The world enters the age of myth

Chapter 74 Global flood coming from the sky

The wipers swiped the ground...

This downpour has been going on for two full months!

The entire world is coming to an eventual end.

The weather in the past few days was barely normal, but starting from the 7th day, the gentle breeze and drizzle gradually turned into a heavy rainstorm, which never ended.

A hole seemed to have been poked in the sky, and water resources from the moon were continuously tilted to the earth.

On the 9th day, except for some subway lines that had better flood prevention measures and could still be opened, basically all public transportation facilities were stopped.

This has caused the vast majority of factories to suspend operations, and ordinary people are trapped at home, with no way to go out to work.

The government announced on television that it would open super shelters and mobilize the military to rescue civilians.

Since social inertia still exists, order can barely be controlled.

However, the military's rescue capabilities are very limited, and coupled with the increasingly harsh climate and environment, the difficulty of rescue is increasing every day...

Next, all communications were chaos! When the network was gradually disconnected and even the power supply could not be guaranteed, many people finally realized that something was wrong, and the entire society quickly lost control and entered a state of doomsday.

By the third week, heavy downpours had submerged many houses, dams had burst, and most infrastructure had been destroyed by heavy rains.

It is not heavy rains that quickly destroy civilization, but humans themselves.

"The end is coming, and evil humans are facing God's judgment! We have destroyed the earth's environment and slaughtered too many animals. This is God's judgment. No one can stop this... No one!"

"We are going to die!"

For unknown reasons, some private radio stations set up by religious fanatics are frantically disseminating this information, calling on people to commit suicide, and accelerating the collapse of human society.

There are also a small number of people who choose the final carnival before dying: "Hello everyone, I am now at the Baiduomen, and the rain here is particularly heavy. Oh my God, what did I see? A brilliant waterfall is hanging from the sky Come down...oh, this is incredible, I saw a level 10 tsunami, a level 10 tsunami is coming soon! I'm going to die soon! Goodbye friends, I hope we meet again in hell!"

The development of mankind has entered a stage of rapid progress from the distant ancient ape period, to the Stone Age, to the Bronze Age, to the Black Iron Age, and finally to the Industrial Revolution, the Electrical Revolution, and the Information Revolution.

Every step of development is hard-won, but at this moment, physics, the cornerstone of development, collapsed, and the resulting huge disaster brought human civilization to its final end...

Lu Yiming pricked his ears and lay in front of a heavy metal door.

In the past two months, he had experienced too much and witnessed all kinds of ugly phenomena, and he even felt a little numb.

He listened carefully to the sound on the other side of the door. There was a delicate electronic lock installed in this door.

He attached a thought to the electronic lock and worked hard to adjust the precise structure inside.

About five minutes later, there was a soft "click" sound, and the electronic lock was opened. After a closer look, a large number of electronic products were placed inside. It seemed that this place was an electronic equipment logistics warehouse.

"Great, I finally got something!"

When the soldiers following behind saw these supplies, they were all gearing up, and their eyes shone with joy. In this doomsday state, the existence of any material is a guarantee of future survival.

Without Lu Yiming, they don't know how long it would have taken them to open this door. In the current situation, even bombs have become a luxury item, not to mention that bombs can bring down the entire building.

"Check the surrounding safety." Lu Yiming asked.

"Report, no one!"

"Move all the electronics back!"


For several hours, except for the sound of heavy rain, their entire team did not find any pedestrians. Most people were washed away by the floods, killed each other, or encountered strange beings. There were only a few buildings in higher locations with heads popping up, which might have a chance of survival.

The next action location is a large shopping mall.

Unfortunately, the interior of the mall had been completely looted and even set on fire, but in the highly humid environment, the flames did not spread.

"Report, there is no one in the mall! There is no leftover supplies! They have all been emptied, only this is left... I picked it up on the ground, it should be edible."

One soldier took out an unopened bottle of xylitol chewing gum and grinned in amusement.

"Each person will share it, and the rest belongs to you." Lu Yiming also smiled bitterly, threw a piece of chewing gum into his mouth, and chewed it a few times: "Hurry to the next destination."

The entire street had turned into a raging river. The twelve-person team got on a heavy ship specially built by the institute and moved along the river.

The steel plate on the ceiling of these ships alone is five centimeters thick. Every raindrop falling from the sky is as big as a date, and it hits the ground like bullets.

All the stores on the street were looted and smashed in a short period of time.

No one, not a single voice!

There are only a few survivors alive, and most of them have gone into hiding, either at home, or started direct riots, killing each other, and a lot of them even committed suicide directly.

When the entire social order completely collapses, people begin to vent their inner violent desires, morality collapses, and the law naturally becomes a piece of paper.

Coupled with the collapse of physics, resulting in frequent supernatural events, the entire world is likely to have a variety of messy C-level, B-level supernatural events, and even A-level events are not impossible...

In just one morning, their entire team had killed several extremely aggressive mutant creatures. Fortunately, the abilities of these supernatural life forms are not very strong, and one bullet is all it takes, without causing too many casualties.

"Careful ahead!"

A strong wind blew, and a huge billboard slammed down, splashing a lot of water. The ship swayed for a few times and then slowly returned to calm.

Seeing this scene of ruins, Lu Yiming was naturally not in a good mood. Even though he had witnessed it countless times during this period, it was still difficult to truly accept it.

The soldiers following him also had serious faces and could not say a word.

Even if you have just made a big gain, you can still only be happy for a small moment.

In fact, they have two tasks this time. The first is to find more living supplies. After all, there is never too much living supplies. No one knows what kind of life mankind will face in the future.

As long as there is enough storage space in the shelter, no matter what it is, whether it is food, clothing, or electronic products, it should be filled as much as possible.

The S-class disaster broke out too quickly, much earlier than expected. It was originally thought to be a month, but it broke out within a week, which made the institute's preparations somewhat deficient.

The second task is that if qualified survivors are found, they will be directly picked up on the ship and entered into the shelter!

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