The World of Gods Rises From the Zerg

Chapter 124 Show off your muscles and warn disobedience

Seeing that Xu Luo didn't cherish his lord creatures at all, those demigods of the Beek civilization felt very distressed.

It's just that when they came back to their senses, they felt even more distressed.

Xu Luo is exchanging his lord for their gold units!

The ten Butterfly Queens desperately injured their opponents, leaving the rest to Wei Ya.

Although restricted by the peace contract, he couldn't do anything himself, but Xu Luo could still give simple orders.

The Butterfly Queen was lost, but there was still the Butterfly Fairy. At this time, the Butterfly Fairy was absorbing evolution points from the creep, and the power of faith was evolving into a new Butterfly Queen.

The entire Butterfly Zerg can only have ten Butterfly Queens, but after the loss, they can be quickly promoted from among the Butterfly Fairies.

It was precisely because he was in his base camp that Xu Luo dared to do this. Even if the Butterfly Queen was lost, he could quickly replenish it.

And after the opponent's loss, there is no more.

"How come his lord followers are endless?"

Seeing that the Butterfly Queen is dead but there are still lord creatures, the demigods of the Beika civilization didn't understand at first, but after a while they finally realized that they have the means of resurrection, so they directly revived after fighting with their gold No, their golden units died in vain.

They didn't know that Queen Butterfly was really dead, but it was almost the same.

Anyway, the number of butterfly queens has not decreased at all.

In the beginning, they had a slight advantage in high-end combat power, but now it's different. Queen Butterfly desperately killed and wounded the gold troops regardless of the cost. Now the balance of victory began to slowly tilt to Xu Luo's side.

The silver battlefield originally had the upper hand, but with the assistance of high-end combat power, it was even more overwhelming.

On the contrary, on the God's Domain of the Beek civilization, the Zerg who invaded in the past have been almost killed. At this time, the entire God's Domain is covered with corpses, including the Zerg and their own arms.

Both humanoid and animaloid.

But anyway, they were about to win.

Although it was a miserable victory, he finally achieved his goal.

These alien races did not expect that the Zerg race was so tenacious and their beliefs were so firm.

Generally speaking, even if the belief of intelligent life is firm, except for fanatic believers, other believers will be defeated when the number of deaths reaches a certain level. Even devout believers, when faced with a large number of deaths, their beliefs will also shake.

But the Zerg is different. Although the Zerg is an intelligent life, they only have simple wisdom and do not have their own soul. They follow instructions, have no fear, and believe in eternity.

When fighting, even if they fall into a disadvantage, they will not take a step back without the order of the master.

Therefore, even though they were surrounded at this time, the violent fighting spirit of the Zerg made the besieging coalition forces cringe and dare not go forward. Facing the Zerg's desperate battle, the combat effectiveness of the two sides formed a fundamental gap.

In the end, the besieging coalition forces wasted a lot of troops in vain to finally take down the Zerg.

And their side has won, but the coalition forces that invaded the past have been defeated.

The golden arms were all strangled, and the remaining arms were just massacred one-sidedly.

The faces of the avatars of the demigods in mid-air were turning green.

No one expected that a dozen or so of them united, but they were wiped out in one go.

There are more than a dozen powerful demigod incarnations in the sky, but they didn't play any role in the end.

Even now, they couldn't leave the range covered by the divine light, they could only watch their troops being slaughtered.

Thirty minutes passed quickly, but to the demigod incarnation door, it seemed like a century.

None of their troops remained, and even the corpses had been eaten by mayflies.

They were furious, bursting into a powerful momentum one after another.

After fighting the arms, their own fighting power is still there. Even if they can't do anything to Xu Luo, they have to teach him an unforgettable lesson.

But thinking about it just now, these demigod incarnations were a little surprised when they saw a circle of golden butterflies around them.

Then the back of their heads seemed to be hit with a sledgehammer, and they lost their minds for a moment.

The soul impact of the soul butterfly is a very effective method for living beings.

At this time, so many soul butterflies joined forces to launch a soul impact, which instantly caught these demigod incarnations.

At the same time, a bright sword light shot up from the ground, instantly knocking out several demigod avatars.

The demigod incarnation is actually the carrier of consciousness to put it bluntly, condensed by the power of faith.

Without the control of the demigod consciousness, it is just a wave of energy.

At this time, the demigod's consciousness is absent, which means that he has lost the management of the power of faith, and the result is easily broken up.

After all, it is a demigod, all kinds of resistance are very high, just for a moment, Wei Ya made a move once, and it was too late for the second time, those demigod incarnations woke up.

Soul Butterfly began to emit light, and they didn't dare to stay, for fear that their avatars would also be blown up.

The arms have been lost, and the avatar carries a lot of power of faith. It would be too pitiful if it was blown up by someone.

But these avatars wanted to escape, so we had to see if Xu Luo would let them go.

Directly cut off the transmission channel, but did not exclude them from their God's Domain, so they were left behind.

If the strength is strong, it is not impossible to break through the outer defense of God's Domain and enter the void.

But obviously they don't have such ability.

With the strength of the demigod incarnation, he entered the void without any protection. Facing the turbulent flow of the void, he could last for a few seconds.

Even the domain of the gods would be destroyed soon without the protection of the core of the domain of the gods, let alone some incarnations of faith.

Under the closed door and beating the dog, there were many soul butterflies and ten butterfly queens to restrain them, and Xu Luo was also fighting, and it didn't take long to solve these demigod incarnations.

Until this time, Xu Luo finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He was really taken aback just now. Fortunately, when he comes across various consumable scrolls, he will buy them if he has spare money. That's why the peace contract appeared.

Without this thing, more than a dozen demigod incarnations shot together, even if Queen Butterfly tried her best, she couldn't stop it.

More than a dozen more gold-level combat powers have a great impact on the battle situation.

Regardless of cleaning up the messy God's Domain, he just let the mayfly gnaw all the corpses and leave the equipment, and the beam of teleportation light that penetrated the world appeared again.

And this time, two paths appeared directly.

One is God's Domain just now. Since the other party has placed an order and paid the task reward in advance, he has no reason not to do it.

The other one is God's Domain No. 64.

There is no need to locate it, and with the core breath of his God's Domain as the guide, he can directly know where it is.

Their coalition forces have already been defeated, and the remaining two are naturally nothing to worry about.

But this must never happen again.

If someone dares to plot against him, he will be killed directly.

Otherwise, in the future, other members will follow suit one by one, and things will be difficult to do.

At this time, there are not many troops in the two gods.

Most of No. 64's troops were transferred to that trap God's Domain, some of them entered Xu Luo's God's Domain, and there were not many in his own homeland.

As for the God's Domain used as a trap, although many troops were gathered at the beginning, the Zerg was too tenacious, and as a result, the troops suffered heavy losses, and there were not many troops left.

In front of the Zerg that Xu Luo sent over, the three attacks, five divisions and two were solved.

Ignoring the pleas of the two, Xu Luo ruthlessly shattered their divine domain.

Such things must not be tolerated.

There will be countless times once, once the heart is soft, it will be even more difficult to deal with in the future.

Facing the alien race, Xu Luo has no compassion at all.

It is a hostile camp in itself, either you die or I die, naturally there is nothing to say.

The harvest in the two god domains was mediocre, and there were not many troops. Xu Luo directly moved the two dilapidated god domains over and annexed them with his own domain, and the board finally became bigger.

Although the huge plate will expose oneself to the evil, the void turbulence encountered will also be more powerful.

But the domain of the gods is bigger, and the power of faith that can be collected is more.

Xu Luo is just storing as many evolution points as possible now, and there will only be more and more places to use in the future.

The two God Realms were shattered in one breath, but Xu Luo wasn't happy at all.

Don't look at him winning the battle, but in fact, he also suffered a heavy loss. He lost most of his troops directly, which took into account the accumulation he had accumulated during this period of time.

At the same time, he also deeply realized that his own strength is still not enough.

No matter how powerful the silver rank is, it is always not enough when facing gold.

This time the opponent's gold amount is not too much, but what about next time?

Not always lucky.

His desire for Leviathan became more urgent.

With a king-level creature of the ninth rank of gold in charge, it can be said that at this stage, Xu Luo can walk sideways.

When facing golden creatures in the future, I finally don't have to think about how to deal with them.

No. 64 was wiped out, and Xu Luo didn't hide it, and directly announced the matter to all group members.

Number 64 joined forces with many of his own race to resist him, but was wiped out in the end.

The general meaning is this.

Xu Luo's meaning is very simple, those who have similar thoughts should stop this thought as soon as possible, otherwise it will be too late to regret after being wiped out.

Just to warn them not to engage in petty tricks.

Being forced to pay protection fees, naturally many people were dissatisfied and thought about how to get out of Xu Luo's control, but Xu Luo just wanted to make them obedient.

Xu Luo also had a headache after defeating more than two-thirds of the Zerg in one go.

The number of eggs laid by the empress is fixed, and if you want to increase the number of Zerg, you can only slowly spend time accumulating.

As for reproduction cards and the like, not long after the Battle of the Gods was completed, many people suffered heavy losses and urgently needed to replenish their troops. As a result, there were very few reproduction cards on the market, and one was quickly snapped up.

Xu Luo wanted to buy it, but couldn't.

What's more, for him, one or two reproduction cards are not that useful at all.

It's just that the strength of God's Domain is greatly weakened now, especially now that he is facing the school's points competition, which is related to the school's ranking, of course he cannot take it lightly.

If it was before, there is nothing to worry about, but under the current situation, it is not so easy for him to win the game as easily as before.

Students from other schools are not Chinese cabbage on the side of the road, they can chop whatever they want.

But fortunately. There is still time now, the ratio of time in reality is different from that in God's Domain, and by tomorrow daytime, he has already accumulated a certain amount, so it shouldn't be a big problem to deal with those students at that time.

It's just a matter of being blocked by reproduction, and it still has to be put on the agenda.

The competition is just a trivial matter, but if he doesn't have enough troops, he won't be able to suppress those alien races who are about to move.

His own strength is not strong enough, and the so-called protection is just a joke.

If he wanted to be an umbrella that held up the sky, he had to be strong enough to suppress all alien races so that they would not dare to act rashly.

Another thing is to solve the problem of single Zerg arms.

Now the types of bugs he owns are slowly increasing, but he is still unable to deal with different types of troops in a targeted manner.

In his vision, when any unit appears, there should be a targeted type on the Zerg side that can deal with the opponent.

In this way, even if the Zerg's power is not strong enough, relying on targeted power, they can still achieve more powerful results.

Now restricting the development of the number of Zerg is actually because the number of eggs laid by the empress is not enough.

Now the basic production quantity of each of the four empresses is 5,000, even with the 20% bonus of the insect nest, it is only 6,000, and it is 24,000 in a day.

For Xu Luo, who wanted to explode his troops and rely on a huge number to win overwhelmingly, this number was not enough.

After a big battle, the number of Zerg deaths is counted in hundreds of thousands or hundreds of thousands.

Every time he fights, he has to accumulate for a long time. In addition to this time, he managed to save hundreds of thousands of Zerg. What he didn't expect was that after such a fight, he suddenly returned to before liberation. More than 2/3 of the Zerg were wiped out in one fell swoop.

Although there are quite a few left, if there is only that amount, there is more than enough for self-preservation and not enough for attack.

It's a pity that he can't find a way to effectively increase the number of eggs laid by the empress.

It is not a long-term solution to rely on the increase of various props to refresh the output of the Empress.

This kind of temporary method has very big constraints, and similar to the reproduction card, this kind of prop is a strategic material, and it is not something you can buy if you want to buy it.

In many cases, after waiting for a long time, one or two tickets can be bought, and this amount is irrelevant to the overall situation.

The really effective way is to solve it from the root, directly increasing the upper limit of the number of eggs laid by the mother.

It's just that the Queen Mother's rank cannot be raised now, and Xu Luo doesn't know how else to solve this problem.

I just hope that after Leviathan is deduced, see if the empress can be promoted to the golden stage, and then see if the number of eggs can be increased.

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