Su Yang stared at the backpack in the little girl's hand for a long time without saying anything.

Although he had no murderous intention, was the little girl sure that he would not kill her?

"Little sister, your grandfather left this for you."

Su Yang finally spoke, with a soft smile on his face.

It's just that this smile looks a little fake no matter what.

"Grandpa doesn't have this bag."

The little girl shook her head, standing there a little at a loss.

Su Yang didn't know how to answer for a while.

He thought for a moment and said, "You helped me, and I will give you the food here."

When the little girl heard about the food, her face turned blue with cold showed a happy smile, and she stared at the backpack for a long time.

In just a few seconds, she looked away, bit her lip and said, "Grandpa told me not to ask for things from strangers."

Su Yang sighed in his heart.

If it were an adult, he would have been ecstatic when he saw a bite to eat.

Only children can still maintain their innocence.

"Seal all the surrounding high-rise buildings and check them one by one. The person who stole the superpower crystal core must be nearby."

Suddenly, Su Yang's ears twitched slightly.

When he came to the window, he looked through the cracks in the window and saw heavily armed soldiers rushing towards the surrounding tall buildings.

About a dozen people ran towards the tall building where they were.

Su Yang spread his fingers lightly.

"Uncle, someone is coming to arrest us. Come with me."

The little girl suddenly said eagerly.

Say it, she ran downstairs.

Su Yang was slightly startled.

The sound just now was several hundred meters away from here, and he only heard it through his super hearing.

How did the little girl know?

"Gangya, Bit, don't make any sound."

Su Yang whispered, threw the backpack into the space, and followed the little girl downstairs.

He wanted to see what the little girl's precognitive power was like.

A few minutes later, the little girl took him to a house on the 25th floor and hid in a wardrobe in a bedroom.

Su Yang frowned slightly.

He clearly heard that the people who searched this high-rise building had searched almost every room and every cabinet.

Is it safe to hide in a closet?

"Uncle, come in quickly."

the little girl urged.

"Gangya, Bit, get in."

Su Yang patted the two dogs on the head and closed the door.

The little girl's urgent voice came from the closet: "Uncle, don't you come in? They are coming soon."

"This closet is too small, I can't get in. You stay here while I move to another place. Remember, don't make a sound."

Su Yang smiled.

The little girl quickly covered her mouth.

About three minutes later, Su Yang used space powers and disappeared instantly.

At the same time, two figures came to the twenty-fifth floor.

They kicked open the houses and searched them one by one.

Su Yang stood on the roof of the building, using super hearing to monitor every move of these people.

"These people actually started searching from the top of the building. No wonder she ran down."

Su Yang whispered to himself.

Finally, they kicked open the room where the little girl was hiding and searched it very carefully.

As long as there is a place where people are hiding, they will not let them go.

Finally, they walked into the room where the little girl was hiding, and one of them reached for the cabinet handle.

Su Yang squinted his eyes.

As long as the cabinet door is opened, the little girl will be found immediately.

It will then be proven that the little girl's so-called ability to predict the future is nothing more than that.

It is impossible for Su Yang to save people who are of no use.

But the next moment.

Su Yang suddenly opened his eyes wide.

I saw the special operations team member who was about to open the cabinet, and an urgent voice suddenly came from the intercom on his chest.

"When the enemy is discovered, everyone gathers immediately."

"Da da da……"

Rushing sounds came from the intercom, mixed with the sound of machine guns.

When the special operations team member heard this, he let go of the closet handle and quickly turned around and left.

"There's something."

Su Yang felt very uneasy inside.

To say how powerful this ability is, it's hard to say.

But it can seek good luck and avoid bad luck.

If I hadn't met the little girl, maybe I would have suffered a bit?

In a flash, he returned to the room again.

When I opened the closet door, I saw that the little girl had fallen asleep.

Su Yang felt ashamed.

He didn't leave in a hurry, but sat there and waited.

From time to time, fierce gunfire came from downstairs. Looking through the cracks in the curtains, I saw countless special forces members rushing towards a tall building not far away.

At the same time, he saw several bodies falling from the top floor.

On the top of the building, a figure was wielding a long knife, and screams could be heard from time to time.

"Physical master?"

Su Yang was slightly surprised.

After a while, the fighting stopped and the entire tall building was surrounded.

Dozens of corpses lay on the ground, a bright red color.

Time seemed to have stood still. People below did not dare to go up, and people above did not come down for a long time.

Su Yang watched all this quietly.

However, he was not optimistic about the people who were enemies of the Yunjiang War Zone. Physical skills consumed a lot of body functions.

Without superpowers, there would naturally be no space, and you would certainly not be able to carry much food with you.

If this stalemate continues, we will starve to death in a few days.

"Uncle, the grandpa opposite will not die."

Suddenly, a little girl's voice came from behind Su Yang.

Su Yang smiled softly: "Your name is Xianxian, right? How old are you?"

"Uncle, I am six years old."

The little girl replied shyly.

Su Yang rubbed her head and said with a smile: "Uncle called me old, from now on he will call me brother."

"What's your brother's name?"

The little girl asked, tilting her head.

"I'll tell you when I get home."

Su Yang smiled and said, "By the way, you said the grandpa opposite will not die? Can he escape?"

"Well, my brother will help him."

The little girl nodded.

Su Yang was stunned.

Will I help him?

Why don’t I know it myself?

Although he was unhappy with the Yunjiang War Zone, he had not yet actively provoked them.

[Master, you have been designated as a counter-species by the Yunjiang War Zone, and a counter-species wanted order has been issued, with a reward of one million ordinary superpower crystal cores, and it is specially stated that as long as you survive. 】

Suddenly, Xiao Ai's voice came.

"Has the superpower crystal core become a new currency unit?"

Su Yang opened his mouth and said speechlessly.

There are only a million ordinary superpower crystal cores, who are you looking down on?

He has hundreds of billions worth of materials on him.

"Xianxian, how many times can you use your ability every day?"

Su Yang asked softly.

If it were before, he really didn't want to interfere with the affairs of the Yunjiang War Zone.

But now that he is wanted, there is nothing to worry about.

The enemy of your enemy may not be your friend, but you can at least make your enemy feel uncomfortable.

"Three times, the number of uses for today has been used up."

The little girl Xianxian said truthfully.

Su Yang's heart condensed, and he added: "From now on, you will follow my brother, but don't use your precognition ability easily."

"Okay, when I use it, I have to get my brother's permission."

Xianxian nodded obediently.

"Gangya, Bit, take the immortal to the next room to play."

Su Yang greeted.

After a while, a child and two dogs left the bedroom.

Su Yang silently took out his sniper rifle, looked at the tall building opposite, and gently opened the curtains with the muzzle of the gun.

"They are already wanted, so I have nothing to worry about."

Su Yang's eyes turned cold and he gently pulled the trigger.

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