The world-devouring dragon

Chapter 316 The Former King

Since the incident in Tantalus, the God-King has begun to restrain the gods from descending to earth at will. On the other hand, he has also become more and more lustful.

How many lovers and children did this father of men and gods have? Too many to count.

Zeus and the fairy Taget gave birth to Lacedaemon. This powerful hero established a city-state named after himself and became the ancestor of the Lacedaemon people and the king of the Lacedaemon city-state.

This city-state later had another name among other Greeks - [Sparta].

Zeus transformed into the god Pan, who was half man and half goat, and abducted Antiope, the daughter of the river god Asopos, and had sex with her, giving birth to Amphion and Zetos of Thebes. And when the poor father of the river god was looking for his daughter and finally learned the whereabouts of his daughter from Sisyphus, he was struck to death by a lightning bolt from Zeus.

Amphion later married Niobe, the daughter of Tantalus. Later, as mentioned before, Amphion, who loved music, got a beautiful guqin from the Muses. The happy king held a celebration, but in the end he got the news that all seven sons had died, and finally committed suicide in despair.

Zetos, on the other hand, married Aedon, the daughter of Pandaeus, king of Ephesus. They gave birth to a daughter, Aederos. Once, Aedon accidentally killed his daughter. From then on, he fell into endless sorrow and self-blame. The gods turned her into a nightingale and asked her to cry out every night to express her love. Condolences for my daughter.

Zeus also disguised himself as a giant eagle and snatched away Aegina, another daughter of Asopus, and gave birth to Aeakos with her.

This handsome man married Endeis, the daughter of the famous centaur Chiron, and together they gave birth to the more famous Telamon and Peleus. Of course, the story of the two of them is even more magnificent, so it is not here. Elaborate.

In Arcadia, Zeus fell in love with Callisto, the maid of Hunting Queen Artemis.

She was the daughter of the famous King Lycaon. She swore to remain chaste since she was a child and would not marry a man. Artemis admired this princess very much and often chased wild beasts with her in the mountains and dense forests.

After Zeus accidentally met the princess, he transformed into Artemis. The joyful princess stepped forward to greet her. When Artemis began to kiss her, she realized that the person in front of her was not her mistress, but it was already too late.

After getting pregnant, Callisto gave birth to Arcas, who was turned into a black bear by the angry Hera. So Arcas's grandfather adopted the poor little boy.

Fifteen years later, a young boy was hunting in the forest when he saw a female bear lingering in front of him. The uninformed boy thought that the female bear was going to hurt him, so he wanted to shoot the female bear with his bow and arrow. However, Zeus saw him, and Zeus turned the two of them into constellations in the sky to prevent this human tragedy.

The mother and son were Ursa Major and Ursa Minor. When Hera found out later, she was deeply upset and sent hunters and hounds to transform into Boötes and Hounds to hunt down the bears. That is another matter.

In addition, Zeus also dressed up as a bull, attracted the girl Europa, took her to Crete and gave birth to the Minotaur Minos and his brothers.

He also seduced Io, the daughter of King Inachus, and gave birth to Epaphus with this smart and beautiful girl. Later, he became the king of Egypt...

The list goes on and on.

As he became increasingly indulgent and wanton, Zeus seemed to be indulging in sensuality, giving birth to his mortal children everywhere on the ground.

But because of this, there are more and more heroes and kings with the blood of Zeus on the earth. Zeus no longer directly manages the earth, but the earth's worship of Zeus is growing day by day.

However, after giving birth to so many outstanding children, Zeus was still not satisfied.

On the towering Mount Olympus, Zeus, who was sitting on the throne, was stroking his beard and frowning, as if he was thinking about something.

"Not enough... not nearly enough."

He muttered something under his breath.

Finally, as if the great god had made up his mind, he changed his body shape and quietly went to Tartarus.

Thanks to the experience of being caught and raped by Hera for many years, Zeus has developed a good ability to leave quietly. Hera did not notice his departure, nor did the other gods.

In this way, Zeus passed through the underworld and came to Tartarus, the endless abyss.

Tartarus is almost endless. Although it cannot fully accommodate the monster, it is not a problem with Tartarus, but because the size of the monster is so huge that it is beyond normal.

Elsewhere in Tartarus, there is still an infinite amount of space where countless enemies of the gods are imprisoned.

In the dark and strange abyss, Zeus walked through it, passing many incredible things. Among them are many Titans who followed his father Cronus.

The cunning Cronus escaped at the end of the divine war, but the Titans were imprisoned in Tartarus and tortured.

The three hundred-armed giants monitored the enemies of these gods under the orders of Zeus, and the enemies of these gods roared and wailed in distress, but still tried to find opportunities unwillingly.

"Human? A mortal?"

These Titans saw a cloaked figure with an unclear face walking through the abyss, and mistakenly thought it was a mortal who accidentally broke into Tartarus. The ecstatic Titans roared and stretched out their arms, trying to call for help.

"Mortal! Come here quickly, you rescue us, and I will grant your three wishes."

"Do you want mountains of gold? Or do you want a stunningly beautiful woman? Or great power? Or eternal life? As long as you help us, we can give you anything!"

"Look at our side quickly..."

However, the cloaked Zeus paid them no mind.

But the Titan screamed urgently, and the sound was loud and noisy, which made him feel irritated. The great god frowned, pointed a finger, and struck a bolt of lightning.


Titan, who was hit by lightning, trembled all over, screamed subconsciously, and covered his head with his hands.

"You, you are Zeus!"

"That son of Cronus?!"

"How could it be him?"

"Why did he come here???"

Amid the panic and noise, the Titans trembled.

This is not because of how powerful this thunder and lightning is, but simply instinctive fear. In that divine battle that shook the heavens, these Titans had been frightened by Zeus's thunder and lightning, and no longer dared to fight against the thunder and lightning.

Zeus glanced at these Titans, did not look at them again, and continued to move deeper.

Deeper in Tartarus are the mysterious enemies of the gods who are as old as the Titans or even older than the Titans.

Starting from Uranus, the god of the sky, and even to the era of Zeus, the three generations of god-kings threw all the enemies who dared to resist and were enemies of themselves into the endless abyss. Even if the gods change and the god kings change, there is absolutely no hope of these enemies being released.

However, even after reaching such a deep place, Zeus still did not stop, because there are deeper and weirder depths than this, where Zeus hid the biggest secret in the entire world.

Finally, Zeus arrived. He reached the deepest part of Tartarus and saw a god, the oldest god.

Which god is the oldest among the gods? Is it Zeus? Of course not. Although Zeus is a god-king with infinite power, he also has a father, and his father is the cunning Cronus.

Is Cronus the oldest? No, although the cunning Cronus is older than Zeus, he also has his own father, and his father is the god of the sky, Uranus.

Is the oldest one Uranus, the god of the sky? Still not. The sky is great, but the earth is older than the sky. The mother and wife of the god Uranus was the broad-breasted Gaia.

So is Gaia the oldest? Still not. Before Gaia there was Chaos Chaos, which was chaos without a mind, and everything was brewing in Chaos.

So, is Chaos the oldest?



The most ancient thing is the Creator of everything, the Father of Time.

Before him, time was not yet born; after him, time just appeared. Is there anything older than time itself?

In the distant beginning, an incorporeal god with a human head, a bull's head, and a lion's head created everything. Because of his appearance, time existed, and time flowed from there.

It gave birth to the chaotic Chaos, the original egg of the universe. In this egg of the universe, there were countless gods and an infinitely prosperous world.

But even though he created everything, even though he was the beginning of everything, Father Time still lost his power and strength.

It is the creator and the father of time, but it still dies. It has been forgotten by the world, and the world no longer remembers it. Only this last trace, this inactive body, proves the existence of the Creator.

In the long past, when Zeus became the God-King, he became aware of the remains of this ancient god hidden deep in the deepest parts of Tartarus.

The ancient god is long dead, but its remains are still waiting to awaken.

Zeus was initially unaware of the dead god's purpose, but later he realized that the remains of the god were waiting for him to awaken him.

It created the gods, including itself, and is the source of the gods, as well as the great-grandfather of the gods. But Zeus is the god-king of this world and the current king of this dynasty of gods. Which one is more important, the former king or the current king? it goes without saying.

Even though he created the world, this ancient God of Creation must obtain the permission of the God King if he wants to awaken.

Zeus didn't want it to wake up, because this super-primitive god was just like Gaia, a disruptor of the world. Sleeping forever should be the destination of these ancient gods, and waking up would only add obstacles to himself.

But now, if you want to achieve the goal in Zeus's heart, you can probably only let the creator wake up... even if that is not necessarily the way he hopes to wake up.

"You want to wake up, don't you?"

Zeus, who was wearing a cloak, looked at the wreckage in front of him. The wreckage did not respond. At the moment, it was just a corpse.

Zeus looked carefully and suddenly laughed.

"Then be my son."

One day a few years later, in the city of Thebes, Queen Alcmene suddenly became pregnant.

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