"Am I back?"

The space she was in when she saw herself was surrounded by endless void. At this time, Sofina still seemed a little sluggish.

Because just now, I had clearly arrived in another time and space, and I never thought that I had not done much exploration there or done anything, and then I was sent back to this time and space inexplicably.

Especially before, the mysterious man who sent himself back to this time and space clearly could not sense any powerful aura on his body. It even seemed that he could defeat the opponent casually, but let him What Sofina never expected was that she couldn't even see what the other party did, and then he was sent back to this time and space.

This means that the other party's attainments in the way of time and space are very profound.

Only in this way can you send yourself back directly and quietly.

And it can be clearly seen that all the creatures summoned by that young man before were all undead creatures.

They couldn't feel any breath of life at all, but those undead creatures were very strange, and it seemed that there was no breath coming out of them at all.

Although her heart was full of doubts at this time, Sofina knew that this was not the time for her to think so much.

What he had to do at this time was to meet up with Xu Luo's other people. After all, he came out early at this time, and she had no idea what the other people's condition was at this time.

It's just a pity that she entered such an unknown time and space before. Unfortunately, she was sent back before she could explore it properly, so that she didn't know it at all. Are the two main gods of the light system blocked in that space by each other?

There was no clue in her heart, and Sofina didn't know what she should do at this moment, so that at this time she could only wander around aimlessly in the void.

At this time, Xu Luo, who was drifting everywhere in the starry sky, sensed the presence of Sofina's aura.

After all, although the Land of the Meteor God is very vast at this time, Xu Luo will leave a light spot of his destructive divine power at every certain distance. Wherever he passed, he would deliberately leave an insect egg. Because of this, it was only at this time that he sensed Sofina's aura flowing, and at this time he directly invested a trace of his consciousness in it.

"Come join me."

When Sofina was still flying around in the void, she suddenly found that not far from herself, she only saw a dot of destructive divine power left by Xu Luo. The insect egg was absorbed, and then the insect egg transformed into a Zerg, and Xu Luo's voice also spread from this insect.

Hearing this voice, Sofina was slightly startled, but she quickly came to her senses.

Xu Luo was still in this space at this time, so she didn't hesitate at all. She took this Zerg with her as a guide and headed in the direction of Xu Luo.

In fact, Xu Luo was also very confused at this time.

Previously, he clearly saw Sofina being sucked directly into the space crack. How could she be teleported out in such a short period of time?

And at this time, Xu Luo was still confused. They were sent to different time and space. When he was in the front, he actually stayed in the Titan era for a long time.

But since he returned to this time and space, there is no reference, so there is nothing to prove how much time has passed since he was swallowed into the crack in time and space when he returned.

And it was clear that Sofina was swallowed into the space crack earlier than him. At this time, he didn't know how long she had been in another time and space. At this time, she appeared further than him, and he didn't know. What kind of thing happened to him, and are there any relevant clues that I can tell him.

Xu Luo himself has no purpose, so he has always been just wandering around aimlessly in this void.

But at this time, Sofina actually came out. At this time, Neiye did not continue to fly around, but silently waited for Sofina to gather in his direction.

Under Xu Luo's deliberate guidance and the aura connection between the Zerg and Xu Luo, Sofina was not disturbed by the spatial dislocation at this time, so she deviated from the direction.

It was as if there was this line between Xu Luo and her as a connection. Even at this time, the space wanted to interfere unknowingly to make her go to the wrong position. But at this time, it was precisely because of the With this line as a connection between them, she only needs to follow this line and go directly in the direction of Xu Luo.

Therefore, even if she confuses her five senses and six senses and wants him to go in the wrong direction without knowing it, at this time, with this line as a connection, it is naturally impossible to make a mistake.

So while Xu Luo was still and waiting, Sofina and Xu Luo came together directly without too much time.

"I have met my god!"

After arriving at Xu Luo's side, Sofina quickly saluted Xu Luo.

In the past, the reason why they saluted Xu Luo was just because he was the successor of the Goddess of Light, but now they saluted Xu Luo because Xu Luo was already their main god.

In addition, she is a powerful god. Under such circumstances, she naturally has to maintain due respect for Xu Luo.

"Don't worry too much. Let's talk about the environment you were in before."

After letting Sofina bow casually, Xu Luo was more concerned about everything he had encountered before.

If they are outside, whether they go to the past or experience everything in the future time and space, logically speaking, they cannot talk about it in this time and space.

Because once the words are spoken, it will unknowingly change this time. However, because they are in the land of the God of Death at this time, this time itself is a space and a place where time is misplaced.

Therefore, the power of time and space is everywhere at this time, so that even if they experience something, there will be no change at all when they return to the original space.

"I'm not going through anything."

When I heard what Xu Luo said. A look of embarrassment appeared on Sofina's face.

After all, what I have experienced before, it still seems a bit embarrassing to talk about it.

However, she also knew that Xu Luo needed to compile relevant clues at this time, so she directly told all the things she had experienced.

In particular, I focused on what a young man said before, that many people in his time traveled across time and space.

In addition to that, there were some undead creatures he summoned, none of which had any breath. In the blink of an eye, the other party easily sent him back to this era.

Hearing Sofina say that she had just entered that time and space and had not accomplished anything yet, and then the young man appeared directly, and then sent her directly back to the current era indiscriminately, Xu Luo clicked He nodded, but he also took this matter to heart.

But at this time, it was obvious that even if he tried hard, there would be no discovery at all.

Because he is not in the same time and space, he doesn't know how far away the other party is from their current era. Therefore, at this time, he actually thinks that no matter how long it takes, it will have no meaning at all.

He just saw Sofina looking at him eagerly, so at this time Xu Luo also talked a little about what he had experienced in the Titan era.

"Do you know the Titanic calendar?"

After briefly describing how he entered the Titan Age and experienced various things there, Xu Luo thought about it for a moment and discovered that there was a god beside him who had experienced a long time.

Therefore, it is appropriate to ask her at this time.

After all, although he said that he didn't know much about the Titan calendar, it didn't mean that Sofina didn't understand it either.

Because strictly speaking, Sofina was actually born in the Titan Era.

"Titanian calendar?"

After hearing Xu Luo's words, Sofina was slightly startled.

"Of course I know."

"Then do you know how long it is in Titan's calendar of 14,444 years? How long is it from us now?"

After hearing Sofina's answer, Xu Luo quickly asked his question without any hesitation.

"Titanian calendar fourteen thousand four hundred and forty-four years?"

Upon hearing this number, Sofina fell into deep thought.

"The goddess was born in the 8377th year of the Titan calendar. Later, under the coercion of many Titan kings, she could only live high in the sky because it was extremely boring, especially seeing the Titans born in the relics of the earth. On top of the transformation, she finally consumed her own origin and created us, and I was born in the 14,440th year of the Titan Calendar."

"In other words, when I appeared, it was four years after you were born?"

After hearing Sofina's words, Xu Luo was also a little surprised.

I didn't expect that the era I was traveling to was so advanced.

"That was a really long time ago."

Speaking of the Titan Calendar, Sofina seemed slightly depressed at this time.

After all, Titan Calendar is fourteen thousand four hundred and forty-four years. It seems that she was only born four years ago, but Sofina herself knows that at that time, she was just an ignorant creature and did not have powerful powers. strength.

At the beginning, they lived carefree in the sky, so they didn't really pay much attention to everything in the world.

Although those gods, under the coercion of Titan, can only stand high in the sky.

But in fact. , the original gods themselves were very simple, and there was no entanglement of interests between them. Therefore, these gods stayed above the sky honestly and practiced there, so most of them could They can endure loneliness, and therefore these feather tribes created by the Goddess of Light were just carefree creatures at that time, with basically no powerful power.

"When was the Titan clan destroyed?"

At this time, Xu Luo was more concerned about when did the war between the gods and Titans begin? When did the gods overthrow the Titans?

"The Titanic calendar ends in the year ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine."

After recalling it for a moment, Sofina probably gave Xu Luo an answer that shocked him extremely.

"In the 99999th year of the Titan Calendar, all the Titans moved outside the sky. It was precisely because the Titans themselves took the initiative to leave the Continent of the Gods. Therefore, in the following time, the Continent of the Gods began to Gods came to rule, and therefore, the 100,000th year became the first year of the calendar of the gods."

Hearing this answer, Xu Luo was extremely shocked.

As for the calendar of gods mentioned by Sofina at this time, Xu Luo naturally knew that the power of gods was called the old calendar, which was naturally different from the current new calendar.

At this time, except for looking at Sofina next to him, he never thought that Sofina at this time had actually lived for such a long time.

And more importantly, Xu Luo was keenly aware of the difference at this time.

Xu Luo originally thought that the reason why the Titans were defeated was because they were directly overthrown by the gods, but what he never expected was that the reason why the Titans stayed away from this world was because of their own initiative. leave.

"You didn't live in that era, so you don't know how terrifying the Titans are. If the Titans hadn't left on their own initiative, even if all the gods united, they wouldn't be able to compete with those Titan kings. "

When mentioning Titan, Sofina's tone still seemed very complicated.

“Among the Titans, in addition to the twenty-three Titan Kings, there are also many ancient gods.

The so-called ancient gods are the dominant existences today. Therefore, at that time, even if all the superior gods born from the original were united, it would be impossible to fight against the Titans.

I don't know much about those things back then. I just know that there was a civil strife among the Titans, and then the Titans left this world directly in the year ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine.

No one knows where they have gone, just like the three ancient gods, they have disappeared. "

Listening to Sofina's words, Xu Luo's doubts became even heavier.

It's like there is an intangible layer of fog hidden deep within oneself, hiding all these truths.

So when Xu Luo wanted to explore, it was like looking at flowers in a fog, unable to see clearly.

If he didn't know anything at the beginning, Xu Luo wouldn't have so many ideas in his heart.

But just because he knew some relevant information at the beginning, it was like a cat's claw scratching his heart at this time, which made Xu Luo feel very uncomfortable and eager to tell the truth. Give the exploration clarity.

"So you are a hundred thousand years old?"

After all, the Titan Calendar lasted for nearly 100,000 years, and in the subsequent time, it went through the Calendar of the Gods and now the New Calendar of the Gods.

Even though it was already 14,000 years ago in the Titanic Calendar when Sofina was born, the New Divine Calendar and the Old Divine Calendar combined would still exceed this number.

Therefore, Sofina's age is obviously over 100,000 years old.

"Does the Lord know that asking a woman her age is a great disrespect to her?"

After hearing Xu Luo's words, Sofina couldn't help but roll her eyes at him.

"After the goddess created us, she spent most of her time above the clouds, and the goddess was often practicing. As for us, we spent most of the time falling into a deep sleep, because at the beginning, although the goddess gave up They created us without our own origins, but because we obtained so little origin, our lives are actually very fragile, and above the sky, life is actually not as comfortable as imagined.

After all, there are all kinds of strong winds blowing above the sky. If you don't have strong strength, there is no way to survive there. So in order to avoid trouble, and at the same time, in order to allow us to grow into real creatures, it seems that the goddess will We have created it, but in fact, we can only spend most of our time sleeping.

So throughout the Titanic Calendar, it actually seems like we have lived there for countless thousands of years, but in fact we have not left many traces at all in the Titanic Calendar. "

Sofina seemed very dull when she mentioned this.

Obviously, when the Goddess of Light created them at the beginning, the strength of these feather tribes was still very weak. Because of this, during the Titan Calendar, they did not show any strong power at all.

Xu Luo understood this.

If the Yu Clan had the strength of a high-level tribe from the beginning, they would not have been suppressed like that during the Titan Era.

After all, if they had become a powerful ethnic group during the Titan Era, it is obvious that during the Gods Era, they were not just one of the relatively good advanced ethnic groups, but could not really be called the entire group of gods. The top existence in the continent.

The real glory of the Yu tribe was actually in the late period of the Age of Gods, when they followed the Mechanical Goddess and began to fight against the Goddess of Light.

Until then, they could really leave some traces, but it was a pity that although they overthrew the rule of the old body, at the last moment, the goddess of light was counterattacked by the Lord of Light, so that The Yu clan, which was originally a strong clan, fell apart.

And in the time that followed, it was obvious that their lives were very miserable.

He has always been hunted by the light gods, so he has been living in hiding.

From this, it can be explained why they had been created so long ago, but after such a long time, they only had such power.

In fact, Sofina's talent is not weak, but she is very unlucky.

Because at the end of the old god level, although it was said that he already possessed the strength of the Lord God, in the following time, as the Lord of Light directly backfired, in the following time, the Lord of Light directly gathered the authority of the light system to himself. After taking the hand, although the goddess of light still retains some authority, it is obvious that she wants to improve her strength. Without the permission of the Lord of Light, there is no way to break through and reach the level of the Lord God.

Because of this, his path has actually been cut off.

Otherwise, in such a long time, a pig can become a god, let alone a top existence determined by her talent.

However, the authority of the light system was directly contained in his own hands by the Lord of Light. Because of this, as long as he did not allow it, all positions would be occupied by him, so that Sofina was No matter how hard you try, it is impossible to become the main god of the light series.

Unless at this time, she directly abandons the power of light and turns to other paths.

But it is obvious that for the Yu Clan like them, they have always been surrounded by the Goddess of Light because they have great trust in the Goddess of Light.

Therefore, it is naturally impossible to give up her innate strength to practice other paths at this time. Because of this, her path is completely dead at this time.

Unless one day, Xu Luo can defeat the Lord of Light, directly seize the power of light from the Lord of Light, and then release the restrictions on them. Only in this way can she break through the restrictions of light and directly reach the level of the Lord God, or even be able to go further. Further, directly replacing the position of the Lord of Light.

Although he didn't get any useful information from Sofina, it at least allowed Xu Luo to determine the specific time of his previous era.

It's just that Xu Luo found that even if he knew the specific time of the era he went to before, it actually had no meaning to him at this time.

Titan's calendar is fourteen thousand four hundred and forty-four years, more than one hundred thousand years from now.

Under such circumstances, what happened in that era, even if there is anything happening in our own era, has been covered up in the dust of history.

Moreover, he was obviously directly beaten back by the Lord of Time before, so it is not easy for him to go back to that era again at this time.

Going back to that era, for Xu Luo, it seemed that his only gain was knowing that creatures like jackals were actually created by the Lord of All Things, but even if he knew all this, he In fact, it is of no use at all.

At this time, the two of them could only walk around in the deserted starry sky.

Because they have no purpose at all at this time, and they don't know where they should go at this time, so at this time, they can only keep flying and explore everywhere to see if they can encounter new time cracks. , or to find some clues left by the two main gods of light, or to see if Brut and Aiko have returned.

At this time in the Human Alliance, at this time in satellite No. 7731, a group of soldiers are stationed here.

Under the supervision of this pair of soldiers, living robots were on top of the satellite at this time, with protective measures placed everywhere.

This satellite is nothing more than a monitoring station, so the protective measures here are not very strong. It is just a small base here to give them a place to live.

On this satellite, the equipment of these warriors is naturally extremely sophisticated.

The current Human Federation is no longer what it used to be. At this time, the Human Federation is rich and powerful, so the per capita income is increasing year by year compared to previous years. In addition, the strength of these people is not the same as in the past. Compared to , there has also been a significant improvement.

Because in the current human federation, if you want to join the army as a soldier, your strength must be at least the fifth level of bronze.

If you don't have the strength of Level 5 Bronze, you are not qualified to join the army and can only become an ordinary person.

The national practice has been going on for ten years. After ten years of development, most of the younger generation have grown up.

Many ordinary people already have a certain amount of power at this time, so it is obviously relatively easy for them to practice from ordinary people to the level of Bronze Level 5 or above in ten years.

Even if they have not entered the world of gods, they can practice to the fifth level of Bronze with their own strength just by relying on their own cultivation, plus the human federation, which has a lot of resources to provide them. It's obviously not too difficult.

The reason why the level of strength is set at the fifth level of bronze at this time is actually to block some unqualified people from the door.

After all, the benefits of being a soldier at this time are pretty good, so many people naturally want to enter the military and develop.

In such a situation, there are many people, so setting up a threshold at this time to block some of them from the threshold will naturally prevent so many people from coming when they are recruiting people.

This group of soldiers seems to be just a pair of fifty soldiers, but in fact, the strength of these people at this time has all reached the ninth level of bronze, and many of them have even entered the silver level. , among the military headquarters, they are definitely a real elite force.

"Why do we come here to guard such a satellite?"

Seeing their captain at this time, one of the members couldn't help but ask.

At this time, other people also looked at the captain. This was actually a long-standing doubt in their hearts.

After all, they are an elite team. Logically speaking, they are either fighting on the front line or entering other worlds to conduct conquests, but at this time they are sent to such a health center, and this one The satellite is still very remote and not an important place at all, so at this time, you can imagine how many doubts they have in their hearts.

"You just do whatever the superiors tell you. Why do you care so much? Have you all forgotten what the first regulation is?"

After hearing what these people said, the captain glanced at them and said lightly.

After listening to the captain's words, all the soldiers also fell silent.

The first regulation of the military department is that soldiers must obey orders as their bounden duty!

In fact, the captain was naturally confused at this time. After all, he had reached the fifth level of silver. Under such circumstances, even in the military headquarters, the fifth level of silver could not be thrown out casually. cannon fodder.

But at this time, an elite team like them was sent here to guard a remote satellite, and this satellite was not in an important position. Therefore, at this time, the situation was already very intense, and it happened that These people were sent here to garrison, and they even sent some living robots to build a base of their own here. It was a very suspicious thing no matter how you looked at it.

But at this time, he also knew that his level was not very high, so even if he wanted to ask questions at this time, he could only obey the orders if the people above him did not tell him.

Because when he asked the people above him, what the people above him said to him at that time was exactly what he said before.

The fifty people were not in the same place at this time.

Therefore, at this time, they naturally would not just stand guard somewhere. At this time, they were exploring everywhere on this satellite at will.

In fact, this satellite is bare and its range is not very large, so it is conceivable that there is nothing worth exploring at this time.

And at this time, everyone was wearing heavy space suits, so for them, it seemed extremely boring to be on this satellite at this time.

After all, at this time, there is no atmosphere to protect the satellite, so if they are not wearing spacesuits, it is conceivable that for them, the harsh climate in the universe will make it impossible for them to survive.

At this time, since they have not reached the long-term level, they are obviously not qualified to travel freely in the universe.

But at this time, looking at the living robots busy everywhere, for them, the spacesuits can be released soon.

At this time, I only saw living robots, shuttled here and there, and then established base stations one by one. When each base station was established and then activated, only a layer of artificial atmosphere was seen at this time. It spreads directly on this satellite.

Therefore, without being ignored by the harsh weather outside, with this layer of artificial atmosphere, it can resist all kinds of harmful substances in the universe. Therefore, living on the surface of this satellite at this time, they can naturally Random activities.

Although the area of ​​​​this satellite is very small, so they cannot move around at all, and at least it is much more convenient than walking around wearing heavy space suits.

After completing the most troublesome atmospheric protection, the living robots began to actually build a base for them.

At this time, I could only see that the base was being built quickly while these living robots were busy everywhere.

At the same time, in addition to the construction of the base, they also began to build some greenery on the surface. At the same time, the air circulation system was also directly established at this time.

So at this time, although it was originally a desolate and dilapidated WeChat with nothing on it, under the transformation of those living robots, now they seem to be living in the city, surrounded by flowers and plants. The trees are extremely lush.

At the same time, with the artificial atmosphere and air circulation system, these flowers, plants and trees grow without any problems at all.

After all, with current human technology, it is certainly not too difficult to create a simulated ecological cycle system.

“Oh, I finally don’t have to carry this heavy thing!”

At this time, people took off their spacesuits one by one, and then ran around the place wantonly, absorbing the fresh air around them.

As well as smelling the fragrance of the flowers, plants and trees around me, everyone's originally heavy mood seemed to be much better at this time.

"Unit 057, Unit 057!"

The captain originally took off his protective clothing like the other members, but then he suddenly heard a call from the command center on the channel they were on.

"Zero and five-seven are received. Zero and five-seven are received."

Without the slightest hesitation, he responded quickly.

"Please, all members of Unit 057, please put on your mechas and go to the designated coordinates!"

At this time, the headquarters repeated several times in succession to prepare them for battle. At the same time, they were provided with a designated coordinate so that they could reach the corresponding location in the shortest time.

"Everyone is here, ready for battle!"

At this time, those people originally wanted to stroll around nearby, but after hearing the captain's call to prepare for battle, each of them summoned their respective mechas immediately, and then completed the battle preparations.

For an elite team like them, mechas are obviously their standard equipment. After all, if the mechas are not included, their strength at the bronze level is obviously not enough to be called an elite force.

As a mecha unit, for them, completing armor in the shortest time is of course their basic skill.

When he saw the members again and had completed their battle preparations, the captain took a deep breath and then sent them the coordinates sent by the command center through the command channel.

At the same time, he himself also completed preparations for wearing armor.

Therefore, in the following time, they began to control the mecha and fly in mid-air.

At this time, only the living robots were still busy in the base.

But for some of them, they don't have that much thought to care about these robots at this time.

Because they have to reach the coordinate point required by the headquarters in the shortest possible time, even if a person is very confused at this time.

At this time, they were suddenly asked to prepare for combat, but at this time it was obvious that they only needed to follow the order.

In normal times, they might complain or question, but when they entered the battle state, all the doubts and dissatisfaction in their hearts turned into nothingness.

Because at this time they knew very well that all they needed to do at this time was to obey the command. Soldiers did not need to make other voices during the war.

The same is true for the current captain.

Even though he was very confused at this time, he didn't know why they were suddenly asked to go to an inexplicable point, but at this moment, for them, they only needed to follow the order form.

So at this time, they hurriedly headed in the direction of the coordinate point sent to them by the headquarters.

At first, they thought that the coordinate point was on this satellite, so they thought it wouldn't take too long to fly there with the mecha.

But after a period of flight, they were shocked to find that they had passed the satellite and flown directly into space.

"Prepare for space operations, and everyone be prepared for a protracted war!"

When mechas are fighting, it is obvious that they have different fighting methods.

Fighting in space is naturally different from fighting on a planet or on the surface of a planet.

And they also have different fighting methods, which are protracted wars or quick battles.

And since they are fighting a protracted war or fighting in space, it is obvious that the most important thing for them is endurance.

Therefore, at this time, they began to charge their mechas one by one. Be prepared to be full of energy, all of which require them to start in advance.

The reason why they don't make these preparations when they don't wear armor is naturally because they need to adapt to local conditions and make different responses to different environments and different combat plans.

So these all need to be prepared before the war.

But because at this time, all of them were experienced veterans, so after hearing the captain's order, each of them quickly completed their initial deployment.

So all this was just a familiar road for them, and while doing these preparations, they were not affected at all when they were flying, and they were still flying forward.

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