The World of Gods Rises From the Zerg

Chapter 531 Conflict Boundary, Returning to the World (3 more still to come)

Those people who are constantly fighting in the battlefield at this time have no idea that those supreme beings above the star realm are paying attention to the battle between these little people at this time.

At this time, they are engaged in a tug-of-war. As long as there is enough delay, it will be beneficial to the human side.

In the star world, at this time, the gods of different races have already hoarded all their distractions together, just at the barrier between the star rank and the world, quietly waiting for Zuo Tianyao to throw himself into the trap.

At this time, even if Zuo Tianyao knew this, he still rushed over without hesitation.

Far away, he finally came to this layer of isolation. As long as he passes through this layer of isolation, he will be able to resurrect himself once again as a god who has fallen, and ignite himself on the land of the gods. The sacred fire, re-announced its existence to hundreds of millions of creatures.

But at this moment, under the circumstances that these foreign gods are hoarding here in large numbers, they want to stop his progress. Therefore, when they saw Zuo Tianyao's figure, these foreign gods did not hesitate at all, directly They launched their attack.

The power carried by the distraction thoughts of these alien gods is very weak. After all, they are just a thought of the body clones of these gods. Under such circumstances, the power carried is naturally not very strong, but They are gathering here for the purpose of bringing in their power, only to see that at this time, when they saw Zuo Tianyao, the distraction thoughts of all the alien gods suddenly exploded, killing their last The pure power gathered on a certain god, and then they withdrew from the battle.

One after another, the gods of different races have adopted the same method, only to see that the strength of the god who was concentrated and promoted by them is also constantly rising.

Originally, it was just a distraction, but now with a large number of alien gods entrusting their power to him, the strength of his avatar is no less than his own body.

Although this kind of improvement is only for a short period of time, and as he continues to fight, this force will continue to wear off like rootless water, but at this moment, this powerful force It was their last resort, if this layer of defense couldn't stop Zuo Tianyao, then his resurrection would be a foregone conclusion.

"It's you, it's really been a long time!"

When Zuo Tianyao saw this alien god, he was still a little surprised. He didn't expect that in such a process, he would actually be able to meet his former acquaintance.

"I haven't seen you for such a long time, I never thought that you have become a god king, congratulations!"

It has only been a few decades, the so-called vicissitudes of life, things are different, and people are different. At the beginning, he was just an inconspicuous true god. At this moment, the other party has become a high-ranking god king, and he is only one step away from the main god.

"What is there to congratulate, you have already reached this level decades ago!"

When he heard Zuo Tianyao's praise, this foreign god didn't feel happy at all.

After all, the opponent had already reached this level many years ago. When the strength of the opponent was stagnant, it took him decades of catching up to reach the level of the opponent at the beginning. Under such circumstances, it is true that There is nothing to praise.

"It is not an easy task to reach this level. Under such circumstances, you can become a god king, of course it is very congratulatory!"

Zuo Tianyao smiled. He still has some appreciation for this alien god. At the beginning, he was just an inconspicuous god. After that, he became a true god in a short period of time. Now he is even more He has become a god king.

He is not the kind of peerless genius who achieves his strength overnight, but just an ordinary foreigner who works hard and silently improves his strength.

So at Zuo Tianyao's time, he was just an inconspicuous true god among the many gods who besieged him, but Zuo Tianyao still had an impression of him.

The number of such gods is actually the largest in the world of gods, and those who rise like comets and fall like comets are after all a minority.

"It seems that in order to prevent me from returning, you really paid a huge price this time!"

Zuo Tianyao's tone was a little emotional. After all, he could see that this foreign god gathered the power of other gods, and the other party directly concentrated all the power on him, which actually explained something.

Sending an avatar transformation into the astral realm requires a lot of resources. After all, they paid such a high price to send their own distraction into the astral realm. It's not worth it, and at this moment, each of the gods has completely extracted the power of their distraction and sent it to this foreign god, which can be said to be the last desperate fight.

When this alien god heard Zuo Tianyao's words, he didn't give any reply at all, but directly launched his own attack.

The two great god kings launched an attack in this boundless star world, but at this moment, their attacks could not affect anyone at all.

Because this is the gap between the star world and the present world, the star world is divided into two, the star world of the present world and the land of returning to the ruins after the fall of the gods, and this is the gap between reality and the returning to the ruins, and fighting here will naturally not cause anyone s concern.

Although this alien god is also a strong man at the level of a god king, and has gathered the crystallization of divine power from other gods, but at this moment he is rootless water. Under such circumstances, the battle between Zuo Tianyao and Zuo Tianyao He is consuming his own strength all the time, but at this time, Zuo Tianyao, although he has not been completely resurrected, has various altars to replenish his energy, and he has already reached the peak level of the god king he used to be. At the same time, he also stored a lot of power in his body, so in the process of fighting with the opponent, he has been sitting on the Diaoyutai without any haste. At this time, he has reached the diaphragm, and there is no need to continue to worry , under such circumstances, he certainly has the capital to continue to procrastinate with the other party.

On the contrary, at this time, the foreign god king was extremely impatient. After he found that he had no way to kill Zuo Tianyao, his purpose changed quickly. In the next resurrection, you can't reach the sky in one step.

It's just that Zuo Tianyao directly saw through his intention, and it was not as good as the opponent's wishes. He was still in the process of fighting him, and continued to dodge, accomplishing the greatest goal with the smallest cost. Under such circumstances, his tactic is indeed effective. Usually Zuo Tianyao only needs to spend a little bit of effort, but this alien god needs to spend 1.5 or even 20% of his effort.

In this way, when one side sat firmly on the Diaoyutai, while the other side's power continued to be consumed, soon after the power left by other gods of other races in the body of the god king was exhausted by him, It was easily defeated by Zuo Tianyao.

Without the barrier of these alien gods, looking at the thin film in front of him, Zuo Tianyao also felt extremely emotional on his face.

After all, he was a person who had died once, of course he knew very well that as long as he passed through this layer of membrane, he could return to the present world.

But wanting to break through this layer of barrier is not as simple as he imagined, so at this time, after quietly paying attention to this layer of membrane, he exploded his aura.

Earlier, those alien gods could come and go here at will, but at this moment Zuo Tianyao wanted to run through the barrier of this film, but it was not as easy as he imagined.

After all, this layer of film blocks the creatures inside the star rank, preventing them from penetrating through here.

At this moment, the pillar of fire that had not moved at all, under the guidance of Zuo Tianyao, directly extracted all the divine power stored in the remaining altars, and then gathered them into this pillar of fire, followed Zuo Tianyao The connection with himself sent out a dazzling beam of light, which ruthlessly pierced through this layer of film.

When facing the attack of this golden beam of light, the film rippled like water waves. But it is still strong, and there is no intention of being destroyed at all.

But facing the attack of this layer of golden beam of light, Zuo Tianyao did not hesitate at this time, and aimed at the point where the beam of light attacked from the other side, and attacked.

Under the combination of the two, he immediately tore a point of this layer of film, and after this point was torn, he continued to work hard to expand this point slowly. After reaching a certain range, he finally got out of this membrane.

After Zuo Tianyao passed through this layer of film, without his strength to maintain it, this layer of film bonded together again, returned to its original appearance, and then disappeared.

At this time, Zuo Tianyao, who had returned to the real world, smelled the fresh air, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion. He had returned to the world after decades of absence.

After all, if the time in the world of the gods is used, it has actually been hundreds of years since he left.

And when Zuo Tianyao appeared above the world of gods, a huge eye suddenly appeared in the sky, staring at him coldly.

Facing this huge eye, Zuo Tianyao smiled helplessly.

"Got it, got it, don't worry, I'll ignite the magic fire right now!"

As he spoke, he began to release the divine power in his body, saying that he was re-igniting the divine fire, but in fact he just used his divine power to communicate with the temples.

After all, he is not an ordinary god, but has already fallen once. In the temples of the gods, in fact, there is still his true spirit. It's just a joke.

It is precisely because this ray of his true spirit is entrusted in the temples of the gods that he wanders around in the astral world. Although his consciousness is a little muddled, it has never been completely swallowed, otherwise This time, the resurrection plan is just empty.

At this time, after he returns to the real world, he needs to announce his existence to the temples, and reconnect with his ray of true spirit, only under such circumstances. To be able to have a legal identity, and not be regarded as an outsider by the consciousness of the world of the gods, when the time comes, it will be cleared directly and there will be no place to cry.

Of course, Zuo Tianyao was very clear about this, so when faced with this rule-based eye, he was so helpless.

And with Zuo Tianyao's return to the present world, there is no trace of his existence in the present world at this time, so the eyes of the rules immediately reacted to him as a different kind.

Therefore, he needs to quickly get in touch with the Temple of the Gods to regain his brand, which is equivalent to having his own identity certificate in the Temple of the Gods. It is a black account, and it is the object that needs to be wiped out.

After Zuo Tianyao successfully returned to the real world, those aliens who fought near the worlds of the planes finally stopped wasting their efforts in vain. At this time, these altars have long been useless. It doesn't make any sense whether to fight or not.

Looking at the alien gods who had already retreated one by one, those strong human beings who were continuing to fight in various worlds at this time finally withdrew their consciousness tiredly.

Even though they just use their avatars to fight there, when the avatars are injured, they won't feel the slightest pain, but the consciousness in the avatars that drive them to fight is their own, and the consciousness will feel tired.

Now that all the arrangements have been completed, they just need to wait quietly for Zuo Tianyao to take that step successfully.

At this moment, with all the gods and spirits of the astral world having entered the temple of the gods, the strongest remaining on the continent of the gods are nothing but true gods, and basically they are all newly accomplished true gods. When these people felt Zuo Tianyao's aura, they flew up to the sky from their own kingdom of God, watching him from a distance.

And from here, it can be seen how many true gods there are in each civilization.

At this time, Zuo Tianyao's god-level divine sense, just glanced at it, can directly cover the area of ​​hundreds of millions of miles, and the true gods that appeared nearby in twos and threes were just little guys, he didn't take it to heart at all At this time, he unscrupulously released his aura, sensing the fragments of his once divine kingdom.

Following Zuo Tianyao's return, these fragments of the Kingdom of God were pulled by him and gathered towards him directly.

At this time, Zuo Tianyao began to head towards the No. 1 plane world, which was once a plane world formed by a large fragment of his kingdom of God. At this time, the reason why the human side chose this plane The world, as the main body of this altar, is to use this as Zuo Tianyao's basic board, allowing him to recast his own kingdom of God.

At this time, Zuo Tianyao naturally understood the human side's thoughts, so he didn't refuse at all, and flew directly in the direction of Xu Zhen and Ying Yingluo. With his current strength, he was in the process of flying. That's all, it has already crossed a distance of hundreds of millions of miles.

There is no concept of distance in the star world, so I don't know how much distance I have crossed during the flight, but at this time, Ying Yingluo and Xu Zhen originally flew from the continent of the gods to the world of the No. 1 plane. It took half a month, but Zuo Tianyao only used one thought at this time.

After coming to the No. 1 plane world, after he and Xu Zhen greeted each other, they didn't say too much, and began to use their divine power to render this plane world.

At this time, Ying Yingluo and Xu Zhen wisely left this plane world and stood quietly in the void to protect him.

At this time, knowing that Zuo Tianyao had already entered the No. 1 plane world, the alien gods around him who were about to leave originally had no intention of continuing to show up at this time.

They knew very well that with two true gods sitting here, they had no chance at all.

After all, in the past, when Zuo Tianyao himself had not returned from the star realm, Xu Zhen's body still had to guard the altar of Jiji, and only Ying Yingluo was fighting outside alone, and they had already been beaten to death. It's broken.

Xu Zhen, who was angry before, commanded his avatars to fight, but now with his own body, these alien gods are not enough to look at in front of the two of them.

Wanting to stop Zuo Tianyao is nothing more than a dream, not to mention that since Zuo Tianyao has returned from the star realm, it is meaningless to continue to stop him at this time. He wants to stop a god king from being promoted. To become the main god, except for the powerhouses of the same level, they are not qualified at all.

At this moment, the reason why they continue to stay there is because they want to see how a god-king powerhouse can be promoted to become the main god.

Facing the prying eyes of these people, Ying Yingluo and Xu Zhen didn't pay much attention to them. As long as they don't come to make trouble, there is no need to fight at this time.

After Zuo Tianyao returned to the present world, the power of faith in each altar was no longer so important.

Originally, it was because he was in the astral world, so when the power of faith in all directions could not find him, it could only flow to the altars that had direct connections with him, but now he himself Already in the real situation, all these powers of faith coming from all directions gathered on him. During the process of igniting the divine fire at this time, all of them were regarded as his own fuel by him, and the divine power continued to flow. After the transformation, it is used to render the world of the seat under itself.

At the same time, the fragments of the Kingdom of God that he had been beaten to pieces were also flying towards him at high speed.

Although there are not many of these fragments at this time, Zuo Tianyao is very moved by the familiar atmosphere. After incorporating these fragments of the Kingdom of God, the No. 1 world is expanding rapidly at this time. It's just a low-level world, but at this time its area is rapidly expanding, and it is constantly spreading towards the middle and high planes.

At the same time, under Zuo Tianyao's summoning, those believers in various worlds gathered in this one of his worlds, and then he will lead these believers , Create your own kingdom of God on earth.

Although Zuo Tianyao was already in the Star Realm, at this time he returned to the Gods Continent from the place where the Star Realm returned. According to the rules of the Gods Continent, he is a brand new god. Under such circumstances, no matter whether he becomes a true god or a god king in one step, he still has enough time to stay on the continent of the gods for a certain number of years.

These believers who were originally in one thousand and twenty-four plane worlds were transferred to other places by humans. At this time, following Zuo Tianyao's call, they came to this brand new plane world one by one. When they saw the god they had always believed in appear in front of them, these believers immediately knelt down and prayed to him devoutly.

Although Zuo Tianyao has been dead for decades, the Human Federation has been using his name to promote his reputation everywhere, develop followers for him, and pass it on from generation to generation.

Under such circumstances, the beliefs of these believers are actually extremely pious. At this time, in the process of praying to Zuo Tianyao, all people think of one thought, and countless powers of faith gather on him.

Only at this moment, Zuo Tianyao's whole body was emitting light. It wasn't him that was shining, but a large amount of power of faith was converging towards him, but at this moment, the divine fire on his body was too late to absorb the large amount of light. When the power of faith is completely transformed, the excess power of faith is attached to his body surface to form this appearance, and this luminous appearance is even more majestic in the eyes of believers. Let them increase their piety.

In addition to the creatures in the one thousand and twenty-four plane worlds specially prepared for Zuo Tianyao, in fact, in other places, there are also some people who are attracting Zuo Tianyao in twos and threes.

At this time when he was summoned, no matter where he was, as long as he was a believer with a belief above pious, all of them would be captured by Zuo Tianyao into his new plane world. Of course, this plane world will soon become a new kingdom of God in the next period of time.

And the reason why he wants to continuously expand the area of ​​this plane world at this time, and even attract a large number of people to his own plane world, is because in the next period of time, he is about to It is a kind of transformation for the whole world to re-walk the journey I have traveled in the past, and when the fire is ignited under such circumstances, it is a kind of transformation for the creatures living in this world. Big changes, so they can get huge benefits, naturally, the more living beings in this world, the better.

Even when he was constantly attracting these believers, Zuo Tianyao did not forget to render this plane world and transform it into a real kingdom of God.

For him, even though decades have passed for these actions, when he did them again, it seemed like yesterday, without any strangeness at all.

After all, when Zuo Tianyao was in the deep layer of the astral world, he was unconscious for a long time, so his memory still remained in the past.

At this time, it will not be too strange to do what you have done before.

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