The World of Gods Rises From the Zerg

Chapter 361 Three Legendary Aliens

After hearing Ying Yingluo's words, Xu Luo couldn't help being shocked!

He didn't expect that this time the foreign race's handwriting was even bigger than he imagined. The legendary master in the Tianjiao Hotel had already been entangled by someone at this time. How much planning has been made.

"How dare they! Sending legendary masters in our territory, could it be that they want to fight us head-on?"

After hearing Ying Yingluo say that the legendary master at the Tianjiao Hotel was blocked by someone, someone couldn't help but scream.

Originally, they thought that they held a party on this side. In addition to the large number of their guardians gathered on the hotel side, the main reason is that there is a Tianjiao Hotel next to them to echo them, even if there is any unexpected situation. The legendary powerhouses on the side were also able to respond immediately. They didn't expect that their biggest reliance would be restrained by someone.

"They dare to do something to the top genius of mankind, what else are they afraid to do?"

Someone next to him sneered.

"Isn't it already commonplace for foreigners to assassinate the top geniuses of mankind?"

Of course, in addition to those who raised arguments with each other, there were also people who had different opinions at this time.

"The banquet this time was improvised by us, and it only took half a day from sending out the invitation to holding the banquet. How could the foreign race make such a response in such a short period of time?"

It is not easy to arrange for a legendary master to enter the place of human beings, but now they hold this banquet on a temporary basis, and the other party came to the door so quickly, one can imagine What a shock to them.

"This matter should have nothing to do with you, the other party is coming for me!"

After looking around, Ying Yingluo spoke lightly.

"It's just that I didn't expect that I would secretly return to the origin star. There were not many people who knew my whereabouts in advance. The other party actually followed me here and made preparations for the assassination. They really think highly of me. At least two A legendary master!"

While saying these words, although Ying Yingluo was smiling, her words were very cold.

After hearing her words, the others also understood the meaning of his words.

Ying Yingluo secretly returned to the origin star, and it was only half a day before she knew that she would come to this party, but the other party actually sent a legendary master to enter the main star of human beings. Obviously, all of this has been prepared from the very beginning, and the reason why they chose this place as the assassination target is only because Ying Yingluo is going to appear here, so they are just being implicated by the other party.

At this time, they don't know what's going on outside, so they don't dare to go out. After all, there are some protective forces inside the hotel. Once they go out, in the open place, the other party has already set up a trap. Once you go out, you will only become a living target for others.

If it is in the world of the gods, rushing out like this, relying on your own strong strength, you can still fight with the opponent, but this is the real world, and although personal force is important in the real world, this is an era of technology , there are many ways to remotely snipe them practitioners.

Everyone in the hotel was prepared for protection, and at this time, the shouts of killing outside gradually fell into an end. It seemed that the strength of the people who came was extremely strong, and their defenders outside were easily dealt with by the opposite side. Lost.

"We have such a battle fluctuation here, is there no reaction from the patrol team at all?"

Someone couldn't help but question it.

After all, even if all the signals near the area they were in were blocked by people, how could the patrol team not know about such fluctuations in battle as long as they were not blind?

"Oh, don't you know that patrols are sometimes blind? They are blind when someone wants them to be blind, and they are deaf when someone wants them to be deaf!"

Someone next to him laughed at himself, they were very clear about the urine nature of the patrol team.

And for the patrol to make such a response, in today's great era, it doesn't even need a person with much power to do all this.

"Don't think so much. It's better to hurry up and prepare for the battle at this time. It's not a good idea to blame others. Only when you are strong yourself and kill all these invading foreign enemies can we no longer suffer from any threats." threaten!"

While Ying Yingluo stabilized the mentality of these juniors, she couldn't help but sigh in her heart. Although she knew that there were internal and external troubles in the federation, and the strife between the various factions was already very serious, what she didn't expect was that it was so serious this level.

As the number one genius on the bright side in the entire human civilization today, her strength and means are all the top choices, but the other party actually regards herself as a thorn in the side and leaked all her information.

At this time, she couldn't help but think of Zuo Tianyao back then.

At the beginning, Zuo Tianyao was only one step away from the level of the main god. As long as Zuo Tianyao can successfully advance to the level of the main god, the virtual reality will be reflected at that time. When facing them, they didn't dare to underestimate them, but some people didn't want to hand over the power and interests in their hands at all, so they united with some people from other races and directly plotted against Zuo Tianyao. Follow Zuo Tianyao's footsteps?

"Although the clan forces have various drawbacks, none of the clan clans backed down when fighting against foreign races. Although the clan clans occupied a lot of resources, when fighting against clan clans, the children of wealthy families charged forward one by one. Ordinary civilians rushed earlier, the more they got, the more they gave, how could it be so annoying to others?"

Ying Yingluo couldn't help but feel a burst of sadness in her heart. Nowadays, the sentiment of bipolar opposition in the entire Federation is getting higher and higher, but many people don't understand that the real bipolar opposition is not between the aristocrats and ordinary children.

Although the children of wealthy families occupy more resources in the eyes of ordinary people, they are actually paying a lot while enjoying this resource. After all, they are basically the top of every battle. People enjoy very little, but they don't have many obligations, and they can hide safely in the rear at least safely.

"You keep saying that you want to benefit the people, but is everything you are doing now really for the people?"

Thinking of a certain person, Ying Yingluo couldn't help taking a deep breath.

She knew what the other party was doing, and at one time she approved of the other party's actions, but now that she has realized more and more about the other party's unlimited means, she understands that what the other party is doing is completely different from what he said.

In fact, the real purpose is just to eradicate dissidents. He wants to be truly dictatorial, so that only his voice remains in the entire federation, so he has always been attacking the power of his hostile forces.

Obviously, as a representative of the power of the powerful, the top genius among the younger generation, after she became a true god, she also entered a high-level member, and became a thorn in the other side's eyes and must be eradicated.

But this is not the time to think about these things. Now that there are intruders outside, Ying Yingluo can only direct the human geniuses to respond one by one. She actually knows the situation outside very well. The number of intruders There are not many, but because of the strong individual strength, even if the guardians have gold-level strength, they have almost no power to fight back under the opponent's attack.


After Ying Yingluo sneered coldly, she also erupted with a powerful force, and then rushed out of the hotel.

"I'll block that legend, and I'll leave the rest to you!"

Her figure rushed out, leaving only one sentence. At this time, a group of people in the hotel looked at each other, but everyone's reaction was very real. Facing the invasion of foreign enemies, no one flinched. .

After all, they are not flowers in the greenhouse. They have experienced the baptism of wars one by one. I don’t know how many people from other races have fought, and I don’t know how many people have been killed in other worlds. Fighting has never been unfamiliar to them. , It's just that what they didn't expect was that they would encounter such an attack suddenly during their party, which was the reason why they were caught off guard.

At this time, people rushed out of the hotel in groups and met the attackers outside.

Of course, the reason why they had the courage to rush out of the hotel at this time was mainly because they already had a certain understanding of the intelligence from the outside world. Although they were in the hotel, there were still others sending them messages from outside.

Although the identities of the alien attackers are unknown this time, the number is clear. The all-gold top team is indeed a shocking lineup, especially when there are two legendary powerhouses leading the team. It's even more terrifying.

Of these two legendary powerhouses, one of them entangled the legendary powerhouse in the Tianjiao Hotel, and the other one came to attack with a group of top gold powerhouses. This group is more than enough.

But what is absolutely unexpected is that Ying Yingluo has already broken through to the legendary level. With her own action, she also restrained this legendary strong man. As a result, a group of golden strong men were left to fight here.

It seems that the opponent's gold ranks are all gold peaks, and their strength is extremely powerful. On the side of human civilization, the security forces outside are almost completely solved by these gold ranks and legendary powerhouses.

But even if there are only these young geniuses left, their strength should not be underestimated. After all, all of them are the backbone of human beings, and there are not a few of them who have reached the peak of the gold rank.

After all, they are not like all the students that Xu Luo came into contact with before. Although many of them are students, most of them like Li Qingquan have already left the school. Among them, he can also be regarded as a unique talent, and among this group of people, he is stronger than Li Qingquan by a lot.

Xu Luo didn't show his head. At this time, he held Xu Jingjing's hand, quietly left the hotel and made a face to the side, and suddenly a person appeared in front of them.

"Take her to Xu's house."

After Xu Luo gave some instructions in a low voice, he then gave instructions to the girl beside her.

"Don't talk, don't make any moves, follow him with peace of mind, he will take you home safely, don't say anything after you go back, and don't tell them you've seen me!"

When Xu Jingjing was about to say something, the person next to her pulled her, and then the girl's figure suddenly disappeared in front of her eyes.

"What a big battle!"

Looking at the chaotic battle situation at this time, Xu Luo couldn't help laughing out loud.

He originally thought he was a fisherman, but he didn't expect that he would become the biggest fish in the other's mouth.

From the very beginning, people's goal was not on themselves at all, but like the top genius in the entire human civilization, Ying Yingluo, as the first person of the younger generation of human beings, countless young people regarded her as As an idol, if something happens to Ying Yingluo at this time, it will be a huge blow to the entire human civilization.

In particular, what Xu Luo didn't expect was that the other party sent two legend-level powerhouses with such a big hand.

If two legend-level powerhouses are placed in the world of the gods, it means at least two true god-level powerhouses, which is definitely a big deal.

But he was watching quietly here, but he didn't have the slightest intention to intervene in it. After all, he was just a silver-level rookie, and there was no room for intervening in the current fighting state.

Even without those protectors, Xu Luo's eyes were opened by the top geniuses of today's human beings.

The strength of these top geniuses is indeed very terrifying. At this time, they fought back and forth with those assassins of other races. Even if all the opponents were top-level gold existences, the human side was not in vain.

However, looking at the battle situation at this time, Xu Lun always felt that something was not right. After all, since the opponent knew that they had so many top talents gathered together, then there should not be only such a few talents.

After all, these top talents themselves possess great strength. If the opponent only has this lineup, these assassins have already been restrained before all these people have shot.

If the battle continues like this, they will be the ones who will suffer at that time. Since they have already sent the legendary powerhouse here, the other party should not have taken this into consideration.

At this time, Wei Ya's figure appeared from the dream world and stood beside Xu Luo.

"Lord Master, there is a very terrifying aura hiding not far away, but the figure of the other party is erratic, and I can't find his specific location,"

"How strong is it?"

After hearing Wei Ya's words, Xu Luo's eyes narrowed, as if this could also verify the uneasiness in his heart.

"Better than me!"

Wei Ya said it honestly.

After hearing this sentence, Xu Luo was shocked. Wei Ya's strength has already stood at the peak of the gold level, and there is almost no existence stronger than her at the gold level, but since Wei Ya said that she is stronger than her If he is stronger, it means that the opponent is a legendary powerhouse, or someone close to legend like Wei Ya, but no matter what it is, it is extremely terrifying.

And such a person was directly hiding in the dark at this time, obviously wanting to launch a sneak attack, Xu Luo looked at those human geniuses who were fighting and couldn't help but feel a move in his heart.

The target of the other party is likely to be these people. After all, some of these people will go out to fight against their alien race. If these people are eliminated at this time, it will be a huge blow to human civilization, and it will be a huge blow. Loss.

"Can you find his figure?"

Looking at the battle situation at this time, the human side still has the upper hand, but with a top powerhouse hidden behind the scenes, Xu Luo can't rest assured at all. Once the opponent intervenes, the current battle situation will be the same a huge twist


After hearing Xu Luo say that she wanted to find out the other party, Wei Ya responded calmly.

Then I saw that Wei Ya released her aura, she didn't show incomparable arrogance like Ying Yingluo, her aura was like a spring breeze, and she didn't even attract the attention of others, but at this time it was hidden in the dark and erratic After the breath of Wei Ya sensed the existence of the same kind as Wei Ya, the other party did not dare to move anymore.

In fact, they were fully prepared. In addition to a group of top-level gold assassins, there were three legendary powerhouses in charge. Except for the legendary one who went to contain the Tianjiao Hotel, the reason why the remaining two had one more person was Just in case, and now it is indeed beyond their expectations, at the beginning, no one thought that Ying Yingluo would already possess legendary strength.

But from their point of view, even if Ying Yingluo restrains a person at the legendary level, there is still one person left who can still crush them when facing this group of gold-level people, and what they did just in case The decision to send three legends was indeed correct.

But at this time, the sudden aura of being close to the legendary level made this hidden legendary alien couldn't help but be surprised. Could it be that their plan went wrong? Why is there another legendary level powerhouse hidden in the crowd?

He didn't know that Wei Ya was not at the legendary level, but there was no obvious difference between Wei Ya's aura and the legend at this time. When there was no fight for a while, the opponent's judgment was wrong, and with Wei Ya's After being restrained, he didn't dare to move at will, and could only watch helplessly as the gold on his side was suppressed by the geniuses on the human side.

"It seems that these people of different races are quite stupid. Knowing that there are so many of us gathering here, they just sent so many people!"

After seeing these assassins of the alien race being suppressed by their own side, the geniuses on the human side couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. If we look at the current situation, it's just the shots. People, they suppressed these alien assassins, and some of them were on the sidelines to guard, even if there were aliens hiding and supporting them, they could respond immediately.

"It's probably because we misjudged our strength. The main reason is that we didn't expect Ying Yingluo to have reached the legendary level. Otherwise, that one legendary powerhouse would have killed all of us!"

At this moment, they couldn't help but rejoice that no one would have thought that Ying Yingluo would have the strength of a legendary level. Otherwise, it would be very difficult for so many of them to deal with a legendary strongman on the other side.

"You still can't be careless. Since the other party has made such a detailed response, it is obviously not that simple. I am afraid that there is still someone behind. It is best to make a quick decision and deal with these gold-level assassins. , go out as soon as possible to inform the high-level human beings or to help Ying Yingluo in the battle, if we can keep the legendary-level aliens, it will be a huge credit to us!"

After hearing this proposal, many people were obviously moved. After all, they fought in different worlds, but the merits they obtained were very rare, but if they could kill a legendary strong man in the real world, even if there were so many of them Everyone can get a lot.

Cultivation is nothing more than a process of competing for resources, whether it is fighting in a different world or striving for credit for the Human Federation, isn't it all about gaining points? Points can be exchanged for various cultivation resources in various departments of human beings. Even if some of them are born extraordinary, no one will feel that they have too many resources.

Especially for killing a legend-level foreigner, in addition to the meritorious service they can get, the more important thing is the glory represented behind it, and the more important thing is that if they kill these top owners, what will happen to the other party? It is a huge weakening.

"Then let's do it. Brothers, don't just watch from the sidelines at this time. After helping them kill these foreign hunters, let's go help Yingyingluo. Use his legendary strength to contain the situation head-on." Under the circumstances, those of us who are gold-ranked will be able to cause some interference to the opponent if we enter the battle!"

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