The World of Gods Rises From the Zerg

Chapter 174 Chasing and Killing

"because I?"

Xu Luo was puzzled.

"Because you were in the limelight before, you attracted the attention of alien spies. They felt that you had the potential to become a threat, so they decided to get rid of you."

Xu Ran said the matter concisely.

Hearing this, Xu Luo was speechless. He didn't expect that it was just a show that attracted the attention of foreigners.

"Then why did you bring me out specifically?"

"You are at home, and there is a residential area nearby. Once we fight, I don't know how many people will suffer. So you come out and give the other party a chance to make a move, so we can prepare."

Xu Ran looked him up and down.

"And don't you think too much of yourself? Do you think that the foreign race will make a move, and they will not hesitate to expose the hidden agents, just for you? These geniuses staying in Tianhai City are the targets of the other party."

"So you use your tricks to attract these people in the name of a motorcycle race?"

Xu Luo wasn't stupid, so he reacted quickly.

"Even if I don't play motorcycles myself, so many people of the same age are here, and if they know about this, they will come to watch the excitement."

The track used for motorcycle racing is not a regular track.

Because the track is usually at a height of 100 meters, and the whole process is monitored by the mastermind, and the track of the locomotive race is basically at a low altitude of less than 30 meters, even on the ground. No surveillance exists.

Choose such a place to give the opponent a convenient chance to shoot, and secondly because the accidental injury will be relatively small.

But Xu Luo couldn't help feeling cold.

He thinks there are other reasons.

For example, if someone accidentally injured a person here, only the lower-level people would die. Human life here is worthless. Even if the house is destroyed, the economic loss will be relatively small.

But he is a smart person, and he didn't say this, but he felt very uncomfortable.

"We came here secretly this time, and the aliens are also watching the movement of our special operations department. They know about our personnel transfer, so this time only one team came here. I know you have a pulse magnetic wave gun. I hope you will wait If the situation is urgent, you can also help."

Xu Ran quickly said his request.

If you are given a pulse magnetic wave gun, you will definitely receive special training, at least there is no problem with simple use.

In the case of insufficient manpower, Xu Ran had no other choice. He was afraid of mistakes, and hoped that this younger brother could play a role.

"it is good!"

Xu Luo nodded.

It was about his own safety, so he didn't hesitate.

But this incident still reminded him that he still needs to keep a low profile as much as possible in the future!

It was just a moment of limelight, and I didn't expect to be targeted so soon.

After Xu Ran gave a few more instructions, he left directly.

Seeing her leaving as if nothing had happened, but arranging the deployment of tactics by people in other operations, Xu Luo could only sigh with emotion, she deserves to be from the army, and her psychological quality is really strong.

"Old Xu, what did my sister tell you?"

Wang Xiaoling is very curious, the soul of gossip is burning.

"I think this sister is very beautiful, Lao Xu, you are single now..."

"Don't be kidding me!"

Xu Chengzhi's face darkened, and he directly interrupted Wang Xiaoling's remaining words.


Wang Xiaoling felt aggrieved and stopped talking.

The others didn't think much about it, they just thought that Xu Chengzhi didn't like Wang Xiaoling making fun of his sister, and they usually knew about this person's personality, so they didn't take it to heart.

At this moment, a loud whistle sounded not far away.

"The assembly is starting, let's go there first!"

Hearing the whistle, Wang Xiaoling, Zuo Jiaojiao and the others hurriedly pushed their motorcycles past.

"Aren't you going?"

Seeing that Xu Chengzhi didn't move, Xu Luo was curious.

Sometimes he always felt that this silent boy was not like a student, but more like a professional soldier, with the same unsmiling and meticulous demeanor.

"Means nothing."

Xu Chengzhi said lightly.

At this time, at the edge of the parking lot, all the contestants have lined up in a row. Behind them was a hot and tall girl with a command gun in her hand.


A shot rang out.

Then one after another, the figures rushed down one after another.

There is no specific route for the underground car race, and the requirement for them is that they are not allowed to fly at a height of more than 30 meters.

Others are optional.

And below 30 meters, it is actually very intricate, and there are no special props, unlike the high-level ones, which have special lane planning.

Under 30 meters, even if there was a driveway and there was a gap between the two buildings, it has been blocked by people for so many years, just to increase the area.

If you want to pass through these places, you can only walk through the streets and alleys from the ground.

As for racing, what is dangerous is not only the complex terrain and environment, but also the people who live here.

The lower and upper levels are like heaven and hell, with clear boundaries.

Those who live at the bottom, apart from some ordinary people who are struggling to live, are more people who have committed crimes and hid here.

Punks, robbers, thieves, murderers, daughters-in-law, female ticket takers...

In this uninvolved place, there are all kinds of people, and it is a veritable place where filth is hidden.

In such a place, there is no difference between day and night. It is conceivable what will happen to these rich children passing through here.

Even if they don't wear gorgeous clothes and don't have any jewelry, their people and their motorcycles are enough for them to become the prey of others.

Regarding these matters, these participants naturally knew that hunting was included in this competition itself.

In real life, go fishing.

Use yourself as bait.

This is what they often do.

Children from ordinary families are not only different from these people in terms of resources, but also have many differences in the things they have been exposed to since childhood.

People like Xu Luo who watched the battle didn't need to be under 30 meters like those who participated in the competition, so they could overlook them from a high altitude, and naturally they could clearly grasp their whereabouts when they walked in a straight line.

"I go first!"

Seeing that everyone had rushed out like arrows from the string, Xu Chengzhi put on his helmet. After saying that, he straddled his locomotive directly, and it was also a great ride.

"Old Xu, I'm leaving first!"

Tu Lei's voice came from afar. Looking again, he was no longer seen.

Seeing that they had already taken action, Xu Luo didn't procrastinate and started to take action too.

"Xu Luo!"

It's just that he didn't see that on the floor opposite her, there was a teenager eating there. After seeing him, he gritted his teeth and said his name.

"I didn't expect to see you here!"

Xiang Yang didn't expect that he could see Xu Luo even after he moved here.

With cold eyes, he directly dialed a person's phone number.

"Brother Zhang, I have a deadly enemy. I want you to teach me a lesson. Fortunately, you don't have to worry about it. I'll invite you guys to drink. In Heaven, I'll send you his photo and his route! "

After finishing the phone call quickly, Xiang Yang couldn't help laughing.

Because of Xu Luo, he couldn't enter the elite class, and he couldn't even stay in the original class, so he had to go to other classes. Originally, his strength was good, and he stayed well in other classes. The genius was very uncomfortable, but there was nothing he could do.

What he didn't expect was that Xu Luo suddenly became the most powerful civilian genius in the school, and someone broke out the grievances between him and Xu Luo, and suddenly he couldn't stay in No. 6 Middle School.

Not only that, he didn't know if it was bad luck.

Their family's transport fleet was attacked, and then his father was dismissed. As a member of the Xiang family, he could walk sideways wherever he went, but after his father was dismissed, everyone who had a good relationship with him before was like Snake and scorpion, he has also changed from a rich and wealthy young man to a lost dog.

Without the support of the Xiang family, their family could only move out of the original mansion and settle in this place on the 72nd floor.

Although the seventy-second floor is very good for ordinary people, compared with before, the quality of life has plummeted.

Xiang Yang was also recruited by his father to the nearby No. 14 Middle School.

A series of blows caused Xiangyang to suffer a huge blow, and gradually degenerated, and began to associate with those bottom-level people who were in the black zone.

No matter how poor he was, he was still a rich man to those mud-legged people, and everyone fawned on him.

Xiang Yang felt that Xu Luo had harmed him all of this, and he couldn't add more resentment towards Xu Luo, but he had no way to retaliate.

Unexpectedly, Xu Luo actually ran to his side by himself, so even if something happened, what does it matter?

It's so messy here, it's normal for him to go to those unclean places by himself, and things will happen.

At this time, the dinner, which was originally delicious, only felt very delicious to Xiang Yang.

This should be the most delicious meal he has eaten since he lived in this house.

Thinking of Xu Luo's unlucky appearance later, Xiang Yang laughed morbidly.

Xu Luo didn't have any vigilance against these ignorant Xu Luo.

He drove the locomotive in mid-air, and the figures of those who were competing had been blocked by the floors below.

Xu Luo didn't care about this, it was a normal phenomenon, after a while, those people would reappear.

Just thinking about it, a group of people suddenly surrounded Xu Luo.

Surrounding a person in mid-air is not realistic.

But the current situation is like this, Xu Luo is surrounded by a group of people, one by one straddling the locomotive, two people in one car, each of them is wearing a black leather jacket, their bare arms are muscled, and there is a There are all kinds of tattoos, and in their hands, they all hold things like sticks.

Seeing that the other party was not kind, Xu Luo was puzzled.

Is this the means of aliens?

If the agents of foreign races only have such means, it would be too useless, right?

Being in mid-air, and with so many opponents, Xu Luo didn't want to fight recklessly, so he just drove away.

But I saw a man take out a disc-like thing, directly press the button, and start the switch.

Xu Luo's expression changed.

That's a flight jammer.

All locomotives and flying cars rely on magnetic power to achieve floating. Some people have specially invented something that interferes with magnetic power. At this time, no matter whether it is a flying car or a locomotive, they will activate the emergency landing function and make a forced landing.

The other party is planning to take him down directly, and is cleaning him up!

"Mastermind, I am in danger, can I use my killing power to protect myself?"

While controlling the locomotive to land, Xu Luo was communicating with the mastermind.

"Seed number 4221, student Xu Luo, the current situation is not fatal, the mastermind does not recommend you to use the privilege of killing!"

A mechanical voice dismissed his request.


Xu Luo was furious, but there was nothing he could do.

He didn't directly let the locomotive land on the ground. He was not familiar with the situation underground and it was the opponent's home field, so he chose a place for emergency parking at random.

There are many places like this in the city.

As soon as it stopped, Xu Luo swung the motorcycle and ran towards the building.

Now there is only one way to run into the building to disperse the enemies.

Although he had been specially trained in No. 1 Middle School, and his combat power was indeed stronger than that of ordinary people, it didn't mean that he became a superman, and he could fight dozens of people.

Even the soldier king in the army can't say that he can easily deal with them surrounded by dozens of burly men holding weapons.

Although he can call wind and rain in the world of gods, but in the real world, he is still an ordinary person.

If he wanted to change all this, he might only be able to do it when he became the main god.


Seeing Xu Luo running into the building, the face of the big man in the lead changed.

He is a bully in the neighborhood, and the protection fees for the next few blocks are all his, and he has formed a tacit understanding with the security team, but it doesn't mean that he can run amok,

The bottom floor can be messed around, and it can be done with a little money, but it is not so easy to get above the fifty floors.

However, thinking of the wealthy young master who spends a lot of money, his big benefactor finally got something to do for him. If he messed up, he knew very well that this person would probably fall into the arms of others.

That's why he tried his best to pay a certain price to get this matter done.

The big deal is to give that greedy captain of the security team a little favor and suppress this matter.

It's just to teach a person a little lesson, and he doesn't think it's a big deal.

If you want to kill the opponent directly, you still have to hesitate, after all, the price is not enough.

"Xu Luo, what's going on?"

Seeing Xu Luo's absence, Xu Ran's heart tightened, and he hurriedly called.

There was no time to switch, so Xu Luo made a voice call directly.

"I was besieged, and now dozens of people are chasing after me, but they don't look like foreigners, and they are all holding ordinary weapons."

Xu Luo quickly reported his situation.

In the current situation, he would not joke about his life, and feel ashamed to ask for help.

"What? You were attacked?"

Xu Ran's heart tightened.

"How is it? Are you injured?"

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