After the banquet, Chen Ran rushed home immediately.

He held the repayment ointment tightly in his hand.

This is my sister's hope. Whether my sister can become a warrior again depends on whether this repayment ointment works!

When Chen Ran returned home, his mother was entertaining an old woman who looked like a matchmaker. When the old woman saw Chen Ran coming back, she immediately patted her mother's arm and said, "Next time, let's talk in detail next time."

"Okay! Sister Cui, I'll give it to you!"

Mother sent Sister Cui to the door and then turned back.

Chen Ran searched around the house but couldn't find his sister, so he asked, "Mom, where has my sister gone?"

Mother smiled and said, "Your sister took your father to the outer city to burn incense."

"Outer city? Burn incense? What kind of incense should you burn?"

Chen Ran frowned, he didn't believe this.

Mother smiled and said: "There is a place called Hongtu Temple in the outer city. It has been vacant for many years, but it has opened again during this time. Many people go there to burn incense and treat illnesses."

"Can burning incense cure diseases?" Chen Ran was even more curious.

"Of course! I didn't believe it at first, but the Sister Cui you just saw had a protruding disc in her waist and often couldn't stand up. She went to the Red Earth Temple to burn incense a few times, but now you can see that she is walking with wind. "

"That's what I was thinking about! One of your sister and your father has been disabled in martial arts, and the other is disabled. What if you burn a few sticks of incense and they will be cured!"

Chen Ran said: "This is nonsense. Praying to God and worshiping Buddha cannot cure the disease."

Mother said quickly: "Don't talk nonsense! There were many mentally disturbed people in the outer city. I heard that the Red Earth Temple held a charity meeting, and all those people were cured."

"Is it so effective?"

Chen Ran was curious.

The mental disorder in the outer city is naturally caused by the gangs selling mutated blood beast meat.

I didn’t expect that the Red Earth Temple could actually cure it?

It seems that those people do have two brushes, and maybe they control some kind of star plant behind them.

Chen Ran was going to go back to sleep, practice internal nourishing skills, and wait for his sister to come back before using the ointment.

When he returned to the secret room, he felt a little uneasy.

He immediately returned to the villa, asked his mother about the location of the Red Earth Temple, and then immediately left the inner city and arrived at the outer city.

The Red Earth Temple is located at the foot of a mountain more than 20 miles south of the outer city.

This place has left the human gathering place in the outer city, but Chen Ran saw people coming to worship in groups from time to time along the way.

This red earth temple has indeed made a name for itself.

Chen Ran quickened his pace, and not long after, he arrived in front of the Red Earth Temple.

This is a stone temple on the mountainside. I heard that in the old world, there was still some incense.

After the singularity erupted, it collapsed and the mountain roads were destroyed.

At this moment, many poor people are carrying stone bars and taking the initiative to repair the roads and repair the temple in order to impress the gods and escape from their poor life.

There are also some wealthy people in the inner city who directly line up to buy incense, burn incense on the statues, and use money to impress the Bodhisattva.

Chen Ran was shocked when he saw at least a hundred people on the mountain path. The incense in this Hongtu Temple was really prosperous.

In the crowd, Chen Ran really saw his sister Chen Rong.

There was a man next to him carrying his father on his back, and the three of them were queuing up to buy incense.

"The small good is 300 kilograms of food stamps, the medium good is 500 kilograms of food stamps, the great good is 800 kilograms of food stamps, and the supreme good is 1888 kilograms of food stamps!"

"May I ask this lady, which kind of incense do you want?"

When Chen Rong arrived at the door, a person selling incense and candles enthusiastically introduced the types of incense and candles to Chen Rong.

Chen Rong gritted her teeth, pointed at the largest incense candle, and said, "That's it!"

"Good luck! One 1888 kilogram food stamp will protect the young lady and her family from all diseases, and they will be able to participate in temple blessings and alms."

The staff turned around to get the incense.

When he turned around, he found that the young lady and the other two people behind her were gone.

"Sister, aren't you just fooling around? You have been studying with me since childhood. Do you believe this?"

On Chen Ran's side, he had already pulled down his sister Chen Rong and the man who was carrying his father on his back.

"Xiao Ran!"

Chen Rong was very surprised when she saw Chen Ran.

Chen Rong immediately explained: "Xiao Ran, of course this statue can't save people, but the charity meeting held by Temple Zhu is really effective. We have asked many people."

Father Chen Qixiang also said: "I heard that some disabled people stood up after their treatment, so we came here to try our luck."

"If my leg can heal and your sister can recover her martial arts skills, our family will not be a burden to you."

Chen Ran frowned and said, "Is it so magical?"

"Yes! Brother, my mother broke her leg last year. I worked for the Red Earth Temple for ten days before I got my mother a place in the charity meeting. After the temple's charity, my mother is now able to Bed."

The shirtless man said to Chen Ran.

"he is?"

Chen Ran looked at the shirtless man in confusion, worried that this man was a liar brought in by the Red Earth Temple to collude with him.

Chen Rong immediately explained: "I hired a civilian husband from the outer city to help me carry my father."

The man grinned, showing his big yellow teeth. This man had dark skin and looked dull. He did look like an honest man.

Chen Ran said to Chen Rong: "You go back first, and I will go to the temple to pray for you first. If it is really effective, I will bring you here in person tomorrow."

Chen Rong nodded and turned around to go home.

Chen Ran escorted his sister and father back to the inner city, and then returned to the Red Earth Temple.

He entered the queue, queued up to buy a stick of great kindness incense, and got the opportunity to participate in the donation.

Chen Ran took the incense and entered the temple.

There is a wooden statue standing in the main room. It is very weird, like an alien.

Seeing that the paint on it is still wet, I guess it was freshly painted.

Chen Ran looked at the wooden statue carefully and found that the wooden statue was also new.

"Selling dog meat as a sheep's head must have some other agenda!"

Chen Ran said secretly.

The staff took Chen Ran and his party to the side door on the left. There seemed to be about 20 people here.

"The temple blessing donation will be at 6 pm today. Anyone who has made a purchase that is good or above or has received a donation quota, please wait here for a while."

Chen Ran found a seat and sat down, looking at the 20 or so people.

All of them are dressed in fine clothes, and they don’t look like poor people in the outer city.

But this is normal. Zhongshanxiang needs 500 kilograms of food stamps. Those people in the outer city are poorer than the people in Huijiang Town, so they probably can't afford it.

Among them are mainly injured warriors.

There are missing arms and legs.

Chen Ran looked at an old man with a broken arm next to him and asked doubtfully: "Brother, are you coming to the charity meeting to let your arm grow back?"

When Chen Ran exposed the scar on the old man with a broken arm, he glared and cursed: "Do you want to take care of it?"

As he said this, the man slapped him with his huge left hand like a cattail leaf fan.

Chen Ran reached out and grabbed the man's left hand, smiling and saying: "Brother, don't be too grumpy, I'm just asking casually."

Chen Ran exerted force on his hand, and the man grimaced in pain.

He immediately knew that the young man in front of him was a master of martial arts. He did not dare to be presumptuous anymore and quickly begged for mercy: "Brother, I was wrong! I was wrong!"

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