic circle.

The teleportation device activated based on some strange principle began to glow, and the boy was about to leave this world.

Youchang looked at the young man with complicated eyes.

The transmission device glowed, and the boy's figure gradually became blurry.

But at this moment, the young man suddenly raised his head and shouted excitedly at Youchang.

"Youchang! Although I cannot be like you, I will definitely create a utopia of our own in my world! I will definitely..."

Before the voice could finish speaking, the person had completely disappeared into the light.

Utopia is something that You Chang once told the boy.

In this ancient social concept, there are all the best things in the young man's eyes. Although he knows that it is impossible to be like a new human being, the young man still yearns to bring some changes to his own era.

When I opened my eyes, I saw the low thatched roof in front of me, everything seemed like just a dream.

After blinking, the boy sat up.

There was no light in the dark room. He stood up and opened the door. What appeared in front of the boy was a wild world.

There are no magnificent planetary cities, no ingenious buildings, no brilliant culture and technology, there are just Gobi deserts and withered autumn grass.

It's so wild and hopeless.

However, the young man blinked and looked at all this, but he already made a decision in his heart.

"Yeah...I can do that."

In this mythical age, the legend of a thousand-year-old emperor begins.

In the planet library, a new human was silently flipping through books.

Even with unimaginable technology, new humans still have their own hobbies in some aspects, such as reading books.

While flipping through the books, the new human saw a piece of information, which was not conspicuous in it, but he suddenly stopped and finally smiled inexplicably.

"This guy……"

[...In Chapter 29 of the plot, there is an emperor who lived for thousands of years. His real name was Yingge, and he called himself Juchang. He built a huge and powerful empire throughout his life... and was destroyed by the great flood. 】

——"We are trapped in words, but the story is infinitely vast - To those who have existed"

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