The world of shelter under the glacier

Chapter 429 New Finance 2 (two in one chapter)

9 o'clock sharp.

Under the attention of City Lord Chu Feng, Deputy City Lord Xiao Hui and important leaders of various departments, Chief Consultant Li Yaohua slowly walked onto the podium with heavy and solid steps.

At this moment, he was the center of attention.

At this moment, he was extremely dazzling.

Today is destined to belong to him; it belongs to the entire Star Advisory Group to shine! !

The moment he stepped onto the podium, he scanned the entire audience.

Suddenly, Li Yaohua was extremely excited.

"20 days and nights, 480 hours!!"


"I finally got today!!"

Whether their Star Advisory Group can be recorded in history today, whether it can leave its footprints in the long history, especially as the chief advisor, whether he can be remembered by history, whether he can leave his name in history. . .

All in all.

"Just look..."

"Just look at this man under the stage..."

"It depends on whether he recognizes this "New Finance"."

Glancing at the people with different expressions in the audience, his eyes took a deep look at the young and somewhat excessive man in the middle of the front row.

This person is none other than Chu Feng, the Lord of the Stars! !

After a brief opening remarks, Li Yaohua immediately entered the main topic of this report meeting.

"Before we talk about new finance, let me first review the development history of our modern financial industry in Aquablue Star."

After all, today’s main discussion is the modern financial industry, and the ancient finance of previous human societies has no meaning here.

Next, he began to talk about the infancy of modern finance in the 11th century, starting from the institution of the ‘Knights Templar’…

With the Crusades, the 'Knights Templar' plundered more and more materials, and the role it played as a 'bank' became more and more important. Soon, in the 'Knights Templar', the financial enlightenment Under the guidance of , the modern financial industry spread crazily throughout the continent.

It was not until the 14th century that the entire society had a relatively strong financial awareness.

After the 14th century, with the rapid rise of the major countries in continent O, the Knights also slowly declined. After its decline, it was quickly replaced by other institutions.

In the 18th century, Continent gradually formed a credit system with a 'bank-centered' and 'decentralized system', which was later called Continent's 'bank currency credit system'.

And this system is the prototype of the OuMei financial market we see now.

"In the 1860s, which was the period of the first industrial revolution, the modern financial industry ushered in a period of real rapid development, and at the same time it also opened its bloody fangs to the entire world!!"

At this time, Li Yaohua on the stage talked eloquently:

"In the early days of the first industrial revolution, traditional craftsmen benefited from the industrial revolution through the use of machines, and some became the early bourgeoisie. Apprentices could also reduce their workload due to the use of machines."

"At this time, capital is more inclined to invest in real industries because it is more profitable!!"

“This period is also called the technological dividend period in the early stages of industrial G life.”

"But as the technological dividend recedes, the capitalists began to attack the lower labor class, increasing their working hours and labor intensity, and finally turning them into sweatshops."

"On the other hand, investment has shifted to more financial fields, relying on financialized real estate, stocks, and credit to cut the world's leeks."

“In the Internet era of the third industrial G revolution, nothing has changed.



“The routine hasn’t changed at all!!”

Looking at the people in the audience who were listening in rapt attention, he glanced at the city lord who was always smiling, and Li Yaohua continued:

"First there was the influx of hot money and high wages in the Internet industry."

"Twenty years ago (2010 [Note: Aquamarine will end in 2030]), the editor of a large website could easily earn more than 10,000, and the working hours were relatively free and easy."

Many people on and off the stage nodded, understanding deeply.

Just listen to Li Yaohua continue:

"But when the technological dividends of the Internet receded and the Internet began to publicly call 996 at annual meetings and began to cut benefits at the same time, this was so similar to the sweatshops in the middle of the first Industrial G era and the "bonded labor" of the old era! !”

"All websites are doing credit finance. When you order a takeaway, a consumer loan pops up. It is recommended that you borrow money even for 1 yuan. Internet + is finally fixed on Internet + finance. The profits of investment entities have become more and more It’s low.”

"At this time, comprehensive financialization has begun, and capital has shown its bloodthirsty fangs and is plundering crazily."

"At this moment, I think everyone should understand it deeply."

Everyone couldn't help but frown when they heard this.

Of course, this is not an objection to what Li Yaohua said, but a dissatisfaction with the past status quo! !

After all, the leadership of the entire star is basically low- and middle-income earners before the apocalypse, and the rich are concentrated in super shelters. As for the situation Li Yaohua said, the vast majority of people present are experienced and victims. people.

Suddenly, everyone felt sad, followed by dissatisfaction and anger! !

"This is the history of the development of the modern financial industry, a history of blood and tears of the people at the bottom!!" Li Yaohua said.

The predators at the upper level enjoy a gluttonous feast, while the bitter crocodiles at the lower level eat people.

No, it's more than that.

These fattened 'kuhaha' people, those who think they are out of class, will inevitably be sent to this dining table in the end and become one of the 'delicacies'.

After talking about the development history of the modern financial industry, Li Yaohua began to move in a coquettish way, explaining to everyone step by step the new financial management principles of Future Stars.

"Having introduced so much, I want everyone to think about a few questions."

Scanning the entire audience, Li Yaohua said:

“What is finance?”

"What is the purpose of the financial industry?"

"What does it do to our stars?"

"What adverse effects will it have on our stars?"

"And one last thing."

"The most important thing!!"

Suddenly, everyone looked at Li Yaohua on the stage curiously and wondered.

what else?

What other issue could be the most important? ?

Just when everyone was confused, Li Yaohua said: "The most important point is: why does our star want to develop finance, or to be more precise: what is the core purpose of our star's development of finance??"

"After clarifying these five points... no, the last three questions, you will naturally understand what our new finance is."

For a moment, everyone couldn't help but lower their heads and start thinking.

Li Yaohua on the stage did not give everyone too much time to think, but continued:

“First, let’s talk about the first question: What is finance?”

"different people have different opinions."

"Especially people with different social status, their views on this issue must be two extremes!!"

But no.

The upper-class gluttons who have enjoyed financial benefits definitely think this is bee shit. And the people at the bottom who have suffered financial exploitation will definitely regard it as a scourge! !

"in my opinion."

Li Yaohua said: "From the perspective of the general public..."

Suddenly, everyone in the audience was stunned and then thoughtful.

At the same time, a smile appeared on Chu Feng's lips.

Just listen to Li Yaohua say:

"Finance is the study of how money gathers and flows. Financiers are experts who study how to make money flow into their pockets as much as possible. Since capital is only subject to appreciation, some financial giants pursue maximizing corporate profits. , and they are even more unscrupulous in their methods!!”

“So, financial capital is inherently evil and inherently exploitative!!”

"And the human heart is greedy and excessive. The two combined are very harmful!!"

"This is something we Xingchen need to be vigilant about. Capital must be restricted and further regulated, and it cannot be allowed to expand its monopoly without restrictions."

“Treat capital like power, lock it in a cage!!”

"The second question: the meaning of the existence of the financial industry."

Li Yaohua said:

“This is undisputed, providing a catalytic effect for the real industry.”

"But what's the actual situation?"

"it's not true!!"

"I have a set of data here."

Pointing to the light screen just projected by Tiangong next to him, Li Yaohua said:

"In the past 30 years, L-guo has had more than 4,000 listed companies. During this period, the stock market has raised a total of 21 trillion dragon coins for it."

"This 21 trillion dragon coins is the total amount of direct financing they issued to enterprises during their IPO or after listing."

"But what about reality?"

"If everyone sees another set of numbers, they will definitely be shocked."

The light screen flashed, and everyone immediately saw another set of numbers from Li Yaohua's mouth, 3000 trillion!

“This number is not obtained by brick-and-mortar businesses.”

Li Yaohua explained:

"It's about financiers buying and selling stocks in the secondary market after listing. The turnover they have obtained in the past 30 years is these 3,000 trillion dragon coins!!"

"150 times the difference!!"

What does it mean?

The actual situation is that the current capital market seems to have created a financing market for real companies, and it has indeed raised 21 trillion yuan for real companies.

but! !

How much money did financial institutions and vested interest groups earn from this?

Earned 3000 trillion! !

And if there is no listing and financing of physical enterprises, there is no primary market, and there are no companies to bet on their future, then the 3000 trillion yuan in the secondary market cannot be earned, and it is impossible to earn it.

That is to say, using an oil head to finance the listing of real companies in the past is really covering up the benefits and leeks that will be harvested from the public through the leverage formed by the listing of real companies in the future.

And at 150 times the income, this 3000 trillion is the number of leeks cut off from the public! !


Li Yaohua said: "The real purpose of the so-called direct financing in the capital market is not to help real enterprises, but to create themselves and create related benefits for a large group of vested interest groups in the financial market."

"This is its essence. The emergence of the capital market is to plunder wealth from the masses for the purpose of exploitation."

"It's just that its methods of exploitation have changed, becoming more sophisticated and more subtle."


Li Yaohua pointed at the 21 trillion and said:

"The core stakeholders of all listed companies are not entrepreneurs, they are all investors, and they are all vested interest groups!!"

"As long as you obey vested interest groups and are willing to be manipulated by the group, he can throw you into the capital market and then walk away after getting a generous share of the pie."

"As for the life and death of your business, no one cares."

"If you don't obey the circle he drew for you, don't follow the rules of the betting agreement, and don't give him a chance to get a piece of the pie, you'll have no chance!!"


"The modern financial industry has been reduced to finance for finance's sake, and is trapped in the whirlpool of money just to amass wealth. It has long deviated from the role it was supposed to play."

"In this regard, we, Xingchen, need to be vigilant, and more importantly, we need to correct its path forward, so that it can return to the right track and effectively serve the real industry."

"So, this brings us to the third question: What is the core purpose of our star's financial development?"

After glancing at Chu Feng, Li Yaohua continued:

"The core purpose of Xingchen's development of the financial industry is to explore a new development path for enterprises, prosper Xingchen and enrich the public!!"

“The most fundamental purpose is to make ordinary people rich and live a prosperous life!”

"Whether it is finance or entities, they all serve the masses. In other words, any enterprise that does not serve the people is not needed by our stars."

Next, Li Yaohua introduced the entry criteria of each industry in detail, focusing on corporate standards.

Generally speaking, there are three points:

The first is: strict control over capital and strict control over monopolistic behavior.

Giant monopolies like Al and Teng

We will not allow a single company like DD to emerge.

The second is: on the basis of the original L-guo, there are more detailed and high-standard specifications for various industries.

For example, if the outsourcing industry is regulated, illegal labor dispatch companies will be severely cracked down. For example, the M Group labor contract before the end of the world will be severely cracked down on.

How to fight?

Very simple.

Punish him until his body hurts and punish him until he feels that it is not worthwhile to do so.

Or sit in jail.

Naturally, he didn't dare to commit the crime.

In particular, Xingchen has also issued a series of laws and regulations for live broadcast platforms, entertainment circles, etc.

for example:

In view of the qualitative improvement of artists' cultural quality and moral cultivation, a national scoring assessment has also been established. Once they fail, the artist's qualifications will be revoked and their professional qualifications will be limited.

Furthermore, there are also relevant legal provisions regarding endorsements, etc.:

Once there is a problem with the products endorsed or sold through live streaming, the endorsement stars and Internet celebrity broadcasters must be strictly held accountable for their relevant legal responsibilities.

In a word: When you take money, you take responsibility. How much you take, how much responsibility you take!

No matter what industry, this is true! !

In particular, there are strict requirements for news media companies.

All members of the news media, especially company shareholders, must "purify themselves" and log in. All news released to the outside world must be true, objective, and fair!

What's the meaning?

The so-called "clean body" registration means that all large and small shareholders of media companies and relevant immediate family members are not allowed to participate in any other companies.

As long as you become a media boss, you are not allowed to get involved in other industries such as finance, education, games, etc.

This is to ensure the purity of the news industry, especially to cut off contacts with capital and not to advocate for capital.

The third is: There are also new requirements for a series of listed financings such as stocks, and money-making capital games such as futures have been cancelled.

For example, listing financing:

First of all, not everyone is qualified to set up a company. Only when they have reached a certain contribution point and have no bad records can they be eligible to apply to set up a company.

Then, there are also requirements for company qualifications.

The first point is that it should be established for at least one year and have a certain amount of profit, rather than being heavily in debt.


No tax evasion.

The company has a good reputation. [Note: everyone scores, and the reputation network is fully managed by Tiangong]

Social contribution meets the standard.

In this way, only after the financial report is verified by a third-party accounting firm with audit qualifications, it will be approved for listing.

Once the company is approved for listing, it will receive national investment and supervision, which will promote the development of the company and share the dividends of the company's development.

There are all kinds of things, but they actually mean the same thing:

In the stars.

Earn a little money, easy.

If you want to make a lot of money, you can, but you have to bring everyone with you! !

Just like the 26 people before the end of the world who accounted for 55% of the world's wealth, that would be unthinkable in the stars.

There will never be any rich people like Dad Ma again.

80% of people control more than 50% of the wealth. This is the rule set by Chu Feng for the stars.

For this goal, he will work tirelessly and fight for it! !

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