The World of Gods Rises From the Zerg

Chapter 1226 The Lord of Secrets, the Ambition of the Evil Titan

Although Xu Luo's flying speed was quite fast, at this time, the opponent was covering a distance of thousands of meters in one step, so his pace was naturally extremely fast.

Therefore, it was not easy for Xu Luo to track the other party's traces at this time.

And at the beginning, his steps were straight forward, but now Xu Luo discovered that his steps were not always moving forward. As he continued to move forward, he would occasionally turn.

Perhaps it was because at this time, he was directly following some kind of guidance. When he sensed the presence of other ethnic groups around him, he would directly change directions to find the location of these ethnic groups.

Therefore, by this time Xu Luo had already seen many areas that were directly affected by this unknown force and turned yellow.

In addition, we also saw many ethnic groups that were directly damaged along the way.

The habitats of these groups were now deserted, and all places were directly destroyed.

It's a pity that Xu Luo couldn't find any traces of the existence of these ethnic groups at this time.

After all, Xu Luo is just one person. It is certainly not easy to explore such a huge continent of gods at this time.

But as the leader of the Zerg race, although Xu Luo said that he was alone at this time and came to this era, it did not mean that he lost his abilities at this time.

So at this time, he directly summoned a large number of worker bees, and then directly dispatched these worker bees to start exploring in all directions.

And when Xu Luo summoned these Zerg and then hatched them into centimeters, he found the void he was in. At this time, the power of time seemed to fluctuate slightly.

It seemed that everything he had done at this time had affected the development of this era, so that at this time, the power of space and time began to form around him. At the same time, Xu Luo also felt a slight pressure at this time. It seems that the entire world of gods is rejecting him at this time.

However, because this kind of repulsion was very weak, Xu Luo didn't take it to heart at this time.

At this time, he was even more curious about what happened on this land during the Titan era?

Because you need to be very clear at this time. It seems that you have occupied the continent of the gods for a long time at this time, but because this world is too huge.

Therefore, it seems that he is flying extremely fast at this time, but he is just wandering around in a local place. If he wants to completely set foot on the entire continent of the gods, at his own speed, it will take at least a thousand years to fly all the places. Walked all over the place.

There is obviously a lot of secret information hidden in such a huge piece of land, so at this time, since Xu Luo is lucky enough to be able to come to such a period, he naturally wants to explore it carefully.

After all, for the rules of truth, the more secret the information, the more valuable it is to oneself.

"You shouldn't be here!"

But just when Xu Luo started to wander around the entire land, an old figure appeared in front of him.

This is a hunched figure who looks very vicissitudes of life.

He has this withered yellow hair, so Xu Luo was very confused when he saw this figure at this time, because after exhausting all his knowledge, in everything he knew, there was no existence of the other person at all.

"Actually, I don't want to see you, but it's a pity that since you have come to this era, even if I don't want to see you, I can't.

After all, if you continue to explore like this, my power will only become weaker and weaker. "

Looking at Xu Luo, the old man also had a troubled expression on his face and couldn't help but sigh.

"you know me?"

Seeing the other person, Xu Luo felt like he had a secret of his own, completely unhidden in front of the other person.

It was as if everything had been seen through by the other party.

Logically speaking, I am a descendant of future generations, so when these old antiques are in front of me, I should know more about them.

It’s just that Xu Luo knows very well that in such an era where great power belongs to oneself, the power of time and space is just being played with indiscriminately in front of these truly top powerhouses.

Therefore, the past and the future actually have no influence on each other.

Even people from the past can see directly into the future, so they can clearly know what will happen in the future.

If someone thinks that they are from later generations and therefore know more information than they do, and use this to deceive these people, they will only lose miserably when they face the other party.

"I don't want to get to know you, but I have no choice but to get to know you."

The old man shook his head.

"Little old man, my name is Hidden. You probably don't know me yet, but in the future, you will naturally know my existence. So, can I ask you to leave and stop staying in this era?"

At this time, the old man had a kind expression on his face.

At this time, Xu Luo found that when he was looking at him, he seemed to have some concerns in his heart.

Logically speaking, if the other party can come to one's side silently, it is obviously stronger than one's own.

But what was unexpected was that the other party did not take the initiative to attack him at this time.

At this time, Xu Luo was even politely asked to leave this era on his own initiative, so when he saw the other party's expression, Xu Luo always had a very strange feeling in his heart.

"I have finally managed to hide this period of time in the torrent of history.

It’s just that time and space are becoming more and more turbulent nowadays, so that you, the people of later generations, will travel back and forth here from time to time, so the so-called secrets will soon become a sieve and let countless people know.

But for the old man, the more people who know the secret at this time, the secret will no longer be a secret. And in this case, for me, I will naturally gradually decline, so I can ask you Leave? "

When he said these words, the expression on the old man's face was sincere.

"You are the Lord of Secrets!"

After the old man told him his true identity, Xu Luo finally knew the other party's identity.

The reason why he knew the name Lord of Secrets was because there were relevant records in The Origin of Species, but regarding the Lord of Secrets, it only mentioned that the Lord of Secrets was in charge of secrets.

Apart from this, Xu Luo knew nothing about him.

The old man had revealed his identity just now and made it clear that this period of history was directly hidden by him. In such a situation, he was vulnerable and still didn’t know the specific identity of the other party. Then he was really too weak. Silly.

The Lord of Secrets directly hides some secrets, and the less people know about secrets, the more naturally they become secrets.

But if more people know, then the secret will no longer be a secret.

Just looking at the other party, Xu Luo could not imagine how many secrets this old man had hidden in this countless torrent of time.

This means that no one knows what level he has reached at this time.

But at this time, time and space began to turmoil. With a section of the tributary of time being directly intercepted, the Land of the God of Death has become a central place that communicates countless times and spaces.

Therefore, at this time, most of the people who entered the Land of the Gods to explore, gods, directly went to different time and space.

So much so that the secrets he had hidden at this time were no longer secrets.

It seems that once upon a time, for most of the lives in the world of gods, the Titan Age, many people did not know the existence of this period at all.

Therefore, the Titan calendar and even all kinds of information about the Titan family have basically been perfectly hidden by him.

Only a few concerned people know of the existence of the Titans.

As for the specific things that happened in the Titan Era, few people know about it at this time except those who witnessed it.

Even new gods like Xu Luo have no idea what happened during the Titan period.

Therefore, for the Lord of Secrets, he was the perfect one to bury the Titans and bury the Titan Calendar in the torrent of time.

Therefore, people in later generations will not know about all this, making it completely secret. In this way, such a long period of time is completely hidden. For the master of secrets, his own power will naturally be obtained. Very big blessing.

But now, as most people of later generations frequently come and go during this period, this place is like a sieve, and the secret information in it is known to countless people. At this time, the secret is no longer a secret. This will directly expose the history that he has hidden, and his strength will naturally gradually weaken at this time.

“Actually, for the little old man, this period of history is already past history, so his blessing to me is no longer that great.

After all, I have transcended, so the secret is just a secret, but after all, I have spent so much effort to hide this period of history, so I don’t want to see him right in front of my eyes at this time. Underneath, someone exposed him. "

The Lord of Secrets smiled at Xu Luo. He did not hide his little thoughts at all.

If he is still at the dominant level, then hiding this period of history at this time will make his strength make great progress, but at this time it has no meaning to him.

The reason for this is that at this time he has transcended and become a supreme being, so all these are just some achievements in the past.

The reason why he took the initiative to jump out now is just because he did such a thing back then, so at this moment, he doesn't want to see his hard work in the past being directly destroyed by others.

Therefore, he jumped out to stop it, that's all.

It is not to say that when the secret information that he has hidden is directly exposed by others, his strength will be greatly damaged.

Listening to the words of the Lord of Secrets, Xu Luo fell into deep thought at this time.

"Coming to this era, I seem to be vaguely aware that I will do something here."

It's just that the expression on Xu Luo's face was a little confused. If he had come to 14,444 years ago, he would have been just a passerby.

Whatever traces he wants to leave in this era will be directly corrected by the power of time and history.

Therefore, the history he left behind has no meaning at all. But at this moment, he was disappointed but shocked to find that when he regarded himself as an observer and silently observed, he suddenly found that he seemed to have become this person. A certain part of the history of an era.

"Yes, as a part of history, you will write part of the history at this time.

To what extent will this part of history written by you reach by then? It's all up to you, so... well, that's it. "

The Lord of Secrets seemed to want to say something, but in the end, it turned into a long sigh, and then left without saying anything.

And watching him appear and disappear in a hurry, the puzzled expression on Xu Luo's face became even worse.

At this time, he never imagined that a supreme being would appear directly in front of him.

And his purpose is to persuade himself to leave this time and space.

In the end, the Lord of Secrets did not force him to leave.

Perhaps the reason why he did not directly expel himself at this time is because at this time, he also became a part of the history of this era.

When thinking about the past, the Lord of the World expelled himself from the period of history of 14,444 years.

And when he came to this time and space, the Lord of Time did not appear again and drove him away. Perhaps it was for this reason, because when he came to this era, he might have already become this person. It is part of the era, so it is destined to leave something in this era.

Because of this, the Lord of Time cannot give himself away casually at this time, because if Xu Luo is directly expelled at this time, no one will be in charge of the part of history that should be written by him. Under the circumstances, some positional changes in space and time may occur.

Although due to various reasons of chance and coincidence, there are always some people who will travel through time and space.

But most people, when they go back to the past, basically have no way of changing history.

Because no matter what they did, everything they did at that time will return to its original trajectory in the summer of correction by historical forces.

But apart from that, after all, from the beginning, he was destined to go to a certain void and leave his own traces there.

Because of this, everything they did in that era was in line with that era. Therefore, no matter what they did, it would only become a certain period of history and not directly Revised by the power of history.

At this time, Xu Luo guessed that he must have become like this.

Therefore, at this time, we need to write a history about ourselves in this era.

Although he didn't know what would happen at this time, Xu Luo knew clearly in his heart that he didn't need to know what he would experience or what he would do.

Because the power of history will push you to do this thing, by then you may have directly become a part of history without knowing it.

So at this time, there was no need for him to care so much.

At this time, just follow your initial thoughts and continue exploring here.

Although he was interrupted by the Lord of Secrets earlier, at this time, his worker bees had already dispersed in all directions under his driving, so at this time, a nearby area had begun to There were traces of worker bees all over him.

At this time, Xu Luo followed the perspective of these worker bees and began to check there.

But what I saw was that the entire land was devastated, and one tribe after another had been completely destroyed. At this time, large areas of the land were directly withered and yellow.

And these withered yellows are obviously formed by the place where the unknown creature passed by. Of course, there may also be some beings infected by him at this time.

When seeing this scene, Xu Luo's expression also looked slightly solemn.

After all, if it is true that it is corroded and infected by evil energy as I guessed, then these evil creatures will continue to expand outward at this time.

At that time, under their attack, no one knows how many living beings will suffer directly. From now on, it will be a natural disaster for the entire continent of gods.

This is a world where everyone has strong power, so if it is just some natural disasters and man-made disasters, to be honest, for these powerful ethnic groups, natural disasters are really nothing.

Flash floods, earthquakes, tornadoes, etc., etc., for these powerful ethnic groups, they have enough strength to contend. However, natural disasters can be overcome at this time, but man-made disasters are not necessarily possible.

At the beginning, Xu Luo found no trace of the infected creatures.

But at this time, as he dispersed a large number of worker bees and searched in all directions, he finally found traces of those creatures.

At this time, watching these creatures move like the wind, they begin to spread in all directions. As they continue to spread, they follow the guidance of instinct. At this time, they are directly guided by the breath of life, and then go Within each tribe.

But when it comes to these strange creatures, most tribes don't actually have any vigilance. At most, they just use their trunks to drive them away.

But when these terrible monsters came to the place where these tribes were, they took advantage of the fact that these tribes were not aware of it and directly attacked them brazenly. So when these tribes were attacked and then formed a counterattack , but were shocked to find that although the monster that attacked them was directly eliminated by them, when the monster launched the attack, it directly infected the same tribes. He was eroded by the other party silently.

So much so that when the same kind in these tribes were directly eroded by it and transformed into monsters, it was actually too late to launch an attack on their own kind.

Because they were not prepared at all and did not know that their own tribe would take action against them, the entire tribe suddenly became panicked.

In the following time, it was obvious that the entire Bu tribe was unable to resist the attacks of these terrifying monsters.

So that at this time, each tribe was directly destroyed.

Of course, although these tribes were directly destroyed, it does not mean that everyone died directly.

At any rate, some of these tribes have main gods or even dominator-level beings sitting in their midst.

Therefore, for them, it is still possible for some people in the sheltered group to leave directly at this time.

But it is obvious that even though the existence of the dominant god can kill these terrible monsters, it cannot completely preserve his own people. Therefore, when he sees his habitat again, he has been attacked by these terrible monsters. , so in the end they could only reluctantly abandon their own camp, and then retain the blood of the tribes in the camp, take the remaining survivors, turn around and leave, and find a suitable place for them to live again.

It is precisely because of this that Xu Luo could see the ruins one by one as he kept flying. However, among these different tribes, he did not see any fierce fighting.

It is because of these lord gods and master-level beings that when they take action, these terrible monsters are eliminated without a sound.

It is precisely because of this that during the previous flight, Xu Luo saw abandoned tribes one by one, but he did not discover the reason for the existence of these terrible monsters.

Because when these terrifying monsters were in front of the truly top experts, they had already been completely killed by them.

But not every tribe has a main god, a dominant-level being who sits in it.

So at this time, it is obvious that most of the weak groups are unable to resist the attacks of these creatures, so that they can only wait for the kill.

As a result, the number of these terrible monsters increased at this time.

Regarding this situation, although Xu Luo said he discovered it at this time, he was helpless at this time.

And when he actually saw those terrifying monsters wreaking havoc in various places, he finally confirmed what he had thought at the beginning.

These terrifying monsters are indeed evil creatures that have been corroded by evil energy.

It's just that these evil creatures are slightly different from those that Xu Luo has seen in his mind.

It seems that the extent of their evil transformation at this time is not that deep. Therefore, even if they are infected by evil energy at this time, their power is not as powerful as they imagined.

In this situation, Xu Luo didn't know for a moment that it was because these evil powers had not been upgraded to the level of his era, so these eroded creatures were not that powerful at this time. .

Or is it because the amount of blood at this time is only a small amount, so I am not willing to waste too much time on these evil creatures, so that they are just some semi-finished products, so their strength is not that strong.

At this time, he just relied on his own worker bees to start exploring everywhere. In fact, for Xu Luo now, what he saw at this moment was not of much use.

It just confirmed what I saw at this time and confirmed my original guess.

After being infected by the evil titan in the past, he knew very well that these evil creatures were just some offspring.

Through these evil creatures, they began to spread wildly in various places. But in fact, even if these small creatures are eliminated, there will actually be no trace of the source of evil energy at all. Influence.

Unless these evil creatures are solved and the evil energy is also directly evolved, otherwise these evil creatures will be solved, but then all that will be solved is their bodies. The evil energy carried by the evil creature will directly return to the main body of the evil energy, making the source of the evil energy more and more powerful.

Even if these gossiping creatures are dealt with by then, all that will be done will be useless.

So it seems that I have discovered traces of these little flower creatures at this time, but in fact, for the real effect, there is no trace at all.

What made Xu Luo very regretful was that at this time, he started to explore here and there, but to his surprise, he did not find the source of the evil energy at all, which was the owner of the huge footprint. .

In Xu Luo's impression, the only one who could leave such a huge footprint was Titan. Therefore, at this time, Xu Luo actually had a target in his mind regarding this matter.

After all, he had encountered evil titans before in the Novice God's Domain and the Askaran World.

Therefore, in his opinion, this is the owner of the huge footprint he is tracking, and he should be the real carrier of evil energy in his imagination, that is, the evil Titan.

As for whether the speculation in his mind was true, Xu Luo had no way to verify it at this time.

But at this moment, apart from placing the target of suspicion on this evil titan, he actually had no other purpose.

At this time, Xu Luo had no idea that the dwarf titan he was tracking now had turned into a giant that stood tall and tall.

He didn't know that the two of them had actually met each other before. At this time, the evil Titan, who had mastered the evil energy, was constantly advancing.

The lives of all the creatures he encountered at this time withered when they encountered him.

All living energy was transformed by him, and then turned into rich evil energy, which directly filled around them.

So at this time, evil energy began to grow rapidly throughout the world, and at the same time, the breath of life began to wither.

At this time, as this Titan continued to walk, the lives of some of the creatures around him were actually absorbed by him.

Then he transformed it into evil energy to fill himself, so it seemed that he was walking continuously at this time, but in fact, as he absorbed the life breath around him, there was more and more evil energy in his body at this time.

At the same time, he also made himself stronger and stronger at this time, but a cruel smile appeared on his face.

In fact, when this evil titan was walking, what he encountered at this time was not just the surrounding creatures living on the continent of the gods.

In fact, we also encountered some Titans living randomly in various places at this time.

In the past, these Titans were indifferent to the world, but when they met this evil Titan, they thought he was just a member of their own race, so these Titans didn't pay much attention to him at all, but they didn't expect it. What's strange is that when this evil titan encountered these titans, he went up to take advantage of the opponent's lack of defense and launch a sneak attack. These titans did not even form any resistance at all, and then the inside of their bodies His blood was swallowed up by this evil titan.

So much so that by absorbing the blood of these Titans, the power of this evil Titan is constantly changing.

Compared with those weak creatures, killing a Titan at this time and then devouring their power will benefit this evil Titan far more than destroying a tribe. huge.

After all, Titans are very powerful. If they reach adulthood, they will be a true god or even a god king. You can imagine how huge the benefits will be to you after absorbing their energy at this time.

In comparison, when fighting against those weak ethnic groups, he still needs to expend a certain amount of strength. On the contrary, when encountering his own kind, these titans have no defense at all. , so that when this evil titan succeeded in the sneak attack, it easily swallowed up their power and then converted it into its own power, so there was basically not much loss.

The tribes of twenty-three Titans were actually distributed in all directions at this time.

These Titan tribes are very far apart from each other. At this time, the evil Dai is marching, and he is only in one of the tribes.

This huge area is completely led by a Titan King, and in this vast area, in addition to these Titans living here, there are also a large number of ethnic groups living here.

But for these Titans, the ethnic groups living here are completely ignored by them.

After all, for them, except for Titans, other creatures are not worth mentioning at this time.

It is precisely because of this that these Titans are scattered in various directions at this time, so that these Titans have no connection with each other at all. When these Titans are killed by this evil Titan, Other members of the same race had no idea that something had happened to these Titans.

Mainly because Titan is too powerful.

In the past, Titans were rarely killed by other creatures, and whenever a Titan was accidentally killed by these creatures, the Titan clan would directly riot.

Later, many Titans jointly took action to completely defeat the group that dared to attack the Titans. Therefore, even if some of the groups were powerful at this time, they did not dare to provoke the Titans at all.

Because they know very well that even if they try their best to kill one or two Titans, if they do so, they will simply not be able to bear the anger of the aliens. Because of this, for them, at this time When encountering Titans, they naturally walk as far as they can without daring to provoke them.

It is precisely because the Titan clan is so famous in the continent of gods that other clans do not dare to provoke them when they encounter them.

So for the Titans, the Continent of the Gods is like their back garden, and there is no risk at all.

At this time, these many Titans are scattered in various places, finding a place to rest at random, and then lying down to sleep. Therefore, when nothing happens, there is no contact with each other at all.

Because of this, when this evil titan attacked his own kind, these titans had no defense at all.

To put it bluntly, these Titans are still very simple at this time.

There is not so much intrigue at all, so at this time, for those of the same race, they naturally would not have thought that the other party would directly kill them.

At this time, only this evil titan was seen, once again pushing down the already limp body in front of him, leaving only skin and bones.

At this time, the body of the titan whose blood was directly sucked by him has shrunk a lot compared to the beginning, so that when facing his huge body, the other person is as thin as a child. Same.

When seeing this scene, this evil titan showed a crazy smile on his face.

Because seeing the gap between this Titan and himself, at this time, he thought of his previous, thin self.

In front of these titans, he was like a dwarf.

Those Titans of his own age bullied and laughed at him wantonly when facing him, and the reason why was just because he was very thin, but now he has become very tall and strong.

So at this time, when these Titans faced themselves, they became withdrawn and incomparable.

After discovering this, a sickly smile appeared on the evil titan's face.

Precisely because he had been bullied when facing other people of his own race, he was naturally very inferior to his height. At this time, he gained great strength in one move, allowing himself to get rid of his thin body. He became stronger, so when faced with the comparison between other Titans and himself, he felt even more proud in his heart, and then began to target these Titans more cruelly.

For this evil titan, he sold his body and soul at this time to obtain this powerful power from Yama.

Even if he doesn't know who Yan Mo is, for him, he has paid a huge price to obtain this power, so he naturally cherishes the power he has obtained at this time, so this time Only then will he use more cruel means to retaliate against those Titans who looked down on him in the past, letting them know that he is a cripple who was once looked down upon by them, but now he has powerful strength to attack them directly. As for this time, one Titan after another died in his hands.

And at the beginning, this evil titan was not quite able to control the huge power in his body. But as he killed more and more people, he sensed that many other people were affected by it. Creatures infected by evil energy can still be driven by themselves at this time.

Especially the bodies of the Titans that he killed were also eroded by evil energy at this time and were directly transformed into evil creatures. Although most of their blood was directly devoured, so at this time they Compared with when he was alive, his strength has naturally dropped by several levels.

But in any case, the power possessed by these evil titans is naturally not comparable to that of other creatures. Therefore, it is even thinking in its heart at this time if it kills a large number of titans and then uses evil energy to pollute them. , does this mean that he will be able to directly build a huge team by then?

By then, even if you don't have strong strength, you will be able to overthrow the rule of these hateful Titans just by relying on the number of these evil Titans.

What this evil Titan wants in his heart at this time is to overthrow the Titan's rule. By then, the entire continent of gods will only need one Titan himself.

As for the other Titans, how could he control so much? Why not just let them die?

The whole world only needs one voice at this moment, and this figure naturally belongs to him.

Only you are worthy of being the supreme king of this continent of gods!

And all other creatures in the world must surrender under their feet.

I never had such an idea before, nor did I dare to have such an idea.

But at this time, after gaining strong strength, such thoughts also followed.

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