The world-devouring dragon

Chapter 71 Hela’s Rejection


In the jungle, a vague figure was bent down from exhaustion, holding on to a tree, breathing hard.

In his ears, he could vaguely hear the roaring footsteps of the giants driven by the gods all over the mountains and plains, trying to search for his traces. However, although these obedient giants were powerful, they were obviously not enough. clever. Just now, a tree giant passed by him, unaware that the object he was looking for was hiding in the grass less than half an arm's length away from him.

However, no matter how stupid these giants are, if they hide without sleep for seven days and seven nights, it will be enough to make Loki deeply tired.

Before our eyes, countless images of the future are flashing, and most of these images of an uncertain future herald a tragic ending...

"Being tied to a stone? Huh... Geofeien, was it you who did it?"

While holding his head in severe pain, he sneered to himself.

In his premonition, he already understood that he would probably be tied to a stone just like Geofeiin's curse on him.

Although Geofine does not have the power to determine the future, she is very good at intervening in the future through curses. This is why the gods are very afraid of her and do not want to offend her.

Since drinking the water from the Fountain of Wisdom, Loki has the ability to see those future scenes. Various uncertain future scenes often appear suddenly in front of him. These futures are often uncertain and can be changed.

It's like if Loki woke up drunk and foresaw that he might break one of Thor's treasures and be caught and beaten up by Thor, he could easily predict this in advance. thing, and then don't touch the treasure, both futures exist at the same time, it depends on what Loki chooses next.

However, among countless uncertain futures, there is only one future that is so clear and certain that there is no other possibility...

The destruction of the gods.

God King Odin knew this future, so he became taciturn; God Queen Frigga was a Norn, and she also knew this future through her ability to predict, so she was equally worried.

The wise giant also knew this future, but he did nothing but waited calmly for his death; the three sisters of destiny also knew this future, but their birth meant that their uncertain fate had been determined. There is no way to change it, so the three sisters of destiny were born to maintain the operation of destiny.

The unknown gods and giants are still fighting unconsciously, unaware that their own doom is approaching.

But Loki was unwilling to give in.

He would not succumb to fate so easily.

Loki once tried to use his ability to foresee to change this future. He foresaw that his three rebellious children would subvert the entire World Tree in the future. For this reason, he acquiesced in Odin's treatment of his three children. , in an attempt to avoid Ragnarok.

However, fate was far more wonderful than he imagined.

It was precisely because he acquiesced in Odin's treatment of his three children that the demon wolf became wild and untamed and ambitious to devour the gods; the serpent could not bear hunger and swallowed the sun, and was sealed at the bottom of the sea by the gods; Ra resented the gods for banishing her to the desolate world of death, and her hatred could not be eliminated.

He once thought about what would happen if he did not approve of Odin's way of handling the situation, but chose to control the three brothers and sisters himself?

But's useless.

Fate is so tricky. He tried his best to avoid it, but in the end he had to take the initiative to promote it.

He could not accept that his children would be sealed away forever and be forced to argue with Odin. Odin, who had already determined that these three monsters would be the scourge of the universe, would not agree with him anyway. idea.

In the underwater palace, his ridicule and arrogance were not the last showdown between him and Odin...

"Are you so afraid of fate? You don't even dare to confront it once!"

Faced with his silent sarcasm, Odin did not answer him directly, but he already understood Odin's choice...

He leaned against the tree, raised his head, and panted slightly. It was not easy to avoid the pursuit of the gods. Casting spells also consumed a lot of his energy. He had been running away without sleep for seven days. lost his strength.

He knew that he might not be able to escape.

Those future pictures already showed a picture of an indescribably large net suddenly falling from the sky and capturing him. At this moment, the gods had discovered his location.

But now, he has no strength to resist anymore.

However, he raised his head and looked at the boundless net falling above his head. There was an inexplicable mockery in his dim eyes as he murmured.

" are really cowardly..."

Immediately, the fallen net completely enveloped the exhausted God of Fire and Evil.

When the big net was loosened, a powerful big foot suddenly kicked on his back. Loki, who was unsteady for a moment, fell to the ground in embarrassment, splashing sewage on the ground. On this former god.

Then, the big foot stepped heavily on his back, making him unable to stand up.

"Loki, it's time for you to taste your retribution."

On his body, the familiar voice of the God of Thunder reached his ears, but the voice was not as upright as before, instead it had a bit more coldness.

Loki understood that Thor already hated him.

He couldn't stand up and could only lie on the ground, barely raising his head and looking around. I saw that in this underground cave, the gods had arrived. They formed a circle around Loki, looking at Loki's embarrassment after being stepped on the ground by Thor, the God of Thunder, with indifferent expressions.

They all came to see the death of this evil god.

Loki raised his head and looked around slowly. All he got was the disgust and hostility of the gods.

Looking at those gods, he couldn't help but laugh...

"Haha...ho ho ho ho...hahahahahaha..."

There is a bit of desolation and self-deprecation in the laughter.

Now that things have happened, what on earth do I still want to see?

Did he still think that any god would have some compassion for him?

In the eyes of these gods, I am just an evil god who has been stepped on in the mud...

At this moment, the cold voice behind him sounded again.

"I'm going to blow your head off...Loki."

With the sound of heavy objects being dragged, his body began to become heavier. Loki knew without turning his head that Thor was raising his Mjolnir high, preparing to smash his head.

However, Loki did not resist, but lay calmly in the muddy water, waiting for his fate to come.

Perhaps, death might be able to free him from this world that makes him tired...

At least, it was not as he saw, being tied to a stone. Although it was just an uncertain future, this could be regarded as a small resistance to his fate.

But after a long time, what Loki was waiting for was the startled sound of the God of Thunder behind him.

"how come……"

Immediately, a female voice sounded.

"I said, Hela will not accept Loki's soul into the Kingdom of the Underworld."

Loki heard this and went away, only to see the goddess Geofine standing among the gods, looking at him and frowning.

"Hela will not let her father enter the underworld as a dead person. Unless Hela approves, Loki will not die. It is better to tie him up and let him not see the light of day in this underground cave until forever."

The Hell Kingdom under the control of Hela is the final destination of all living things. Even after the death of the gods, they can only be under the jurisdiction of Hela. With Hela's ability, any soul that she does not want to accept can indeed be immortal.

However, the living have their own order, and the dead have their own rules. Hela must have to pay a heavy price for forcibly refusing to accept Loki's soul to ensure that Loki does not die.

"This really getting more and more presumptuous."

One of the gods said angrily.

As Hela's mastery of the underworld of Heim becomes deeper and deeper, she becomes more and more disobedient to the rule of the Asaph gods. Previously she directly refused to return the soul of Baldr, the god of light, and now she refuses to accept it. Loki's soul enters the underworld.

All these signs are enough to make these gods angry towards Hela.

"Is it Hela?"

On the side, Loki thought, and then laughed at himself.

"It seems that I can only be tied to the stone...but I have also fulfilled Geofei's curse."

Among the gods, God King Odin looked at him silently. No one could guess what the God King was thinking.

Then, suddenly, he spoke.

"Hermod, go and capture Loki's two children - Narver and Vali."

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