The world-devouring dragon

Chapter 345 Weakness

"You want to know... what poison is comparable to Hydra's venom?"

Regarding the questions of the reincarnators, the centaur named Nessus meowed around, seemingly full of doubts.

However, as the captain, Lao Jiu could see clearly that the centaur was obviously secretly looking at Bai Wu, and those eyes had been trying to stare at Bai Wu intentionally or unintentionally.

Several of them are old reincarnators who have lived for more than a hundred years. They have long since shed their mortal qualities and gradually entered the realm of the extraordinary and the holy.

A life that has reached this level, no matter what the past, has a clean body, delicate skin, a well-proportioned and perfect body, and its appearance is significantly better than that of ordinary people. As a woman, Baiwu's detached demeanor and outstanding figure can easily arouse the favor of the opposite sex.

And this centaur was obviously attracted by Bai Wu's appearance. Should it be said that it was a centaur whose lustful nature was clearly mentioned in the original mythology?

Bai Wu obviously noticed this, she frowned slightly, but then she opened her lips lightly as if she didn't notice.

"Nessus, I heard that centaurs are good at prophecy. Do you know our purpose?"

In many stories, centaurs have the ability to predict the future. This is not the first modern novel like Harry Potter, but a very old story.

According to Bai Wu's understanding, centaurs in this world also generally have this ability, no matter how strong or weak they are.

Hearing this, the centaur suddenly became nervous.

"I can't tell you what you want me to do."

"That is to say, you know what we want to do, right."

Bai Wu noticed the centaur's nervous thoughts and quickly asked.

The centaur said quickly.

"Distant traveler, this is something that mortals cannot interfere with. Even if divine thunder falls from the sky and strikes me, or wants me to be roasted by the flames of Hades, I can't say anything."

This centaur seemed to be extremely afraid of this and did not dare to reveal even a single word.

"Then how can you say it?"

Lao Jiu on the side asked.

"No, no...I can't say..."

The centaur hesitated, his eyes flickering on Bai Wu, but he didn't dare to look too obviously.

The three people in front of him are all very powerful. He can realize this, but he does not dare to reveal his true thoughts.

The swordsman who was listening quietly on the side suddenly interrupted.

"What if we gave you enough gold?"

No matter what kind of story, centaurs are often greedy creatures, fond of money and treasures.

When he heard gold, the centaur's eyes lit up and his breathing quickened.

"Gold? Gold is good, gold is good...but...but..."

The movement on the centaur's face was very obvious, but as if he suddenly thought of something, the greed and fear on his face were mixed together, making it impossible to continue his words.

He was hesitant.

However, Lao Jiu realized that he was greedy and fearful at the same time, and his eyes towards Bai Wu became more and more obvious, but he was still a little afraid of himself and the swordsman, and did not dare to do anything.

[This centaur seems to be lusting after it. 】

With just eye contact and a slight movement of their lips, the three of them exchanged ideas with tacit understanding and habitual lip riddles.

【what to do? 】

This is Baiwu asking.

Soon, Lao Jiu, as the team leader, decided on the next move.

"You centaur, if there is anything else you want, just ask."

Lao Jiu looked anxious.

The centaur in front of him evaded his eyes, but finally swallowed his saliva and said with rapid breathing.

"If, if you are willing to give me gold, and at the same time let this beautiful lady beside you stay with me for a month... no, even if it is just a week... no, even if it is just one night, I will tell you what you want."

The centaur boldly stared at the beautiful Bai Wu and said.

His eyes were hot, like fire, full of greed and desire.

"You centaur, how dare you..."

Baiwu was angry and wanted to leave, but the two companions beside her were trying to persuade her.

After a while, Bai Wu reluctantly lowered his head and approached the centaur. The centaur hugged the beautiful woman tightly with joy, and then he said to the two of them.

"Please stay away for now. I will tell you the answer tomorrow."

The two companions had no choice but to retreat.

But when the two companions moved away, the centaur named Nessus quickly held Bai Wu on his back, and ran away with four horse hooves under his feet.

In addition to being good at prophecy and greedy for money and lust, centaurs also have a natural tendency to lie.

He didn't dare to offend the gods, but he was reluctant to abandon such a beautiful woman, so he came up with such a trick.

Baiwu, who was held hostage, was frightened and angry, but was unable to resist. In the next few days, the centaur held her hostage in their lair and did whatever they wanted.

Until one night, the centaur heard Bai Wu crying. The white mist said to the centaur.

"I was kidnapped by you, and I accepted my fate. Maybe this is the arrangement of the gods. But at least tell me, is there anything in the world that is as deadly as the venom of Hydra?"

Under Bai Wu's prayer, the centaur also relaxed his vigilance, he said to Bai Wu.

"You are so bold to want to harm the child of the father of man and god. That is the child of the gods, a destined hero. He will accomplish incredible feats in the future. How can a mortal be harmed?"

"Not to mention the three of you, even if there are three hundred of you, it is impossible to succeed. But since you said so, I will tell you an answer."

The centaur deliberately showed off.

"The most poisonous thing in the world is the nine-headed snake. The nine-headed snake is the child of the God of Devouring the World and the Father of Ten Thousand Demons. It was born from the saliva of the Father of Ten Thousand Demons and inherited the snake venom of the Father of Ten Thousand Demons. It has the most deadly venom in the world. There is no venom more poisonous than this. But even such a poisonous snake, its venom can't kill the demigod."

Bai Wu asked curiously.

"Why can't even the venom of the nine-headed snake kill the demigod?"

The centaur sneered when he heard it.

"The demigod has the blood of the Father of Ten Thousand Demons in his body, and his body is immortal. Even if the venom can make him extremely painful, it can't kill him."

The centaur thought the three people were really ridiculous. Three mere mortals actually insisted on making things difficult for a demigod.

Although it knew prophecy, it really didn't understand what the three people were thinking.

While the centaur was sneering at the stupidity of the three people, it didn't realize that the white mist in front of it was particularly rational and calm, with golden light in its eyes, but it couldn't see it.

"So, is there any way to defeat that demigod?"

Bai Wu spoke, and the magatama appeared faintly in her pupils, and at the same time, it was shining with golden light.

The centaur seemed to be unaware and said it very naturally.

"Even the demigod has his own weaknesses, which are also the weaknesses of all mortals."

"There is a thing that is slow and weak. It doesn't even have the strength to make a rabbit move its feet, but it can make the most noble king in the world bow his head in front of it and make the bravest warrior in the world lose to it."

"Can you guess what this is?"

The centaur proudly showed off his riddle.

There was only indifference in Bai Wu's pupils with magatama spinning violently. She already understood.

So she opened her mouth to answer the centaur's riddle.

"The name of that thing is aging."

"Yes, it is aging, my beauty, you are so smart."

The centaur said, looking at the beautiful woman in front of him excitedly, and then pounced on her again...

Just when the centaur was intoxicated, three people beside him stared at the centaur indifferently.

Still by the river, there were still three travelers and a centaur. But the centaur was lying on the ground at this moment, with his eyes closed, intoxicated, and making strange noises from time to time, and his lower body was still moving on the ground.

"The answer has been solved."

Bai Wu said to his companion beside him.

In the last world, the four members of the team had been forced to stay in the Type-Moon world for sixty years. In those sixty years, they gained a lot.

Not to mention other people, just Bai Wu, when she was in the Type-Moon world, in addition to learning those magic knowledge, she spent the rest of her time studying the development of artificial magic eyes.

The eye technique learned from the world of Naruto, after integrating the artificial magic eyes unique to the world of Type-Moon, she forcibly deduced an alternative version of the Sharingan.

Although it is not the original version and is indeed inferior to the original version in many aspects, her pair of artificial magic eyes, Sharingan, has its own unique features, that is, it has greatly enhanced the illusion ability.

It is naturally insufficient to deal with those powerful beings, but it is more than enough to confuse a centaur.

When the three people agreed, the centaur had unknowingly fallen into her illusion and learned more information from it.

"Aging? What kind of weakness is aging?"

The swordsman didn't understand. He really didn't understand this kind of thing. Did the three of them have to wait for more than a hundred years in this world until Hercules slowly grew old?

He also had some understanding of this world. Although these descendants of demigods cannot live forever, it is not surprising to live for one or two hundred years in terms of life span.

"Of course not just waiting like this."

Lao Jiu shook his head.

[Happy Children's Day to all readers. Let's celebrate the author's Children's Day and set off fireworks~]

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