Li Sili's perceptual state amplified Jiang Youyi's sense of qi, and when she simply meditated, the compound touch theory that she had just thought up at random before was actually confirmed here, making her feel more microscopic touch from the qi sense.

Through these touches, she felt the sensation of microscopic damage to the muscles, the state of hormone secretion, the wear and tear of the bones, and the abnormal misalignment of the muscles after use.

All kinds of microscopic touches that are not normally perceptible can now be felt, and since Li Sili's ability can make her enter this state, then logically speaking, Li Sili's superpower should be somewhat related to the principle of qi sense.

So after Li Sili fully understood Jiang Youyu's understanding of qi, the two began to think in this direction.

The first direction of thinking is the most important microscopic perception of composite touch, extracting the reason from the universal superpower explanation, Li Sili thinks about what kind of microscopic situation makes her hear.

Empty her head and start recalling the details of her previous use of the ability, and follow the memories backwards, Li Sili's memories stop at the scene when she treated Qu Yingshuang's friend Du Zhulei.

At that time, her handling of noise was still relatively rough, and the way to eliminate infected people was only to remove the noise in one go, so at that time, when Li Sili underwent the first treatment, Li Sili made the organs in Du Bailei's body full of wounds and fissures.

Later, when Li Sili treated other people, she only understood how to treat the wound by comparing the normal melody, and after understanding this technique, Li Sili understood how to repair the wound in Du Linglei's body by comparing the melody.

During the restoration, Li Sili's main idea was to adjust the melody in Du Linglei's body to a melody similar to that of her own body, and the operation during the treatment was to fit the wound in Du Linglei's body by physical pressure.

In Li Sili's feeling at the time, this repair method should be achieved by tightly fitting the molecules on both sides of the tear at the microscopic level, and after fitting as much as possible at the microscopic level, the attraction between the molecules and the tissue fluid of the organs can keep the wound in a close state.

Grasping the key point, in this operation, Li Sili uses the melody of the object to confirm the state of repair, and the result of the repair is the operation achieved at the micro level.

Thinking of this, Li Sili came to a conjecture that the melody and noise she listened to were microscopic perceptions, so her actions could affect the results at the microscopic level.

But why are these voices heard and seen?

Li Sili started with the differences between herself and others, and then she immediately noticed the differences between herself and the average person.

She had traveled from another world.

The first thing she felt after coming to this world was the rejection of the world, and her defense was derived from this.

And the feeling of rejection is followed by the feeling of attachment felt by gravity, although I don't know what the effect of this feeling of attachment through gravity is, but there is no doubt that the combination of the two can make her become such a stable state as she is now.

Thinking carefully about how these two can produce a melody that I can hear, a picture lights up in my mind.

In Li Sili's mind, there was a picture of metals colliding with each other, then a diagram of the structure of molecules, and finally the sound of two gyroscopes colliding with each other appeared in Li Sili's mind.

Be amazed at the substance that makes up your body... At least at the moment of crossing into this world, the matter that makes up Li Sili's body seems to belong to this world.

Therefore, the feeling of being rejected by this world at that time is probably the result of the contact between the substances of the two worlds with different properties.

Imagining the consequences of two worlds of different substances coming into contact with each other, the image of spinning tops colliding with each other gradually becomes a picture of rotating molecules colliding with each other, making sounds, and then bouncing off each other.

The effect of the bounce seems to correspond to one's own defense, so the melody seems to be able to correspond to the sound of different substances colliding with each other.

Seeing and hearing distant melodies also seems to be explained by the interconnected nature of all things.

As long as Li Sili's brain computing power can reach a certain level, the information gathered by colliding with the matter near the body should also be able to calculate the situation of distant molecular matter.

Having arrived at these conjectures, these principles seem to explain the origin of Li Sili's abilities, but Li Sili still feels that these conjectures may not be the true principles of her own abilities.

After all, this was just a bold conjecture and not the result of detection with various scientific equipment, so Li Sili thought that she could not think of the right answer casually.

Even if it may be right, it should only be partially correct, and more principles need professional equipment to be able to check.

But just when Li Sili thought of this, the melody in her ears, which was originally used as background music, suddenly changed chaotically, and the original regular melody suddenly turned into a roaring and chaotic impact sound with Li Sili's tinnitus.

In an instant, Li Sili felt that she was being put into a metal armor, surrounded by maces that kept hitting her, and those chaotic hitting sounds were transmitted from Li Sili's vision, ears, and perception to her brain, making Li Sili dizzy and gradually falling into a coma.

In a coma, Li Sili inadvertently recorded these knocking sounds, and in her blurred vision, these impact sounds gradually coincided with the sound of two gyroscopies hitting each other in Li Sili's mind.


Noticing that Li Sili's pupils suddenly trembled wildly while she was thinking, and then her body twitched unconsciously, and then fell into a coma, the moment Li Sili fell to the ground, Jiang Youyi immediately reached out and hugged her into her arms.

After Jiang Youyu grabbed Li Sili steadily, Jiang Youyu immediately noticed the strange twitching on Li Sili's body.

Observing Li Sili's body carefully, Jiang Youyu felt that these tics were not so much the muscle twitching reaction of Li Sili's body, but rather that there was something invisible from the outside world hitting Li Sili's body.

And the next situation on Li Sili seems to prove Jiang Youyan's thoughts.

Seeing that some red irregular reddened skin began to appear on Li Sili's exposed arms, Jiang Youyu was sure that something should be attacking Li Sili.

But now in this situation, it is impossible to judge the source of the attack, and in the face of this invisible thing, Jiang Youyu immediately ran up with Li Sili, who did not have much weight, and then put Li Sili on the hospital bed on the diagonal edge of the infirmary.

However, even if Jiang Youyu put Li Sili in the corner near the wall, she couldn't accommodate things in the direction of the wall, and Li Sili's skin still had red marks.

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