The world-devouring dragon

Chapter 332 Challenge

Who is Hercules?

Even if they didn't know this person in the past, several members of the team already knew it after they fought two Holy Grail Wars and were attacked by the giant black man's hammer.

The number one hero in Greek mythology, Long Aotian, has a humanoid self-propelled cannon. He can defeat the gods at the top and Pluto at the bottom... I always think back to the scene in the last mission world where he was chased by a heroic spirit named Hercules. , Ah Jiu felt his teeth straighten.

"Could it be the Xingyue World again?"

The swordsman muttered.

The Moon World is somewhat famous among many worlds because its magic system is quite interesting and attracts many reincarnators to study there. But the swordsman still hopes to go to some fairy world, continue to improve his swordsmanship, and fulfill his dream of being a swordsman.

"Probably not. We have just emerged from the Holy Grail War, and it is unlikely that we will be thrown into a moon-related world again."

Ah Jiu shook his head.

"If it were a mythological world, the timeline should still be when Hercules was still alive. Hercules would be difficult to deal with after becoming a god..."

Greedy Wolf on the side said.

In mythology, Hercules experienced birth and growth, then performed twelve great feats, and was finally promoted to god. His life was a magnificent epic.

From Greedy Wolf's point of view, Hercules was still a human being before he became a god, and he still had a chance to fight. After becoming a god... I'm afraid there is no way.

The gods on the main god's side are basically rated at a two-star starting level, while the four members of the team are all one-star on the main god's side, which means they are recognized by the main god as being extraordinary and holy, similar to ancient heroes and legendary adventurers.

Ah Jiu, Swordsman, Greedy Wolf, Bai Wu, four people in the team, four strong men in the world who are gradually leaving their mortal state. It is too difficult to defeat a god who is famous for his bravery...

Even if Hercules is not included, his father and God King Zeus alone is a three-star star, and he is considered a strong person in the entire main god system. Wanting to kill Hercules in front of such a three-star powerhouse who has the ability to change the world... just thinking about it makes people shake their heads.

But when several people were discussing, a string of words suddenly appeared in the symbol of the main god in front of them.

"This punishment time and space is not under the jurisdiction of the Lord God. Because of its special nature, the Lord God will no longer appear before the task is completed, and only the basic display function will be retained... There is no time limit for this task."

"There are still 3:00...2:59...2:58..."

Compared to the mission of killing Hercules, this display of the Lord God really left the four of them speechless.

A time and space that is not under the control of the Lord God? Are you kidding me, is there still time and space in the entire infinite realm of thinking that is not under the control of the Lord God?

"Hey, hey, what are you doing...what the hell? Why can't the interface open?"

In a hurry, the swordsman tried to open the main god interface to question the main god. He was shocked to find that... except for the mission display interface and these words in front of him, he could not open anything.

Although he has never done a punishment mission before, he has heard people talk about it, but it is not such a mess. The most everyone can do is complete a special punishment mission.

As the team leader, Ah Jiu was the first to calm down, his lips pursed slightly.

"No matter what, it's just a punishment mission, and we'll just finish it. Isn't it Hercules? That heroic spirit Hercules was tricked to death by us, so there's nothing wrong with this Hercules."

The captain's encouragement gave the players a little confidence.

None of them are newcomers to the infinite world. They have experienced hundreds of battles and have seen so many gods, including just a Greek hero.

Soon, the invisible protection disappeared.

As if the invisible barrier disappeared, the surrounding pedestrians naturally blended in with everyone, and a series of Greek words rang in everyone's ears.

The sounds of hawking, conversation, quarrels, and laughter are endless. But the sound the team heard was...

“÷★=× @”⑧……”

"Ajiu, why can't I understand what they are saying?"

The swordsman complained to the man next to him while blocking the flow of people around him.

"Damn it, this bitch god even turned off the language translation function..."

Ah Jiu finally couldn't help but cursed loudly.

In short, the first difficulty that this reincarnation team faces when they come to the world of punishment missions is not to face the ancient heroes, nor to face the God King's concern for extraterrestrial beings, but the language barrier.

On the other side of the pier, several heroes were gradually chatting enthusiastically, while the little snake lying on the shoulder of the big hero closed his eyes lazily.

It could understand what those people were saying.

Despite some strange barrier trying to block other divine attention, it mostly understood.

Lord God? Reincarnator? It's all a mess.

Although he didn't know what the main god was that these reincarnators from outside the territory were talking about, Snake had a vague feeling that this was just a small episode and insignificant.

Everything is in my belly, no matter what it is, it can only be swallowed by me.

Half a month later, the Golden Fleece Adventure faced all Greek city-states and ushered in the selection challenge.

Because there were too many heroes trying to board the ship, the heroes began to compete with each other. It was generally believed that only the winners were qualified to board the ship, while the losers were not.

The great hero is not afraid of such challenges. No one can survive three or five moves in front of him.

It was a bit more difficult for the fledgling Theseus. However, although he was not mature enough, under the guidance of the great hero, the already smart, handsome and extremely talented Greek prince made rapid progress, and finally earned himself the qualification to board the ship.

As for Orpheus, the harpist, his swordsmanship allowed him to defeat some enemies. Unfortunately, he lost to Polydeuces, one of the Spartan twins, but his piano skills were recognized by everyone, and the heroes also liked music, so everyone agreed to let him join Polydeuces. Get on board.

In addition, there are many heroes who have obtained the qualification to board the ship, but there are also some heroes who have been eliminated.

For example, Polyphemus, who despite his age was still full of passion and eager for adventure, was defeated by a foreigner who called himself Ajiu.

This old man who once defeated the centaurs and was known as the [Hero of the Lapit Heroes] could only look at the young heroes with envy and sigh, shook his head and said: "If I could be twenty years younger... …No, even if it’s just ten years…”

No matter how unwilling he was, he could only sigh and leave.

This is no longer the stage where he once could gallop.

The contest will continue for a long time, but a group of people claim to be here for Hercules.

"Huh? I have seen your martial arts, foreigner, you are very skilled with the long sword."

Hercules was somewhat impressed by the foreigners who came to visit him. In these days, these foreigners have gained a lot of fame, challenging others everywhere, and many people have heard about this warrior named Ah Jiu.

This foreigner who called himself Ajiu was good at using a long sword and defeated many Greek heroes.

Hercules had always admired warriors with superior martial arts, so he nodded and smiled.

"Before you is Hercules of Thebes."

The foreigner named Ah Jiu was followed by several people. They all seemed to be curious about Hercules and couldn't help but take a peek. Several of the young ones were mumbling something incomprehensible.

"He is so handsome..."

"I remember wasn't Hercules a strong man in Fate? Why do I feel that this Hercules is a bit ridiculously handsome..."

"This figure, this look... completely outshines Henry Cavill. I think Da Chao probably has this look..."

"After all, this demigod..."

Taking advantage of the fact that others could not understand what they were saying, the newcomers started chatting confidently until they were stabbed silently in the waist by the swordsman and were forced to stop.

A smile appeared on Ajiu's face.

"Great hero of Thebes, we have heard of your name many times, and now we are really honored to see you..."

Faced with Ah Jiu's flattery, Hercules nodded. He had seen such flattery many times and was not surprised.

After the flattery, Ah Jiu's true purpose was revealed.

"...My companion, known as the Swordsman, also admires your reputation very much and wants to compete with you."

This is the result after several people discussed it.

After learning that Operation Golden Fleece was about to begin, Ajiu and Swordsman decided to participate.

Although according to legend, Hercules disembarked soon after, the heroes of Operation Golden Fleece can be described as a large gathering of Greek heroes. It is worth participating in any case, and you may be able to make many natives to help.

As for Baiwu and Tanlang, according to Ah Jiu's plan, they will not board the ship, but will look for opportunities in the Greek countries and place new people there.

Other than that, this is the current scene. In the name of admiration, Ah Jiu will let the strongest swordsman in the team test the strength of Heracles, which will be conducive to the next plan.

Heracles did not ignore the swordsman. He could see that this swordsman was also a rare warrior, so he readily agreed to the contest.

"Draw your weapons."

Hercules still held in his hand the club he had carried when he first came to earth. This wooden stick has been with him for a long time and he is very comfortable with it.

Looking at the wooden club in Hercules' hand, the swordsman thought of a countermeasure and drew his sword from his waist.


The sharp and exquisite sword blade was unsheathed, shining with a cold blue light. This sword is more like a work of art than a weapon, and is very different from the weapons popular in Greek city-states.

Orcrest, or the Beast Biting Sword.

This elven sword from the world of "The Lord of the Rings" first appeared in the troll's cave, along with two other swords.

One was held by Gandalf and was called Gramdrin, an enemy sword. The wizard Gandalf took it with him to participate in a series of battles such as the Battle of the Five Armies, the Battle of the Balrog, the Battle of the Pelennor Fields, and the Battle of the Black Gate. Finally, he and Gandalf went to the mysterious continent of Aman.

The other is the Stinging Sword, the short sword used by the heroes Bilbo and Frodo who saved the world. The sword is short, but suitable for a halfling. This sword was originally unknown, but two generations of heroes used it to face danger and even destroy the Supreme Lord of the Rings, thus becoming famous all over the world.

And the last one is this beast-biting sword, Orcrest.

This elven sword was taken by the Dwarf King Thorin Oakenshield, and eventually lost its owner due to the death of the Dwarf King Thorin in the Battle of the Five Armies.

Originally, according to the story, the sword would be taken away by the elves and enshrined. However, the swordsman who participated in the plot of The Lord of the Rings became friends with the protagonist's team. After Thorin's death, the sword was given to the swordsman in accordance with Thorin's last wish.

Although Hercules did not recognize this elven sword, he could still see how extraordinary it was, with a slight surprise in his eyes.

"It's a really nice sword, but I don't know what the owner is like."

Hercules said in rare admiration.

The swordsman said nothing.

When entering the battle, the swordsman's entire temperament changed. The long training experience and the number of battles made him concentrate on the battle.


With his breath, the swordsman's figure sprang out like a rainbow.

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