The world-devouring dragon

Chapter 326 I will watch

What does a lion look like when it fights?

Usually, lions are used to hiding themselves, making sudden attacks, and then bursting out to catch up with the prey at a speed that humans cannot match, then seize and overwhelm the prey, and then bite off the prey's neck.

But this trick often doesn't work for humans. Humans have spears, bows and arrows, and can drive away lions from a distance.

Even if the terrifying speed explodes and knocks humans to the ground, humans will instinctively protect their necks and use a series of weapons including daggers to poke and poke the lion's mouth, nose, and eyes.

But neither Leo nor Heracles were ordinary lions or humans.

When they were very young, the two used to play and compete together. In this kind of playmate-like fight, both sides often end up in a draw.

The lion has an invulnerable body, and the boy has strong strength, neither of which can do anything to the other.

Ten years have passed, the lion cub has grown up, and the boy has become an adult, but the competition in his childhood is unexpectedly repeated now.

The lion was extremely fast and disappeared from the young man's sight almost instantly, and then a huge black shadow fell.

The young man raised the wooden stick in front of him almost without thinking. He swayed under the huge impact and barely blocked the blow.

The face of a lion as huge as a bull is right in front of you. It bites the wooden stick that blocks it. Its huge pupils are full of anger, as if it wants to choose people to devour.

The young man took the opportunity to take two steps back and said anxiously.

"Leo! It's me, the Alcides who grew up with you!"

The lion also took a few steps back, fearing the young man's strength, and walked around the young man, speaking human words.

"I know you are Alcides, that's why I want to kill you... How can you, a mortal as humble as dust, get my father's blood?! That should be my honor."

The lion roared horribly, its voice filled with resentment and jealousy.

It has always been proud of its origin, proud of the fact that it is the bloodline of the ancestor of all demons. It has always looked forward to the day when it can gain a reputation in the world that makes the gods moved.

But this pride was torn to pieces the day he learned that the young man had obtained the blood of the ancestor of all demons.

Even as a young playmate, the lion always feels that he should be the more noble and powerful one.

A tie with a mortal playmate is nothing more than a lack of real intentions. But that mortal got what it dreamed of but could not get.

That mortal was given blood and was considered by default to be the parent and son of the ancestor of all demons.

Ha, what a joke.

The furious lion left the residence built for it by the moon god, killed the servants who served it, and fell from the moon just to find the mortal who was said to have come to the world, the playmate of his childhood. , the now hated enemy.

But now, the enemy is right in front of him.

The confused young man had understood something and showed a complex and sad expression.

"Leo, is that why?"

"Isn't this enough? I should be the best! I should be the most powerful in the world, and I should be the best descendant of the ancestor of all demons! I want to prove to my father that he is wrong. ! It misjudged you, a mortal, and underestimated me!"

The young man's words seemed to stimulate the lion, which roared angrily and roared unwillingly.

It swooped forward and collided with the young man.


"Bang bang bang..."

First there was the sound of hitting the body, and then there was the sound of trees breaking.

The lion's strength was rare in the world. The young man was knocked out and his body hit the surrounding trees. His speed did not decrease at all, and the thick trees broke like saplings.

But the lion didn't stop yet. Its huge head pressed against the young man's body and rushed forward. Then it raised its head vigorously and the young man flew up.

He opened his mouth wide and waited for the young man's body to fall and be smashed into pieces by his fangs.

He has used this method many times. Those mortals will be bitten to death by his own bloody mouth even if they are not killed. Even metal armor could not protect them. They could only scream in despair and watch as they fell into the lion's mouth.

The mortal also fell into his mouth, but the result was different from what the lion thought.

It was as if a hard and stubborn iron stone was suddenly stuffed into my mouth. I tried to bite it, but I couldn't close it.

The young man used his hands and feet to forcefully open the lion's mouth. His arms, glowing with green light, seemed to be made of iron, forcefully shaking the lion's bite.

The uncomfortable lion spewed out a burst of poisonous and putrid wind, and the great hero had to jump out of the lion's mouth.

At this point, it is meaningless to say more.

Hercules raised his club and struck the lion on the head with all his strength.

It's no longer the playfulness of childhood, this time the two sides are serious.

Unparalleled divine power was poured into the wooden stick, and a roar sounded like a bell.

The lion grunted, and his huge head was knocked to the side. Hercules was about to strike again, but the lion avoided him.

Then the lion rushed forward, threw the exhausted Hercules to the ground, threw the club aside, and opened his mouth to bite the throat of the future hero.

Hercules pushed the giant lion away with all his strength, kicked the giant lion away, then rolled to his feet and watched his young playmate warily.

He picked up a bow and arrow from the corpse on the ground, drew the bow and shot at the lion.

Hercules was a good archer and hit the lion in the eye with his sharp arrow, but the lion refused to move and the arrow smashed into pieces in the lion's eye.

The lion pounced on Hercules.

When he was in the air, Heracles shot another arrow at the lion's heart. This arrow was enough to penetrate gold and stone, but it still could not penetrate the lion's fur.

As the lion once proudly claimed, it is invulnerable, and even those so-called magic weapons cannot harm it at all.

The great hero had already felt this while playing in his childhood, but it was only at this moment that he truly realized the weight of his words.

But at this moment, it was too late to shoot the arrow, the lion had already pounced, and the hero had no choice but to drop the bow and arrow in his hand and start fighting the lion with his bare hands.

His fists can punch through gold and iron, and his teeth can bite through chains. His divine power is unparalleled in the world, and no one can match him.

But what he faced was an invulnerable monster.

The great hero was entangled with the lion. His hammer-like fist fell on the lion's body, but it failed to hurt the lion at all. Instead, it inspired its ferocity.

The sky was gradually darkening, and the forest had been ravaged by the battle between the hero and the lion. There were broken and damaged trees everywhere.

In the middle of the journey, the hero thought of many ways. He tried to smash it with wooden sticks and chop it with swords, but he could not do anything to this invulnerable giant lion.

The lion kept rolling, flipping, and biting, and his sharp claws had scratched bloody wounds on the hero's arms and thighs.

The lion that smelled the blood became more and more manic and excited, as if it had seen the scene of itself swallowing this mortal into its belly.

In the sky, the gods have already noticed this scene on the ground.

Ares, the god of war, cheered because of the battle on the ground, while Athena, the goddess, frowned because of the hero's predicament. All the gods marveled at the scene that took place on the ground.

God King Zeus looked at the son he gave birth to with a mortal, watching him fighting such a powerful enemy on his first adventure and holding the thunder in his hand.

If he wanted, he could save his son's life at any time, but he made no move.

Just as the ancestor of all demons said, if Hercules really stops here, no matter what potential he has, it will prove that he is nothing more than this.

Because a truly powerful warrior can decide his own destiny.

On the earth, the little snake, invisible to anyone, watched the battle between his two "sons" indifferently.

The giant lion is a child born of its blood, and the great hero is a child endowed with its blood.

Although I care about the great hero, if he really dies here, it won't matter. It has already witnessed this battle here. If the giant lion wins, it will naturally show its favor.

As for the loser?

Incompetent waste need not exist.

The humans and lions on the ground are not aware of the gazes of the gods and demons. They are just trying their best to fight for victory.

The situation is not good for the great hero, who has never figured out how to defeat this invulnerable monster.

But the more this happened, the calmer the hero became.

Fighting relies not only on the bravery of blood, which is just a beast, but also on calm and composed fighting.

The moment the lion pounced on him again, he nimbly avoided it and then pounced on the lion, pressing his entire body against the lion's body.

He strangled the lion's neck with his arms and clamped the lion's body with his legs. Although his body is made of flesh and blood, it is stronger and stronger than steel.

The giant lion realized something was wrong. It roared and tried to roll and throw the big hero off of itself, but was firmly controlled by the big hero.

His divine power is endless, and even a giant lion cannot break free.

His arms were stronger than the strongest chains in the world, strangling the giant lion's neck tighter and tighter.

The giant lion's roar changed from anger to panic, and then from panic to less.

Even with an invulnerable body, it is still flesh and blood, and breath is a symbol of the soul.

With each breath, the soul becomes strong and full of vitality. Without breathing, even the noble gods' souls will become pale and feeble.

When it stops breathing, even a giant lion will become sluggish and its soul will weaken.

The giant lion tried hard to breathe again, but the hero's iron arms completely hindered his idea. The soul in his body could no longer communicate with the outside world and could not be nourished.

His strength began to fail and his consciousness gradually became blurred.

Before the giant lion's consciousness completely fell into darkness, it finally realized something.

"I lost."

It was a complete defeat, without any conspiracy, without any magic or help from others, and without any excuses.

That mortal completely defeated himself with the most upright and direct power.

But at this moment...the iron arms quietly let go.

Breathing was finally possible again, sucking in the air greedily, and the soul in the body was also excited, but the giant lion had no idea of ​​fighting anymore.

It has completely lost.

It tried hard to prove that it was better than this mortal, and in the end it turned out that this mortal was indeed stronger than it.

"Why don't you kill me."

The giant lion lay weakly on the ground, closed its eyes, and did not move.

Hercules, or rather the young man, looked at the giant lion controlled by him with a complicated expression.

At the fiercest moment of the battle, he was focused on defeating and killing the lion without any distracting thoughts in his mind.

But when his iron arms really tightened the giant lion's neck, feeling the giant lion's vitality gradually stop moving and about to die, he suddenly softened.

He knew he shouldn't do this, but he still let go of his arm.

"I do not know either."

The young man shook his head, then swayed his exhausted body, and leaned against the lion with one weak kick.

One person and one lion, just like the rest after playing and playing in childhood.

"You defeated me, what are you going to do next?"

For some reason, the lion's voice seemed to have calmed down and was no longer filled with anger.

"Probably to continue the adventure, defeat more people and monsters, and let the whole world know my name."

"In this case, you will be respected by the whole world."

"Well, that should be it."

"Then the first monster you defeated, how will I be judged by the world?"

"I would tell them you are strong, very strong."

After a brief conversation, both the lion and the young man fell into an inexplicable silence.

After a long time, the lion's deep voice sounded.

"It's settled, you have to tell the world that I, Leo, am very strong, very strong."


"Wait a minute, use my claws to peel off my fur, it will help you resist all harm. Alcides, I will watch you accomplish great things... The world will know how tough my Leo's fur is and how strong I am..."

At the end of his words, the lion beneath him stopped moving.

The young man looked down and saw that the lion was no longer breathing.

It dies on its own initiative. The loser's lingering life is a humiliation. Its pride does not allow it to do so.

The powerful enemy he was fighting with died, but the young man didn't know whether he should be happy or sad.

He was stunned, his cheeks seemed a little wet and hot.

Wiping his face, biting his lips, the corners of his mouth suddenly raised into a smile.

"Yes, you will see it."

One day, the great hero who has made many great achievements will seriously tell his admirers that the most difficult battle he has ever experienced was the first battle.

The soul of the giant lion ascended to the sky, and the goddess guided it. The gods appreciated its power and promoted it to a constellation in the sky.

But the proud lion didn't look at it. He just jumped up and turned into the Leo constellation in the sky.

Under the night sky, Leo looked down at the young man wearing lion skin on the ground. His face was resolute and he was walking on his way home.

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