"Lily, do you know

how to get out?" As soon as she returned to the gathering place, Li Sili told Liu Youlan that she knew how to get out, Liu Youlan was surprised to reconfirm after hearing Li Sili's words, and shouted happily after receiving a nod from Li Sili.

"Did you find your way out of the same place before?"

"No, with a new superpower.

After babbling the name of Mother Earth, Li Sili was able to hear the melody of all things, and the flow of water was one of them.

The flow of water into the ground is now in Li Sili's eyes and ears as a music score that constantly rises and falls the scale, and Li Sili can basically judge the extremely long distance upstream and downstream of the water flow by seeing and listening to the basic melody.

With this method, it is naturally extremely easy to judge the direction of the water flow and find the way to extend upward, but it will be more troublesome to explain it to Liu Youlan, so Li Sili simply explained it with a superpower that can do anything.

After explaining a little how their abilities worked, the two of them decided that after preparing tomorrow, Li Sili would be the leader to find the route to the exit.

After determining the plan, the two naturally went to rest and recuperate, this time they had their own shack, and Li Sili didn't have to be held by other girls to fall asleep, so this time Li Sili rarely felt the touch of silk fabric surrounded by towels and slept comfortably.

In her sleep, Li Sili dimly felt that everything around her seemed to deliberately change its own melody, and they adjusted themselves to match Li Sili's own melody.

Gradually, in the fog, Li Sili felt that everything around her gradually merged into her body, and she also merged into everything at the same time, and spread infinitely with their melody.

The next day, Li Sili vaguely felt that there seemed to be movement outside the shack in her sleep, her eyes were hazy, and she opened her eyes and went out, only to find that it was Liu Youlan who was making a disturbance outside.

She didn't seem to have slept all night, and there were faint blue and black marks on the spot of her eyes. Before Li Sili noticed the movement outside, she seemed to be quietly pushing the wheelchair here, but the aging wheelchair movement was too big, and finally woke up the sensitive Li Sili.

"Uh... Excuse me, did you make a noise?"

Knowing that the movement of his wheelchair was a little loud, seeing Li Sili coming out with a cute and sleepy look, Liu Youlan understood that it was his side that woke Li Sili up.

"It's okay....

But excited?" guessed

that the reason why Liu Youlan didn't sleep all night was because she said that she could find an exit, so Li Sili could understand the other party's excited state.

However, this state has had some bad effects after all, at least Liu Youlan didn't sleep for a night, which affected her mental state very much.

This greatly affects her reaction time and ability to cope in the face of a crisis state, so here Li Sili seriously mentioned it and asked Liu Youlan to restrain this excited state as much as possible.

After Li Sili said this with a serious face, Liu Youlan also realized the problem on her side, calmed her emotions as much as possible, and took a few deep breaths after Liu Youlan adjusted her state.

"My problem, I know it's wrong. Now that I'm in shape, I'm not going to be holding back after that.

"Don't you sleep?"

"No, I'm worried that I'm going to have a mental problem if I drag it out like this, so I want to find a way out as quickly as I can."

Even if I can't get out immediately, as long as I at least know that the exit exists, I'll be in a better state.

Although it was a little inconspicuous, Li Sili also faintly felt some psychological depression after coming to the underground world, so she understood a little bit of Liu Youlan's possible psychological state now.

Knowing that this situation was best not to drag on, Li Sili stopped mentioning the matter of resting, and began to turn her attention to the side of preparing to explore according to Liu Youlan's meaning.

"Then, let's get out!" This

time the trip was led by Li Sili to explore the way out, so this time the operation was no longer like before, and he could go out without anything.

Prepare a camouflage fish tail and some debris pieces as a means of coping when encountering mermaids, and then take some rotten and inedible food and meat pieces, some carnivorous animals and plants can use these as coping strategies, if they can't cope with it, they will be poisoned directly.

There were some other messy things Li Sili couldn't see clearly, and saw that the girls put a lot of flattened large bags and small bags into the backpack, and then the girls pressed the backpack a little thinner.

"This kind of weight is the limit, and if you have more, it will be inconvenient to escape, and if you encounter any situation, if you bring too much, it will be equivalent to not bringing it.

Lily, you don't have any experience with this yet, so you don't have anything with you!"

said that all the preparations were made, and then the two of them jumped into the entrance and exit under the nervous gaze of the girls.

As soon as she entered the water, a sense of déjà vu that was very familiar with the current scene appeared in Li Sili's mind, and she stood still and thought about it, and only after Liu Youlan touched Li Sili with doubts did Li Sili start to act.

Following her sense of déjà vu and moving in the direction she remembered she had walked, Li Sili soon found a passage behind the stalactite crack not far away.

Stretching out her four fingers and inserting them into a gap only the size of a hair, and after eroding and cutting the stones on both sides of the gap, Lily, who came to the wide space on the other side, swung her palms left and right, and then two stalactites the same size as Li Sili were cut from the bottom and fell to both sides.

A rush of water rushed towards the two of them along the road that had been carved out, and at this time, Liu Youlan was surprised to find that there was another wide waterway so close to the gathering place.

Bypassing the rushing water a little, the two of them headed for the waterway they had never walked before, as the speed of the current gradually eased.

After a while, the two came to a waterfall at the end of the waterway, and came to the shore on the left side of the waterfall, and they found a path formed by a semi-dry channel on the edge of this small hollow.

"Lily, this one seems to stretch all the way up there, and it feels pretty high. "

Hmm. "

The higher they move up, the closer they are to the ground, so when they saw such a large height difference in space, Liu Youlan felt that they had taken a big step forward towards the ground.

After Li Sili came here, she heard the familiar melody of air flow that she had also encountered in the sense of déjà vu, and she sensed the air flow along the air flow that she had found at a glance, and Li Sili determined that there was still a long way to go up to the top with air flow.

If this path guided by a sense of déjà vu could really lead to the ground, then the girls in the gathering place would at least not have to worry about breathing for the first part of the road.

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