The World Online

Vol 3 Chapter 1048: Meet the difficulties

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Ouyang Yi did not expect that there are people who dare to marry the dragons of China.

Just now, Ouyang Wei received three system prompts in succession, and the three countries of Korea, Nanzhang and Zhenla declared war on China at the same time. Ouyang Yi smelled the taste of the conspiracy.

Things are too obvious.

Nanzhang and Zhenla, two ASEAN countries, needless to say, bordering the large Xia'an southbound province, the two countries provoke a national war against China, and it is only possible to attack from Annan province.

What about Korea?

It seems to be stimulated by Dongpu, and the lips are cold and cold. In fact, it is directly bordered by the province of Northern China.

The three countries are like three sharp knives, piercing the abdomen of the summer. If it is not for Gaia, at most three countries can only launch a national war against the same country, fearing that there will be more challengers.

For example, on the African continent, it is impossible to be as calm as it is now.

Behind the scenes, you don’t have to know that it must be the hand of silver. Apart from this super organization, no one can have such a great energy to promote coordinated action by all countries.

Military aircraft.

Ouyang Yu took back the line of sight from the map and said faintly: "You, we are in trouble!"

The most difficult of the three countries is still Gory.

A Goryeo borders the northern province of Xinjiang, and the Korean army can attack directly from the land. Second, the total number of Korean players is seven million, which is at the same level as Dongpu and Annan.

If the true wax and the south palm are just the disease of the mustard, then the Korean is a big worry.

"What does the king mean?" Du Ruqi asked.

Ouyang Yan’s eyes are firm. “This is the first wave of attacks launched by the enemy. We must not retreat! We must not only retreat, but also give a strong counterattack, so that it can steal the chicken and not eclipse the rice.”

"Let this battle, unveil the prelude to the confrontation between the big summer and the silver hand!"

Ouyang Yu finally made up his mind to be positive with the silver hand. Perhaps, deep down, Ouyang Yu has already waited for this day.

Today's big summer, there is a temperament to deal with any provocation.

Bai Qi, Huo Gou, Zheng He and others listened, and all the blood was boiling, and the fists were clenched.

Ouyang Yu decided to divide the Daxia army into three relatively independent sections.

Zhenla and Nanzhang are the first group, and the southwest theater, led by Baiqi, is fully responsible.

It is reported that the total number of players in the real wax is 1.2 million, and the total number of players in the South Palm is 600,000. The total number of banned troops in the two countries is 180,000, and it will not exceed 300,000 in the territorial army.

In the southwestern war zone, the Longyan Army and the Annan Corps, together with eight field army regiments, 560,000 troops, and then white-sitting towns, should be more than adequate for the two countries.

The maritime reinforcements are the responsibility of the Indian Ocean fleet led by the fireworks.

The order that Ouyang Yu gave to Bai was to take advantage of the opportunity to annex the two countries.

As for the confrontation between the adventurous players, Ouyang Yu is ready to hand over to the Hanoi Satellite Town Watch [Nan Tianmeng]. Like the [Jiangshan League] stationed in Morocco and the "Ziyue League" in Somalia, the "Nantian League" led by Meng Meng is also a combination guild with a total membership of 300,000.

Coupled with other Chinese adventurers in the satellite city and Annan province, it is enough!

Koryo is the second group.

In the face of this difficult opponent, in addition to the North Xinjiang Corps led by Chen Yucheng, Ouyang Yu is also preparing to transfer the Li Xiongjun led by Li Jing and the reinforcements of the Guards of the General of Huo.

In order to fight against Korea, Ouyang Yu played the strongest trump card in his hand.

Ouyang Yu naturally has his reasons for doing this. If there is any difference between the Battle of Dongpu and the Battle of Korea, the Battle of Dongpu is a comprehensive national war, and the Battle of Korea has a bit of meaning between the big summer and the Korean.

This alone is enough to make Ouyang Yi determined to put the strongest guards into the Korean battlefield. In addition, Dongpu is mainly a mountainous country and an island country. It is not suitable for the Guards.

Two group army, ten field army, 700,000 army, the cost of returning only back and forth reached 1.4 million gold coins. This time, Ouyang Yi was under the blood.

The maritime reinforcement of the second group was naturally under the responsibility of the coastal fleet led by Qi Jiguang.

In terms of adventure players, Ouyang Yu is preparing to pull up the Shanhaicheng Satellite Town Watch [Huangying League], the Moroccan Township Guild [Jiangshan League] and the Somali Township Guild [Ziyue League].

Then count [Liuguang Pavilion], a total of four super guilds.

In addition, Ouyang Yi is also preparing to mobilize players in Huaxia District and actively participate in the battle against Korea. Although the silver hand is trying to pit the summer, but this is a national war, it should not be Ouyang Yi who came to resist.

With Ouyang’s prestige in Huaxia District, there is no problem.

The second group of the coalition commander, Ouyang Yu was appointed as the Li Xiongjun commander Li Jing.

Undoubtedly, this will be the moment when the Da Tang army **** Li Jing proves himself. Can he afford the title of the general who was given by Ouyang Yu, it will be a battle for Goryeo.

The last group is naturally Dongpu.

Affected by the challenges of the three countries, the expeditionary forces that marched in the East will be greatly reduced. Needless to say, the Navy does not have the reinforcements of the Coastal Fleet. Fortunately, there are the Royal Fleet, the Yashan Fleet and the Atlantic Fleet.

In terms of the land army, the Eagles, the Tigers, and the City Guards must stay in the homeland. Only the Panthers led by Han Xin will be left.

Ying Yangjun guarded the west, Hu Yujun guarded the east, and the city guards defended the base camp.

Although Gaia stipulated that all internal wars were banned during the national war, the ban on Gaia was limited to the national war. Once the expeditionary army could not return to China on time, the trouble would be great.

Therefore, even in the case of third-line operations, Ouyang Yu must also leave the guards, at most, and only one of the three groups of the Eagles, the Tigers, and the City Guards.

As for the Moroccan Corps, the Somali Corps and the Oakland Corps, there are only a hundred thousand in their own right. Even if they are better than nothing, it is better not to toss.

It is worth mentioning that the Auckland region has not been alone as a war zone because it has been attached to the big summer, avoiding a disaster.

It must be said that the decision of the Governor of Auckland, Jensen, was very wise. It has been reported that in the ASEAN region alone, the Javanese state has locked the country war into East Timor, and the Johor country has locked in the mud country.

If there is no quota limit, and there is no border with Daxia, Lu Song is afraid that he will choose to fight against China. However, New Zealand cannot become a national war target. Luzon is destined to miss this national war.

In addition, in the Asian continent, Scorpio has targeted the national war to the north of the bamboo field, rather than the Ceylon across the sea. It can be used to solve the hidden dangers of the inland, and then go back to deal with Ceylon. .


There is no doubt that this will be the most difficult war facing the big summer.

For this national war, Daxia almost mobilized all the troops in the water and land, involving more than three million troops, involving more than 10 million players, including logistics.

The adventurers who are going to the East are naturally based on the three **** mercenary groups, the "Snow Snow Rose Mercenary Group" and the "Foliage League".

In addition, [a glimpse] provides logistical support for adventure players throughout the journey.

Among the three major groups, the land forces of the Dongpu group are the weakest. Fortunately, this summer is not alone. The Flame Army of Luofeng City will join the Daxia Army in the northern part of Dongpu.

In an instant, the Dongpu group became the most powerful one, with only 91,000 land troops.

Yesterday's deliberation, Feng Pianhuang has made it clear that the Flame Army will obey the unified command of the Great Summer, so Ouyang Yu needs to set a commander for the Dongpu Expeditionary Army.

Almost no hesitation, Ouyang Yu was circled as Han Xin.

Bai Qi, Li Jing and Han Xin are the most comprehensive three gods in the Daxia Army and the most trusted commanding talent of Ouyang Yu. In the big battle, one of them must appear on stage.

This is also why Ouyang Yu decided to let Sun Wei’s commander of the Tigers defend the army, not the Leopard Army.

Set the strategy of the national war, Ouyang Yu stopped here.

The specific strategy of warfare is closely related to the military, grain and materials, and the deployment of warships. It is naturally the joint responsibility of the military, the Privy Council and Bai Lihan.

There is a specialization in the industry, and Ouyang Yu can play without turning a million troops.

In addition, Ouyang Yu has other things to do.

In the afternoon of the same day, Ouyang Wei posted a newsletter in the forum, “I received a system notice, and the Korean, Nanzhang and Zhenla countries declared war on us.”

When the news came out, the world was in utter disappointment.

After the Chinese players were surprised, then there was an insult.

As Ouyang Yu thinks, as the most powerful area in the game world, Chinese players subconsciously believe that China only has to fight for others, and there is no reason to beat.

Where did I think that Zhenla, Nanzhang and Goryeo were so ignorant of life and death.

For a time, the crowds are excited, and the voice of the war is endless. I have to say that in this respect, the Chinese players are still very bloody, even if it is 1v4, they are still not afraid.

In addition to the support of 100 million players, they also have big summer.

Ouyang Yu naturally inconvenienced to say anything on the forum. The foreign propaganda department led by the deputy secretary of Hongjun Temple, Violet, quickly acted and called for the rain on the forum.

On the one hand Violet shows that Daxia is determined to resist the foreign enemy's determination and courage, and timely disclosed the distribution plan of the Daxia Sanlu army, to the heart of Anhuaxia players.

Then, the external Xuanshi dialect turns and guides the Chinese players to fight against the foreign enemies together with Daxia.

With the promise of the previous support, the Chinese players' feelings about the big summer are almost to explode, and they can't wait to be fully involved in the national war, follow the footsteps of the big summer, and fight the Quartet.

Of course, this is just the atmosphere on the forum and does not represent the real situation. It's a matter of life and death. Every adventurous player, especially the combat professional players in the front line, will be cautious when making choices.

This is of course nothing wrong.

Ouyang Yu did not pin all of his hopes on the "discrete" players, and the main force of the adventurous players is the elite group of the super guild.

To this end, Ouyang Yu began to meet the heads of the eight guilds that occupied the shares one by one, and told them about the strategy of the national war in the summer, and hoped that they would cooperate.

How to convince them, test the wisdom of Ouyang Yu. 19

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