The world-devouring dragon

Chapter 68 Loki’s Argument

Very few people know that once in that era before heaven and earth were established, Frigga, the goddess who loved treasures, once stole a piece of gold from Odin's real gold statue, and also managed to break the statue so that she could not confess to herself. Who was the thief (in order to find out the name of the thief, Odin wrote runes on the mouth of the golden statue so that it could speak for itself). This angered Odin very much. As a result, Odin left Asaga in anger. Germany, roam elsewhere.

During this period, his brother Wei transformed into Odin and hooked up with the God Queen Frigga. Wei had the same appearance as Odin, and Frigga didn't know that she had lost her virginity. However, he did not have Odin's power and could not resist the incoming ancient frost giants. They allowed the frost giants to ravage the chaotic world and block the earth with ice and snow. All living things were destroyed. Fortunately, seven months later, Odin came back, and Wei also ran away in fear. So the frost giants did not dare to do evil again, and the world regained its vitality.

However, Frigga also realized that she had secretly lost her virginity. At that time, Wei and Odin even had a big quarrel, and they reconciled after a long time.

That incident happened an unknown number of thousands of years ago, and Odin sealed this period of history with runes. After Wei died in a battle with Ymir, the ancestor of the frost giants, out of guilt, almost no gods knew about it anymore. .

However... Loki is the only one who has witnessed it all. He has seen it all with his own eyes.

However, obviously not many of the gods present knew about this matter. If more or less the previous scandals of the gods were known to a few gods, this incident would really make the gods dumbfounded.

In the midst of the uproar and among the astonished eyes of the gods, God Queen Frigga's figure looked shaky. Obviously, the dark history that had been sealed for many years was suddenly revealed, which shocked her very much.

She looked at the eyes of the many gods in front of her and her mind was in confusion. She tried to stand up, but stumbled and almost fell. She barely used a jade-like arm to support the long table. The bright eyes became scattered at this moment, the lips trembled, and the voice as thin as a mosquito moaned in a confused attempt to refute.

"This...this is not...not my fault..."

Her eyes were red, and soon there was a faint glimmer of water in her eyes, but Loki didn't show any mercy, but continued to sneer and speak indifferently.

"Frigga, do you still want me to continue talking... There is much more to your matter than just this."

Listening to Loki's words, God Queen Frigga opened her mouth and tried to say something, but finally sat down lonely and slumped.

Seeing that the situation was getting more and more chaotic, a stunningly beautiful goddess finally couldn't bear it anymore. She stood up, pointed at Loki and shouted loudly.

"Loki! Stop trying to slander the innocent reputation of the gods and the Queen of Gods. How can the reputation of the Queen of Gods be tarnished by a despicable evil god like you?!"

As if a word from the goddess's mouth touched Loki, a gloomy look appeared on his face. He turned around and saw a beautiful goddess with a beautiful necklace around her neck, who was proudly wearing one. overlooking him.

The beauty of any goddess is already extremely beautiful, but the beauty of this goddess far exceeds that of all other goddesses, making those desperate goddesses feel ashamed in front of her. In fact, it is difficult for anyone in the entire universe to resist the charm of Freya, the goddess of beauty and love. Whether they are gods, elves or dwarves, they are all fascinated by the beauty of this goddess. Because of this, Freya He always looks proud.

"Despicable? Evil God?"

Looking at the beautiful goddess in front of him, Loki's non-human snake eyes became colder and colder. His lips were raised high, his pupils dilated slightly, and he showed an almost ferocious smile.

"Freya, you are the most wanton among all the goddesses. All the gods here are your lovers. How many gods don't know the price you paid to get the necklace around your neck? What mortal doesn't know? !”

Freya's beauty is already unparalleled, but she is passionate about beauty but she also desires to make herself more beautiful.

The necklace around her neck, Bridgman, was originally made by four dwarfs who were proficient in casting. As long as Freya wears this necklace, no man can resist her charm, so she must get it; The dwarfs didn't want money, but asked Freya to stay with them for four days and four nights and let them do whatever they wanted. So Freya stayed with them for four days and four nights before she got this necklace with endless charm.

After Freya got this necklace, no other goddess could match her beauty. All the gods, giants and giants admired her and longed to be noticed by her.

Freya's face was full of anger. With her incomparable beauty, she had always been carefully protected by the gods. She had never been so nakedly humiliated.

She is not a weak goddess, she is not just a vase, she is also a very powerful Valkyrie who is good at fighting, and can be a threat.

"Loki, if you continue to talk nonsense and fabricate obscene rumors like this, the Asaph gods will definitely hate you to the bone and make you die without a burial place!"

Facing Freya's threat, Loki showed no fear and instead continued to sneer.

"You'd better shut up! Freya, you have seduced countless people and gods, even your own brother Frey. The gods are laughing behind your back, but you still act like you don't know what you are doing."

At this time, one of the gods finally couldn't sit still and spoke in a strange and sarcastic way.

"It's a trivial matter for a woman to be happy with her husband and lover, but a god turned into a mare and made peace with a stallion, and the child she gave birth to is still tied outside the palace. Do you think it's strange or not?"

The god who spoke was none other than Nidel, the god of the offshore sea. He was the father of Frey, the god of fertility, and Freya, the god of beauty and love. He was once the main god of the Warner clan, but he lost due to the war between the Warner clan and the Asaph clan. , and came to Asa Garden as hostages with his two children.

However, Odin does not stick to his origin. Whether it is the handsome Frey or the beauty Freya, they have become the main gods in Asa Garden. Therefore, although he is called a hostage, he is not treated as a hostage.

In the past, Nidel and Loki were once considered half-friends. Loki often went to the beach to ask for seafood from Nidel.

But as the gods and Loki gradually disagreed over the way the three brothers and sisters were dealt with, the relationship became more and more estranged. Now, Loki was targeting his own children. Of course, he couldn't just sit idly by and stand up. And he made sarcastic remarks, and what he said can be traced back to the moment when Asa Garden was first established.

Not long after the creation of the world, the gods wanted to build Asgard, and the final step was to build a wall around Asgard that was tall and strong enough to resist all enemies. However, the difficulty of such a huge project far exceeded the expectations of the gods. Imagine that, in the end, a giant with nimble hands and horseback came forward and claimed that he could build the most magnificent city wall in three winters, but after that, he wanted the goddess Freya to be his wife.

The gods, who did not believe that anyone could complete this huge project independently, did not take it seriously. However, in order to tease the giant, the gods pretended to agree to his request, but put forward more stringent conditions, requiring the giant to complete the project within one winter. No other giants were allowed to help, and if it was not completed, the gods would kill the braggart without hesitation.

However, unexpectedly, the giant agreed without hesitation. Not long after, a brand new city wall grew rapidly, and the surprised gods discovered that the giant horse "Swadilfli" that the giant was riding was "It is an extraordinary horse. It can move huge rocks for giants every day without feeling tired at all. It works day and night.

In just three days before the arrival of spring, most of the city wall was completed. According to this speed, on the day when winter passes, the giant and his divine horse will complete the entire city wall. They do not want to hand over the beautiful goddess Freya to the giant. The gods began to discuss sadly, and Loki came up with an idea at that time.

He transformed into an extremely beautiful mare and then seduced the young stallion named Swadilfli. The working stallion couldn't stand the mare's teasing and chased after the mare, but Loki kept running towards the distance, keeping the young stallion away from his master. Naturally, the poor giant who lost the giant horse could not complete the project before the arrival of spring. When Thor, the god of strength and thunder, After returning to Asa Garden after a long journey, he smashed the giant's head with his war hammer without hesitation.

Therefore, there was always a missing piece of the city wall surrounding Asa Garden. This gap was later used as a gate by the gods, and a rainbow bridge was built to connect Asa Garden to other worlds, and the guardian of the gods, Heim, Doyle built a fortress here and guarded it day and night. It was the only loophole in the entire impregnable Asa Garden.

The result of the happy outcome of the mare transformed by the giant horse Voltaire and Loki was that Loki gave birth to an eight-legged colt called "Sleipnel", and this eight-legged colt It was also given to his brother Odin by Loki and is Odin's famous mount.

The gods came to have a drink in the underwater palace of the old sea god Egil, and the eight-legged horse was naturally led outside the palace.

Listening to Needle's ridicule, Loki's eyes became even more gloomy, and he spoke word by word.

"Nedel, there are some things that I should have cared about your face and kept silent, but now I finally can't bear it anymore. Your son and daughter were born to you and your sister, but the siblings are still inherited from your family. It’s tradition.”

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