The World Online

Vol 3 Chapter 1055: 2 sides blooming

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The insistence of the Flame Army is ultimately in return.

At the time when the support could not be sustained, the second group of Flames finally rushed to the foot of the fort, and “咔咔咔” quickly set up the ladder to reinforce the vanguard.

"General, we are here!"

The soldiers only had time to report to the head of the army in a hurry, and they would kill the knife. Nearly 50,000 new forces joined, and finally completely stabilized their positions and began to counterattack the enemy.

The battle was reversed.

I saw it, and my heart suddenly raised a sense of pride. The already exhausted body once again screamed the power of the monks and continued to kill in the enemy army.

If this battle wins, it will be the first effort.


Guo Ziyi in the distance met, and looked up and decisively ordered: "The City Guard!"


On the Chima boat, Zhao Sihu, the head of the First Army Corps of the City Guards, received an army order. The blood in the body instantly boiled up and yelled: "The sergeants, the Flames have already taken their positions. What should we do?"

"Stepping! Stepping!"

"That's right, stepping on the enemy's line, raising my big summer military!" Zhao Sihu can not want the flames to be beautiful.

"Yangwei! Yangwei!"

The City Guards officers continued to use the Tang knife to hit the shield, and the war was high.

"set off!"

Under the military order, the first army of the City Guards, ready to go, under the leadership of Zhao Sihu, braved the storm and quickly reached the beach area, which was extremely fast.

The City Guard is not a dry duck.


As the City Guards entered the battlefield, this fierce battle was really a peak. For the next time, the First Army of the Tigers and the Second Army of the Flames were transferred to the battlefield by Guo Ziyi.

The advantages of the expeditionary force are constantly expanding.

On the contrary, the position of the East Front has become a trend, morale has been greatly reduced, and the collapse is only a matter of time.

Even so, the stubbornness of Dongpu still makes Guo Ziyi move. The two sides have been stifling from 10:00 in the morning to four o'clock in the afternoon, until the 100,000 Dongpu combat professional players stationed here are all killed, and the war is really coming to an end.

No one had thought of a partial landing battle. The expeditionary army had killed more than 35,000 people. It only captured more than 10,000 land-based forces that Sanchacheng had survived.

"The big loss!"

Looking at the tens of thousands of Flame wrecks on the beach, Guo Ziyi was very painful.

"Fortunately, it was finally won."

As a pioneer, Guo Ziyi lived up to expectations, and completed the landing of the beach within one day. The main force opened up a forward base, which is worthy of a generation.

On the same day, the Pacific Fleet also completed the cofferdam work for the Dongpu Fleet and officially closed. Surprisingly, the South Road Army also completed the landing on the same day, and successfully entered the Kyushu Island, making people stunned.

The army of the two north and south roads once again stood on the same starting line. The first phase of the Battle of Dongpu came to an end, and the grander and more tragic wars have just begun.


On June 3, Han Xin led the main force to arrive at Kushiro Port in Hokkaido.

Han Xin is a **** who will be very good at grasping the fighters. After the large forces landed on the shore, they simply said, "The speed of the soldiers is superficial." The Haohao army did not stop at all. It immediately divided into three roads and quickly rushed to the hinterland of Hokkaido.

On the left, the Flame Army led by Guo Ziyi is composed of the elite group of the Bloody Mercenary Corps. In the middle, Han Xin personally leads the Leopard Army to sit in the town, plus the elite team of the Snow Rose Mercenary.

On the right, it consists of the First Army Corps of the City Guard, the First Army of the Leopard Army, and the First Army of the Tiger Army. With Cao Chun as the mainstay, Cao Yu as the deputy, and then with the [Folid League] elite group.

As for the casual players, Han Xin did not make hard rules, he can choose to go all the way with the army, but also free to move. There are a large number of players in Hokkaido waiting to talk about PK.

Before leaving, Han Xin confessed to the left and right army and issued an army order: "In three days, it is necessary to capture the whole territory of Hokkaido and lay a big rear for the army!"

"I will not disgrace!"

Guo Ziyi and Cao Chun both hold their fists and look solemn.

The three-way army is like a three-pointed arrow centered on Kushiro Port and is directed to the heart of Hokkaido. It is conceivable that the 900,000-strong army, together with 900,000 combat professional players, will be killed in Hokkaido within three days.

Han Xin is trying to take advantage of the pressure of Mount Tai, taking advantage of the low morale of the East, and slamming Hokkaido in one fell swoop.

This will be a big challenge for Tokugawa Ieyasu, the general manager of San Francisco, who is responsible for the defense of Hokkaido. On the morning of the same day, Tokugawa Ieyasu ordered the burning of boats moored to the south of Hokkaido, completely breaking the retreat of the army to Honshu Island to show the determination of the dead war.

"If you can't hold Hokkaido, I will kill myself!" Tokugawa Ieyasu said.

Upon hearing this, a grief and anger was spreading in the East Army and it was moving. There is a cloud in the art of war: "The sorrow will win", that is, I don't know if Tokugawa Ieyasu can create a miracle.

To know his opponent, God will be Han Xin.

Although Tokugawa Ieyasu is known as one of the three heroes of the Eastern Warring States, but it is still not enough to look at Han Xin, even Guo Ziyi has to smash its street.

The two are not at all above a magnitude.


Koryo When the battlefield was killed in the East, the Korean battlefield was in full swing.

As early as two days ago, Li Jing, the **** of the Tang Dynasty, led the Flying Bear Army, the Guards, and the Northern Xinjiang Corps. Even the same million Chinese combat professional players, the same three-way soldiers, suddenly entered the territory of Korea.

This time, Goryeo can be said to lift a rock and lick his own feet.

The Korean player originally thought that Huaxia was caught by the battlefield of Dongpu. They couldn’t help them. When they thought that Daxia was so fierce and did not give in, he even took the initiative to attack Gao Li.

They did not even think that the Chinese players have been so united this time, all gathered in the side of Daxia, to fight against Korea.

This is a bad news for Koryo.

Under the command of Li Jing, the Great Summer Army triumphed and swept all the way, and there were unbeatable people. The Chinese players were stimulated by this, and they screamed to harvest the fruits of victory behind the army.

I got the news that the Chinese players who were still hesitating were sent to the hard rock city to form the second batch of troops and marched into the Korean territory.

Because the land is on the road, the players are very enthusiastic.

In just two days, there were actually 150,000 combat professional players joining the Korean battlefield. With this help, the Daxia Army became more and more powerful. The war was just beginning, and it was faintly fascinating.

So how can we not let the world be astonished.

This is like a water drop effect. With the first batch of reinforcements, it will soon be the second batch. A steady stream of Chinese players rushed into the territory of Korea, killing the sky and killing.

Who is not too much to contribute value? !

The Goryeo battlefield is such a great situation, of course, because the soldiers are effective, but they are also inseparable from Li Jing’s dispatching command. Li Jing is a tough commander. Once you look at the goal, you will never relax before you reach it.

As long as he did not attack Gory, Li Jing would not have a slight slack.

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