Under the watchful eyes of the lovely Girl Scouts, John, who had always been weak in physical fitness, actually showed amazing potential. Although he staggered a little, he could barely keep up with Jack's footsteps.

Jack didn't use all his strength. He always had one hand on the holster at his waist. He kept his eyes on the kid with dreadlocks and remained extremely vigilant. Street patrols were like this. Who knows if there would be a guy who couldn't figure it out? Suddenly he took out a piece of scrap metal from somewhere and fired.

Even so, the kid with the dreadlocks was chasing him closer and closer while holding his things in panic. When he turned back for the last time, he found that the two patrolmen were less than 5 meters away from him. He suddenly turned around and tried to cross the road to borrow money. After getting rid of this, as expected, he accidentally crashed into a blue Accord.

With a long braking sound, the kid with the dreadlocks smashed through the front window glass, and half of his body was plunged into the cab.

"He rushed out suddenly, I didn't mean it!" A female driver fled the car in panic, looking very frightened.

"Command center, this is 7-A-26, requesting fire first responders, Palmetto and Mateo avenues, head in car, ASAP."

While calling on the intercom, Jack got into the cab to check on the dreadlocked boy's injuries.

Seeing the blood spraying out directly in accordance with the rhythm of the heartbeat, it looked very bad at first glance.

"It looks like the artery in the upper arm was scratched by glass. Hey, don't move, idiot! If you don't stop the bleeding, you will die from excessive blood loss in a few minutes."

Jack pinched the dreadlocked boy's arm hard and looked around for something to stop the bleeding. This kind of open trauma was too obvious, and he didn't dare to use treatment directly.

"Here, you can use this scarf and this pen to make a tourniquet."

A cute little Loli appeared out of nowhere, took off her red scarf, and handed Jack a pen.

"Five centimeters above the wound." Little Luo Li continued to guide.

Jack quickly tied the scarf tightly and tied a knot, then inserted the pen and turned it twice. The scarf was firmly inserted into the flesh, stopping the arterial bleeding.

"Thank you, little cutie, for saving this idiot's life." Jack celebrated by high-fiving little Luo Li with his hand that was not stained with blood.

"Can I get a Boy Scout badge?"

"Ah this." Jack, who was touched by his knowledge blind spot, cast a look for help at Kara behind her.


Dividing line---

After handling the scene of a car accident again, the two said goodbye to Kara and her lovely Girl Scouts, took a few boxes of free cookies from them, and continued patrolling.

"So you don't know anything about the Scouts?"

John looked a little surprised.

Jack glanced sideways at him, thinking that he couldn't tell you that he used to wear a red scarf every day.

"I don't know. I only know that the Girl Scouts sell cookies, and the Boy Scouts are currently involved in a sexual assault scandal."

This sentence immediately silenced John, and it took him a long time to retort in a muffled voice: "I was obviously not like this back then."

Feeling that what he just said seemed a bit excessive, Jack tried to explain: "I didn't mean that, it's just that my parents didn't let me participate at the beginning."

John shook his head and said he didn't care: "Actually, I only participated in one summer camp that year and didn't get a badge."

"But these biscuits taste surprisingly good, don't you try it?" Jack opened a box of biscuits and ate one.

John also opened a box and raised his eyebrows: "Indeed, it seems I should ask Kara for a recipe."

Of course, the biscuits cannot really be eaten as food, but Jack still generously shared the siomai he made.

Cut the soft and glutinous stewed beef brisket into small pieces, add some crispy pickled bamboo shoots, wrap it in glutinous rice soaked in beef brisket soup, wrap it with a thin layer of dough, shape it, and steam it in a basket. , a Chinese dim sum based on Western ingredients is completed.

Seeing someone happily eating Shaomai dipped in ketchup, Jack frowned slightly. He was born in Jiangnan, and although his food is sweet, he still can't compare with these old Americans. They cook beef brisket. The soup was flavored with rock sugar, but he really couldn't accept the evil way of eating siomai dipped in tomato sauce.

Superintendent Gray is honest. Valentine's Day is indeed not an ordinary busy day. Not to mention two car accidents in the morning, there were more tickets than usual. They had just finished lunch and the two of them were chatting over Coke. Two minutes ago, another call came from the command center.

"Police car 7-A-26, please go to support a murder case. The husband came home and found his wife bleeding and lying on the ground, unconscious. The detectives are on the way."

Jack and John looked at each other, quickly picked up the walkie-talkie and replied: "7-A-26 received, we are going to provide support."

The two soon arrived at an upscale community and were about to knock on the door. Angela's police car just arrived. The three of them nodded and said hello. Jack took out his pistol and knocked on the door.

"LAPD, is there anyone in there?"

Hearing the faint sobbing coming from inside, Jack tried to turn the doorknob, and the door was gently opened. Jack walked straight through the entrance hall to the living room where the sound came from. John and Angela behind him split up to check the rooms on both sides of the corridor.



When the two turned around, they saw Jack squatting on the carpet in front of the fireplace. In front of him was a middle-aged white woman. Her head and the carpet under her body were stained red with blood. A middle-aged white woman in her thirties or forties. The man fell to the side, his hands covered with blood, and he was crying sadly.

"Sir?" Angela tried to call the other party.

Jack silently shook his head at the two of them, indicating that there was nothing he could do about it.

"Today is Valentine's Day. I went home early to give her a surprise. What kind of beast would do such a thing?"

The husband cried bitterly and seemed to be talking to himself, but when he said the second half of the sentence, he gritted his teeth.

Jack was really not good at comforting people. He glanced at John, signaled to him that it was done, and turned on the intercom to call the command center.

"7-A-26, the victim is dead, please send someone to follow up as soon as possible."

The command center replied: "The agents will be here soon."

John and Angela stepped forward, one on the left and the other on the right, trying to lift up the heartbroken husband.

"Sir, please let go and come with me."

After calling several times, the husband finally responded and got up with the help of two people.

Jack watched with cold eyes and found that he reluctantly let go of his wife's hand until he finally stood up straight.

The two of them struggled to help him sit down on the sofa nearby. The sad husband covered his face and cried loudly, regardless of the blood on his hands.

John, who was easy to empathize, seemed a little at a loss at this time. Angela was still comforting the husband in a low voice, trying to persuade him to leave.

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