The World Online

Vol 3 Chapter 1037: Going to the country

The members of the military aircraft department of Ouyang Yu’s remarks were excited and unanimously passed the policy of Jia Wei.

At the end of the proceedings, everyone acted immediately.

In view of Wu Hao’s outstanding performance in the commanding raid, Ouyang Yu proposed not only to include Wu Qi in the military aircraft, but also to appoint Wu Qi as the commander of the Southern Song camp.

After Lu Xiufu’s death, Ouyang Yu was already the undisputed power of the military aircraft.

At the same time, adjustments were made to the deployment of the military.

The gate opened for the Han people was selected as the North Gate, facing the Mongolian North Camp. If there is no accident, Kublai Khan’s gold account will be placed in the north.

In the words of Ouyang Yu, it is to use the strongest troops to confront Mongolia's strongest side.

Ace against the trump card.

To this end, the 150,000 cavalry units of the Alien Legion were all dispatched. In addition, the infantry ambassadors of 50,000 alien army regiments were deployed, and a total of 200,000 troops were commanded by Guo Ziyi.

There are only 90,000 left-wing army infantry and 50,000-strong Song bans left in Lin'an City. The 140,000-defense troops are far from enough for the Lin'an City of Nuo Da.

At the end of the military aircraft meeting, the court’s conscription order was issued.

The Mongolian army slaughtering the city is a custom. The Southern Song Dynasty has just won a victory and gave the Mongolian army a blow. The court said that the Linan people believed in it and actively responded to the court’s call to join the upcoming war.

In the young and middle-aged, he left his parents and his wife and children. He went to the conscription point in the city to enlist in the army. He followed the army and led the army. The Mongolian army had not yet reached the front line and went to the battlefield to pick up weapons and equipment.

In the Southern Song Dynasty, it was not respected by force. Unlike the Datang Chang'an City in the capital city of the capital, there was no weapon or equipment at all. If you want to solve the equipment problem of the recruits, you can only rely on it.

Fortunately, after the end of the raid, the battlefield has not yet had time to clean up. Nearly 200,000 Mongolian army corpses are scattered everywhere, and some are equipped with weapons.

Two days later, the body that had been exposed to the sun had already swollen and scented. When people walked in, they could start the flies that could not be counted. It was like a black cloud, a group of people, making people scalp numb.

Because it is a battlefield, the death is different, the lack of arms and broken legs is normal, and some are directly split into two halves, the internal organs are exposed to the air, making people sick; some heads are smashed, brains overflow.

The entire battlefield is like hell.

The new recruits who had just joined the army had to endure nausea and fear. They struggled to walk in the **** sea of ​​the corpse, and smashed down the equipment of the dead. There was an unruly brown man, and he set himself on his own.

Most of the recruits don't have the guts, and they don't have such a big nerve. They are pale and vomiting. In the end, there is nothing to vomit, they can only spit bitter water.

It’s a pitiful day. Before joining the army, they were just ordinary people. Many people have never seen a dead person in their lifetime. Now they suddenly face such a **** scene, and vomiting is a normal physiological reaction.

Not everyone's nerves are so big.

This is also a meeting for the recruits, let them truly feel the cruelty of the battlefield, only to see the blood, they can not walk in the future battle of the city.

In addition to young adults, everyone else is acting.

The woman will be very precious in the family, and the vegetable oil that she usually can't use is contributed. It is concentrated in a large tank by the neighboring unit, and then transported to the city wall.

Under the command of the officials of the Ministry of Industry, the craftsmen began to dismantle the idle houses, and then transported a piece of wood and a car and stone to various sections of the city wall for storage.

Temples and Taoist temples have also suffered from these buildings, because most of these buildings are built with great brilliance, and they are all used for girders and good timbers.

Seeing that Guanyu was demolished, the monks and monks could only silently sigh: "The world has changed!"

There were also young monk priests who turned around and rushed to the conscription point to join the army. There were many martial arts and chivalrous people among them, and they had a skill.

The major blacksmith shops in the city are working around the clock to create a bundle of arrows, and every time there are people sending utensils such as iron pots and iron basins.

Even the royal family moved, not only completely open the inner library, but also actively raised iron. The eight-year-old emperor Zhao Yu even had to take down the palace and revenge for Mr. Lu, and was stopped by the minister.

Some ministers couldn’t help but cry, and they choked and said: "Your Majesty, even if the court is tough, it will not be able to dismantle the palace. It is a symbol of the dynasty. It must not be dismantled."

"Yeah, your Majesty, even if you want to dismantle it, it is also the house of our courtiers." There is a minister's agreement, and there is no need for the Ministry of Industry officials to take people to directly arrange the family to demolish.

This was simply unimaginable before. It seems that overnight, people’s ideas suddenly changed dramatically and changed.

The court went to the next heart and went to the national disaster.

It turns out that a nation that has been forced into a desperate situation can often evoke a force that will make the world marvel.

In the history of the Battle of Yashan, the 100,000 military and civilians would rather jump into the sea and not to surrender to the epic feat of the Yuan Dynasty, which is the most intuitive reflection of this power.

Going back, the Qin Dynasty in history was in the Qin Xiaogong period, cutting the land and seeking peace, the domestic people's livelihood was withered, the internal and external troubles, and the viciousness of the Wei State could not continue.

At this time, the old Qin people issued a "song of the old Qin, a total of national difficulties" shouting, on the next heart, make great efforts to rule, officially opened the prelude of the Qin State unified the world.

A similar example, in the vast history of China's five thousand years, is simply too numerous to mention.

Lin'an City, the battle map, is destined to write a legendary history.


Overnight, the entire Lin'an City moved.

In the face of life and death, people only think that time is not enough, and I can’t wait for the Mongolian army to arrive late.

This is of course a wishful thinking.

On the twentieth day of the battle, the front line explored the return of the horse. Kublai Khan had already departed from Sanhe City and officially levied. According to the speed of marching, at the latest tomorrow morning, Kublai Khan and his party will arrive at the front line.

As soon as the news came out, the whole Linan was in a mood of both busy and uneasy.

As the saying goes: What kind of birds are there? When the country is in trouble, there are people who are generous and sad, and there will be dross, poisonous haunts, chaos, and chaos.

In all parts of the city, there were turbulent riots, and even some women in the street, together with the Mongolian secret agents lurking in the city, spread various rumors, and the city of Lin’an was in chaos.

Ouyang Yu got the news and did not make any thoughts at all. He arranged for Shenwuwei to attack and conduct inspections in the city. However, he found that the family was robbed, the women were swayed, the rumors were spread, and no censorship was conducted.

In the troubled times, we must use the heavy code. Under the control of Ouyang's iron fist, Shenwuwei killed a few batches of land, and finally stabilized the situation in the city.

In the midst of chaos, the end of the final battle.


The 21st day of the battle, Lin'an City.

Just after zero, Linan City, which just fell asleep, quietly awakened.


In the dark night of the thick ink, the suspension bridge of the North Gate was slowly lowered, and then the gate opened. On the streets near the city, the army of its team has been quietly gathered.

On both sides of the street and on the head of the city, one by one. Under the unified command of Guo Ziyi, the army of the first team quickly moved through the darkness through the weak light of the torch, and passed through the gates in turn.

First the cavalry, then the infantry.

The whole process was tense and orderly, and did not cause any disturbances. When the 200,000-strong army was completely arrayed outside the city, it was already seven in the morning, and the sun had just risen and radiant.

In the northern suburbs outside the city, the 200,000-strong army is in full accordance with the four major arrays.

The sun shone on the shoulders of the soldiers' armor, shining on the tip of the pistol.

Only when you look at it from a high altitude can you really see the array of 200,000 troops. The left and right wings, respectively, by evil, Zhaozhuang two fierce, each 50,000 elite cavalry.

After the army, veteran Lian Po, who is known for his defense, personally led the 50,000 infantry.

The most peculiar thing is the Chinese army.

At the forefront of the Chinese army is 25,000 Luofeng City cavalry, in the middle is 25,000 large summer ban soldiers, followed by Xu Wei's three thousand **** Wuwei.

Ouyang Yi was dressed in a costume, riding the Asian **** beast Xiaoqing, standing in the middle of the **** Wuwei.

This means that Ouyang Yu also wants to kiss this time.

At the beginning, whether it was the Phoenix Prison Phoenix, or the evil come, Jia Wei and others, they did not agree with Ouyang Yi's pro-question but Ouyang Yu had his insistence.

Since the beginning of the founding of the country, Ouyang Yi has been a Xia Wang. He has rarely voluntarily levied, and he has calculated that the levy has never really been killed on the battlefield.

But this time it is different.

Somehow, from the beginning of the battle map, the murderousness in Ouyang's body was uncontrollably active. After seeing the cruel methods of the Mongols, hatefulness was made into killing, and it was unstoppable.

Ouyang Yu must release this murderous on the battlefield.

Once Ouyang Yu was also bloody, he did not want to go to the throne, the blood became cold.

In addition to personal factors, Ouyang Yu’s pro-independence was also in line with Jia’s proposed combat plan. As a top adviser, Jia Wei’s strategy is of course not only to save the 100,000 people who are enshrined by the Mongols.

That can only cure the symptoms, not enough to reverse the entire battle.

The best way to solve the battle once and for all is to kill Kublai as if you were killing Bo Yan. If you are not good enough, you will also give Kublai to be hit hard, to scare it off and take the initiative to withdraw.

To this end, Jia Wei has developed a complete set of operational plans.

The 200,000-strong army outside the city is the core force in the implementation of this plan, and the entire plan requires a key person to be responsible for the final blow.

No matter how you look at it, Ouyang Yu is the best candidate. In addition to his personal strength, Ouyang Yu holds two secret weapons in his hand.

Even so, Feng Pian Huang and others did not agree, until Ouyang Yi showed his body doll, finally finally convinced Feng Pian Huang and others.

In the military squad, Ouyang, who was heavily guarded by Shenwuwei, looked at the north and muttered to himself: "Kumbai? Let us come to a peak match between the king and the king!"

The blood in Ouyang's body began to boil.

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