The world-devouring dragon

Chapter 348 The Coming of Ares

In the mortal world, the god of war that the two goddesses were talking about was galloping and killing on the battlefield.

"Kill! Kill! Kill..."

The warrior who was shouting wildly had red eyes, his face was full of excitement and enthusiasm, he waved two swords in his hands, and wherever he went, there were broken bodies and limbs, and his body was covered with blood.

On the battlefield, people were afraid of this warrior and were terrified, but this warrior fell into extreme frenzy. He laughed loudly and attacked everyone regardless of friend or foe.

"Serapion is crazy!"

His comrades shouted in fear, but the man called Serapion didn't care at all. The knife in his hand couldn't withstand such a fierce battle, and broke in the collision with the enemy's weapon. He picked up a spear and continued to fight.

If the knife broke, he would use a spear, if the spear broke, he would use a bow, and if the arrows ran out, he would use a javelin.

Spear, bow and arrow, sword, axe...

All weapons can be operated freely, as flexible as his limbs.

Cruel, cruel, and bloody.

Intoxicated by the screams, broken limbs, blood, and death on the battlefield.

Unconsciously, the hair of the warrior named Serapion had been completely soaked by the coagulated blood and turned into bright red.

The warrior covered in blood, the warrior who was not afraid of death, finally killed countless enemies.

But the tragic battle was not enough to exchange for victory. Under the calm command of the enemy generals, the balance of the war gradually tilted. Above the invisible clouds, Nike, the goddess of victory with wings on her back, drew her sword and chose the calmer side.

The warrior who killed and killed was finally pierced by the spears of many soldiers.

When he died, his body was bleeding, but he still stood stubbornly on the ground. The ferocious red eyes frightened the soldiers in front of him. Holding the spears for support, he stood on the battlefield like a sculpture.

On the other side, the furious god of war stepped on the steps, picked up his weapons, and was about to chase the goddess of victory with wings on her back.


Above the clouds, the heavy footsteps of the God of War made a thunderous sound, and the sharp sound made people's legs tremble.

Occasionally, when the God of War saw the mortals fighting on the ground, he would be happy to see the prey and choose to possess the mortals to fight happily on the battlefield.

But this time, when Ares was intoxicated by the bloody rain and drums, he didn't realize that the goddess of victory had already left him. The victory that should have belonged to him was arranged by the goddess of victory to the other party. The angry God of War intended to take revenge on the goddess.

However, the goddess of victory had already spread her wings and quietly flew away while waving.

The goddess of victory has wings on her back because she will never be attached to a certain winner forever. Even if the winner is praised by Nike for a while, he can't keep the goddess of victory forever.

Ares roared angrily at the departure of the goddess of victory.

Who is the god of war in this world? Strictly speaking, this is a very complicated question.

The generals prayed to Athena, the goddess of wisdom, to give them strategies to defeat the enemy, but they also prayed to Ares, the god of war, to give them the courage to defeat the enemy. In the end, between courage and strategy, Nike, the goddess of victory, would choose one of them to win the crown of victory.

The confrontation between Athena and Ares can even be traced back to the distant past.

Since Ares failed in his courtship of Athena and even became a laughing stock of the gods, Ares decided to defeat Athena to prove his strength.

War belongs to the brave.

Ares tried to declare this to the world.

But in the long battles in the mortal world, the victory of the war did not completely belong to the brave. Although there were wins and losses, the goddess of victory tended to the goddess of wisdom more often.

This made Ares extremely dissatisfied. He was the god of war, and everything on the battlefield should belong to him, but victory was not always to him.

"That damn winged bitch!"

Ares cursed with red eyes.

He is a terrifying warrior with red hair and red eyes, strong, majestic, and powerful. When the God of War enjoys killing, both humans and gods will be terrified.

At this moment, a pair of smooth and delicate hands hugged his neck and said kindly.

"Okay, my warrior, the war is over."

No one among the gods can face the anger of the God of War, but there is only one goddess who can make the furious God of War extinguish his anger and become quiet.

Behind the God of War, the most beautiful goddess in the world hugged Ares' neck affectionately, unaware of the bloody smell on his body. The azure eyes stared at the burly god in front of him, and he was indescribably fascinated.

The God of War Ares turned his head and looked at the goddess behind him. The goddess's eyes flickered, and the anger in the God of War's heart quickly extinguished, replaced by the pleasure of ravaging and conquering.

Ares's big hand pinched the goddess's face, looking down at the goddess in front of him, and then kissed her roughly.

That hard kiss was not the lingering of lovers, but the contempt and devastation of the conqueror towards the spoils of war.

Then, the God of War picked up the goddess of beauty Aphrodite and found a space in the clouds. The fatigue in the war was relieved and vented by the goddess in front of him.

In the tender voice and panting, the war ushered in the relaxation in the interval.

After the lingering, the God of War lay in the clouds to rest. The hearty battle made the God of War very satisfied.

On the side, the God of Love and Beauty curled up in Ares's arms like a kitten, with his long, silky golden hair scattered all over the clouds. Aphrodite quietly raised her head and opened her eyes to look at the powerful warrior who was purring.

The sleeping God of War was rarely quiet. His hair and beard were messy, his broad chest was undulating, his knot-like muscles and the strong blood and blood silently demonstrated the vitality of this God of War.

Lying on Ares' chest, Aphrodite rested her chin on her hands and stared at the sleeping God of War.

This goddess, who is known for her passion, has extremely clear eyes at this moment, even a subtle sadness, and her red lips are mumbling to herself.

"Ares, will you love me..."

It may be difficult for anyone in this world to understand what this goddess is thinking. She rejected the advances of Zeus and was forcibly betrothed to the ugly and lame God of Fire Hephaestus. Later, she had affairs with many gods and people, gave birth to children, and was considered dissolute.

Her beauty was known to all the world, and even Apollo, the most arrogant and conceited among the gods, could not help but feel lust and possessive thoughts when he saw her body.

Who would such a goddess fall in love with?


Ares seemed to feel uncomfortable and frowned dissatisfied.

Seeing this, Aphrodite quickly stretched out her slender fingers, gently rubbed Ares's brow, and slowly melted away the anger for him.

Her eyes were gentle, as if what he saw in front of him was not the rough and majestic God of War, but a sleepy child.

Under the comfort of the God of Beauty, the God of War's frown gradually relaxed.

"It's okay, my warrior..."

The Goddess of Beauty smiled, whispered, and softly hummed a mysterious song.

"Invincible love, love, you spend the long nights on the soft face of the girl. You often cross the sea and haunt the fields in the wilderness. No one can escape, neither the immortal God nor the short-lived man. Without being out of your hands, you make lovers go crazy..."

She is the goddess of love and beauty who is in charge of love, but she cannot control her own love. She is always teased by fate and cannot get her true love.

This influence has also deeply affected the entire world. Love has become something full of suspicion, worry, pain and sadness. Mortal people yearn for love, but are always hurt by love, and it is rare to find perfection.

The goddess of beauty quietly hummed a song and enjoyed the time alone with her lover.

But at this moment, the war god's keen ears suddenly moved slightly, and in an instant, his round eyes suddenly opened.

"Huh? My child was killed?"

The blood-red eyes were full of anger and ferocity.

God can feel the life and death of his offspring. He just realized that a child he admired had been killed.

who is it?

Who dares to kill the child of a god of war? !


The furious God of War shouted, pushed the beauty away, picked up his spear and shield, and didn't even have time to put on the armor, he wanted to avenge his child.

"Ares, where are you going?"

Aphrodite eagerly hugged Ares' body and wanted to ask, but was kicked away by the God of War and fell into the clouds.

"Get away!"

With loud shouts, the furious God of War headed towards the direction of the earth.

Overcoming the obstacles of clouds and mountains, the God of War stepped onto the sky.

His steps were heavy and full of killing, causing war and bloodshed on the ground. His eyes are sharp and he can see all the fighting battlefields.

And in those countless battles, he saw the murderer who killed his children.

The tall and strong man wearing a lion skin was walking in the mountains. There were still blood stains on the ground, which was proof that his child had passed away.

"Damned mortal!"

The great god roared angrily, raised his spear in his hand, and threw it at the man.

The bronze spear was shining with light and flew out like a stream of light, making it difficult for people to guard against it.

The man also failed to realize the threat coming from the clouds. By the time he realized something was wrong, it was already too late. The bronze spear had already pierced his head.

Once hit, no matter how powerful the hero is, he will be killed immediately.

But in the invisible sky, Leo roared fiercely, and invisible starlight fell on the lion's skin. The lion head on the man's head seemed to be alive, and his ferocious gaze "happened" to make the man lower his head slightly.


The bronze spear hit the invulnerable lion's head, making a crisp sound like metal collision, and was bounced away.

The bronze spear that flew out drew an arc in the air, and was then held tightly by a big hand.


It was only then that the hero suddenly realized that he had just been attacked?

Looking around, he saw a fiery red meteor falling in his direction from the sky. When the meteor passed by, a strong wind blew in front of the hero's eyes. The strong wind pressure made it almost impossible to open his eyes.


Amidst the roar, smoke and dust flew everywhere, and as the wind and waves swept by, a burly and strong naked man slowly walked out of the smoke, holding a spear in one hand and a shield in the other.

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