The world-devouring dragon

Chapter 304: Intermission: What is the administrative office for the two or three matters in the for

Chapter 304 Intermission Forum Two or Three Things... The Office of Science and Technology?

Federation year 236.

For the Xinsheng Game Forum, a lot of things happened today.

And the most important thing is that during the great turmoil, because a large number of players chose the wrong team, they were [expelled] by the Holy Spirit in the final battle, which was actually a disguised form of banning.

A bunch of angry people shouted to abandon the game and protested wildly, but the game officials pretended to be dead and did not respond.

Criticism is what it takes, but the game still has to be played, and many complaints about it have appeared.

"Who would have thought that a small civil strife in the Nosa Empire would turn into this? It would directly involve gods, aliens, humans, and players..."

"Unprecedented turmoil, the human coalition actually used cold weapons to defeat the axis players with magic weapons."

"Is it because his opponent is cheating? The human coalition said they are mortals, but a large group of them are possessed by angels/heroic spirits. They are invulnerable and powerful. Even cannons can't defeat us. Just a bunch of God-chosen champions beat us Weak, pitiful and helpless rat-man things..."

Among the many complaints, some people also tried to defend the official.

"Actually... this is not incomprehensible. The Axis players have gone too far, and they really regard this as a farming competition game. Look at how smart the alien NPCs are, letting the Axis be put on the table to attract attention, and the result is this When the wave came down, the Axis directly became the target of the Church of the Holy Spirit and the gods, and was concentrated and output. A wave of great holy war immediately characterized the Axis players as enemies of mankind, and a large group of players were banned..."

"So, don't be too arrogant as a person, you should learn a lesson and make a fortune quietly..."


At this moment, a post suddenly appeared.

"Official announcement, the game "New Life" has entered the review process of the Office of Science and Technology..."

This post carries an official logo, proving it is official news.

But in an instant, all the voices in the entire forum stopped and fell into aphasia.

Department of Science and Technology.

Three simple words, but with some kind of magic power, making these new human beings who are not afraid of anything even a little bit afraid.

This group of new humans born after 0 years of the Federation Calendar, "young people" in the eyes of the old, are not afraid of anything, but the Office of Science and Technology is probably the only exception.

In the dead silence, a dissatisfied voice suddenly sounded.

"What happened to the Office of Science and Technology? Can the Office of Science and Management do whatever they want?"

But then, one replied.

"Sorry, the Office of Science and Technology can do whatever they want."

As for this sentence, it was rare that no one refuted it. Even the person who complained at the beginning just muttered a few words in a low voice and stopped talking.

A long time ago, humans on Earth expanded outwards. They spent thousands of years conquering the Milky Way, but then fell into civil strife.

AI rebellion, biochemical crisis, internal divisions...

Wave after wave of various civil strife overwhelmed the old humanity. In the end, this behemoth collapsed after struggling for a long time.

On the eve of the demise of the old humanity, several scientists hid in the base and created the first new humanity.

From then on, the old humanity perished and the new humanity stepped onto the cosmic stage.

In the short three hundred years that followed, the new humanity developed at an incredibly fast rate. Starting from a small base, first explore the galaxy, then the entire universe, and finally explore all different universes.

To this day, the new humans have created an extremely glorious civilization and are still exploring other worlds under the leadership of the exploration army.

But... less than a hundred years after the birth of the new humanity, a decree changed everything.

The first article of the decree is: Scientific management has absolute power.

Later, it was also stipulated that starting from the time when the decree was born was defined as year 0 in the federal calendar.

All new humans born before year 0 in the federal calendar are considered old people, while new humans born after that are considered young people.

Federal Service to the Institute of Scientific Management...

These and other regulations may seem inexplicable to the new humans born after year 0 of the Federation Calendar.

What's even more strange is that this inexplicable law was recognized by all the "old people" born before 0 years in the federal calendar.

According to this regulation, even if you are born only 1 second later, you are still a young person, and even if you are born only 1 second early, you are still an old person.

And all these laws are vaguely pointing to one organization: the Institute of Scientific Management.

In the decree, the absolute status of the Scientific Management Institute is clarified. The entire federation must obey the orders of the Scientific Management Institute without any reason.

In fact, the Institute of Scientific Management is the only institution that can exile, imprison, and execute any number of new humans at will without any reason.

Theoretically, the Scientific Management Office could even order the execution of all new humans in the entire federation without giving anyone a reason.

If it is a ridiculous institution, it is recognized by all the old people.

For young people, they don't understand and can't agree with it, but, as the saying goes.

"The Office of Science and Technology can do whatever they want."

Institute of Scientific Management.

This is an absolute secret in the entire world. When every federal head takes office, he must swear an oath that he will unconditionally obey all instructions of the Office of Science and Technology.

Rumors about it exist in every world, but few people have actually seen the true appearance of the Institute of Science and Technology. Even if they have seen it, their memory will be erased.

Therefore, no one in the outside world even knows what such an important existence looks like.

But in fact, the Science and Technology Office looks very ordinary, just like any old laboratory. White corridors, heavy doors, empty corridors, not even guards.

There is no AI, no patrol, no holographic image, and even the light source looks like a light bulb in a backward world, emitting dim light.

But this is the Institute of Scientific Management.


A series of tiny footsteps sounded in the dead corridor.

The owner of the footsteps was silent and no one spoke.

"Let me go...let me go..."

At this time, a new human being who was firmly held by the silent guard screamed loudly and tried hard to break free.

But the three-meter-tall guard remained silent, and his big hands were frighteningly strong, as strong as a chain made of neutron star material, without being shaken at all.

"Idiot! Idiot! Do you know what mistake you have made? You have no idea what you have done... That is the world line's jumping machine, the ultimate technology that can reshape the destiny of the world..."

Frustrated, the new humans tried to break free from the restraints of the giant hands.

He looked panicked. Although he didn't know what kind of fate he would face next, it was definitely not a good thing.

And when he saw a dozen old people walking silently, he suddenly yelled angrily.

"I know, you old guys must be scared, afraid that I will use this invention to subvert your rule! A group of stubborn and evil old guys, do you just dare to hide here and secretly manipulate others?"

"But let me tell you! One day, the Federation will expose your mask and prove that you are just a bunch of charlatans! A bunch of cunning rats who deceive the public... Even if I die, there will be others who come after me. The Federation will definitely start from there. Liberated from your hands.”

"Remember it for me! Remember it for me..."

The young new human cursed loudly and angrily, but no one paid him any attention and just walked past him indifferently.

Until the last person passed by the young man, he suddenly turned his head and spoke to the young man.

"Young man, you are destroying the Union."

The voice was cold and hoarse, but extremely serious.

As he said that, the man stopped looking at the young man and continued walking forward.

He knew what would happen to this self-righteous young man.

He himself will be imprisoned and carefully observed for signs of contamination. He may not be executed, but may be imprisoned.

If he's lucky, it's theoretically possible for him to have his memory cleaned, his logic modified, and his mind safety lock installed before being released. Of course, as someone who once broke through the logic blockade, he will still be monitored forever.

But the greater possibility is that he is imprisoned forever and may not be released until the day the universe is destroyed.

As for the technology he accidentally discovered, it will be labeled as a D-class object and sealed so that no one can access its information in any form.

As for the deadline?

Still forever.

Although technology restrictions have been gradually relaxed, as D-class technology that "may lead to the end of the world", there is still no possibility of being lifted.

The Institute of Scientific Management does not manage the development of science and technology, but manages [science] itself.

When management science is allowed to discover, what is allowed to be discovered, and what is not discovered.

In a sense, they are a barrier, a line of defense that prevents humans from coming into contact with things they should not come into contact with because of themselves.

In the end, more than a dozen silent "old people" entered a conference room.

It was an ordinary conference room, with only a huge round table and chairs, and no sense of technology at all. In other words, everyone in the Office of Science and Technology had a different degree of rejection of technology.

"Okay, now let's listen to G's report."

The leader, A, crossed his arms and said calmly.

Although he is regarded as an old man, A is not old at all. He looks like a handsome adult in his twenties.

To this day, among the new humans with lifespans of millions of years, there has not been a single case of natural old age and death.

The man named G opened the paper report in his hand.

"This year... so far, there have been 1,355 mind escape incidents, of which 757 technologies have been mined. 709 cases of F-level and below technologies; 46 cases of E-level technologies; 1 case of D-level technologies; 1 case of C-level technologies... C-level technology starts from 1.”

Everyone was expressionless when they heard about it, but when they heard about C-level technology, everyone was obviously surprised and started talking about it. Even A, who was sitting with his eyes closed and concentrating, opened his eyes.

In the eyes of the Office of Science and Technology, only E-level and above technologies are forbidden technologies. General time travel, parallel world interference, void creation, and resurrection of the dead are just civilian technologies below E-level.

If E-class technology is "taboo" and D-class technology "may lead to the end of the world," then C-class technology is "a disaster with highly uncertain consequences."

This kind of disaster may even be more terrible and terrifying than the apocalypse.

"Have even C-level technologies been discovered? Today's young people are really amazing."

"What is that C-level technology?"

someone asked.

G quickly flipped through the report and replied after only a second: "Complete level fantasy creation, or creation authority. At that time, the young man tried to create a new world and become the god of the new world."

"Total nonsense."

Regarding this behavior, A just frowned and then scolded.

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