The girl standing guard at the entrance of the cave ran inside in a panic after seeing Liu Youlan's injury, and after a while, all the girls ran out of it in a hurry with large and small jars.

Seeing that the girls were so nervous, Liu Youlan comforted and said:

"Don't be so nervous, it's not so serious, you can be cured with a little tear, you don't need to take so much..."

"It's not that serious? It's all like this, it must be painful!

Didn't you say before that you went out with Lily to find an exit

? What did you encounter to become like this? Won't you protect yourself and be cautious? When you encounter something dangerous, run back first and wait for the opportunity slowly, isn't that okay

? If something happens to us, what will happen to us? Do we want to be trapped here forever or wait for the monsters to find this place and be slaughtered

?? Luckily, Lily's side is fine, and if Lily is also injured, we will definitely scold you to death if you come back like this. Although

everyone knows that Li Sili has abilities similar to superpowers, Li Sili's appearance is a child after all, so no one will say that she did not protect Liu Youlan well.

However, the girls complained that Liu Youlan was still taking Li Sili to take such a reckless risk, but they still stared intently at the scars on Liu Youlan's body, and watched with concern as the girl who dealt with the injuries carefully poured the mermaid's tears on.

They only have Liu Youlan, who is closest to them, in their eyes now, and before Liu Youlan's wound is treated, they probably won't have anyone paying attention to Li Sili, who has nothing to do.

"I am naturally very cautious when Xiao Lili is by my side, but I can't help it when the situation suddenly happens, I'm sorry~"

While enduring the pain in the mermaid's eyes from the flesh recovery effect, Liu Youlan explained in a weak tone.

She didn't say that the wounds were caused by trying to save Li Sili, but said that the incident was an emergency.

Faced with Liu Youlan's explanation, Li Sili wanted to say something, but Liu Youlan's voice from her ears stopped her.

"Lily, don't talk about what happened before, if you say it, it may affect everyone's mood, and it will be difficult to take everyone out when the time comes.

Liu Youlan said this, Li Sili also understood the possible impact of this situation, so with a sense of guilt, Li Sili resisted the urge to tell the truth.

And after seeing that Li Sili didn't speak, Liu Youlan breathed a sigh of relief, and then was suddenly made by the strange feeling that suddenly appeared in her left hand, and frowned.

At first, the girls also planned to let this pain punish Liu Youlan for a long memory, but then the girl who poured mermaid tears noticed the abnormality and told everyone the situation of Liu Youlan's left hand in a panic.

"Everyone's wrong, there's something wrong with the meat that grows out of Sister Liu's left hand. Hearing the

girl's words, everyone hurriedly leaned up and looked at Liu Youlan's left hand.

I saw that the new granuloma that had grown out of the small arm of the left hand that had been bitten around the flesh appeared at this time, and many small palms appeared, and they grew radially towards the periphery of the arm, and if it was not treated like this, then the hand would be deformed.

And it seems that between the position of the missing flesh and blood above the forearm to the palm of the hand, the flesh there has not yet grown and connected, so Liu Youlan's arm will definitely not be used at that time, after all, there is no muscle and nerve connection.

Seeing this situation, everyone panicked instantly, but then a few girls thought of a ruthless job that could handle this situation.

But this way of dealing with it is too torturous, and maybe it may not be useful, so several people hesitate to say it for a while.

Liu Youlan also found these girls with different emotional states, and guessed what the other party should have thought, so she picked one that was usually the most uncontrollable and asked:

"Sister Li, have you thought of any method?"

The girl who was called hesitated with a tangled face, Liu Youlan understood that the other party's method should be the kind that is not easy to say, seeing the other party's appearance Liu Youlan had to use some means apologetically.

"Sister Li, I don't want my arm to be so ugly, if there is any way, can I say it?"

The others also noticed the girl who was called by Liu Youlan at this time, so they were in a hurry to persuade the girl to speak out without thinking too much.

"Sister Li, there is a way to say it! If you continue like this, Sister Liu's hand will be useless!"

the girls anxiously persuaded her to speak out, and under the influence of their anxious mood, the girl finally couldn't help but say the cruel method she thought of.

"It hurts!" told

Liu Youlan about the premise again, and Liu Youlan thought that he could bear it when he was injured, even if he hurt himself, he should be able to bear it.

"I can't help it.

Liu Youlan said this, and the girl had no reason not to say it, with the idea that Liu Youlan probably didn't dare to use it after saying it, the girl said her own method.

"It's just... Keep cutting off the deformed parts until they are in the right place. Hearing

the girl's method, everyone gasped, and even if they thought about it in their heads, everyone felt that they also felt pain in reality.

Liu Youlan's originally confident expression when she heard this method suddenly turned white, but in the end, she gritted her teeth and made a decision.

"I can't think of any good way for the time being, just

use this method!" Thinking that if you encounter any danger when you take everyone out, you still need to use your hands to save people, although Liu Youlan is also afraid of the pain caused by this method, she finally decided to use this method to deal with it as soon as possible and return to normal as soon as possible.

"Take the knife out and start!"

Worried that he would retreat after a while, Liu Youlan planned to solve it as soon as possible while he still had the guts, so he asked the girl next to him to take out the tools.

But at this time, Li Sili, who had been listening to the situation inside, came in.

"No, I'll try. Hearing

Li Sili say that there is a way, Liu Youlan breathed a sigh of relief as soon as she was negligent, and then she reacted, she no longer has the courage to use the method just now.

I don't know what the method Li Sili said, Liu Youlan looked at Li Sili's face and could only pray that the girl's method was indeed useful.

As soon as Li Sili placed her little hand over the wound on her left hand, she felt a wonderful sensation, a feeling of running comfortably in some kind of track.

Looking at the location of the wound, Liu Youlan saw the flesh strips that had changed into deformed palms melted.

They melt into muscle textures, which are then attached to complex tissues and organs such as tendons and membranes, and finally gradually grow under the recovery of mermaid tears, and finally connect to the wound in the palm below.

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