The world of shelter under the glacier

Chapter 126 Star Guard 2 (Please vote and subscribe)

As for four.

Naturally, it is a genius hidden in the dark.

In order to improve the security environment of the entire shelter, Chu Feng even wanted to install monitors in public toilets.

Of course, that didn't happen in the end.

But around every corner, there are overt or covert surveillance cameras operating.

Do you think this is the end?


In addition to the monitor, Xingchen people are equipped with smart bracelets. Tiangong can enter and call the personal data in the bracelet at will.

Even without intrusion, software systems such as cameras and earpieces can be automatically turned on to monitor the life trajectory of each resident.

Who did I meet, what did I say, what did I eat...

Tiangong can even know exactly what color underwear you are wearing today.

Of course, Tiangong only records data secretly. For residents who have no bad intentions, this is a convenient service.

Tiangong can push relevant news based on personal preferences, including clothing, food, housing,, work, etc. You can recommend the ones you like and are suitable for.

Even after you have an accident, Tiangong can locate your location and call for help at any time.

This is also a life-saver.


Once you have bad thoughts.

The result is naturally self-evident.

The Bureau of Investigation is waiting for you.

Even the Star Guards are waving to you.

But whether it is the Star Guards, the Security Bureau, or the public pickets, even if Zhi Nao Tiangong is added in the end.

The two swords of artificial intelligence and super technology are combined, but there are always loopholes, which can be circumvented and circumvented.

It may be useless against a super agent like 007.


The last counter-espionage method is Chu Feng's trump card.

There is no doubt that it is the system.

Uncover hostile targets, including spies, based on their friendliness assessment results.

As long as there is a friendly plug-in within the radiation range of the shelter, Tiangong can receive the results of the system identification in real time.

Just like the health bar in the game, it is displayed clearly and clearly.

Any resident whose friendliness is negative and who is hostile to the shelter will be taken away by the relevant departments for further investigation.


The system alone cannot completely stop spies.

As far as Chu Feng knows so far.

For example, among the surveillance personnel secretly sent by the Dragon Kingdom official, several of them have a friendship level of more than 90 points, and there are not a few who have activated their loyalty. There is even one who has a loyalty level of 89, and he is still a fool in the security bureau. A vice captain.

When he first learned the news, Chu Feng was stunned and stunned.

However, after thinking about it, it is actually understandable.

A naive idea.

That is, these people have been influenced by themselves.

To be precise, I was attracted by the life of the stars.

Abandon darkness and embrace light.

That's why it has such a high level of friendliness, and even activated the loyalty panel.

But those who can be sent out by major forces to perform tasks must have very strong willpower. Chu Feng will not be so naive.

There is another possibility, that is, a real two-faced person.

When not activated, they are Star People.

Naturally, it can generate a very high degree of friendship and even activate the loyalty panel.

This has no conflict with their original identity as official spies of the Dragon Kingdom.

After all, the residents of Star Sanctuary live a good life and do not have any bad intentions. Is it strange that these monitors have good senses?

Of course, there are those with bad senses and negative friendliness. Even the people sent by the government were thrown here by Chu Feng.

As for how these people were discovered?

This has to remind us of the terrifying nature of the brain.

When these lurkers send surveillance information to the outside world, these abnormal signals will be captured by the intelligent brain, analyzed and deciphered in a very short time, thereby locking the target's identity.


The five major counterintelligence networks are intertwined, which is why so many people were uncovered.

In fact, the number of spies Chu Feng has is far more than the number of people in the Star Guard.

There are hundreds of people still lurking in various walks of life.

Chu Feng did not mention this to anyone, including Qin Mu.

Just let Tiangong Mark pay attention.

There is of course a reason for this arrangement.

On the one hand, the lurkers left behind by Chu Feng are all at least friendlier than 0, and have no sense of malice toward the shelter.

Among them, the largest number are official.

no way.

Chu Feng's current background is still shallow and he cannot be reckless with Father Long.

That would only let him know what he was doing and keep his heart in his stomach.

Of course, some core secrets, such as the upgraded Star Mecha, Mark Mecha, Tiangong, the specific storage capacity of the Universal Stone, etc., are all guarded by Chu Feng.

These people are unreachable.

They can only know what Chu Feng wants them to know.

These people are Chu Feng's tools and external mouthpieces.

The other side is simpler.

Keeping this group of people is just to save trouble.

That's all.

After all, what would they think if all the spies from the major forces were eliminated one by one?

Is Xingchen so awesome?

No more spies from now on?

Think beautifully.

I'm afraid there will be more.

This is what Chu Feng doesn't want to see.

If possible, Chu Feng would rather the major forces treat him as a little transparent.

Obscene development is what Chu Feng likes.

But now?

I really can’t keep a low profile.

If you don’t sell high-tech products such as heat energy pumps and maglev cars, where will you have the resources to develop?

If it’s just a stand-alone farming, how long will it last?

Especially after the last trip to the magic city, mermaids jumped out. Are the lizard men still far away?

Thinking of this, Chu Feng felt an inexplicable sense of urgency.

Regardless of whether there will be a racial war in the end, there is always no harm in increasing your strength.

In the flash of lightning, Chu Feng thought a lot, and also took a quick look at the conditions of the various levels of prisons in the Star Guard.

It won’t work if it doesn’t happen quickly.

This is hell on earth.

The situation becomes more miserable as it goes on, and becomes more difficult to watch.

After reading it completely, you will definitely have nightmares.

Starting with the first level of caning, that's just the appetizer.

It's just for ordinary enemies.

Expressed in terms of friendliness, that is (-50, 0)

Then there is the first-level prison, which houses first-level felons with a friendship level of (-80, -50].

This is where the real action begins.

Among them, Chu Feng saw heavy shackles, wearing 300 kilograms of heavy shackles. The prisoner must always stand and is not allowed to sit or lie down until he is crushed to death under the heavy shackles.

Then there is the second-level prison, which houses second-level felons with a friendship level of (-90, -80].

This level also has a representative penalty.

That's scrubbing.

First, the prisoner is stripped naked and put on an iron bed. Boiling water is continuously poured on the prisoner's body. Then an iron brush full of iron nails is used to vigorously scrub the scalded body until the skin is ripped open and the bones are exposed. If the prisoner falls unconscious from pain during the process, the interrogators will use Pour cold water on him until he dies.

At the same time, Chu Feng also learned from Qin Mu that the survival rate of an ordinary interrogation room on the first floor was 90%.

Level 1 prisons were sharply cut in half, to only 40%.

There are even fewer second-level prisons, less than 1%, and almost no one can survive.

As for the third-level prison, it contains third-level felons with a friendship level of (-100, -90].

This level of torture is an elegant art.

There is an elegant name called "Dancing Pipa".

When interrogating prisoners, the interrogators used the prisoner's ribs as strings and used knives and daggers to pluck the strings. This punishment not only scraped off the prisoner's flesh, but also the blood vessels and periosteum. It imposed a lot of harm on the prisoner. No one can resist the great mental pressure.

At least Watanabe Yuzo, the old devil who was just sent over, couldn't resist and truthfully explained everything like a good baby.

There is absolutely no survival rate at this level.

The only way to survive is to confess truthfully.

In fact, there is a fourth level, which Chu Feng specially prepared for his mortal enemies whose friendship level is -100.

It is a pity that no one has this honor so far.

The punishment was arranged.

Chu Feng selectively forgot.

Thinking too much, he was really afraid that he wouldn't be able to sleep.

Before going out, Chu Feng said harshly:

"Qin Mu, there are still too many people imprisoned on the first and second floors. Let's squeeze out the remaining value and find a way to dispose of them. Cockroach cream is also food."

"Yes, City Lord!"

As for release, Chu Feng had never thought that only dead enemies were the best enemies.

After entering here, it is all a luxury to hope to end it on one's own.

There was only one way before them, and that was to confess as soon as possible and die happily.

The moment he got into the car, Chu Feng noticed Qin Mu's gloomy face, and suddenly felt a little sad...

Once upon a time, I was such a sunny kid, but why did I become like this?

Chu Feng smiled as he looked at the elementary school students jumping and happily passing by outside the window.

"Why are there so many peaceful years? It's just that someone is carrying the burden for you."

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