The world-devouring dragon

Chapter 323 Youthful spirit

"Alcides, what are you talking about?"

The beautiful girl frowned and replied.

The young man was not surprised, because he had already expected the goddess's answer.

In her eyes, he was just the adopted son who grew up in a blink of an eye, but to a mortal, he had already spent half of his life.

"I know you won't agree."

The young man grinned, his smile easy.

"But I think I'm going to leave soon. I'm going to find my own path and future. At least before I leave, I want to let you know what I think."

The goddess sat quietly on her knees, still maintaining her praying posture. And her pale, lifeless pupils looked at him, silently listening to her adopted son's inner thoughts.

Under the gaze of the goddess, the young man who had never known fear felt a rare shortness of breath. He felt that his heart was beating very fast, as if it was about to jump out of his chest.

Subconsciously covering his chest, he gasped, then raised his head and spoke extremely firmly.

"I like you and I want to marry you."

"I know that I can't marry you right now. You are a noble goddess, and I am a mortal mortal."

"But I have decided that I will make the greatest achievements in the world, I will accomplish incredible great things, and I will let the whole world know my name. Until then, I will come to you again."

The young man's arrogant and frivolous self-confidence made the young man speak loudly.

While An Jing listened to the young man's words, the goddess just shook her head gently.

"It's impossible between us."

Her voice was quiet, as if she were comforting a disobedient child.

"But, it's me who likes you, not you."

A sly smile appeared on the young man's face.

"Mona, what does it matter if you agree or disagree? It's me who wants to marry you, not you who wants to marry me."

"May the immortal gods in the sky bear witness to me, and may the ever-flowing River Styx bear witness to me. May the sun, moon, stars, clouds, rivers, and mountains all bear witness to me."

"When that day comes, I will cross the boundary between life and death, lead my army to break through the barriers of the underworld, defeat all those who try to stop me, and then snatch you away."

"No one can stop me, not even God... No, not just."

The young man said, suddenly shook his head, and then raised his head confidently.

"Not even your great father, the world-eating god Typhon, for I am Alcides, the one destined to become the greatest hero in the world."

The young man's voice echoed around.

Not only that, under the influence of some kind of wonderful power, above the sky where the young man was unaware, the gods opened their eyes, the earth shook, and even the eternally flowing Styx River rippled.

Heaven, Earth, Sea and Ming heard the young man's oath and witnessed his oath.

The goddess felt these changes more clearly than the young man.

This means that when the young man said this, he was serious, without any falsehood or lies, and he really made this decision.

The goddess did not refute any more, because nothing she said would be of any use to the young man at present. This confidence that shocked the world can no longer be controlled by words.

And these words finally caught the attention of another being.


The ground is shaking. Everything underfoot was shaking violently.

The young man's feet swayed and he almost fell. And when he barely supported his body, he looked up and saw a scene that he would never forget...

There is no sun or moon in the underworld, there is only a gray sky, but at this moment, the young man felt that he saw the sun...

A huge, transparent, and terrifying sun hangs high in the sky.

The huge eyes were like the sky opening its eyes.

At this moment, the chilling and terrifying sun was staring at him.

But it was not the sun, but the big snake that had been sleeping opened its eyes. The shock just now was also caused by the action when opening its eyes.

"Even I can't stop you? You are a small ball of flesh, but you are more arrogant than any man or god I have ever seen."

A low and majestic voice sounded.

The young man realized that this voice was the voice of Typhon, the world-eating god whose name he had heard for a long time but had never seen before.

No, it shouldn’t be said that I have never seen it before, because the World-Eating God has always been lying next to the abyss, sleeping, and Nano City was built on the head of the Snake Father. Outside Nano City, those rolling mountains are the scales of the Snake Father.

The young man had always seen its body in the past, but he had never seen the true face of the Snake Father.

And now, he finally saw it.

Even though he has always been proud of his own strength and deeply confident, the young man still felt his own insignificance when facing the world-eating god and the father of all demons who fought with the gods in ancient times.

You can't win, you can't win at all, at least right now you don't have the slightest chance of winning.

However, the young man suddenly laughed.

"Yes, it's true that I can't beat you now, that's true, but I will defeat you in the future."

Despite the rare despair and fear in his heart, the young man still looked directly at the sun.

"I know. I knew it when I was very young. People have always placed high hopes on me. My father, the King of Gods, always hoped that I could defeat you in the future. Although you didn't say it, I still knew it."

Facing the sun, the young man shouted loudly.

"I will defeat you, World-Eating God, and I will definitely defeat you in the future. Because you blocked me, the future great Alcides!"

The young man's voice aroused the reaction of the sun.

The sun moved. Although it was still aloof and indifferent, the young man still understood that look.


The high sun is mocking the ignorance and arrogance of mortals.

"You're a small ball of flesh. I can erase you with just a thought."

Facing the sun, the young man smiled.

"Of course, you can certainly erase me in a single thought. But... you must be afraid."

"Are you afraid of my potential? Because you know that one day I will be strong enough to defeat you, so you want to erase me before I grow up, right?"

"Then do this, take action, World-Eating God, and eliminate your future enemy now, otherwise he will definitely defeat you in the future and make you regret it."

The young man raised his head and shouted loudly facing the sun.

With every word he said, the sun became more and more sinister, until it was almost cold.

"Little thing, your existence is just a little game during my sleep. Do you really think I will be afraid of you?"

The indifferent and terrifying voice resounded in the young man's ears, making him dizzy and even bleeding from his ears.

"Then do it!"

Although he was like a boat in the storm, the youthful nature and youthful spirit still made him insist on saying something.

These words obviously angered the sun, and the terrifying and cold sight seemed to be real, making the young man feel like he had fallen into an ice cave.

Life and death hang on a thread.

At this moment, life or death depends only on the thought of the owner of the sun.

The gray sky in the underworld of Hades seemed to have become quiet, and even the clouds and ghosts did not dare to offend the majesty of the sun at this time.

The goddess on the side looked unbearable and wanted to say something, but stopped.

Just when the young man thought that he would really die here, a ray of light suddenly fell from the sun and pierced the young man's heart.

But the strange thing is that even though it penetrated the young man's heart, no light came out, as if the light stayed directly in the young man's heart.

Not only that, the wound on the heart also healed quickly. Except for the small blood stains on the chest, everything was as if it had never happened.

"Short-lived insect, you actually think you have the ability to defeat me?"

"Okay, I will give you my blood. You will grow at a speed you can't imagine, until you can no longer make progress. At that time, I will crush your unfounded self-confidence... "

Along with the sound, the young man felt a gust of wind rising under him, blowing him up.

When the young man felt that he was finally thrown to the ground, he opened his eyes and saw a sky above his head that he had never seen before.

Blue sky, white clouds, bright and warm sun. Underneath, there is green grass.

This young man who was born under the underworld finally came to the present world for the first time in his life.

And beside the abyss.

"Father, I don't understand why you gave him blood? Since he got your blood, then..."

the snake girl asked.

Others don't understand, but Mona knows that for the serpent, all beings that have received its blood are its descendants.

The snake does not antagonize its offspring, because the offspring are its tools.

But Alcides, or his other name, Heracles, is the biological son of Zeus, a descendant of the demigods, and a man destined to be the enemy of snakes. Why did he get the blood of snakes?

Faced with Mona's confusion, Orochi simply replied.

"He can be used by Zeus, why can't he be used by me?"

"Give him the greatest trial. If he can defeat all difficulties along the way and face me head-on, then he is my biological son. If he dies midway, that's nothing more than that."

"At the beginning, Cain did not want to obey me and was destroyed by me. If he did not want to obey me, then he should be destroyed as well."

Regarding the big snake's answer, the snake girl just bowed her head and said yes.

But on the other hand, she had a vague feeling that her father was still very angry when Cain, whom he admired very much, betrayed her.

Alcides, will you be Cain, or what?

The Snake Girl thought silently.

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