The world enters the age of myth

Chapter 30 S-Class Disaster

After pondering for a while, Lu Yiming dismissed the idea: "It doesn't really look like it. Most of the cars outside look like Satana. This kind of old car was more popular in the 1990s and entered the 21st century. It was gradually phased out after a century.”

"Moreover, the computer screen here is a tube display, and its technological content is lower than the LCD screens commonly used on earth. So in summary... the technological level of this world is decades behind ours, and it should not be the future of mankind on earth."

Lu Yiming took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down.

Coming to this conclusion gave him some peace of mind.

So, what exactly is the so-called S-class supernatural disaster that breaks out in the parallel world? Does it have any lessons for people on earth?

"According to the dilapidation of this hospital, it must be at least several decades old. In a few decades, the supernatural disaster may have disappeared... Of course, I still have to be careful."

"There are also some electronic devices in this parallel universe, and there may be more data preserved. If you look for it again, you may gain something. If we can know what the S-class disaster in the parallel world is, and it has some reference value, we can resist it. It will also be easier.”

Just when he reached the stairs, the call in his ears changed, "No... no... hippopotamus?"

The porcelain doll didn't seem to want to let him out.

Lu Yiming hesitated.

He moved carefully.

The journey ahead seemed to get darker, and the flame burning in his hand flickered, as if a little unstable. He quickly poured a little more alcohol on the torch.

So many years have passed, and most of the disinfectant alcohol in the hospital has evaporated completely. Only the ones that are sealed and stored will retain some, so it is not that easy to find.

Suddenly, the flame trembled violently a few times...and suddenly went out!

The whole world is plunged into darkness!

Before Lu Yiming could take out his lighter and relight the flame, he suddenly felt an extremely malicious look.

This sense of voyeurism made the hairs all over his body stand up!

Then, two cold hands grabbed his shoulders.

In just a short second, a strange force came over him, and he found that his entire body had lost consciousness. The torch in his left hand and the pistol held tightly in his right hand fell to the ground with a "pop".

This feeling of unconsciousness is like Zhong Peng's super power of immobilization. He can breathe and think, but his whole body is stiff and completely unable to move.

Two cold hands were slowly moving towards his neck, as if they wanted to strangle him.

"Is there something behind me?"

Lu Yiming was covered in cold sweat and tried his best to break away from this strange force, but it was to no avail.

The two palms had moved to his neck and were slowly exerting force. Soon, Lu Yiming's face turned red from suffocating, and his entire face swelled to the color of pig liver due to lack of oxygen.

"Am I... going to die here?!"

His mind was running rapidly, but his whole body was completely frozen and he didn't obey his orders at all.

"Or is it an illusion?"

Lu Yiming tried hard to concentrate, separated out a thought, attached it to his camera, and then the thought quickly returned.

But this had no effect at all. Apart from the body shaking slightly after his mind returned, the huge force from the two cold palms still did not disappear.

"It's not a hallucination."


The pistol fell to the ground!

However, the trigger of the pistol requires at least 1.5 kilograms of force to pull. With his super power, he does not have enough power to pull the trigger. Moreover, the weight of this gun is about one kilogram. His super power can only move two hundred grams of metal material, so there is no way to aim behind him...

No, if you do this... you will die.

Lu Yiming recalled what Professor Huang once said that when emotions fall into extreme situations, superpowers may grow.

It's a pity that there is no huge explosion of superpowers before death.


After all, this is only a small probability event.

He was already out of breath, and large tracts of darkness appeared in front of his eyes, which was a sign of extreme lack of oxygen in the brain.

Lu Yiming used his super power again and pulled out the dagger on his waist.

The mass of this dagger is less than two hundred grams, but it can just levitate. The dagger was suspended in the air, weak and weak, and stabbed crookedly into the back.

Unfortunately, nothing was hit.

There was no one behind him, it was just the air squeezing his neck.

This series of operations almost exhausted all of his potential, but still to no avail.

what to do?

what to do? !

Lu Yiming became more and more anxious, his consciousness had begun to blur, and he probably could only last a few seconds at most. If he really loses consciousness, he will be strangled to death by an inexplicable supernatural phenomenon.


He suddenly remembered that before he was attacked, the flame of the torch in his hand suddenly went out... The way the flame went out was strange... Does this mean anything?

He glanced down with difficulty, and saw that the previous torch was thrown at his feet, with scattered sparks still coming out. The alcohol had not finished burning, and it might rekindle at any time.

It seems that there is a mysterious force suppressing the regeneration of the flame.

A possibility suddenly occurred to me!

He used his superpower to levitate the metal knife, quickly stabbed it at the torch, and then fiddled with it a few times with all his strength.

The mysterious power was broken by the knife, and suddenly, there was a soft "boom" sound, and the torch burned again.

In just ten seconds, the long-lost light...the pressure on my neck disappeared immediately!

After taking a breath, Lu Yiming ignored his dizziness, picked up the things on the ground and quickly backed away, carefully looking after the flame in his hands along the way.

The fluctuation of the flame was obviously abnormal, and it suddenly went out several times.

But after being prepared, Lu Yiming reacted very quickly. Once there was a sign of this, he immediately turned on the lighter and lit it again.

Along the way, he was not attacked.

"It seems that as long as there is enough light, the hidden monster will not be able to attack me."

It took two minutes for Lu Yiming to return to the vicinity of the porcelain doll. The beating of the flame finally returned to normal.

"Huh...huh..." After temporarily escaping from danger, Lu Yiming gasped for air. His whole body was soaked with sweat. He is still a little dizzy and has not fully recovered from the hypoxic environment. .

Lu Yiming's face didn't look very good.

The scene just now was so dangerous, possibly the most dangerous in this life.

"It seems that there are also territorial divisions among the weird... This should be the territory of the ceramic doll, so the monster didn't follow..."

So, what should you do now?

The voice of "Lu Yiming... Lu Yiming" lingered in my ears again.


I don’t know what “hippopotamus” means, maybe it means fool.

Are there any conditions for accepting this porcelain doll? Put it together?

Lu Yiming's face was gloomy and uncertain.

A terrible thought occurred in his mind. The scene just now might have been created by this porcelain doll in order to bring him back...

Of course, this speculation is baseless and is just based on the most conspiracy theory perspective.

Or maybe, this ghost place is full of weird supernatural beings, and being near the porcelain doll is already the safest area.

After pondering for a long time, Lu Yiming did not dare to try randomly elsewhere. The terrible attack just now almost killed him. If you continue to walk around randomly, it will be a complete act of seeking death.

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