The faces it encountered before had already shown its ability that could not be perceived by Li Sili, so in order to avoid being watched by onlookers but not knowing it, Li Sili decided that it would be better to explore the surrounding situation as much as possible before contacting Liu Youlan.

made a gesture not to approach Liu Youlan, and after confirming that the other party had not made any unexpected moves, Li Sili went underwater again.

Directly follow all the disturbed trajectories around her, even though the other party may have the ability to hide your own existence, but the other party's disturbance of the surrounding material still exists, so Li Sili only needs to follow the trajectory of the other party to know where the other party has gone.

Follow the trails closest to you, feeling the fading aftermath of the sand and water in the rhythm, which seems to be the trajectory of some living thing leaving.

Following this trajectory, Li Sili dived deeper and deeper, and when she reached a certain depth, Li Sili suddenly discovered the boundary where the aftermath suddenly disappeared.

Swimming towards this obvious boundary, she gradually felt a familiar chill as Li Sili approached.

Stretching out her right hand to feel the muddy water that was gradually getting colder, Li Sili found that this was the chill that had guided her to the sea of flowers under the water.

Although she could feel the chill here was not the ones she had encountered before, Li Sili could be sure that they were from the same camp as the ones she had encountered before.

Knowing who the maker of this perceptual boundary was, Li Sili naturally didn't think that they would have malicious intentions towards her, so after reaching out a little bit of the boundary to make sure that the other party was not stopping her trend, Li Sili plunged into the boundary.

Feeling a refreshing chill passing over her body, the turbid water in front of Li Sili suddenly changed and became extremely clear.

Blinking her eyes to adapt to the sudden change in circumstances, Li Sili saw and heard a strange scene after her eyes gradually cleared.

In the distance, in the sunlight shining down from a hole, thousands of broken merfolk were battling what they couldn't see in the water.

They gathered in a dense mass and rushed towards the sun-drenched waters, clinging like ants to an invisible being.

The merfolk clinging to the invisible beings outlined each other's shapes with their numbers and bodies, and in the corner of the sunlight, Li Sili saw a silhouette like the tip of a riding spear.

The invisible lance was sprinting in a direction in the darkness, and as it sprinted, many of the merfolk clinging to the lance fell one after another under the resistance of the current, and on those fallen merfolk Li Sili saw many traces of freezing.

Seeing the traces of freezing, Li Sili couldn't help but wonder if this invisible existence was with the chills, thinking about how to judge this invisible existence camp, Li Sili thought that maybe it could be judged by the enemy.

So she immediately closed her eyes and spread her senses....

Then Li Sili saw a loud noise directly in the direction where the tip of the rifle was pointing.

Through the shape of the noise, Li Sili could tell that it was a huge mermaid, just like the giant mermaid Li Sili had seen when she was rescued before.

But judging by the distance from the current position to that side, Li Sili estimated that this huge mermaid was probably more than ten times larger than the previous mermaid, and it had six more arms than the giant mermaid Li Sili had seen before.

The other party's state looked like the previous mermaid's state after growing to a certain stage, coupled with the large number of mermaids around her, which made Li Sili feel as if the other party had existed for an extremely long time.

Judging by the conversion behavior of the mermaid I saw before, it must be impossible for the other party to create so many mermaids overnight.

Coupled with the fact that the merfolk gathered around her were all in a dilapidated state, it looked like the merfolk had been following her for a long time.

But in terms of time, this is basically impossible, after all, the world has entered the end of the world for a short time, and these merfolk cannot have developed for a long time before the end of the world...

However, this conjecture is not impossible.

If this apocalypse was created by some mysterious organization and has been developed for a long time, then it is not impossible that these merfolk have existed in the underground world for a long time.

But these speculations are just speculations that let her mind fly after all, so Li Sili just thinks about it casually and doesn't take these speculations too seriously.

Putting these thoughts aside for a moment, Li Sili continued to perceive the actions of the four-handed mermaid in the dark.

Connected with the melodies of the surrounding rocks and water, Li Sili realized how lively it was at the moment when these melodies were connected.

The rock crumbles as the giant merfolk dig into the underwater ground, but the slowly falling rock changes its own melody on its own.

When the falling rock hits the broken merfolk, the rock will always make itself the strongest and sharp angle to touch the other party, and many merfolk will be killed directly because of this as if it were an accidental impact.

In the face of the giant merfolk, some small, sturdy rocks with a slight amount of metal will be pushed by the current and fall into the broken skin and exposed bones and joints of the giant merfolk.

Li Sili judged by the noise of the giant mermaid that when these hard, sharp rocks with metal were inside the giant mermaid's body, they would wear and cut the flesh and blood of the giant mermaid's body when the giant mermaid moved its body.

The consequences of this cutting of internal organs and bones do not need to be thought about to know that as the mermaid continues to move, she will eventually lose her ability due to the destruction of the body tissues in her body.

Withdrawing from perception, there was a lot of information just now Li Sili felt that she needed to withdraw to think for a while in order to clear her mind.

It's as if the whole world is besieging merfolk...

Suddenly thinking of the situation when she called Mother Earth's name before, Li Sili recalled that the situation at that time seemed to be very similar to the current situation.

At that time, in the face of Li Sili's shouts, everything around the giant tree attacked and obstructed the giant tree monster in a seemingly normal but actually very abnormal way.

That kind of attack is very similar to the current situation, and this very similar way of attacking seems to show that everything around the giant mermaid is now attacking the mermaid at its own will.

What is the reason why everything around the giant mermaid attacks her with its own will?

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